Only the BBC would dare to present Gordon Brown as some sort of model politician, not on the make, in any way. As B-BBC Alan points out;

“Evan Davis standsguard over the corpse of Gordon Brown’s dignity this morning when theIndependent runs a story outlining the profitable new career in making speechesthat Brown has embarked upon. Davis admits Brown has raked in over £1.4 million since being debagged of hisPrime Ministerial office….but Evan reassures us, Brown, the Son of the Manse,has not lost his moral compass….most has gone to charity. Erm…except it hasn’t…the Independent reveals of the £1.4 million only£127,000 has gone to charity..

‘More than £127,000 has been given to charities, while nearly £997,000 in feesand just over £293,000 in expenses that he has generated have been paid to theOffice of Gordon and Sarah Brown, which they set up to facilitate theircampaigning and charitable work.’

Wonder if that charitable donation was set against tax?  Still every little helps…as Brown’s constituents say when he occassionallygraces them with his presence and attends to the business of parliamentaryrepresentation that he was elected and is paid to do!


A Biased BBC reader notes;

“I heard this story onRadio 1’s Newsbeat last night, they were trying to claim that in the US 1 in 10young people have been physically attacked in a relationship but then foundsomeone to better the statistic and claim 50% of young people in relationshipshad been subjected to physical violence (I wonder if that means the other 50%of people questioned were the abusers?) Utter rubbish either way and of all the news generated from America, an oddthing to be mentioned (unless you hate the States…)


Biased BBC’s Alan reports….

“The BBC trumpets on its frontpage a Greek tragedy for Greece’s historical artifacts…..‘Armed robbers have stolen dozens of artefacts from a museum in Ancient Olympia – the birthplace of the Olympics, Greek officials say.’

The BBC were delighted, some might say, to report the looting of Iraq’s national museum during the Iraq War….because it showed the inhuman cost of Bush and Blair’s illegal war on Iraq’s and the world’s historical heritage. They weren’t so keen to tell us about this recently:

‘The Maldives’ national museum reopened Tuesday without some of its most valuable exhibits a week after a mob of suspected religious extremists smashed images from the pre-Islamic era of this Indian Ocean archipelago. About 35 exhibits — mostly images of Buddha and Hindu gods — were destroyed….the the attackers did not understand that the museum exhibits were not promoting other religions in this Muslim country.Practicing or preaching any religion other than Islam is prohibited by the Maldives constitution. Last year, a mob destroyed a monument given by Pakistan marking a South Asian summit with an engraved image of the Buddha in it.’

Could it possibly be that someone at the BBC decided that this was not a good reflection on the tenets of Islam….perhaps these were just extremists yet again ‘perverting’ the true glory and vision of the Islamic faith? It could be though that these ‘extremists’ were in fact following the exact teachings of Islam and following in their Prophet’s footsteps…...

‘A good place for a historian of Islam to start would be 629 ad, or Year 8 of the new Muslim calendar, though that had yet to come into being. In that year, 20 armed horsemen, led by Sa’d ibn Zayd, were sent by Muhammad to destroy the statue of Manat, the pagan goddess of fate, at Qudayd, on the road between Mecca and Medina. The tribes had been impressed by the muscularity of the new religion, and Muhammad must have deemed further ideological compromise unnecessary. Sa’d ibn Zayd and his 20 horsemen had arrived to enforce the new monotheism.’

 As the BBC tells us itself such a stance towards other religions is the true Islamic attitude…there can be no other God than the Muslim one:

 “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” 
This is the basic statement of the Islamic faith: anyone who cannot recite this wholeheartedly is not a Muslim.When a Muslim recites this they proclaim:
That Allah is the only God, and that Muhammad is his prophet
That they personally accept this as true
That they will obey all the commitments of Islam in their life
The Shahadah is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam.


How interesting. I happened to be listening to the BBC Today programme this morning and around 6.55am there was an item on the French Presidential election. Those of you will follow these things will know that the BBC is cheer leading for the Socialist candidate, Hollande. He has said that if elected he sees “finance as the enemy”, he will raise taxes and he will employ tens of thousands of extra public sector workers. You can see why he appeals to the BBC. Anyway, the BBC item concerned itself with Sarkozy’s declared intention to run. Naturally his chances were given as being low (despite the latest poll showing the significant narrowing of Hollande’s lead). Then came the moment. Whilst discussing which candidates would get through to the second round of the Presidential election contest the BBC journalist (Hugh Sykes, I think) said “We wouldn’t want to see the National Front through to the second round” He quickly corrected himself to say “France wouldn’t want to see the National Front through to the second round.”   Now I carry no torch for Le Pen and his wretched Party BUT I was disgusted at this clear insertion of BBC prejudice against that Party. Surely ALL parties should be treated fairly and with impartiality? I went looking the link for you but guess what? It is not there yet items before it and after it are available to link. Looks like a black hole has swallowed up this blatant instance of bias. The “We” is the term the BBC are most sensitive about using since it reveals the groupthink and they much prefer to hide behind euphemisms. In this instance, it was blurted out but it is now covered up!


Here is Richard Littlejohn:

‘Kevin Bakhurst has deemed it impossible not to mention the Conservative ties of the Tax Payer’s Alliance
The BBC has decided it has a duty to ‘out’ those dangerous headbangers at the Taxpayers’ Alliance.
We may think the alliance is an independent body devoted to exposing the widespread waste of public money. But according to Kevin Bakhurst, controller of the BBC News Channel and the News at One: ‘They have close links with the Conservatives and share many prominent members and financial backers.’
In an internal email, he writes: ‘I don’t think we can carry on without any on-air nod to their political allegiances.’ Gavin Allen, editor of BBC Political News and executive editor of Question Time, replied that similar treatment should be given to outfits such as the Countryside Alliance and ‘Right-leaning’ think tanks such as Civitas.’

Link here

Biased BBC contributor Alan asks

“Wonder if that applies to every group such as Greenpeace, the New Economic Foundation, the National Institute for Economic Research, the various charities whose very existence is based on left wing ethos, the Rowntree Foundation etc etc? Will they all have their own little ‘red triangle’ warning us of their political affiliations and intentions….eg Greenpeace…’extremist green lobby group’…or how about a quick rundown on BBC presenter’s allegiance’s and voting habits? How about an ‘on air nod’ to that?”


Biased BBC’s Alan writes;

“Richard Bacon was onthe other day talking about the Queen’s 60th Jubilee and Andrew Marr’sprogramme about it .Bacon thought Marr too obsequious and reverential -.whatwas needed obviously was more scandal and provocative, damaging revelationsabout the Queen. However he did think the Panorama programme on US tent cities was good:

richard bacon @richardpbacon
‘That Panorama was bloody good’

The irony of the tent cities in America of unemployed people is when youcontrast them to the posturing pseuds of the Occupy tent cities. The‘Occupiers’ are anti-capitalism and business whilst those in the last resorttent cities would love a job and for capitalism to kick in again at full blast. 

The BBC does love to use a programme about one thing to slip in its Marxistworld view about something else. A good example recently is this:…_Series_2_Train_Driver/

What should have been a programme about a man’s struggle to master a trainbecomes a social commentary on living conditions and business practises inPeru.

“The metals and minerals carried by this train brought new wealth to Peru andmake up 60% of its exports but this is a divided society with millions livingin poverty. Passing through one of Lima’s largest slums the train is regularlyattacked by people venting their frustration at this growing inequality.”  (Really? Who says they’re not just vandals?)

The programme was run through with these sentiments attacking the miningindustry overlaid with sad music providing a soundtrack to the ‘desperateplight’ of the people….‘on this wild frontier nothing stands in the way ofthe mining industry‘……‘starting to realise that the main thing is to getthis valuable mineral to the ports to ship them off to the rich countries,China and America, not bothered about anything except getting this stuff to theports and the ships…’

Presumably before the mining industry brought massive numbers of jobs andwealth to the country they all lived in vast wealth and harmony….the influxof money for exports has curiously meant less money for Peruvians?

BBC logic suggests that industry and business are bad things, but the government isfailing to create jobs and growth which are needed to stop the youthrioting….so we need industry and business because they are good things. Immigration is good for the economy and is therefore good ….but the growingeconomy is bad for the environment and is therefore bad. Though US immigration is bad as it is ‘hoovering up’ all the world’sresources…unless of course it is poor Mexicans without whom American societywould collapse without all those maids, nannies and gardeners.


Hah! I did laugh at this interview with Ed Balls and his former Girlfriend Stephanie Flanders on today. To be fair to Flanders she did try to be neutral but Balls narrative that “we must go for growth and ease off on the cuts” is still very much the BBC mantra. I have to say that it strikes me as surreal that the BBC allow Balls to get away with his dreary monologue without any real focus on the dreadful economic legacy Labour left behind. Is it a thought crime to discuss how Balls messed things up?


Anyone watch Panorama this evening? Quite remarkable bias, even by the BBC standards. The programme was all about America’s homeless but as ever that was the subterfuge for a more subtle agenda of; 1/Chiding Obama for not being more progressive (although it was the bad Republicans in Congress that prevented him for doing what must be done – spreading the wealth around )  2/ Presenting Republicans as cold hearted monsters who would sooner see kids eat rats …yes rats….than increase Welfarism  3/ Point out that America is a fading superstar, almost third world and  4/ Remind us how thankful we should be for the NHS.

I was also surprised to hear Vegas introduced as “the centre of capitalism” …. and then we got to hear about the people who live in the sewers. Vegas may be the centre for gambling but that is a long way from the hard endeavour of capitalism. The juxtaposition of interviews with Republican figures and images of the alleged starving was not so subtle but I am sure it did the job the BBC wanted. Programmes like this live down to our expectations of the State Broadcaster and the left wing socialist bias exuded right across the duration of the broadcast.