MSM coverage of events in Athens last night was lamentably slow, with Sky and the BBC sharing honours in putting BAFTA trivia ahead of a major European capital in flames. Then again, when a broadcaster like the BBC is in receipt of ££millions from the EU, perhaps the images of Athens ablaze is unhelpful? Of course in the end they HAD to show the scale and depth of public unrest but not without the repetition of this soundbite from Lucas Papademos ““Vandalism, violence and destruction have no place in a democratic country and won’t be tolerated”. I am surprised that the BBC were unable to find anyone who could point out that unelected technocrats imposing Germanic austerity against the will of the Greek people is not really “democracy” in the first place.


A B-BBC reader asks;

“During the milder than normal November/December of 2011, I saw a weather report on the BBC which used a graphic comparing temperatures to the average for the time of year.

From memory, the graphic and the temperature line used nice warmish colours and was on an upward trajectory. This indicated the temperature was above average for the time of year, and that it would be rising for the rest of the week in question. 

I’ve been waiting to see a similar graphic with blue colours on a downward trajectory. Maybe I’ve missed it, but I wonder if any of your other eagle-eyed readers have spotted one?”

Over to you…


Biased BBC’s Alan reports;

2The truth of theallegations against Jimmy Saville are not proven in any way and that is not thepoint of this…..here the BBC felt that the mere accusation was enough to’tarnish’ the BBC’s reputation and so they filed the report away never to beseen.
 BBC ‘buried Savile sex abuse claims to save its reputation’
The BBC shelved a Newsnight investigation into allegations that Sir JimmySavile sexually abused a teenage girl in his dressing room at TelevisionCentre, it has emerged.
It makes you wonder why they have similarly ‘buried’ the Balen Report and spent£300,000 in legal costs ensuring the public do not get to see its contents. What does it tell us about the BBC’s coverage of Israel and the Jews? Can’t begood news can it?It was Mark Thompson who told us that ‘we provide a bridge to the world, abridge to freedom, it is very important that the story of Gaza is told aroundthe world.’ So we know whose side he is on anyway.


Once upon a time, I enjoyed the News Quiz! Barry Took was a decent cove as Chairman and the likes of Alan Coren provided acid wit and intelligence. Fast forward to this edition broadcast today with Sandi Toksvig in the chair and charmers like Jeremy Hardy and Phil Jupitus on the panel. I was really quite surprised to hear Toksvig tell Her Majesty “to get over herself” as concerns the Diamond Jubilee. How pleasant. Lots of anti-Monarchy jokes followed. Harry Redknapp was also speared by the panel despite his recent legal acquittal. I wonder if his lawyers were listening? It seems that the possibility of England having an English man as manager is upsetting to this BBC crew. I gave up listening about half ways through but couldn’t help but reflect on how this once entertaining programme is a hollow sham of what it once was.


Yes, this one did catch my attention and B-BBC Alan lays out the indictment;

“A squirmingly coy Evan Davis attempts ‘clever’ but finishes looking ‘stupid’. 

Here Davis thinks he can work a fast one on Mark Toner from the US State Department asking him if the US would ever veto a UN security council resolution to defend an ‘ally’ in the Middle East.

Davis believes this is a ‘cheeky’ question….implying that Toner would not know that the US does veto such resolutions and that the ‘ally’ is of course Israel. The line of questioning has nothing to do with Syria and Russia….but it tells us that Davis thinks Toner is too stupid to know the US uses vetos and that Davis would happily compare Israel with Syria which has happily gunned down peaceful protesters and tortures many of its own people, and that the US is comparable to Russia.

The payoff was of course that it was the US’s position on Israel that caused the violence in Syria….by being a bad example it led allowed Russia to veto the resolution and Syria to continue its violent strategy…if only the US would stop supporting the nasty little Jewish state we could have peace in the Middle East.

 So in the end it’s all Israel’s fault really. The democratic Israel which has defended itself against 60 years of Muslim attacks is comparable to a Syrian dictatorship which slaughters its own people. Israel being allowed to fight its corner and defend its borders and its very right to exist is in fact the instigator and leading protagonist of violence in the Middle East that gives cover to other regimes that fight viciously against the will of the people.

Israel is the rotting apple that turns all other nations bad. Israel supplies arms to other equally appalling regimes, it supplies nuclear technology to dangerously unstable countries and trains and equips terrorist organisations whilst the corrupt political class ignores the plight of its own massively poor and illiterate population….oh no that would be Pakistan. But Pakistan is Muslim….so that’s OK.”


Interesting post HERE on the DT from Ed West concerning the BBC;

“The difference between the makers of Fox’s political programmes and the BBC is that the former believe they are in a battle of ideas while the latter genuinely thinks their beliefs are “the” default correct ones. That is why the BBC – which is still a first-class broadcaster – is so keen to respond to criticism of bias, because they really do not believe they are. Yet bias it is, and the BBC remains the world’s largest echo chamber.


Here’s a story that the BBC seems to a tad reluctant to cover for some reason. B-BBC contributor Alan observes;

“No mention of this story on the BBC website despite it being on ‘Drudge’ hours ago and the Daily Mail having picked it up….wonder why not? (Though the BBC does find time to complain of Iranian intimidation of its own staff: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-16874177)

Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate 
Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel
Iran lays out legal case for genocidal attack against ‘cancerous tumor’

“The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people. The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide.Calling Israel a danger to Islam, the conservative website Alef, with ties to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the opportunity must not be lost to remove “this corrupting material. It is a “‘jurisprudential justification” to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”