Question to start the week. How often can you get the term “Bad for Britain” and the word “isolated” into a news programme? The answer is, lots, based on this morning’s Today programme. Did you catch it? Even by BBC standards, this was visceral hostility towards the Conservative Party. At one point, a trailer for a later story asked “Is the Coalition doomed?”. We had David Miliband on to offer us his wisdom here – lunatic as ever – meanwhile John Humphyrs got stuck into Danny Alexander here….and Nick Robinson joined in the fray. The BBC has rarely been as one-sided as it has been on the coverage of this story since Cameron refused to grovel to Merkozy. I suppose the Euromillions the BBC receives explains some of the visceral hatred towards Cameron and those evil “Eurosceptics.” I have to declare my bias now and say I would love to see this Coalition fall, for there to be an election right now, and for a Conservative/UKIP coalition to replace what we have. Can you IMAGINE the BBC response to that eventuality? The BBC is doing everything possible to triangulate Cameron to ensure he does NOTHING more to placate the “Eurosceptics” and instead embarks on a series of appeasements to the Lib-Dems. This is politics the BBC is playing, not impartially reporting the news. It is agenda setting, pro-Labour and slavishly pro EU.


The BBC has one dominant running narrative since Cameron rightly vetoed the latest Merkozy plot. It’s all about the UK being “isolated”. It’s news bulletins have been loaded with this theme and even this Sunday morning, Nick Clegg is on the Marr show, chiming that isolation is bad news and being fed question after question which lays to the Europhilia of the Lib-Dems. We have even witnessed Michael Heseltine being brought back to our screens to warn us of the dangers of saying NO to the Eurocrats. Labour has been (rather pathetically, I must add) reinforcing the notion that Cameron has caused us unmitigated doom and gloom by…erm..standing up for our nation. The amusing aspect of this is that if one believes the polls, the British people overwhelmingly support Cameron, something one would never know from the biased BBC coverage. At moments like this, critical moments in our history, the BBC aligns itself with those who hate the idea of a free and sovereign Britain. When one reflects on that, it’s hard to conclude that the BBC is anything but the enemy within, using our money to undermine our Nation.

PS I note that Marr did not ask Clegg how he felt about UKIP going past the Lib Dems in the polls. Evidently some news is more equal than others.


Over at the DT, James Delingpole brings these words of Sir Anthony Jay to our attention;

No, what really needs changing is the size of the BBC. All we need from it is one television channel and one speech radio station – Radio 4, in effect. All its other mass of activities – publishing, websites, orchestras, digital channels, music and local radio stations – could be disposed of without any noticeable loss to the cultural life of the country, and the licence fee could probably be cut by two-thirds.

For starters…


Wanting to share this link to Conservative Home and their take on the BBC’s outrageous ongoing coverage of Cameron’s defence of the UK national interest. All that has been missing is black armbands and solemn music. Some interesting comments in the ConHome thread. Hope the guys over on ConHome might recognise our ongoing exposure of the BBC. Just watching Simon Hughes on the BBC telling us that there will be no sliding towards the exit door of the EU and we remain embedded in it. He’s the sort of guy the BBC like – foaming at the mouth Europhile, just like Lord Heseltine who has also been afforded plenty of BBC airspace.



You have to admire the pro-EU spin that Richard Black – the BBC’s resident eco-alarmist – served up here.
Nations seeking a strong climate change deal at the UN talks received a rebuff as draft texts proposed future emission cuts kicking in after 2020. The EU and many countries vulnerable to climate impacts say that is too late to prevent major consequences, and cuts should start well before. They also want to ensure that future deal would be legally binding on all.

But the draft texts written by chairs of overnight talks do not specify a legally binding outcome. This year’s talks in South Africa are not intended to produce a new binding agreement. But the EU and its allies from the Alliance of Small Island States (Aosis) and the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are seeking a firm roadmap towards such an agreement, and soon.

So, the eco-cultists have failed to impose their agenda, again, but the BBC spins it so as to ensure that even in this admitted failure, the EU are the good guys.


Well then, wonder what you make of the BBC’s coverage of the Euro-talks and David Cameron’s decision to veto the proposed Treaty. Nick Robinson seems to think we are now at war with Merkozy and her Gaulieters and that Britain is “isolated”. Good, I am glad we are as isolated as possible from the folly in Brussels. But the BBC is painting this as if it was the end of days when in fact many may see this as Britain standing up for itself, just for once. Clearly the very thought of that is unbearable to the BBC.


Although the focus of this blog is BBC bias, I wanted to take a moment or two to review a book by a reader and supporter of the site. His  name is DC Alden and his new book is called “The Horse at the Gates”.  

I have to say that I found the book to be a cracking read. The plot is simple but devastating. A nuclear blast detonated in Pakistan kicks the story into gear. It’s a suicide bombing on a vast scale. This triggers mass immigration into the UK, under EU rules.As the PM prepares to adopt tough immigration policies to deal with the crisis, a car bomb detonates in Downing Street, killing most of the cabinet. Simultaneously, a bomb explodes at the Luton Central Mosque, creating outrage across the Muslim world.

That basically sets the plot into play as a gradual power play emerges. Britain is on the way to becoming part of Dar al Islam. Who can stop the events that unfold? What role does the media play in reporting the unfolding   ? How do our politicians respond to the new Treaty?

I don’t want to spoil the plot for you but the pace is terrific, the characters well rounded, the manipulation of media and public opinion chilling and there are several themes running across the plot which will resonate with the discerning reader.

Hope you decide to buy the book and give it a whirl – here’s the link.

My thanks to the author and for his kind words re Biased BBC.


As Durban fizzles out – much to Richard Black’s chagrin– and the wheels spectacularly fall off the renewables frenzy, Christopher Booker has summed up brilliantly the saga of how the corporation has abandoned its impartiality. There’s no hiding place from his searchlight; what has happened has been a deliberate, sustained climate alarmist campaign sanctioned from the highest levels and pursued with a vigour that would have impressed even Goebbels and Speer. The stench is now firmly at the door of the trustees, those “independent” citizens who are supposed to be the watchdogs of the BBC’s £3.5bn budget and its journalistic integrity.

This morning, to me, Tony Newbery of Harmless Sky – whose impressive work Christopher Booker’s paper is based upon – has posed the most interesting question about their behaviour in this massive breach of the Royal Charter. For years the trustees claimed they had commissioned the Jones report into their science coverage only because it was part of a regular cycle of such reviews – it was not linked at all to mounting evidence of bias in their output and deliberate sidelining of sceptics. But Mr Newbery has spotted that Roger Harrabin, in his defence of his seedy links with the UEA Tyndall Centre, has let the cat out of the bag and given lie to their posturing. He said in a recent interview:

Climate sceptics seeking more space on the BBC helped provoke the Trust’s investigation into science impartiality but the Trust said we were already giving them too much space – not too little.

This means that without a shadow of a doubt, the trustees have known all along that they are engaged in a window dressing exercise and cynically commissioned the Jones nonsense both to cover their backs and to ram home even further that they did not give a stuff about sceptic opinion.

Could that be because at least three of them – Lord Patten, Diana Coyle and Anthony Fry – have direct pecuniary interests in the climate change scam? And I note that the latest trustee appointment (on December 1), Lord Williams of Baglan (who worked for the BBC World Service and then became a UN envoy) is also a climate change fanatic. The fact that he worked for the UN is enough to damn him, but he also lists among his financial interests membership of the international advisory board of CITPAX, a body that claims it supports peace, but in reality is engaged in climate change propaganda at the core of his activities.

To me, the BBC trustees are nothing more than a cosy club of climate change activists. Richard Black and his chums are scurrying around doing their bidding.