A B-BBC reader writes
“In 1265 Simon De Montfort formed the first parliament in England . Six hundred years later the common man still did not have the right to vote . The Chartist Movement was formed in 1808 , and the Reform Act 1867 , nearly sixty years later , brought in most of their demands . But still not everyone had the vote ; women were left out . It wasn’t until 1928 that we finally had universal suffrage for everyone . A worthy ideal one would have thought .
Not it seems for many of the BBC liberal/left self proclaimed intelligentsia . The workers in the north voted for Brexit , the ordinary Joe in America voted for Trump . They were in the D and E social strata , they didn’t go to college , they earned less than $ 33 000 , they were over 40 , they yearned for a time long ago , they had no union , they didn’t understand the complexities of the issue(s) , they were easily manipulated .
Basically , they are too stupid for the right to vote .
So these “progressives ” actually are talking about changing the voting systems or even if there is a post democracy age ! No wonder the term Populist is such an anathema to them . When you’re a bossy sort of person you need the power so you can hector and curtail other people’s activities without their comeback .
These BBC liberal/ left workers champions aren’t alone in their thinking though . The Apartheid regime had the same mindset , that there were some people who were just too stupid to vote . In the Boers case it was Black Africans . We thought  in Britain that we had got over that in 1928 but it now seems the One Man , One Vote is out of favour with the elite .
It’s not just what you voted for that upsets the BBC , but who you voted with . It seems if you are white and voted for Trump , that is terrible , but if you are black , Latino or Muslim and voted for Clinton , that is laudable . How you’re supposed to vote for Trump if you are white without being part of a bloc and not an individual with preferences is beyond me . It must also be galling to a black American to feel he is pigeonholed about his preferences , that he voted for X because he/she is black , not because of any individualism . Again the BBC has more in common with apartheid than democracy .
If only awkward people from the ranks hadn’t pushed such notions as All Men Are Born Equal and Government Of The People then the liberal / left BBC would have its ideal – rule by The Now Show .”


President Elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Shannon to the position of Chief Strategist has triggered the snowflakes in the BBC.

Mr Bannon stepped aside as executive chairman of Breitbart – a combative conservative site with an anti-establishment agenda that critics accuse of xenophobia and misogyny – to act as Mr Trump’s campaign chief.

The BBC are in full despair. Having done all they could to demonise Trump they now demonise all around him. Amusingly, they are now working on the premise that of ONLY Trump doesn’t do any of the things he promised he would do then all might be ok. What a pathetic bunch of sore losers they are, unhinged, unbalanced and out of time.


I have been live tweeting BBC Question Time for some years now. However last night, I gave up in disgust after about half an hour. The BIAS against the election of Donald Trump was incredible. A panel was selected – four women and one man (no transgenders though) that was plainly there to put the boot into Trump. Yvette Cooper kept blurting out “misogynistic” as if she had Tourettes. A shouty Clinton supporter Sarah Churchill was almost crying as reality damned. The utterly execrable Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh was allowed to make outrageous allegations against the President Elect. Dominic Raab was subdued in his support for Trump and the token Republican on the panel, Jan Halper-Hayes, is on record opposing Trump. The audience were even worse.

This was the BBC having a hissy fit but using their broadcasting power to force us all to watch it. This programme had no balance – it was a hate fest. And for the first time ever, I turned it off.

The BBC is still reeling from Brexit and NOW…Trump. They are unhinged.


Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?

Rape culture? Ask for Angela (not Mohammed)…

A Biased BBC reader writes…

“Rape is a very serious crime that requires careful consideration and sensitivity. It is no doubt a horrific crime that should be investigated, prosecuted and punished with the full severity of the law.
The BBC and the rest of the MSM, however, seem to have this unpleasant, macabre obsession with trying to put the fear of God into every woman out there that they are neck-deep in a “rape culture” by a nation of revolting criminals. “Rape culture” started on colleague campuses and seems to be spreading like wildfire. You will see the BBC also has something along these lines today, in which sexual harassment is a 24/7 problem for some people.
A prime instance closer to home is this Ask for Angela story. Another “viral” story where a “simple code-word campaign for women feeling unsafe on a date has got global attention since a picture of this poster dotted around bars in Lincolnshire, England emerged on Twitter”.
“It encourages women to discreetly ask for help by going to the bar and ‘Ask for Angela’ – a phrase aimed at alerting bar staff to the cry for help so they can help defuse the situation.The poster also includes a phone number for Lincolnshire Rape Crisis (0800 33 4 55 00) for anyone who needs to talk.”
The poster was produced by Lincolnshire County Council, which clearly has the utmost contempt for its own citizenry. It conflates the idea of a date not going well with the violent and vicious crime of rape, which surely only goes to instil terror in local women. As for local men, pah, you are all rapists in waiting, especially if you are awkward on a first date.
Now, putting aside the issue of reported and unreported attacks (which is pretty much impossible to address fairly) the BBC told us that Lincolnshire had 74 reported rapes in 2013/14. The population of Lincolnshire is 703,000. That provides a victim per capita rate of 0.01 per cent.
Of course, any and all attacks are abhorrent. Victims deserve support, sympathy and safety. The perpetrators should face very harsh sentencing on being found guilty. Even so, such crimes seem relatively rare, according to statistics. 
Yes, people should be taught about vigilance and security. Stories like these instead seem to be designed simply to scare people into paranoia and distrust of all men, who appear to be one bad chat up line from becoming the vilest of attackers. Of course, the overarching goal is to push the narrative that rape culture is alive and well and thriving in the UK.
Strangely, this thriving “rape culture” narrative seems to evaporate when it is transposed to the BBC’s reporting of Muslim rape gangs…”