It’s been a busy morning for the thoroughly impartial Justin Webb. Just after 7.18am he was “breaking the traditional “mood of the conference” at the Liberal Democrat Party Conference in Birmingham, by taking in A4 sized close-up photos of some senior Conservative cabinet ministers and seeing what reaction it would cause”. Nice one. Then @7.55, he was back to interview the “great” Vince Cable. Justin has evidently decided that Vince is back again and is prepared to cut him some slack but ONLY if he keeps serving up BBC-approved policies such as “limiting” what “executives” can earn. Vince wiggled his way around the totalitarianism implicit in his policy, trotting out his dodgy statistics to support it, without retort from Justin. It’s clear that so long as Cable seeks to bash the Private Sector, he will get a largely favourable response from the BBC and obviously a Lib-Dem conference is not exactly a friendly environment for those who create the wealth that keeps the bloated State sector afloat. Webb makes little effort to disguise his anti-Coalition impulses and if this is what it is like for the Lib-Dems conference, just WAIT until Labour host their conference. Will the BBC play the Red Flag?  (Sorry there are no links to the items quoted but despite their £££billions the BBC cannot apparently provide something so simple as of time of writing @ 9.23am)


Remarkably biased coverage of the planned eviction of Gypsies from the illegal part of the Dale Farm on BBC Today this morning. There were two interviews conducted by Chris Patten favourite Sarah Montague at 8.10am, although just before that we had Irishman Fergal Keane on to set the scene as sympathetically as possible for the poor oppressed “Travellers”.Then the lovely Sarah interviewed one of the Travellers who casually informed her that they had followed the law but because the law had not listened they were forced to break the law. That’s called the Sinn Fein defence where I come from – in essence it is never your fault when you choose to break the law. The lady went on to say that they were looking for a public apology from Council leader Tony Ball. When Sarah pursued this line enquiring  if that meant that should they get such an apology they would move off the illegal site, she was given the answer no. Sarah chose not to pursue the utter intransigence and belligerence of the Traveller interviewed.

Then, Council leader Tony Ball was then interviewed and as you would expect, the glacial tone reserved for Conservatives reappeared. Montague sought to establish that a/ No force would be applied against these kindly Travellers and b/The United Nations has spoken on the issue and found in favour of the Travellers so clearly the Council was in the wrong anyway. I though Mr Ball dealt with the latter point well but throughout the interview it was perfectly obvious where BBC sympathies lie.

I always try to be positive so perhaps in the spirit of UN approved comradeship, the BBC should offer those Gypsy lawbreakers the chance to move in to a nice BBC big carpark, I’m sure the kindred spirits would get along just fine.


I never could understand David Cameron’s enthusiasm for C.I.N.O. Chris Patten becoming BBC Trust Chairman, Here we see Patten once again living down to expectations;

BBC Trust chairman Chris Patten has said there are not enough women in on-air roles at the public broadcaster. “We should have more women on radio and television,” the former Conservative party chairman said in an interview with The Observer. (Naturally) He singled out Radio 4’s Sarah Montague and Martha Kearney as being among the “good ones”.

Oh really? Montague and Kearney “the good ones”? Well, I suppose both can be relied upon to attack the Conservatives, to attack Israel, to worship Obama, to praise the EU….


I was doing a little research on Lib-Dem Lynne Featherstone for another post I am writing and came across this little snippet;

“Lynne has been a champion of gay rights in Parliament and outspoken critic of the Government’s Equality Bill, which fails to explicitly outlaw harassment of young people in schools because of their sexuality – gay bullying. She has also fought for greater protection against discrimination for transgendered people in the new law. 

The awards ceremony with take place on Thursday, 5th November at the V&A and celebrate “the range of positive contributions being made by the individuals and organisation to the lives of lesbian and gay people in Britain today”. The judges are Sue Perkins and Evan Davis.”

Would that Evan Davies, BBC “Today” presenter and Sue Perkin, much loved BBC “Comedienne”? Good to see BBC employees so ACTIVE in promoting the Stonewall agenda.


Let’s start with the bare if not so lovely bones, so to speak. This paean to the IRA Chief of State and Irish Presidential candidate Martin NcGuinness appeared on Today this morning. (8.43am)

Martin McGuinness, once a leading figure in the IRA and who was feared and loathed in almost equal measure, is now a respectable political leader. So respectable that he wants to become president of the Republic of Ireland. Ireland correspondent for the Guardian and Observer Henry McDonald.

For starters, turning to the Guardian and Observer correspondent for opinion is hardly balance but I suppose it is natural for the BBC to seek the opinion of their own print arm. Helpfully, Henry is able to instantly point out that just like Martin McGuinness, he lives in Northern Ireland but chooses to have an Irish passport in preference to a British one. Natch. We know where this one will go,

Then let’s move on to this business of McGuinness being “once a leading figure in the IRA”. Good to see that the BBC now grudgingly admits McGuinness actually was a terrorist commander but their journalistic curiousity seems a tad restricted. For example, why not ask when did McGuinness leave the IRA, exactly? When he was occupying the position as Capo di tutti capo, just how many innocent lives did he arrange to have terminated.Perhaps even more pointedly, how many peope did he murder HIMSELF? What exactly did he “command”?

Why is the BBC so coy about pursuing these aspects to the McGuinness pedigree?

I venture to suggest because the State Broadcaster has been central to sanitising the reputation of bloodthirsty IRA killers and McGuinness is being increasingly presented as a warm if not cuddly character that we all need to learn to love. Not sure if those families who visit lonely graveyards care of the actions of this piece of Republican scum would agree – but then again, through the BBC prism, I’m the extremist.


I was alerted to this from Melanie Philips a few days back. Well worth a read!

“And last week on BBC News Hard Talk, former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani repeatedly laughed incredulously at the assumptions of his interviewer, BBC correspondent Stephen Sackur. Wouldn’t you admit, said Sackur, that American policy after 9/11 in Afghanistan and Iraq was a mistake? Why should I admit that? said Giuliani when he had finished laughing; the US has foiled 42 separate terror attacks since then because of that security policy put in place by President Bush.

Sackur tried again. But surely, he said, the police security strategy of targeting the Muslim community ‘gets in the way of the healing’. Giuliani laughed again even more incredulously. Well they would hardly target synagogues or churches he said. Of course the police targeted the mosques. It was from the mosques that the terror plots were coming. This is no more bad for Muslims than it was bad for Italian/Americans when I went after the Mafia in New York! 

No wonder Giuliani laughed – he must have thought he’d wandered onto the set of a BBC comedy show by mistake.”



“The BBC’s font of all knowledge Arab, has been possibly in receipt of Gaddafi gold for the last 3 years. Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of Al Quds newspaper, is often a guest commentator on the BBC sofa. They happily ignore his rabid anti-semitism…..such as telling us that he will dance in the fountains in Trafalgar square if Israel is nuked. Documents have come to light in Libya which suggest he was in the pay of Gaddafi (in Arabic here translated using Microsoft translator)….


‘One of these documents are stamped secret it contains lists of the honoring of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the present document contains two names, Khairy Mansour (editorial writer dustour) and Abdul Bari Atwan, the Al-Quds Al-Arabi, published in London, Al-alkzavet is a monthly salary of $ 4,000 dollars paid for them for 3 years extendable and document issued in the year 2008. Document spread with lightning speed and are in circulation and agencies covered some forums even including Arab satellite television channel’

No doubt the BBC will ‘investigate’ and pronounce its horror as it has with the revelation that Britain had ‘relations’ with Gaddafi’s regime in the name of engagement,disarmament and peace”


I leave the science bias to some of my colleagues here who are so much more expert than I am. However, I see that the BBC are still droning on about the Arctic Ice.

Sea ice cover in the Arctic in 2011 has passed its annual minimum, reaching the second-lowest level since satellite records began, US scientists say. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) says the minimum, reached on 9 September, was 4.33 million sq km. That value is 36% lower than the average minimum for 1979-2000.

Watts Up has an alternative perspective here. As always with the BBC, there is only one perspective and it is the alarmist one!