Do you think the BBC thinks Labour is still in power? The reason I ask is this item it ran earlier today focusing on Tony Blair’s comments that “muddle headed analysis” (ie Conservative) of the riots could lead to wrong policy decisions. In a wonderful example of balance, the BBC invites Jack Straw and Tony McNultyon the programme to discuss. So two Labour politicians discussing the pearls of wisdom offered by another Labour politician, on the Labour accommodating BBC. Lovely stuff. I particularly enjoyed Straw and McNulty claiming that Labour’s golden years had seen crime cut in two, teenage pregnancies reduced and the alienation tackled that creates so much rioting and looting.


Another opportunity for the BBC to help bestow further sainthood on one of their favourites – Jew-bashing Ken Loach. This morning, Ken was afforded this bully pulpit on Today. It concerns a film he made back in 1969 (Nothing like up to date news for the BBC!) for Save The Children. Basically, they didn’t like what he did back then because it “exposed” how awfully racist they were, or so we are led to believe. Nowadays, under the enlightened leadership of Julian Forsyth, Save the Children has given the OK for the film to be shown, vindicating wise Ken. Of course one could also point out that in these intervening years, Save The Children has lurches into one more left of center political campaigning false charity undeserving of so much as one penny.
Ken Loach, Save the Children and the BBC –  a match made in heaven, or hell.


Here’s a jolly good analysis of a day in the life of the BBC from a regular B-BBC contributor;

“Never ones to let an opportunity slip, at death o’clock this morning R4 gave us some thoughts from the BBC’s World Service (unavailable on listen again for some reason)…..Israel’s recent attacks on Gaza have made Hamas reconsider its two year cease fire and what its response will be to Israeli aggression. 

Moving quickly on we are informed the Turkish Prime Minister, Erdogan (him of the bayonets, helmets and barracks…oh and he said ‘Islam means Jihad’) was going to visit Somalia bringing untold relief to the people…..the question is what will the hard line al Shabab group make of the ‘moderate’ Erdogan?…….then onto Syria…whilst Israel had no right of reply in the first report the Syrian government were allowed to plead self defence to their actions in shooting civilians….and all through the day the BBC have been pressing the belief that oil sanctions against Syria will only harm the civilians there and do no harm to the regime….and strangely we hear absolute! ly nothing of Turkey’s recent attacks on the Kurds….Over 30,000 people have been killed in the last 10 years, 8,000 Kurdish villages wiped out and mass movement of refugees….most of this has been done by Turkey….proof recently surfaced that the Turks had used chemical weapons on the Kurds…but the BBC remains silent.

Onwards to glory and Excess Baggage leads the charge with Sandi Toksvig venturing into Istanbul…where of course Western and Eastern culture live in perfect harmony and Turkey would make a valuable new member of the European club….just lock up your daughters, wear a stab vest and carry a gas mask.

Wasting no time we jump aboard a train in the Interrail Tales where we hear that the HST trains in Europe are marvellous, and did you know Europe is great and everyone is so alike…..why can’t we all just get on? If only we had HST trains in the UK perhaps we wouldn’t riot!

Then the intrepid Mark Mardell ‘From Our On Correspondent’ goes on Safari to wildest USA to investigate the ‘delights of the Republican infighting…the wacky races that are the Republican primaries….it all makes good copy!’ Indeed where would be without Mardell’s insights….he does give us a warning though…he admits to professional disdain towards the Republican primaries….never would have guessed…..and he goes on to insinuate and smear with snide remarks that Michelle Bachman would probably like to execute gay people and thinks slavery should continue for blacks who don’t convert to Christianity.

The Republicans are cartoon caricatures that even Republican voters don’t want and who are only waiting for a more sensible Republican candidate to come along…presumably one that Mardell has personally vetted and endorsed….must be Black, a Democrat and Muslim…preferably gay and with a spending problem.

Finally of course there was an earlier discussion about the riots on the Today programme….Justin Webb trying to persuade us that the riots were of course a result of a class battle, a new long term war with the poor rising up ….and he seriously suggested the magistrates were on the other side merely defending the interests of the upper classes rather than dishing out righteous justice.

The fact that he brought in Tariq Ali to buttress his arguments tells us all we need to know when a superannuated old Trot like Ali is deemed a reasonable source of opinion….conveniently he did indeed trot…out the old lie…..poverty caused the riots along with the all pervasive urges to buy buy buy in this consumer society…and of course the poor rioters can’t afford all the stuff they want….so they steal it…it’s only fair….the MPs do just the same….moral equivalency…MPs fiddle their expenses, inner city yoof burns down homes and businesses and kills a few people….all the same thing really.”


Laughable set up discussion on Sunday Morning Live with gorgeous pouting Suzanne Reid. The first topic was the  Human Rights Act and Cameron’s idea we need a British Human Rights Act. We had a feminazi Human Rights advocate on, some guy who kept insisting he was not “right wing” and also “not a tabloid reader” and John Gaunt. Some lady with a serious illness phoned in to say that the Human Rights Act saved her life, in a strange way, as she was looking to see if she could kill herself Dignitas style. These debates are framed to ensure the BBC view always prevails – no one phones in to talk about the gross obscenities the ECHR seeks to provide – such as votes for convicts. The BBC supports all things that undermine our British democracy and the idea that it would ever facilitate a discussion which painted the ECHR in it’s true colours.


Never mind Celebrity Big Brother, with the BBC operating 24/7 across the globe, we have a much more dangerous broadcasting big brother to worry about. Please detail your observations here as I declare this thread…OPEN!


A B-BBC contributor notes;
“One might remember
all the fake outrage concerning David Starkey’s comments concerning language,
appearance and employability? Oh what a fuss that stirred up. I wonder if this piece from ‘Today’ will be as controversial when it says
essentially the same thing….adapt your language, appearance and attitude to
the circumstances if you want to get on in life…..remarkably, or not, not a
mention of Starkey on the programme….”

‘Zero tolerance on ghetto grammar’

‘The writer and broadcaster Lindsay Johns says street language is part of the
problem of unrest and unemployment among Britain’s youth.  Mr Johns and Michael Williams, who was given support by a south London
mentoring scheme, discuss whether communication could be the key to the UK’s
social problems.’

Interesting to read Starkey’s response to the BBC led Jihad against him here.


A quite remarkable tale of BBC and Guardian duplicity uncovered by Autonomous Mind. 

To set the scene;

“It has felt like ploughing a lonely furrow, using this blog and Twitter to try to make people sit up and question how the Guardian was getting informationa bout the Met Police’s investigation into ‘phone hacking’ and getting unreleased details of arrests.”  

But now….

“Sky News is reporting that a 51-year-old detective at the Metropolitan Police has been arrested at his desk and suspended on suspicion of leaking information from the phone hacking investigation team to journalists at the Guardian.”

So, how does the BBC cover this. Well, it manages to entirely avoid the Guardian connection!

Further Update: Despite the story of the Met Police detective being arrested for allegedly leaking information to the Guardian being all over Sky News and various news media outlets and blogs, the BBC’s update of their story, 34 mins after the last version was published, doggedly continues to omit the name ‘Guardian’.
In fact, they are even trying to focus attention on the arrest of another News of the World journalist and unashamedly are even using the NotW logo as their story image, which could give the impression the police leaks were to the NotW and not the Guardian! Utterly incredible.

Hat-tip to the excellent Autonomous Mind. The BBC/Guardian axis of hypocrisy revealed for all to see.


I always enjoy listening to Israeli spokesman Mark Regev and he was on Today this morning. Following the deplorable attack at Eilat, I was pleased to hear Regev make several references to the terrorists from Hamastan who had carried this out. That must have given the BBC apoplexy! Jeremy Al Bowen was also on this segment to give his sage analysis – give it a listen!


It’s interesting to consider how the BBC frames a debate and how in doing so it carefully ensures the required conclusion. Iain Duncan Smith suggests (rightly, in my opinion!) that those thugs involved in looting, rioting and rampaging through our streets could lose their benefits if convicted of their crimes. Cue BBC outrage.
So, David Blunkett and Peter Lilley are wheeled on to discuss this. Superficially you might  think this is balanced, but of course it never could be. Lilley and Blunkett both made it clear that IDS could not take away benefit. Blunkett was allowed to waffle on about “restorative justice” -that oxymoron of the Left, whilst Lilley pointed out why legally benefits removal as a consequence of conviction was impossible. If the BBC wanted to have a real debate (which it didn’t) could it not have found ONE politician who endorses the stance taken by IDS? Of course it could but it didn’t want to since the agenda in play was to make Duncan Smith look “extreme” and his policy “ill-considered.” I was particularly appalled at the way Blunkett was able to walk away from the chaos created by the Government he was such an integal part of for so many years but then again this is the BBC, the broadcasting arm of British socialism.


Oh no, I turn my back and what happens? “Israel pounds Gaza after attacks”. Those pesky Jews once again up to their old tricks. Happily the BBC is there to record that….

The Israeli military has carried out air strikes over the Gaza Strip, targeting those it blamed for a series of deadly attacks in southern Israel. At least six people, including a senior militant, were killed in the air strikes, Palestinian sources said. earlier, Israeli officials promised a strong response after attacks on vehicles near Eilat left seven dead. Israeli officials said Gazan militants were responsible, although Gaza’s Hamas government denied involvement.

Ah, those Gazan “militants”.Further down the article the BBC reports that “attacks” has “left seven Israelis dead and that a number of gunmen were killed in an ensuing firefight”  Seems that wasn’t enough for those aggressive Israelis, right? Good old BBC – reliably anti-Israel to the rancid core.