I noticed that BBC favourite Justin Forsyth from the fake charity Save the Children was allowed a platform on the BBC this morning to put forward his curious views that there are 1.6m children in the UK living in “poverty” (No there is not; He was using the contrived left wing formula of  relative poverty which is never corrected by the BBC since it too uses the same biased euphemism) Justin was there to tell us that thanks to the (imagined) wicked cuts by the evil Coalition, many parents (esp single parents) are struggling with childcare costs. It seems that in some cases, the cost of travel and childcare equate to the salary being earned. Justin’s solution is for the State to provide reduced costs, thus increasing Government expenditure. I don’t think Justin quite grasps the concept of economics, do you?  


Another opportunity for the BBC to help bestow further sainthood on one of their favourites – Jew-bashing Ken Loach. This morning, Ken was afforded this bully pulpit on Today. It concerns a film he made back in 1969 (Nothing like up to date news for the BBC!) for Save The Children. Basically, they didn’t like what he did back then because it “exposed” how awfully racist they were, or so we are led to believe. Nowadays, under the enlightened leadership of Julian Forsyth, Save the Children has given the OK for the film to be shown, vindicating wise Ken. Of course one could also point out that in these intervening years, Save The Children has lurches into one more left of center political campaigning false charity undeserving of so much as one penny.
Ken Loach, Save the Children and the BBC –  a match made in heaven, or hell.