A biased BBC reader writes…
“BBC has two videos that symbolise the whole hollow and cynical rhetoric of Brexit.
On the one side, is the genuine reason that most people wanted to leave. The BBC gets a dose of what many of the British people see with a pompous, aloof, arrogant dismissal by an overpaid, unelected autocratic in the shape of Mr Juncker.
The very next video is a Polish woman on Question Time. Her hyperbolic comments said that, post-Brexit, she is no longer welcome in the UK (“by 52 per cent of the voters”) despite living here for 23 years (since before Poland joined the EU) and “discriminated” against (how?). Her dismissive “you can boo me” line also sticks in the craw, not because she is Polish but because of the general sneering tone. 
She even starts to sound delusional – “People were voting against the Poles” and hinting at mass deportations. She got some understandable audible response, not boos, for such an overblown victim narrative. 
BBC’s headline at sweeping generalisations and inferring that 17 million British people are de facto racists? “Polish woman booed on Question Time”. Bizarrely, the BBC actually lies about its own story – you can even here she is not booed, which again shows that most people are fairly decent and accomodating even if someone is saying something that they believe to be fundamentally wrong. They clearly disagree with her but they do not belittle, mock or bully her.
We should not blame this woman. The hyperbole, sneering and dismissive tone, victim narrative and even the borderline delusion is, after all, only repeating what misrepresentations the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media keep pumping out, in this case post-Brexit hate crime. I would probably feel under attack if I were feed a daily diet of this stuff.

On a wider level, if these hacks keep telling us every single day that British people are bigots, racists, sexists, Islamaphobes, homophobes, transphobes, hate criminals….is it any surprise that people start to believe it? “


A B-BBC reader observes…

“The thing with the BBC is that their bias is always implicit rather than explicit. It isn’t easy to detect from close up, you have to look at the wider pattern in things and the hidden depths of bias that they aren’t even aware of themselves. The things people tweet are very revealing for instance. Now one tweet can be dismissed, but when people are tweeting thousands of things, patterns are there waiting to be discovered. I thought I’d start out by investigating Catrin Nye, famous for her Islamophobia debacle earlier this year.  I searched through all of her tweets and well, take a look at the image I created. A very clear pattern emerges of which newspapers she reads most often.screen-shot-2016-10-20-at-16-02-08

DV adds…

The Guardian and the BBC. Mirroring profound institutional leftism and biased to the core. One we have a choice as to whether we get it – the other forces itself upon us.


A Biased BBC reader notes…cvnhltdxyaa3b1r

“Check out the five top stories on the BBC website as of right now (screen grab attached). Each one belittling, mocking and dismissing Trump.  You may as well be reading Clinton’s own website it is so skewed and biased. “Independent BBBC journalism” at its very worst”


The BBC cannot help itself. Each day, it cries its Remainer Brexit tears and looks for consolation, anywhere it can find it. So the pro-EU pro Remain Sunday Telegraph is a friendly source on this occasion;

Boris Johnson has defended his writing of a pro-EU article days before he publicly backed Brexit, saying the article was “semi-parodic” and the UK’s decision to leave was right. In a newspaper column drafted in February, and now published by the Sunday Times, he suggested staying in the EU would be a “boon for the world”. Mr Johnson says he was “wrestling with the issue” at the time and was merely trying to make the “alternative case”.

Now then, Boris being two faced is perhaps a story (or not) but the BBC in their infinite wisdom elevate to the lead story in their news feed. Along with them propagating the whole fantasy “Soft Brexit vs Hard Brexit” the BBC continues to show contempt for the will of the British people.


BBC leading their news this morning with the contention that Brexit means no Marmite in Tesco. They deliberately conflate a trade cost price conflict between Unilever and Tesco with the direct consequence of the Brexit vote. I wonder why the BBC didn’t ponder why when the Pound was rising Unilever prices did not fall? Too obvious?


I don’t know if anyone else listened to the Today programme this morning? It was dreadful and this programme has now adopted a daily regime of “stories” that basically all pirouette around the following narratives.

  1. Why Brexit was wrong and we now all must pay for the folly of daring to vote LEAVE.
  2. Why Donald Trump is unfit to be President and Hillary Clinton is the safe pair of hands
  3. Why Labour under Corbyn is holding the Government to account and uniting Labour
  4. Why the NHS needs more cash
  5. Why we need to let in those inhabiting the Jungle in France

I am sick of it. The bias is stunning and blatant.



If there is anything worse in the world than the BBC it is Ofcom, which seeks to help regulate the BBC! I was talking to James Whale about this story last night…

The BBC is “falling short” on serving older women and minority communities, the head of Ofcom has said. Media watchdog chief Sharon White said the corporation is “not doing as good a job as it should be” in these areas. “There is a gap there and it is a gap I would like to see closed over time,” she told the Financial Times.

A BBC spokesman said: “We don’t think any broadcaster does better in representing older women than the BBC.”

Here we have Ofcom actually encouraging the BBC to discriminate in favour of preferred groups, in this case older women and ethnic groups. As if the BBC does not already overly pander to these areas. Surely the person to get the job should be the best person based on their ability to do the job? I oppose discrimination on any grounds but it appears Ofcom, and now the BBC, will happily discriminate to ensure that Ms White’s wish is granted. Pathetic.