BBC coverage of Islam is done with such sensitivity, such consideration, one could almost be forgiven for thinking that the BBC is horrifically dhimmified. A Biased BBC reader notes;

“BBC only show programmes that are sensitive to Muslim sensibilites……they must be horrifed that Islamically ‘insensitive’ programmes are being beamed into the heart of the Muslim world….by Muslim, Middle Eastern channels….sense the outrage. 

An article in the Times today (Saturday) reveals that Writer and producer of a 30 episode TV programme,Halla Diyab, has fled to Britain after being persecuted for speaking out against the Burkha…..why hasn’t Woman’s Hour leapt on this human interest story?

The TV programme is called ‘Your Rightful Disposal’…after a verse in the Koran that talks of enslavement of women. It has won two awards in the Middle East. It tackles subjects such as homosexuality, sexual and physical abuse, the burkha, virginity and extremism…surely all fertile BBC ground?

The central character is a woman who moves to France from the Middle East and shows us the liberation she experienced when she removed her burkha. Ahh…that’s why the BBC are not interested. keep ’em covered girls. It’s your culture.

‘Religious scholars want to silence women’ she tells us. But it’s not about religion….it’s sectarian or culture or tribal or….whatever, just not Islam.

Let’s move on! Ask the BBC who Halla Diyab is….’Sorry, there are no results for your search.’ 

 Who’d a’ thunk?”


BBC jihad against Murdoch continues in full voice this morning. “Sunday Morning” with sultry pouting Suzanne Reid posits “Is Rupert Murdoch’s empire responsible for corrupting Britain?. That followed Andrew Marr’s love in with Yvette Cooper as Murdoch was further demonised, along with the Police. And if you still haven’t got enough, Panorama has a one hour special coming tomorrow night on the fall of Murdoch. (Were Murdoch dead they would now be insisting his corpse was dug up and hung from the tree in the ecologically sound Blue Peter garden.) To answer the first question, if Britain has become corrupted it is because of the massive sustained broadcasting power of the BBC and decades of propagating a world where all morality is relative, where there is no right or wrong, where Christian values are to be mocked and and where leftist values of anything goes prevails uber alles.


The BBC is determined not to let facts get in the way of a good story.

A B-BBC reader writes;

 ‘You and yours’ Winfred Robinson talks to energy minister Greg Barker. Robinson is asking what Baker is going to do about fuel poverty in UK. Baker states that Labour did nothing to help those in fuel poverty and that thepoverty has doubled since 2005. Robinson says ‘it is absurd to blame Labour…it was fuel prices that causedthe poverty….so let’s move on!’

And yet she is here asking Baker what he is going to do about it…..surely shetold us it is fuel prices that are causing the poverty…didn’t she just saythat…and out of government control obviously? So let’s move on.

Barker suggests we insulate and build to a better standard…UK has the mostexpensive to heat homes in Europe….we must build homes as insulated as theNorwegians who have very low energy bills…even in the Arctic…

Robinson leaps in again….’that’s why their homes are so efficient becausetheir climate is so different(er….cold)…ours is temperate.’

So an arctic region, cold to freezing most of the year, is cheaper to keep warmthan a region where most of the year it is reasonably warm anyway? Clearly likea car it is more fuel efficient to keep a car running than to turn the engineon and off…keep your boiler running all year….the more you run it the loweryour bills! That’s BBC education for you.

More is less.

The BBC logic defeats me….obviously the real solution to fuel poverty is voteLabour!

Why she just doesn’t say that at the beginning and save me listening for anhour…..”


It really IS unbelievable. I refer to the 24/7 hate shown by the BBC towards Murdoch. For those with a strong stomach why not give this a listen? Obviously John Humphyrs would like to see James Murdoch follow Rebekah Brooks and Les Hinton. Further, it is also evident the BBC would like to see Murdoch disinvest of his entire UK print operation. I then turned on BBC1 and who was being interviewed on the topic but John “Mr Ethics” Prescott. Naturally he was in full cry for more NI blood. On Radio, on TV and in-print, the BBC/Guardian media complex will not be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of TI and I sense Murdoch realises the gravity of the situation hence the exodus of senior executives. It’s curious how disinterested the BBC is in allegations that OTHER newspapers have engaged in identical practices, almost as if the narrative is set in stone and not open to examination. People talk about the “fear” politicians and others have of Murdoch. I suggest that is as NOTHING compared to the fear they have of the State Broadcaster.


Well, it’s been a mammoth week here on Biased BBC. We have done our best to flag up the outrageous bias shown by the State Broadcaster against NewsCorps this past week or so. This is not because I have any particular love for Murdoch and co (Admission – I DO like Fox News!) but I have a huge interest in ensuring choice and freedom when it comes to  media access. The BBC hates competition unless like the Guardian, it is complementary. So, I open this thread up to you and thank you all for the fantastic participation recently, it is very very encouraging to see so many people visiting our site. I also want to thank those who send me emails with some great suggestions as to how we can move things on. Leave it with me.


Had to laugh. Just went to the BBC Today site to try and link in a few items only to discover that it has not been updated owing to strike action by the comrades in the NUJ. Bliss. Of course that didn’t stop the Two Minute hate (now updated to 24/7) against Murdoch’s evil empire. There was, in passing, a swift mention of the Guardian apology with respect to Brown’s allegations against The Sun  before quickly moving on to the usual anti NewsCorp mantra. Peter King has become their new hero as he joins with the Loon Dems in seeking to attack their real target – Fox News. They had someone on from the FT who was reasonably balanced although even she kept repeating Fox News is “right-wing”. It isn’t. It tries to provide balance but I suppose because it does not fawn at the court of Obama it can never be valued by leftist media like the BBC. Wonder which BBC “names” are manning the barricades this morning?


The choice of words used by the BBC in the heading is instructive; “Murdoch defends hacking handling”. Click through to the story and read about the audacity of Murdoch as he defends how his company has handled the charges leveled against it. None of this has any meaning to the BBC however since it has long since determined the guilt of all involved. Guity until proven innocent if one works for NewsCorp, as opposed to innocent until proven guilty if one is, for example, a Gitmo inmate. The bigger theme for the BBC is how this is “developing” in the USA with all those heavyweight politicians weighing in (Assorted Democrat loons + Peter “I heart Gerry Adams” King) to get a full investigation on Murdoch’s empire aka Smash Fox.


I would like to take this opportunity to invite any BBC staff who think we are unfair or plain wrong in our view of your employer to come along and express your opinions. You will receive a courteous and pleasant welcome from me. Biased BBC takes issue with much of the output the BBC produces and is unapologetic in flagging these concerns up. However we realise that there are many people who are passionate about the work they do for the BBC and this is a chance to engage with your fiercest critics in a civil manner. So, please feel free to comment here (I know more than a few of you do visit these pages) and help deepen the engagement.


Multiple explosions. Mass murder of innocents. Mumbai. Interesting to see the BBC provide space to Jason Burke, south Asia correspondent of the Guardian (who else?) and expert on Islamic militancy, reflects on the impact of the bombing and why it is “very unlikely” to have been al-Qaeda. Islam has no shortages of dhimmis shilling for it and no greater friend than the State Broadcaster. I mean, it’s not as if  Islam has targeted Mumbai before, is it?