“While the BBCare celebrating the Nakba and the genocidal anti-Semitic desires of a whoppingchunk of the Muslim/Arab world, we may at least take small consolation  in celebrating the ‘nabbed ya’.”

Please enjoy the following exquisite moment of BBC humbuggery in the current OT:-
Jon S:
How can an organisation so full of gays and dykes beimpartial?
David Gregory:
Well as a rule of thumb being gay doesn’t actually impact onmy reporting on peregrine falcons or windfarms. But you know, it’s a struggle obviously.
There again David, I’m sure being homosexual didn’t do youany harm in getting a job at the BBC,what with its huge imbalance in the number of homosexuals who work there, whichI’m sure has nothing to do with discrimination. ‘Hideously homosexual’?  Forfend.
David Gregory:
It didn’t do any harm (but then why should it?) or any goodI would have thought.  I guess whenlooking for a BBC science reportermy PhD and body of work carried more weight. Do you think I should wear a tighter shirt for my next interview?
Well, as someone pointed out, it seems he already hasdone.  From David Gregory’s BBC bio:-
Let’s hope this isn’t pulled before it goes live on B-BBC!
One must give David Gregory his due though, unlike Dez/Scotthe does manage to express his views here in support of his employer the BBC with some grace and intelligence, and isn’tknown to have the hots for any genocidal anti-Semitic terrorists.
H/t to David Preiser for the ‘spot’, who no doubt would wantit stressed that he doesn’t want this post to lead to any bigoted commentsagainst homosexuals in general. 


I’ve been away for the past few days but decided to tune into the Today programme as is my wont. For a moment, I thought I had accidentally tuned into Glee. The BBC is exultant at the inevitable decision by Murdoch not to pursue the BSkyB takeover at this time. Throughout the morning we were treated to the delight in the voices of the presenters with little in-jokes about Murdoch and co being taken to the Tower, for example. The main8.10am interview with Clegg was used as an opportunity to imply that the Murdochs and Wade are not fit and proper persons to be running any media outlet (unlike the wise and kindly BBC) and our old pal Johnny Diamond got to explore how the US is now also turning on Murdoch. Emboldened by the demise of NOTW and the commercial decision not to continue with the BSkyB bid, the BBC sniffs blood. It wants to see the destruction of NewsCorp and the decimation if not imprisonment of all who held senior office. The globalised hypocrisy of the BBC is truly stomach-churning on this issue and any pretence of impartiality is out the window. Less commerical competition in the UK and indeed elsewhere combined with the removal of choice for readers/viewers is a key BBC objective and my goodness isn’t it pursuing it with relish?


Rebekah Wade: 2008: Prime Minister Gordon Brown hosts a lunch for women in business
One of the most disturbing features of the entire News International/phone hacking has been the systematic elevation by the BBC of a rogues gallery of moral hypocrites; John Prescott. Steve Coogan, Hugh Grant, Chris Bryant and now, of course, Gordon Brown.

Brown has joined in the jiahd against Murdoch and the BBC have played it with violins for him. However as Guido points out, the Brown allegations are far from clear cut and NI seems quite content to counter his allegations. But the BBC coverage rolls on – desperate to damage Murdoch as much as possible and oblivious to every other angle.


A Biased BBC reader writes to advise that despite suggestions to the contrary, BBC Detector Van’s evidence has NEVER been used in Court! Here are details 

“Despite being very reluctant the BBC has finally confirmed what we all knew anyway – detector van/portable detector evidence has neverbeen presented in court. The revealing Freedom of Information Act response came after the BBC u-turned on their earlier decision to withhold the information under the law enforcement exemptions of the 2000 Act. In their revised response, issued after an internal review found in our favour, Beeb Kiwi lawyer Dan McGregor says the following: “I can confirm that TVL has not, to date, used detection evidence in Court.

I find the whole “detector vans” aspect of the BBC operations positively menacing and evidence of a mindset that is both arrogant and bullying.


You cannot failed to have noticed the frequency with which Alistair Campbell has been appearing on the BBC recently. He has become ubiquitous as the BBC pursues the next target onthe hit-list David Cameron for employing Andy Coulson. A Biased BBC reader asks is this the same BBC that now has Tony Blair’s spin doctor, the man who took usto war on a lie leading to the death of British soldiers and hundreds ofthousands of Iraqi civilians?

The Daily Mail has noticed:
‘With almost unbelievable feebleness, it has clasped its one-time persecutor toits bosom. Worst of all, it is treating him as though he is a great statesman,a man of honour and a respectable person, whereas he is, in fact, anunscrupulous bully who has often omitted to tell the truth.’

 and so has political blogger Iain Dale:
” I can think of no one who book the BBC has publicised more than AlastairCampbell. I can think of no one who has ever had a full half an hour interviewin the 8.10 slot of the Today Programme. I can think of no one who would beallowed three programmes simply to read their book out on prime time BBC2.
Is this the BBC’s way of saying sorry?’

Yes it is, step forward Alastair Campbell…here having an enviable amount offree publicity for his books…all organised by the BBC….

‘OMG, as the yoof says, if they (the BBC top brass of course) could see me now.. all alone in a BBC studio, sitting at a BBC computer, eating a BBC tunamelt. They’re very trusting these BBC people — I reckon if I twiddled enough ofthe hundreds of knobs in the vicinity, I could get on air somewhere.
Not that I want to. My voice is starting to go a bit already, having donebreakfast telly and then 19 local and regional radio interviews, all in theinterests of publicising a book
These mass interviews are organised by something called BBC GNS.

 or how about another BBC job appearing in ‘The Speaker’….ushered in as amentor, a figure to be looked up to and respected by young people….
‘Tony Blair’s former Director of Communications and Speech Writer AlastairCampbell, demonstrates the subtleties of Persuasion.’

 or how about this, a special one off programme just for Mr Campbell:
‘Cracking Up’
In 1986, Alastair Campbell “cracked up”. His breakdown was the culmination ofmonths of intensive stress at work, too much alcohol and myriad other complexissues. Twenty two years later, the former Downing Street Director ofCommunications embarks on a personal journey, exploring his breakdown andsubsequent recovery in this special, one-off programme for BBC Two.

 or there is ‘The Alastair Campbell Diaries’….a series of programmes in whichhe reads extracts from his diaries.

or this programme, ‘My Life in Books’, where he reads discusses his 5 favouritebooks, , and note no mention of his controversial past:
‘After the 1997 election he became the Prime Minister’s Chief Press Secretaryand Official Spokesman. He returned to the Labour Party for six months prior tothe 2005 general election and continued to advise the party informally underGordon Brown, including during the 2010 campaign.’

oh and the appearance on Question time, innumerable other appearances on newsprogrammes and with Andrew Marr.


It may be a new week but the BBC is very clear on the need to STOP Rupert Murdoch taking control of BSkyB. Listen to this onslaught led by Robert Peston and were that not enough for you then try this from Nick Robinson. It’s remarkable to see the State Broacaster taking such an active and clearly biased role in this story as it seeks to buttress it’s own massive monopolistic power at our expense. One surreal angle that the BBC has been pushing is that the Murdoch evil empire is so big, so powerful, that it constitutes a threat to that all important “diversity.” A B-BBC reader informs;

But just who are thebiggest providers of web services? The United Kingdom Online Measurement Company Ltd. top web brands. While the profile of businesses populating much of the Top 50 has changed since2004, the Top 10 web businesses place the BBC 5th behind google, facebook, msnand yahoo. Sky is 15th, News Corp papers are 29th.

The fact is that it is the BBC which constitutes the single BIGGEST threat to democracy and diversity of opinion and it is relentlessly taking advantage of the (defunct) NOTW saga to try and nail Murdoch. This is the story that the MSM seems oblivious about and so you will excuse me if I harp on about it.


There’s a surprising interview from the ‘Today’ archive (from 2009) between James Naughtie and Will Hutton. Naughtie asks Hutton to speculate on the future of newspapers in the U.K. Hutton replies:

Well I think there is going to be a transitional period. It could last 10 years, it could be as long as 20 years, in which the way we’ve done it over the last period is plainly going to be uneconomic and there are not going to be new ways of doing it that ARE economic, and I think that what’s going to happen is that in Britain at least..I actually think the BBC..there’s a grave danger it’s going to become THE sole news provider in the country, with one or two organisations – maybe the Guardian/Observer, maybe News International, maybe the Daily Mail and General Trust organisations – just falling besides the wayside, and in this period actually people are turning more to the BBC. The evidence from OFCOM is that people are actually using television news and BBC radio more actually, not less. So we’ll be in a danger…we’ll be in a period when there’ll be a monopoly provider…

So, Will Hutton two years ago was predicting that the BBC was the main danger when it comes to a potential news monopoly in this country. That monopoly situation looks to be getting ever more likely.

He does offer some hope though that after 15 or so years of the BBC monopoly people would be so fed up they’d be flocking willingly to pay for news online. Cold comfort.


I noticed that the BBC ran an item on the Toxteth riots. Odd that an organisation with all the vast resource of the BBC can’t even get the decade in which this happened right. More to the point, note the way in which the BBC sets the story up….it was all caused by “perceived heavy handed” policing. I mean, is it possible to even blame the gentlefolk of Toxteth as they rampaged for the thuggery that characterised this period?


 A demonstrator dressed in a Rupert Murdoch mask controls puppets of British Prime Minister David Cameron
The BBC is hysterical in the sustained attack on Murdoch. Give THIS a listen to if you want to hear the comrades in full battle cry. I was particularly amused when Humphrys pointed out the global reach of the evil Murdock empire. So unlike the BBC!! And if that was not enough, try THIS if you have a strong stomach. There is NO pretence of balance here, just unrestrained bias against Rupert Murdoch. Note the image they use to accompany their Jihad against NI.