From Guido…

“The BBC has guidelines about journalists mouthing off their left-wing views on Twitter, guidelines ignored by Danny Carpenter of BBC Look North, who has rip on Facebook about the government in a comment on a post by Caroline Lucas of the Green Party:”


Is there any doubt that Mr Carpenter speaks on behalf of more than a few of his BBC pals? Sack him.


Here’s an interesting perspective on the whole “victim narrative” so central to the BBC provided by a Biased BBC reader.
“The Left-leaning media, led so  ably by the BBC, has been vocal pushing the victim narrative. It may start with good intentions – trying to overcome PERCEIVED societal injustices of a specific demographic – but the delusion is that these hacks and lobbyists are the next generation of suffragettes or civil rights pioneers. The modern take is not about changing the law, whether voting rights or civil rights, but increasingly about attaining a privileged ideological, social and societal status and, perhaps ultimately, power without democratic mandate.
This has been the agenda of third-way feminism, social justice warriors, Islamaphilia and, more recently, Black Lives Matters. To fuel this, media needs to paint a subgroup as oppressed. The Islamaphilia story is by far the most worrying.
One rule for one…
While Muslim undertak terrorist attacks or grope women or groom thousands of children for sexual assault or subjagate women, the media are quick to point out that this is not representative of Islam or it sources and #notallmuslims. The second point may be accurate but notice the focus is less on the primary problem, which is the much more serious issue of horrific violence and abuse and pushed onto the secondary issue of the Islamaphobic backlash. The victims are actually the innocent Muslims rather than the corpses or vulnuerable girls being abused. 
Now, contrast the output when innocent Muslims face a wrongdoing, perceived or genuine. In that instance, the incidents are totally representative and has everything to do with Islamaphobia. 
In the case of the BBC, it downplays, ignores or misreports genuine atrocities – see Rotherham rape gangs, terrorist attacks, Cologne sex attacks et al – to remove the Islam angle while, conversely, hysterically overblowing the Islam angle with any minor problems of mild to trivial prejudice, such as name calling, jokes or throwing a pig’s head at a mosque. None of these are nice but they are much less serious than rape, suicide bombings and murder, yet the Beeb seems to report every single incident as an example of Islamaphobia.

Continue reading


Well, for once I really quite enjoyed listening to the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 this morning. Having ensured I watched the 2nd Presidential debate first, and knowing that Trump had steam rollered Clinton, I was ready to observe how the BBC would report this.

US presidential debate: Trump launches ferocious attack on Clintons

Oh wow, how very dare he!!! You could tell instantly that he had done well as the BBC kept wondering why he had not actually stood down from the Presidential race? According to the BBC, Clinton had not “landed a killer blow” on Trump and he was “down but not out” When you translate this it means…Trump won.

But the pussified BBC can’t bring themselves to say this so instead they continue their busted narrative. Meanwhile, here’s a great Trump quip to enjoy…


Having spent the past few days hysterically joining in the mainstream media assault on Donald Trump, the BBC has been relentless in its bias. It seems that what was said in a private conversation nine years before he entered the political race is so bad, so repulsive, that the BBC has decided he must step down. Meanwhile it conveniently ignores this…

“Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt ‘f***ing ree-tards’ and referred to Jews as ‘stupid k***s’ while Bill called Jesse Jackson a ‘damned n****r,’ claims Bill’s former lover Dolly Kyle”

And if it’s “pussy” that is the issue try this….


Now, I find all this crudity distasteful BUT the fact is there is plenty on both sides to consider. The BBC only talks about the Trump side. That is my case against them, they are the pussified cuck media.



A Biased BBC reader writes….

“A brief review of recent BBC coverage and any woman will be disheartened, dejected and disgusted. The Beeb, reinforcing the narrative of an evil patriarchy oppressing women, has been pumping out the “women as victims” stories, with examples from the last couple of weeks including…

·         The shocking lack of women in film

·         The shocking lack of women in fashion

·         The shocking amount of period pain women suffer at work

·         The shocking treatment of women forgotten by science

·         The shocking number of women with their “lives are on hold”

·         The shocking lack of housing for female prisoners upon release

·         The shocking discrimination faced by Muslim women in Germany

·         The shocking discrimination over pension changes

·         The shocking news that young women at ‘highest mental health risk’

·         The shocking news that women in Asia are “disposable”

·         The shocking news that women a ‘distinct minority’ among highest-paid in the UK

·         The shocking lack of equality in Chinese cinema

As with other “oppressed” demographics, the “victim narrative” has to run in parallel with the “propaganda narrative”. When an individual or group of individuals from an “oppressed” demographic do or does something wrong, they do not represent that said group. When they do something good, however, they do represent said group. Muslims are the usual recipients of this but the Beeb’s parallel coverage of women (which ranges from cringing to patronising) underscore this.

According to the BBC, women are awesome for:

·         Making the best TV comedy

·         Striking against abortion bans

·         Protesting against potholes

·         Running a library for 25 years

·         Helping run the world’s most southerly post office

·         Competing with Kinshasa’s male sapeurs

·         Getting elected to the Isle of Man’s House of Keys

·         Becoming FTSE bosses

·         Becoming lorry drivers

·         Teaching code

·         Completing all UK’s ‘Marilyn’ hills

You get the picture but now the juicy part. What happens when the Beeb’s coverage moves onto women in the Middle East…?

Bin-BBC starts off with the beacon of female empowerment, the hijab. Thousands of headscarves or hijabs have been collected for women in Syria, it gushes. However, further “propaganda” narrative pieces actually muddy the waters by using the “victim” agenda. For example, the BBC celebrates that Saudi women file petition to end male guardianship systemIranian women defy Fatwas by riding bikes and Palestinian women fight elections name ‘censorship’, specifically literature used for the polls replaced the names of female candidates with “sister of…”, “wife of…” or just their initials.

All commendable initiatives as women look to overthrow genuine sexism in…Islamic countries! But wait, isn’t the BBC constantly telling us that Islam does not oppress women? The Beeb’s Islamaphilia agenda discredited by its feminist agenda.”


A  B-BBC reader writes…

“Did you see the BBC story today that asked if the best way to “guard against radicalisation” was to develop more Muslim schools? The BBC bemoans that, out if the 6,800-plus faith schools in the state school system, only 28 are Muslim, which it describes as “disproportionately small”.

It points out the risks of illegal private schools (a point that is justified) and how having Muslim states schools would be the solution. After all, al-Beeb reminds us that the east London schoolgirls who headed off to Syria were not in faith schools and the schools caught up in the Trojan Horse claims did not have a religious affiliation. I think Richard Dawkins can take this one up from here….



There is really no point in turning to the BBC for any balanced coverage of any aspect of the US Presidential election. Last night saw the first V-P TV debate, and this is what the BBC had to say.

It was a scattershot debate marred by frequent interruption, where moderator Elaine Quijado lost control of the discussion for stretches. In the end, however, it was a battle that Mike Pence won.

WHAT? Pence won? Good old BBC – showing some balance? But wait….it goes on…

The Trump-Pence ticket is still losing the war, however, and Tuesday night’s debate likely only succeeded in keeping hope alive that Donald Trump can mount a comeback.

Phew, amelioration in the next sentence, and then to further detract from any GOP sense of success…

That’s a low bar, but – as the saying goes – it ain’t nothing.

And then..

For the last week, it’s felt a bit like Donald Trump was routed.

By whom? The liberal media that has spent the past year mocking Trump? For the past week it has felt that the liberal MSM, including the BBC, is more crooked than Hillary Clinton.

His woeful (oh really? DV) first presidential debate performance was compounded by a series of unforced errors, capped by an early morning Twitter tirade and a damaging New York Times story about his near billion-dollar business losses in 1995. His poll numbers headed south.

That’s interesting. Check this out..

Presidential contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are virtually deadlocked in the Rasmussen Reports poll, released Tuesday.

The BBC is behaving in EXACTLY the same way as it behaved during last year’s general election and this year’s UK referendum. It has decided what the result should be and is doing all it can to try and influence it. As such that makes the BBC a global menace. It is not a news organisation, it is a propagandist.