As you know, I am currently on Biased BBC leave owing to the pressures of running an election campaign. One of the features of this is that the local BBC have been very quick to try and cherry-pick comments from my other blog, A Tangled Web, in order to try and damage my prospects. Oddly enough, they NEVER mention any comments made here on Biased BBC. I wonder why they are reluctant to mention any of the tens of thousands of comments and posts highlighting their relentless bias? πŸ˜‰ Looking forward to discussing this with them…


Have to say how sickened I feel by the BBC this evening.

30 years ago, I was still at University. On this day, one of my best friend’s at Uni received the awful news his brother had been murdered. The IRA booby-trapped his car. He stood no chance. He was a police officer, a young RUC man. The IRA boasted they had killed him. He was 23.

Today, other Irish terrorists, most likely know to the IRA leadership (if not actually containing former IRA men) killed a police officer in Omagh. I note the BBC gives Gerry Adams response coverage very high priority in this report.

Adams organisation killed my friend’s brother. 30 years on – the BBC eulogise him. Nauseating – no wonder I loath them.


OK, I can’t let this pass. How on EARTH does the BBC get away with calling Afghanistanis a “deeply religious and deeply conservative” people when we witness atrocious events like those in Mazar-e-Sharif? The savagery, the dark ages barbarism, are outrageous and yet the BBC are doing everything to suggest that the “deeply religious” savages were virtually obligated to kill and decapitate the poor people involved because of “the burning of a Koran in a US church.” Blame Bush?


Hi all. As you may know, I am standing for election to the Northern Ireland Assembly in the May 5th poll and pressures mean I must step away from this site for most of the next month or so.  I hope the other writers can keep you provided with copy whilst I am away. I will return.


Zadie Smith, the author, said the Coalition Government's policies on libraries, were
I see that Zadie Smith has caused a bit of a furore except to the BBC who see it all as fair and balanced; 
“Her comments, broadcast during the Today Programme on Radio 4, were an impassioned defence of libraries and “shared institutions” in Britain. 

The BBC has been criticised, however, for inviting Ms Smith to broadcast her comments without any interruptions or questions and for allowing the five minute piece to turn into a “party political broadcast”. After telling listeners about growing up with a love for Kensal Rise library in north west London, which is  earmarked for closure, Ms Smith rounded on the coalition Government’s “shameful” policies.”

It’s the rancid BBC which is shameful.


I was amused at faux BBC anger at the news that Luvvies are to be denied sticking their noses in the public trough to quite the extent has been the case in the past decade or more. I’m figuring that interpretative dance and endless plays endorsing left-wing hysteria is just one luxury we will have to go without…