The BBC is so BIASED against Donald Trump and in favour of Hillary Clinton that is now way beyond parody. It virtually ignores the fact that Clinton is either sleeping or fainting and jumps on every possible opportunity to attack Trump. Today it is the skittles comparison of “Syrian” immigrants his son made here. Trump Junior might have added imagine that half the skittles aren’t skittles in the first place and that the ingredients in these skittles are specifically designed to poison you. It was the same over the New York bombing of the past few days – the BBC ignored the zombie like Clinton quality of her response to the bombings and instead portrayed Trump as a an extremist. Clinton used it to reiterate her view Islam is warm and cuddly – a line the BBC likes to run with despite all the evidence – whereas Trump pointed out it proved immigration process does NOT work. Trump can do no RIGHT and Clinton no wrong. I sincerely hope Trump wins so they all have a nervous breakdown.


I see the BBC has given plenty of publicity to this story.

A Muslim woman from Australia has told how she was forced to leave a beach in France for wearing a burkini.

Zeynab Alshelh, a 23-year-old medical student, told Australian media she had travelled to Europe to show solidarity with local Muslim women.  Footage broadcast on Channel 7 showed local people saying they would call the police if she didn’t leave. The ban on burkinis in several French Riviera towns was overruled in August by the top administrative court

So, a muslim provocateur travels half way around the world to embrace more professional victimhood and thumb her nose at non muslim French people and there are the BBC -gasping to show their solidarity with her.


This is a guest article by a B-BBC reader.

“It would seem that the reception of the UK Ambassador to Saudi Arabia’s conversion to Islam is noted in British and Saudi society for the host’s exquisite taste that captivates its dhimmi guests…

Al-Beeb gleefully gushes that British ambassador to Saudi Arabia has performed the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca after converting to Islam, complete with photos and praise from Saudi royalty (if you need further background on the Hajj, click here).

The Beeb says he made “the holy trip” wearing the white robes traditionally worn for the pilgrimage which re-enacts the actions of the “Prophet Muhammad” (once again Muhammad is referred to as “the Prophet”, as if it is a fact rather than an opinion). Still, let’s hope Mr Collis doesn’t re-enact all of Muhammed’s actions now he has converted.

Anyway, Collis’ reason for converting was interesting: “In short, I converted to Islam after spending 30 years in Muslim societies and before getting married to Huda.”

Hardly a ringing endorsement of the spiritual and moral teachings of Islam. Even so, one aside is that interfaith marriages are, like polygamy, prohibited under sharia for Muslim women. Interfaith marriages (with Jews and Christians) and polygamy are, of course, allowed for Muslims men (another example of Islamic women’s equality in action). As such, if a non-believer wants to marry a Muslim woman, they need to convert.

So, aside from the usual, fluffy BBC puff piece on The Religion of Peace, why bother bringing up…?

The BBC’s approach to Mr Collis’ Islamic conversion seems to be a stark and uncomfortable contrast to the awful murder of a Mary Shipstone by her father. As was noted last week by other B-BBC readers, it was her mother’s conversion FROM Islam that proved to be the initial catalyst for the tragedy. The BBC reporting of the murder, however, totally omitted this angle and all mention of the “I” word, focusing on the (admittedly terrible) error of a solicitor rather than the background to why a father would shoot his own innocent daughter dead in cold blood.”


I was on BBC London yesterday morning at an ungodly hour discussing the Royal Charter for the BBC brought forward yesterday. In essence the only real surprise from the White Paper in May was that the Government is asking the BBC to reveal which of its “talent” earns more than the Prime Minister i.e. >£150,000. Turns that even this is a cop-out..

More than half of BBC stars paid more than £150,000 could escape having their salaries made public, after a loophole emerged in new plans to force the corporation to be more transparent.

Karen Bradley, the new culture secretary, yesterday unveiled proposals to compel the BBC to publish the salaries of the 109 presenters and performers who are paid more than £150,000 a year in its next annual report.

But it emerged last night that the transparency edict would not extend to stars working for the corporation’s new production division, BBC Studios, which is expected to get approval to launch later this year.

To be honest, I see all this salary revelation stuff as a sideshow. It’s how the BBC obtains the money it then uses that is my concern. The license tax is the problem, the annual extortion of £3.5bn, which is then used to pay these left wing talking heads.I want to see that axed.


For my sins I DID watch BBC Question Time last night. In case you missed it this was the panel. Not ONE pro-Brexit politician. The best they could do was haul on the Mails “Theatre critic and political sketch writer” Quentin Letts. I know that Campbell and McDonnell did tear into each other, and even the waspish Soubry had a go at Corbyn’s number 2 BUT this was another panel and audience stacked full of those still weeping their tears that they LOST the Referendum on whether we stayed or left the EU. The BBC love to have talking heads on who sagely ponder – “but what does Brexit mean”? They always say it is perhaps much too complex to answer. Rubbish. Brexit means an end to the UK having any links to the EU. No open borders and no more sending the £££’s to Brussels. I wish the BBC would move beyond denial. This was an atrocious programme – unbalanced and definitely unrepresentative.
