An eagle eyed B-BBC reader writes…

“Not sure if you caught the BBC News at Ten last night but the lead story was one of the most bizarre I have seen on the Beeb. I’ve watched it back a second time this morning and still can’t get my head around what it is trying to say. There must be an angle in there somewhere, mainly because of the BBC’s inclusion of some pretty shocking content and language in a supposed “news report”. I can’t understand why they would include such language if it was not for a certain reason or agenda.

The puff piece was for drug-dealing gangstas in Chicago that seems to be a quasi-endorsement of gun culture, while at the same time seeming to suggest that it was not the fault of the people or black sub-cultutre but the system.

Amongst the waving around of pistols, handguns and even machine guns, amphetamine bottles and general glorification of criminality, there was an interview with rapper and gang member Bo Deal, which contained a line that was either an error or sets a new precedent for BBC: (from 6m 45sec).

“But a lot of guys need to die in order to make it better…some of these niggers need to get killed and knocked off to get them out of the way and make it a better place cos some of them…[interrupted by siren]….”

The “n word”, on BBC News? Not just that but the BBC just allowed someone to support the killing of “niggers”. I wonder how that fits in with the Beeb’s Black Lives Matter rhetoric?

To quote the other gang member at around 8.55. “This shit don’t end…”


The BBC has been to the fore in seeking to ensure that the Burkini is NOT banned in France, despite the fact the overwhelming majority of French citizens support such a ban. The again, the BBC is very selective about the voice of the people when it says things they don’t like. A few weeks ago we read about a “brawl on a Corsican beach” between “people of North African origin” and some local people that involved harpoons. The way the BBC presented it one was given the impression the “people of North African origin” (Muslim illegal immigrants to you and me) were the victims in the brawl – turns out they were the aggressors. Now the BBC returns to the story with the shock horror new that …

A court on the French island of Corsica has upheld a local ban on the burkini – the full-body swimwear preferred by some Muslim women. The court in Bastia ruled that the ban was legal on public order grounds.

Last month, a beach brawl between families of … coughs.. North African descent and local youths left five people injured.

France’s top administrative court ruled in August that the ban, imposed in a number of towns across the country, violated basic freedoms. However, it also found that the measure was permissible if wearing the burkini was likely to cause a public disturbance.

The BBC is seeking to avoid saying that the violence on the Corsican beach was caused by aggressive Muslim men, hence the ludicrous “Of North African origin” euphemism. It also seeks to try and subvert the will of the VAST majority of French people by implying they are intolerant of minorities by banning the Burkini. It has been successful in helping ensure that the vast majority of people here in the UK support the public use of the burkina – I wonder would people on Brighton beach be quite so keen on the use of that garment were a Jihadist to mow down more than eighty people on the Brighton front?


One of the favourite ploys of the pro-endless immigration brigade, of which the BBC is a paid up member, is to exploit our natural human sympathy for children in peril and then use this to advance their agenda. This was most apparent in the use of images of the drowned Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, last year, when the gates of Europe were thrown open to millions of muslim opportunists on the back of such exploitative imagery. But the ploy is used time and time again. Today, the BBC reports;

The number of asylum seeking children in the care of English councils has risen 62% in a year. The largest group are boys aged 16 and 17, coming from countries such as Afghanistan or Eritrea. A refugee charity says many children are facing “serious shortages” in legal advice to help them make their case to stay. The Home Office said it had increased funding to cover the costs of care and other support for unaccompanied minors.

Mmm. “Boys” aged just BELOW the 18yr old threshold at which they would be classified as men. How convenient. We are seeing this across Europe as these illegals masquerade as “children” for the benefit of bleeding heart liberals such as those in the BBC when in fact the likelihood is that they are anything but children. Furthermore, EVEN if they ARE the age they claim to be, why on earth would the UK be providing “sanctuary” to Somalis, Sudanese, Afghans, Eritreans who have trekked thousands of miles through several perfectly safe countries to roll up at OUR door?  Do’t you love the image the BBC deploy to try and sell us this story?



Sometimes the BBC surprises even me! I was on BBC Radio London this morning talking to Vanessa Feltz about the Keith Vaz story. At one point in the interview, Vanessa postulated that Vaz’s support in Parliament for Poppers was akin to an MP who suffered from a heart defect advocating more funding for cardiac research. WHAT? I feel that the BBC sympathise with the odious Vaz and are determined to make him the victim of the piece. If the allegations are proven, Vaz will be interviewed by the Police. It is obvious that he has no political integrity or personal honour – and the BBC share this. Allegedly taking poppers and using male prostitutes seems to ring a few BBC bells. How odd.


Well then, if the allegations printed and supported by video evidence in the Mirror are true, then Labour MP Keith Vaz has many questions to answer, including some to the Police. The BBC response on Today this morning was predictable. They reduce it to the simple matter of whether he should step down from being Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee. One would also hardly know that Vaz was Labour in the way the BBC cover this. He’s in damage limitation mode and so are the Comrades.