I see the BBC have responded to the news that Asil Nadir is planning to come back to the UK by dragging up all those memories of the 1980’S emphasising his links to the Conservative Party. I’m not sure if this is the single biggest news story of the day, perhaps it is, but it is clear that the BBC does not miss an opportunity to put the knife into the Conservatives for the sins of the 80’s.  In that regard, every day is ground hog day.


An update for you. It starts at roughly17 minutes in at

Some jarring quotes:

“A time when the Christian people of Europe decided to go to war with theIslamic people in the Middle East just becasue they didn’t believe in the samethings…hard to imagine I know.”

“The Pope doesn’t like to share”

“Heaven hungry Christians”

“The Muslims weren’t about to take all this lying down, no, no, they FIGHTBACK”

“Christians come up with a ground-breaking new plan – anotherCrusade!”

“The Christians get the pants thrashed off of them”

And do they describe the Islamic conquerers with equal sarcasm?

“Saladin is a Muslim leader who has been building a huge empire over inthe Middle East.”

“Luckily for him (Richard the Lionheart) though, Saladin was a jolly nicechap and agreed to a peace treaty with Richard” 

Gotta love Islam.


Anyone out there caught the BBC’s “Horrible Histories”? A B-BBC reader spotted this…

“I had to gulp at the opening introduction. There was a reference to the Westerners deciding to go to war with the Muslims because ‘they happened to live there’ laced with sarcasm. The rest of the narrative was blantantly anti-west. Who wrote this script, I wonder?

Am I being paranoid or have they completely missed the Muslim conquest of Syria in the 7th century, attacks of Muslim Seljuk Turks, murder of pilgrims and the consequent aggressive expansionism that led to the Byzantine Empire issuing a desperate call for help to the Pope?

It’s like describing the reason for D-Day as a war on Germany because Germans ‘happened to live’ in France.

I am shocked and above all disturbed by the inversion of teaching to the youngabout such an important time in history.”

Historical revision, with lashings of dhimmitude, is par for the BBC course, sadly.


It’s odd that when the BBC runs a programme concerning the day release from a secure unit of violent offenders/sex offenders with mental health problem, the issue revolves around the fact that the offenders are “tagged” and whether this may be a civil rights violation. Not a mention of whether releasing these VERY violent people into the local community should be happening in the first place. I suppose in the BBC prism that’s just a no-brainer.


Another story the BBC was always going to spin. There were half a million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases last yea with more and more younger people getting infected. Up pops the BBC report on this in the prime post 8am news slot and the angle is clear, we need MORE sex education and the budget for sex education must NOT be cut. Agenda clear. I don’t suppose anyone at the BBC pondered why it is that the increase in STD’s has directly parallelled the increase in sex education in our class-rooms and the establishment of an “anything goes” society. Liberals have got their free love but it’s paid for in diseased teenagers but you will never hear that view on the State Broadcaster/


I had to laugh at the BBC’s treatment of US General James Conway’s remarks that Obama’s deadline to get out of Afghanistan is encouraging the Taliban. The General was speaking common sense, of course, but he has committed the unspeakable crime of contradicting Obama and the BBC was not impressed. He was dismissed as “a maverick” on the Today programme. Yes, leave the expert opinion of those in the theatre of war to one side and better instead pay heed to strategic giants like Sir Jeremy Greenstock. (On at 8.29am to waffle about Iraq)


The BBC leads the Radio 4 news this morning with the shock horror revelation that the June budget will hit poorest families hardest, or so alleges the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Yes, those Nasty Conservatives are back in power and instantly hurting the poor and disadvantaged, thank goodness we have the BBC to repeat this claim. Tomorrow. Tories eat their own babies? It strikes me that the BBC has become the official opposition to the Colaition, doing the work of Labour whilst it seeks to reconstruct itself.