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- JohnC Feb 11, 01:19
Start the Week 10th February 2025
UK must respect Trump’s mandate, new US ambassador tells BBC Like you did for Brexit eh Mandleson ?. Mandelson:… - StewGreen Feb 11, 01:02
Start the Week 10th February 2025
The New Culture Forum video Britain’s Hidden Epidemic of Sexual Violence, Why It’s Covered Up & Who’s Committing it.… - StewGreen Feb 11, 01:00
Start the Week 10th February 2025
Misleading charts, cos in most cases the undecided are about 50% some 30% - tomo Feb 11, 00:36
Start the Week 10th February 2025
Not propaganda - tomo Feb 11, 00:24
Start the Week 10th February 2025
The legal “establishment” on both sides of the Atlantic need to be careful… - tomo Feb 11, 00:19
Start the Week 10th February 2025 - tomo Feb 11, 00:17
Start the Week 10th February 2025 - JohnC Feb 10, 22:26
Start the Week 10th February 2025
Hamas suspends hostage releases – Israel says military now on ‘highest alert’ I see the Hamas ceasefire is about… - Philip_2 Feb 10, 22:23
Start the Week 10th February 2025
I have a lot of time for David Starkey. But the state we are in takes a lot of planning…
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Author Archives: David Vance
A guest post by hippiepooter
Here is somefeedback we got to our email digest from a senior figure in UKIP 22nd April:
We constantly have problems with the BBC over first of all getting them to cover us, andthen when they do, they HAVE TO mention the BNP in the same breath! Or are very unprofessional in the way they slanttheir reports.
Here are four examples on BBC Online within 24 hours of the BBC linking UKIP with the BNP (hat tip to ‘BoBs’ on the open thread for the third):
UKIP is a legitimatedemocratic party. The BNP is a neo-Nazi Party. It is not possible to exaggerate how utterlyoffensive it is to link UKIP with the BNP . The worst aspect of this despicable bias isthat while it no doubt loses UKIP votes it also wins the BNP votes. In the minds of any otherwise non-racist voters angry aboutmulti-culturalism but wary of the BNP ,seeing the BBC link the BNP with a legitimate democratic party like UKIPmay very well persuade them that the BNP isn’t racist and Nazi after all.
In ademocracy, a broadcaster with a duty to impartiality has a democratic duty ofbias against subversive parties to expose their totalitarian agenda. The biased treatment the BNP receives should be exactly the same as partieslike Respect / SWP receives. We knowthat’s not the case. The bias that the BBC displays against the BNP is very often not a democratic one, but a left-wing one. They try to establish in the public mind thatpolicies against immigration and multi-culturalism are racist and fascist perse rather than expose the BNP ’sdesire to exploit people’s legitimate grievances over these issues to implementthe racial hatred of their Nazi ideology. When it is more important for the BBC to attack the BNP from itssubversive agenda on the Left to stigmatise democratic parties for addressingpeople’s legitimate concerns, is it any wonder that support for the BNP is growing? If the BBC really were animpartial broadcaster serving democracy it would scrupulously keep thedemocratic fold separate from the totalitarian fold.
When it comesto directly associating UKIP with the BNP the trick the BBC use is to take BNP policies on immigration, multi-culturalism andthe EU on face value rather than examine the road that the BNP are coming from in order to link them with UKIPwhose policies on these issues do bear objective similarities (as do to alesser extent the policies of Labour and the Tories!). The BBC would no doubt reel off their ‘duty to impartiality’ under the Election Act,but the only time they ever do show impartiality with the BNP is when it’s a means to link them with UKIP,which seems to be happening increasingly often as voting approaches. At the end of the day the BBC and the BNP are opposite extremes who meet full circle. Sheesh, being willing to aid and abett British Nazism to lose UKIPvotes. What more needs to be said aboutthe depravity of the BBC ?
I see that BBC reporter Rajesh Mirchandani, attending an anti-immigration control rally in Arizona, says there were banners calling for a boycott of Arizona, and even one portraying the state’s governor, Republican (sic) Jan Brewer, as Hitler. Hurray! The BBC must be gutted that with Bush gone the Hitler slurs have dried up a tad but now that a GOP State Governor DARES to oppose the tsunami of illegal immigration, a new Hitler hate figure is conjured up and lovingly reported.
A guest post by GraemeThompson who posts as ‘hippiepooter’
The bigots who call people bigots.
Anyone with 5 minutes exposure to the BBC knows that most people at the BBC would have shared Gordon Brown’s sentiment thatMrs Duffy of Rochdale was a “bigot” forexpressing concerns about the level of immigration. It is the favoured tactic of the anti-democraticleft who prevail at the BBC toshut down debate.
We see the same tactic used in the ‘Gay debate’.
David Cameron’s Conservative Party has become such a victimof the Marxist mind control of Political Correctness as exercised by the BBC that this week we saw Philip Lardner suspendedas Conservative Candidate for North Ayrshire and Arran for his views on homosexuality. The BBC reported he was sacked for ‘describing gaypeople on his website as “notnormal”’. What he actually said wasthat “homosexuality is not normal behaviour”. The DailyTelegraph managed to report the story accurately, why did the BBC have such trouble? Perhaps they confused news management withnews reporting? Part of what Mr Lardnerwrote (the fulltext can be seen here) was in defence of Clause 28:
“Thepromotion of homosexuality by public bodies (as per ‘clause 28/section 2a in Scotland ,) wascorrectly outlawed by Mrs Thatcher’s government. Tolerationand understanding is one thing, but state-promotion of homosexuality is quiteanother.”
David Cameron, who let us remember voted in 2003 to retainClause 28, boasted he took “decisive action within minutes of finding outabout this”. In announcing Mr Lardner’ssuspension Scottish Conservatives Chairman Mr Andrew Fulton said Mr Lardner’scomments were “deeply offensive and unacceptable”.
When the Conservative Party – the Conservative Party – acts so hysterically to avoid having the BBC turn its propaganda guns on them, Britishdemocracy is in serious trouble. We sawthe same BBC led hysteria when Chris Graylingadvocated an enlightened form of social liberalism that accommodates theChristian conscience instead of the bigoted form of social liberalism thatseeks to persecute Christians for their faith.
We are rightly outraged by the cover up and perpetuation ofchild sex abuse by key figures in the Catholic hierarchy but the abolition ofClause 28 to permit homosexuals access to little boys in schools to teach themthat homosexuality is normal is something we’re supposed to celebrate.
Let us just remember how Clause 28 came about. In the 80’s schools in the Islington Boroughof London werepromoting homosexuality as normal. Amidhowls of protest then and vilification now Maggie Thatcher put a stop to it. In 1995, following grave revelations by the LondonEvening Standard, ‘The White Report’ found that systematic child sex abusehad taken place during the 70s, 80s and 90s of children in the care ofIslington Council. It found‘a culture that tolerated relationships between care staff and teenageboys. It also blocked investigation ofpeople with gay or ethnic backgrounds’. I distinctly recall John Humphrys interviewing former Islington CouncilLeader and then Children’s Minister MargaratHodge on the TODAY programme in the wake of the White Report. It was under-arm bowling all the way. I don’t recall him putting to her whether shethought there was a relationship between the Political Correctness of herCouncil and the sexual abuse of her children.
While no-one is in a hurry to talk about the relationshipbetween Political Correctness and child sex abuse, the BBC is at the forefront of those in a hurry to talk about the relationship betweenpriesthood celibacy and child sex abuse. Recently, His Holiness the Pope’s No 2 Cardinal Tarsicio Bertone caused alava flow of outrage for suggesting that the problem of abuser priests wasn’tcaused by celibacy but by homosexuality. He implied that homosexuals infiltrated thepriesthood as a cover to carry out their paedophile proclivities and that recentresearch supports this. The BBC of course led the pack in ‘news management’ toensure that the public knew what to think about such a ‘bigoted’ suggestion. Such was the furore whipped up that even PopeBenedict II and his key media supporter in the UK press DamianThompson couldn’t withstand the heat.
According to Vaticanfigures 60% of children abused by paedophile priests are boys. How this pans out in lay society I don’tknow. The impression I get from reportsis that there is a disproportionately high amount of child sex abuse that ishomosexual. As we now have homosexualadoption, in the interests of child protection one would have thought itimperative that wider research was conducted. Don’t expect the BBC tomount a clamour for this. Don’t anyoneeven suggest the idea. That would be‘bigoted’.
Mr Philip Lardner is still on the ballot in North Ayrshireand Arran . The Tories had suspended him but only after he had already beenregistered. He is now campaigning as the‘Independent Common Sense’ Candidate and will not take the Tory whip if elected.
The General Election is 6th May.
Wonder if any readers heard this paean to Maoist terrorism on the excruciating BBC Radio 4 “From Our own Correspondent” a few days ago. The BBC seems to be the last bastion for open-mouthed admiration of Maoist inspired killing. Well worth your license fee?
An angry Biased BBC readers draw my attention to this nauseating example of how the BBC thinks.
“Please note the disgusting use of the phrase “renegade Germans” to describe German Jewish and non-Jewish refugees, some of whom were able to flee the evil Nazi fascist laws passed from 1933 onwards, which took away their jobs, possessions, savings, homes, careers and ultimately would have taken away their lives if they had not escaped. Renegade indeed!! Is the BBC bonkers? Is the Dalai Lama a renegade, or Nelson Mandela? It’s quite clearly an unpleasant term. Dictionary definitions include: 1. One who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another; a deserter. 2. An outlaw; a rebel. Of, relating to, or resembling a renegade; traitorous. To become a deserter or an outlaw.
As you know, I am standing in this UK General Election and as part of that process have been involved in several media events/debates, this morning one such took place at the BBC in Northern Ireland. You will all be pleased to know that I was introduced as a blogger who runs a site called “Biased BBC”. Nice to know they know we watch them. Sadly, there was no further discussion of BBC bias but there was plenty of evidence of it.
Islam was brought up to me an issue and I was challenged on a quote from A Tangled Web. Having canvassed thousands of Belfast doors by now, oddly enough this issue has not been brought up by ONE voter, but the BBC seemed disturbed to read that I take a very concerned view over a religion that has inspired some to commit 9/11, 7/7, and so many other horrors. I note that no other panellist had their personal opinions sought and questions asked related to Party policy. A dhimmified BBC might not like it but I felt obliged to point out that many people in the UK have issues over Islam and Jihad – this apparently classifies me as “a bigot”. I was also asked regarding Party Policy on Immigration and because my Party seeks a complete moratorium on Third World immigration until we deal the 1m + illegal immigrants already here, the insinuation of me being a racist was also planted.
So, if you have issues with Islam, or if you have issues with the tsunami of illegal immigration swamping this country, beware good old Auntie! I trust I will be invited back to discuss WHY so many people think the BBC is indeed biased. They might need more than 45 minutes to discuss it.
I am sure that you, like me, will have been touched to read David Cameron assert that he is “pro-BBC”.
But the Tory leader told the Radio Times: “I’m probably the most pro-BBC Conservative leader there’s ever been.
Looks like we will have a job to do SHOULD Cameron get into power….
Better late than never, over to you…
I see the luvvies have come out in defence of the State Broadcaster..
Harry Enfield, Jo Brand, Eddie Izzard (who has publicly supported the Labour Party) and former Dr Who star David Tennant are among almost 50 signatories to a letter in the Observer newspaper accusing the Tories of “attacking the BBC to serve the interests of its commercial rivals”.
Yes, it’s that game we play all the time on B-BBC. Here is an article that has appeared on the BBC today concerning the re-opening of the Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai (Bombay). As a reader emails me, you will note that there is no mention of the fact that the “militants” were Muslims engaged in an act of Islamic Jihad. The BBC journalist who filed this report, Mr Ahmed, would appear to be a Muslim. Just a coincidence?