Have a look at this story currently on the BBC NEWS page;

A brawl between three families of North African descent and local youths erupted on a beach on the French island of Corsica on Saturday, leaving five people injured, officials have said. Witnesses said the brawl between locals and a party of bathers of Northern African origin began after the bathers objected to photos being taken. Some of those involved were armed with hatchets and harpoons, a witness said.

Mmm. “North African origin” “Hatchets”…. might we be getting a somewhat sanitised version of what actually happened? Is it an outside possibility that these were ….Muslim illegal immigrants? The BBC won’t tell you when they have convenient euphemisms to deploy. Half the truth, at best, all the time. And you pay for it.


Every day, the BBC is relentlessly spinning against Donald Trump. It is overt, it IS biased and it needs flagged up. Here’s the latest PR from Camp Clinton faithfully broadcast by the BBC…

Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns, adding to the pressure on her Republican rival for the White House, Donald Trump, to do the same. The Democratic presidential candidate paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% last year.

Now the Clinton’s are steeped in financial scandal but the BBC is determined to present her as the gold standard in financial probity. Maybe the BBC could enquire as to when she will release her HEALTH records?


In WW2, had a young British woman legged it to Germany to give succour to the Nazis, I doubt that even the BBC back then would have dared exude sympathy towards her. Then, had she been killed by Allied air strikes, that would have been the end of it. One less traitor.

Fast forward to 2016….

“A Labour MP has expressed “huge concerns” about the counter-terrorism strategy in UK schools, after reports one of three east London teenagers who fled to Syria has been killed. Kadiza Sultana, who joined so-called Islamic State (IS) last year, is feared to have died in a Russian air strike in Raqqa, her family solicitor has said. She was 16 when she left Bethnal Green with two friends from the same school. Labour’s Rushanara Ali said the Prevent strategy needed a “proper assessment”. Ms Ali, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programmethe government needed to establish “what’s working and what’s not”.

I’ll tell you what not working – Islamic State and the sooner we level it to the ground and all those Islamofascist scum who fight for it and give it succour the better. The BBC has been taking a very sympathetic approach to this traitor all day. Tough. The BBC could ask what drives “British’ girls like Sultana to join terror cults. The answer is one they avoid at ALL costs – Islam.


Two stories, guess which one the BBC chooses to lead with and which one it chooses to totally ignore.

Donald Trump defends the 2nd Amendment (translated by BBC that he wants Hillary Clinton assassinated)


Father of the Orlando nightclub Islamist mass murderer backs Hillary Clinton. 

Every day, the BBC seems intent to whip up a storm of protest against Donald Trump whilst sanitising the grotesque Clinton. Why does it think that it can influence the outcome of the US Presidential election? Just like with Brexit, the BBC discards even the pretence of impartiality and cheers on Hillary Clinton.


This was a cracker item on BBC Radio 4 Today from earlier.

Labour will appeal against a High Court ruling that party officials were wrong to refuse five new members a vote in next month’s leadership contest. Edward Leir is a Labour member who won the High Court case against the party’s National Executive Committee.

So the BBC then interviewed Mr Leir who informed us that although he had been a Conservative activist in previous times he liked the cut of Corbyn’s jib and so had joined Labour earlier this year and was “likely” to vote for Jezza in the forthcoming leadership election

This tweet from George Pascoe-Watson to Jamie Angus, Editor of Today, summed the whole thing up from my point of view;