The BBC really is wretched. In the past few days, Germany has been at the receiving end of two terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims. The BBC’s treatment of these attacks has appalled me.

The Munich shopping centre massacre posed a few problems so initially the BBC postulated that the attacks was most likely carried out by some “far right neo Nazi” type, enraged about the wonderful multiculturalism Merkel has visited upon the country. That balloon popped when it became apparent the killer was a Muslim, or a “German-Iranian” as the BBC prefers. His name was Ali Dawed Sombol or “David Somboly” as the dhimmfied BBC prefer to call him. Nine lives lost. BBC narrative morphed from him being initially a “far right neo Nazi” to instead being a sort of bizarre “Anders Breivik” tribute act. God forbid he is described as JUST another angry murderous Muslim. I spotted this earlier, NOT on the MSM.

“Investigators are now discounting previous statements the shooter had researched the massacre by A. Breivik”

Gosh, I never seen that coming. So, the new media narrative is the poor fellow was bullied and had a keen interest in massacres. I see. He was also a lone wolf. Until….

Munich police arrest 16-year-old friend of the attacker who killed nine people in the city on Friday

Two lone wolves?

Then came the news that a pregnant woman was hacked to death and two others injured in the German town of Reutlingen by a  …Syrian “refugee”. The BBC chose NOT to cover this story in ANY way on its 6.30pam and 10.00pm TV News . This cartoon sums the whole damn thing up well.


The BBC does everything possible to sanitise Islamic Jihad across Europe. In that regard it IS part of the problem we face. Agree?


Well then, if you wondered where I have been since Thursday night, the answer is – RELISHING the sour faces of the BBC and the rest of our supine pro EU media. I sat up all night to watch the results in the Referendum come flowing. Much wine was consumed! What joy. At first the BBC were determined to suggest that Newcastle and Sunderland were “outlier” results, and that the Remain vote would be better elsewhere. And the hours went by and their mood got gloomier! It was delicious to see them get sadder and sadder and even London could not safe the cause. And all the pro Remain shills they rolled in were in glorious denial until the point where it became obvious even to them that they had LOST and the UK had won. Superb.

Since then, the BBC is now leading the charge against “older people” for betraying the “yoof”! They are also hyping up the petulance from Brussels. It has been a fantastic 48 hours to watch these rabid Europhile shills having to face the fact that we are leaving their precious EU.

On a separate note, this will be my last post for three weeks. I am off to California tomorrow and will not be in a position to write for the subsequent three weeks. I am delighted to say that we have a few new moderators to cover things and help Alan in my absence. I wish them and you all the very best and for goodness sake let’s keep holding the BBC to account. They took a big blow on Thursday night and I predict much venom from them in the weeks ahead.

Until we next meet, BYE!


A B-BBC reader writes to me and observes;

“Breakfast at BBC spinning again. Reporting last nights debate on brexit the disgraceful tirades and endless interjections by Remain were reported as “Leave lacked passion” whilst the aggressive ibehavior of Remain was called “passion” Even today Remain is given the last word Boris 7.10 Cameron 7.40″

I agree. In fact what really irritated me was the shameful way Dan Hanaan was asked if he agreed with Nicola Sturgeon that the death of Jo Cox may well influence the Vote tomorrow. He was very diplomatic in his response but he felt it was ‘inappropriate” and so it was. Except the BBC are hell bent to use the tragic death of this MP to advance the REMAIN narrative.

See this as a further wolf whistle.Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 18.44.09


With just a few days to until Polling Day, the BBC is doing its utmost to ensure that any awkward stories that could sway voters to VOTING LEAVE are muted. So it was in Calais last night. I started to get messages from people in that area who could see illegal migrants attacking cars, firing stones and presenting danger to life. And HOW, you might ask, did the BBC choose to cover this in the teeth of the riot last night? Well, it was a “power cut” 

Today it is now clear exactly what was going on – a full-scale riot by the same immigrants that the Remain camp are insisting are so vulnerable and in need of our country for “sanctuary” What a scam.


The plan was simple. Just four days before the EU Referendum, the BBC would provide a special BBC Question Time forum for David Cameron to proclaim that a surging Remain campaign will win. Boy did it go wrong! Did you see it – a car crash! I must be fair and say that for once David Dimbleby was fair – but the audience did not do as they were told and they savaged a hesitant and then evasive Cameron, who ended up comparing himself to Churchill!!! Today, the BBC has buried the Cameron performance, just as it has gone quiet on  Jeremy Corbyn telling us there must be NO LIMIT on immigration on the Marr Show yesterday.


Here we go, a brand new Open Thread to see us all off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. This is where you can detail the bias!

Here’s an invite. I will be off to America for three weeks near the end of this month and that means I just won’t be able to moderate or write here during that time. I am wondering if anyone out there would be prepared to become a guest moderator (and writer if you want) during that time when I am gone? It would really help the site and take pressure off Alan. If you think you could help, drop me an email please!


Well then, the BBC has excelled itself in the past 24 hours since the tragic murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. All decent people will have been shocked by her very public and very brutal killing. The alleged killer is a man with a history of mental illness, Thomas Mair. The exact circumstances seem unclear and we don’t know why he shot and stabbed her.

But the BBC is a different trajectory. It has been hellbent to establish the idea that Mair was a right wing extremist who shouted “Britain First” before he carried out his foul deed. The BBC has persisted with this despite the fact that two of the three eye witnesses who are alleged to have heard this have since made clear they did NOT and the third is a BNP supporter!

The intent is clear. Smear those MILLIONS of British people who are preparing to vote to LEAVE next Thursday. Emotionally blackmail them, embarrass them – make them either stay at home or change their mind.

The BBC has been sickening over this – as has it’s print arm, The Guardian. They are implying that the likes of UKIP are the “hate” that drove Mair to kill. This grotesque calumny is the only show in town today. Shameful.

One week before the EU referendum, with Vote Leave ahead and with clear momentum, and Cameron floundering – all of a sudden this. Campaigning has been suspended, I suspect some would like to see the actual vote suspended. And all the while the BBC is working feverishly to politicise a murder.