Here is a guest post from Nibor…

“As the Battle of Brexit moves into higher and higher gear the selective reporting by the Beeb would be worthy of a Panorama, Cause For Concern , Analysis or even better a Crimewatch programme by itself.

Today there has been several ” luminaries ” on the BBC radio explaining why we should never leave the EU including a conceited woman who runs a large multinational who opines that she knows what they are thinking on the continent because she is important in some business dealings there .
She maybe right . She maybe half right . She maybe be totally wrong .
The trouble is one of perspective .

A She who speaks preponderantly to other luminaries in the multinational business world will gauge her outlook on that . Now I run up and down the country and abroad and and get a different perspective . In good old Blighty , I would declare that eight out of ten opinion owners who expressed a preference want out. Mind you I can be a bit forceful at times , and agreeing with me , signing the paperwork for loads delivered and expediting my egress from the premises means their break times are not missed . A trick that can be used by any marketing company or the BBC .
At least my vox poll is not tainted by direct reward for remaining in or leaving the EU . For sure there are the unquantifiable consequences of Brexit ; more or less taxes , more or less jobs , more or less “influence ” ( for that read civil servants and ministers ) , more or less security . These are debated by the two sides .What though , if you know the outcome has a definite effect on your wallet , like the first in a horse race you have bet on ?

Page 18 of the Sunday Times should be given prominence , which is an issue the BBC would omit . EU tax judgements could cost Britain £50bn . If you read the small article another way to headline it is ; Some companies will get money if Britain remains in the EU . Quite right and proper for the companies and their duties to shareholders , but why don’t we get such facts from the lefty BBC ?’


Busy start to the day for the Comrades in the Today programme on Radio 4. They had TWO items on the Dutch referendum on whether to support EU expansionism into Ukraine. As you know, the result was emphatically NO to further EU expansionism with 61% of those who voted ticking that box. At NO point during either Today discussion was the SCALE or indeed the % mentioned. The BBC line was to playdown the significance, low turnout, nothing to see etc. Pathetic stuff.

They also ran a classic Nanny State item with the unbearable Shirley Cramer, chief executive at the Royal Society of Public Health droning on that  food should be labelled with the exercise required to burn off its calories, to help people change their behaviour. There is never an alternative view put against this inherent Nannyism.

Finally, with all the furore about the Panama papers (wealthy people seeking to retain their wealth, what a shocker) the BBC sends a reporter to …Norway. Here, everyone’s tax details are available for you to view on-line. The BBC line was one of implicit approval. Curiously, if one wants to know how much the BBC pays its “talent’ then there is a total REFUSAL to transparency! Do as I say, etc.

It really is an odious propaganda channel for the Left, cultural marxism at OUR expense.




Funny how the BBC seems to have overlooked the crucial role played by their former darling Ed Miliband in hiking UK energy costs to the point where making Steel here is fundamentally uneconomic. Still, they love making the hapless Conservatives look as bad as possible. Anyway, it’s Friday and time for a new one of these…