Rape Jihad? Labour at war with itself? No. Bowie is dead and the BBC are in mourning. Don’t get me wrong, I was a big fan too but I seriously wonder why this story is so big for the BBC. A cross dressing bisexual image (back in the day) probably gets BBC hearts a fluttering. Anyway, here is a new OPEN Thread. Fill it with bias in the same way as the BBC fills every news programme with unrelenting bias.


I am sure that you, like me, were devastated to learn that the BBC’s websites all crashed earlier today. How dreadful to be spared their poison for a short while! Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a VERY Happy New Year, thank you all for sticking with this site and making such a massive contribution to it. I wanted to extend a special thank you to Alan for ALL his efforts, without him it would be so much quieter!

As we exit 2015, I can’t honestly say I believe the BBC is any less biased but I can say with some certainly that such bias is picked up by all of you out there and eviscerated as it well deserves to be.

My very best to you all and here’s to exposing MORE rancid bias in 2016. My axe is sharpened.


Mrs Nick Clegg aka Miriam González Durántez was the “Guest Editor” on the Today programme this morning and what a steaming pile of biased claptrap she served up. I awoke to a report just after 6.30am to inform me that Hillary Clinton is the ONLY candidate worth considering in the US Presidential election care of some militant feminist. I was then advised that Oliver Letwin is “in trouble” over some comments he made back in….1985. Yes, Today really is topical. Then, we moved on to the importance of Immigration and Mrs Clegg has this as her key theme for Today. We really NEED to appreciate the virtues of immigration was drummed into our thick heads. No mention of the questionable  merits of mass Somali, Eritrean, Sudanese immigrants. It droned on and on, a complete raving Left-fest. During this period of Holiday, the Today programme throws aside any pretence of balance and just indulges its hateful anti-British agenda. It reminds me WHY we need the likes of this site to hold it to account.


BBC and Labour in full cry this morning using the words of Oliver Letwin from 1985 to try and smear the Conservatives, past and present. Chuka Umunna was allowed a gentle canter around the BBC race baiting paddock, casually suggesting it was RACIST of Letwin to question the morality of some of those who, as I recall, beheaded PC Keith Blakelock at Broadwater Farm. This pesky detail, along with the horrendous violence carried out by (black) gangs at that time seems to have been lost amongst the smug satisfaction on display this morning. Playing the race card is perhaps the favourite tactic of the immoral left, in this case to try and excuse the inexcusable violence of that time. Letwin has done as required and apologised but I wish he wouldn’t as it only encourages the BBC to keep pushing this toxic race agenda.


BBC radio 4 today was busy this morning running another propaganda piece of behalf of “refugees”. Around 6.45am there was an item that told us “many” of the “Syrian” refugees were children and it told us the story of one “child” who desperately wanted to get to Finland. He has no idea where Finland was, of course, he just wanted to get there and that was good enough for the BBC.

Makes me wonder WHY the BBC choose to ignore these two relevant facts?

  1. UNHCR data confirms it: 75% of the so-called refugees arriving in Europe are MEN.
  2. Four out of five migrants are NOT from Syria

In partial mitigation, the “child” refugee was from Somalia. Via Syria?