Well, no real surprise. The BBC have adopted their default mode and sought to distance Islam from the acts of Islamic terror that defaced the City of Lights on Friday evening. Instead we get lots of nice images of International landmarks to show how the “international community” is showing solidarity. I’m surprised the BBC have not been able to find a pic of a MOSQUE draped in the French colours. Coughs. The BBC have also been a tad quiet on the fact that France has pretty strict gun control laws, the sort they constantly agitate for in the US. If only someone had told the IS savages, eh? At times like this, BBC and SKY are a disgrace but only ONE of them forces us to pay for the garbage it churns out.



Well then. looks like “Jihadi John” aka Mohammad Emwazi, has been evaporated. Naturally, Jeremy Corbyn has expressed his deep unhappiness at this event, wishing instead that the decapitating thug had been “arrested”. It will be interesting to see how the BBC tackles this but given their opposition to us doing ANYTHING against Islamic State, we can expect them lining up behind Corbyn’s specious tripe.


BBC has delighted in telling us that our more enlightened politicians effectively removed the death penalty from the UK statute book 50 years ago today. I listened to an item on BBC Radio 4 earlier which was ENTIRELY one sided, giving the impression that everyone supported this decision 50 years ago. The BBC remains MUTE on the fact that for subsequent decades, the majority of people in the UK favoured the death penalty, that they were never asked whether they wanted it abolished. By all means let’s discuss the issue but let’s have the debate from ALL sides. I am sure many British people will share my annoyance at the BBC showing such overt bias and taking the liberal anti-death penalty viewpoint as the sole viewpoint. Typical.


I listened to the BBC Today programme this morning run this item.

“The British government believes there is a significant possibility it was a bomb that brought down the Russian plane flying out of Egypt on Saturday and many thousands of British people – perhaps 20,000 – are stranded in Sharm el-Sheikh. Lyse Doucet is our chief international correspondent in Cairo; we also hear from ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, spokesperson for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, and the Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.”

Just a few points. Hammond was given a real grilling over the decision to temporarily suspend flights in and out of Sharm el Sheikh. I found this strange as it is obvious the UK government is rightly putting the lives of BRITISH tourists ahead of Egyptian tourism. This seemed to unsettle the comrades. Why? I have plenty of beefs with the UK government in respect of how it deals with the terrorist threat but I really fail to understand BBC angst over this one.

Secondly, as if the people of this area haven’t suffered enough, Lyse Douchet descends upon the area like the angle of death to heap misery on misery.


A few days ago, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted down  “Gay Marriage” legislation for the FOURTH TIME.  Clearly this does not meet with the approval of the BBC and guess what…

Almost two thirds of people in Northern Ireland would feel comfortable if a family member had a same-sex marriage, a new survey suggests. About 2,000 people in both NI and the Republic of Ireland were interviewed about issues from national identity to abortion and same-sex marriage. The survey was jointly commissioned by BBC Northern Ireland and Irish state broadcaster, RTÉ.

The BBC is steadfast in its continued advocacy of “gay marriage and it works with the usual combination of leftists and the likes of Shamnesty International to impose this on Northern Ireland. It can sod off, if you’ll pardon the expression!