Well, the BBC has done all it can to push the “Britain stronger in (sic) Europe” campaign launched today.

Staying in the EU can be the “patriotic course for Britain”, former M&S boss Lord Rose said as he launched the campaign for the UK to remain a member. Lord Rose, Britain Stronger in Europe chairman, said leaving was “not worth the risk” and said Britain was “surely bigger” than “walking away”.  The EU referendum is due to be held before the end of 2017.

It will be fascinating to watch this one unroll in terms of BBC coverage. I reckon that Rose is a poor choice – and the very NAME for the campaign contains an overt attempt to conflate the EU with Europe. It won’t be the first such effort and I am surprised the BBC’s world class journalists did not call Rose to account for it…..


Just a quick word to say I am back from my holiday and awoke to the Today programme’s relentless bias this morning. However to be fair to the BBC, although the item at 7.10am was ALL SET UP for some left wing self righteous indignation over our failure to embrace gazillions of …coughs …”refugees’ the interviewee – Catriona Jarvis who is a  retired judge of the Upper Tribunal – was unable to answer the simple question HOW MANY of them should we have then!!! Give it a listen if you missed it – her answers were truly pathetic.


A Biased BBC reader draws this nugget to my attention…


I was particularly incensed by the following paragraph:

“You may be familiar with the history of the 1967 Middle East War – a short, sharp conflict in which, Israel captured land from Egypt, Syria and Jordan in a series of lightning operations.”

No mention of why Israel went to war or the threats of annihilation that the state was facing. Also, the implication that the war was Israel’s fault. In particular, it was Jordan that attacked Israel in 1967 after they were warned to not to.


Anyone else bored senseless with the nightly reports filed on the BBC News at Ten by Fergal Keen which are little more than pro-immigrant propaganda? He churns out the same cliches night after night – with the constant narrative that these swarming economic immigrants are lovely people out to make Europe a more vibrant and successful place. Dar Al Islam.