The elephant is in the room but neither Nicky Morgan or the BBC is going to name it!

Homophobic views may be a sign that a pupil is at risk of becoming an extremist, Nicky Morgan has said. The education secretary was speaking as schools in England and Wales were issued with a guide to identifying pupils in danger of radicalisation. She said attacking core British values or being extremely intolerant of homosexuality were examples of behaviour that could raise the alarm.  The NUT said the guidance would cause teachers “nervousness and confusion”.

Since the only being people “radicalised” are Muslims then does she mean Islam is encouraging such views? I think we should be told but the BBC remain mute on the topic, too busy still celebrating the legalisation of “Gay Marriage” in the States,


A reader sent me this a few days ago and I think the point remains pretty valid.

“It’s 7am on Saturday morning, 27/06/2015. People, mostly Brits, were shot yesterday on the beach in Tunisia and the top stories in the carousel on the BBC web site home page are:

BBC Now – Catch up with Friday’s best bits from Glastonbury
Entertainment – Jay Z and Bey overtaken as richest celeb couple
News – USA legalises gay marriage nationwide
Lifestyle – Which sun cream offers best protection?
Knowledge – Sir David tells Obama how to save the planet
Sport – What’s next for the Premier League top six?



I am sure we will have all been horrified by the acts of Jihad that took place on Friday past, with the massacre of the innocents on the beach in Sousse, Tunisia causing so much grief and misery to so many people. Naturally, my sympathies go to all who were murdered by the Islamic savage concerned. HOWEVER, I am wondering why BBC Northern Ireland (yes, part of the BBC UK network lest we forget) choose to lead THEIR coverage of the issue by informing us of the deaths of the three Irish people who sadly lost their lives on that day? I am not suggesting that the loss to the families concerned is any different in any way BUT I am wondering why the BBC in this part of the UK chooses to take an angle which does not affect any British people. I have argued for years that the BBC over here deliberately chooses to cast stories from an all-Island perspective which is all very well but it is License Tax payers in the UK that fund this odd behaviour.


Ok, here’s a curious one in which I defend the BBC against the Prime Minister.

David Cameron has expressed frustration at the BBC over its use of the term Islamic State, saying it gives undue credibility to the “poisonous death cult” that is “seducing” young Britons to go and fight for the terrorist organisation in Syria and Iraq. He urged the broadcaster to refer to the terrorist group as “Isil” – the abbreviation of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

The Prime Minister was speaking after the number of Britons feared dead from the murderous attack by an Islamist gunman on a beach resort in Tunisia on Friday reached 30. “I wish the BBC would stop calling it ‘Islamic State’ because it is not an Islamic state,” he told the Today programme “What it is is an appalling barbarous regime that is a perversion of the religion of Islam and many Muslims listening to this programme will recoil every time they hear the words. “‘So-called’ or Isil is better,” he added.

I think Cameron in unfairly blaming the BBC which tends to refer to “so-called Islamic State” in at least some of its report.  Cameron is barking up the wrong tree here. The BBC has many sins to answer for with regard to Islamic savagery but this sure ain’t one. Thoughts?


Seen this?

“The BBC licence fee is “regressive” and hits the “poorest” hardest, the Culture Secretary has said in his clearest indication since taking office he wants to reform the payment.  John Whittingdale told MPs that by charging all viewers the same annual fee those families on lower incomes are forced to pay more to watch BBC programmes.

It is the first time Mr Whittingdale has revealed his views on the licence fee since moving from the backbenches – where he was a vocal critic – into the Cabinet.  The comments raise the prospect that the Conservative Government will do away with the £145.50 annual fee and replace it with another funding system.”

It’s not a question of whether it hits “the poor’ hardest (even though that may be true) It is surely more simple than that; WHY is the BBC allowed to extort in excess of £3 BILLION  a year from those who possess a TV set? It is an anachronism and it must be made to stand on its own two financial feet in 2015. I’m worried that Whittingdale may end up getting a ‘discounted” BBC license tax amount for “the poor” whilst the BBC makes the balance up by charging us all even more!


I have to admit that even though he nears the end of his SECOND term in the White House, Obama has surprised me by bringing about regime change. In Zurich. I’m talking about FIFA, of course, and I am sure most people are glad to see the corruptocrats finally being exposed and held to account. Most people, of course, does not include the BBC. Here is their primary concern…

Fifa scandal: Is the long arm of US law now overreaching?

Quite. Maybe Sepp could get a job as head of ethics at the BBC, assuming he doesn’t go to prison?


Well, Miliband got to speak in the Commons today. Just over a month ago, the BBC was feverishly pushing the idea that he would now be PM, hooked up to the SNP, and delivering the leftist policies so central to the BBC outlook. Sadly for them, it didn’t work out so all we get is this very sympathetic piece from the Comrades to their fallen Comrade.