Anyone else seen Chuka Umunna interviewed by Andrew Marr this morning? I was amazed at the easy ride he was given by Marr and how he was even able to get away with saying that Labour had NOT mismanaged the economy the last time they were in power! London-based liberal elitists such as Umunna appeal to the BBC – even better that he is black. Whether the trade unions are quite as indulgent we will see. It was touching to see Umunna and Mandelson unite around the vital need for the UK to stay in the EU  – with Andrew Marr’s smiling agreement.


I see the BBC leads its new bulletin the day before the General Election with an anti-UKIP story. It’s been quite remarkable to see how the State Broadcaster has done everything possible to marginalise the Party that won the European poll just last year. Anyway, here’s an Open Thread for you.


So, Labour’s Lucy Powell states live on radio that Labour’s 2015 general election pledges are carved in stone, but nonetheless breakable! Awkward? Fear not…

The good old BBC runs with her “denial” of that which she plainly said! It seems those “world class journalists” are prepared to give her a pass EVEN though she wasn’t misquoted in any way!


As polling day approaches, it strikes me that the BBC has dropped any pretence of balance. It wants Miliband into 10 Downing Street and the propaganda machine is pumping out as much Pro Ed material as possible. It has sought to blame down the #Milistone farce from yesterday – even though The Guardian itself expressed disbelief in the limestone folly – and instead has led the news today with the Clegg attack line that Cameron told him in a private conversation that he did not belief that the Conservatives can win a majority. Meanwhile, Miliband keeps pretending that he CAN win a majority and Andrew Neill apart, the BBC complies with the fantasy. Until Friday.


New month, new Open Thread. So, what was your view of BBC’s Question Time and Ask Nigel Farage programmes last evening? I get the impression this morning that the comrades seem a bit disappointed that Miliband gave the appearance of being less than enthusiastic for a pact with the SNP. Thoughts on this and any other issue of bias welcome here!


I notice that the main BBC news portal has been augmented. There is usually a link at the top to each of the four home nations. But this has now been augmented and we now have an ALBA and a CYMRU.  Now, some may see this is the BBC simply providing Welsh and Scottish language enthusiasts with the opportunity to read the news in their language of choice? But where does it end? Should it also be in Polish, Irish, Bangladeshi? This strikes me as pandering to minority language obsessives. If you want to find out what is happening in England, Scotland Wales and N.Ireland how about you go on a website that tells you this in the language overwhelmingly spoken in this part of the UK?