I was just having a look at the BBC Scotland news portal and noticed that the decision by SNP leader Nichola Sturgeon to stay away from the Afghanistan Memorial service in St Paul’s yesterday does not merit a mention. Thank god for the Daily Mail then. Given the number of brave Scottish soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in Afghanistan fighting the savages in the Taliban, it does seem to me to be newsworthy that the Scottish First Minister chose to snub them, But the BBC seems disinterested. All about priorities I guess, which is why this sort of story DOES merit BBC Scotland coverage…

“Rangers director Chris Graham resigns over Mohammed tweet…”


It’s relentless. 

The first of four missing London schoolgirls who have travelled to Syria has been named as Sharmeena Begum.  The 15-year-old, from Bethnal Green, is thought to have left the UK in December to join Islamic State (IS) militants. A picture of Sharmeena was given to the Daily Mail by her father, Mohammad Uddin. Three of her friends from Bethnal Green Academy, Amira Abase, 15, Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, are now believed to have joined her. All four teenagers are thought to be in Raqqa – the headquarters of IS.

I would ask you to contrast the sustained BBC coverage concerning these three Islamic State collaborators with their studied indifference to the 1400 teenage girls abused by predatory Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham. Why IS it that the BBC instinctively like to play the “Muslims are always the victim” card when they simultaneously ignore the victims of Muslims? Dhimmified from within.


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The BBC has done everything possible to portray the three London teenage girls who have legged it to Syria to be with the decapitators in Islamic State as “victims” – rather than enemies of the State. In a similar way, their families have been afforded every opportunity to play the victim card and play everyone but themselves for their offspring seeking to be Jihadi Brides,

This is when the BBC becomes a menace because what we then see are  other public sector organisations – such as The Met – instinctively pick up on this BBC fuelled “mood music”  and declare that these girl could come home tomorrow – without any charges. I’m sorry but this is so wrong and sends such a dreadful message. It IS ok to be an enemy of this State and yet we will welcome you back.  The BBC subverts concepts like loyalty to the British State at every turn.


Outrage at the BBC this morning. Guess what? Yes, SOME senior police officers do NOT know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims! OMG. So says a former senior Muslim police officer

Dal Babu said some officers involved in the programme lacked basic knowledge of race and faith issues. Most Muslims did not trust the programme and many saw it as a form of spying, he said.  He said because police counter-terrorism units were mainly white, with few Muslim officers, they did not fully understand issues of race, Islam and gender. Mr Babu said one senior police officer he had spoken to did not know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Now, let’s leave Babu’s allegations to one side for a moment. The salient point here is how the BBC chooses to report these views and than provide balance. An uncredited Home office spokesman gets two sentences worth of response. Mr Babu gets ten times this. Fair?

I’m not sure if our senior Policing ranks need to also have a deep understanding of the Koran to be able to deal with Islamic terrorism. As for the theological distinction between Sunni and Shia that so concerns Babu one could suggest that this is measured in corpses wherever they come into conflict. One could also suggest to Mr Babu that it for Sunni and Shia muslims to adhere to the laws of the UK first and foremost and trying to divert attention from this and place it on imagined failings in the Police is rather shameful. However, since the BBC won’t allow this alternative view to be posited we shall never know, I guess.