I see the BBC are delighted at Obama’s roll-over to Cuba. I caught an interview this morning on the Today programme with a Labour MP who enjoyed a travelling to Cuba to have a chinwag with ol’ Fidel and who was able to inform us that the REAL cause of Cuba’s woes was….yes, America. The BBC never changes — sighs. A new thread for you!


BBC limbering up for a new bout of blackening the reputation of the British military today, ahead of the publication of the Al Sweady Inquiry report. I heard a BBC journalist intone this morning that on some occasions Iraqi combatants were…..gasp…SHOUTED at. Oh the horror. When you combine this with the BBC’s embrace of the partisan Democrat Senate report on the CIA, we see the remarkable sight of the State broadcaster damning OUR armed forces whilst the enemy slaughter at will around the world. It’s my view that had the BBC been as pervasive in WW2 as it is now, we could not have won the war because we had to actually FIGHT back. In this refined times that is not possible and the BBC ensures this is the case by pushing the £30m absurdity of this report, in my view.


On time and ready for completion. No sooner had the BBC been propagating the “lone wolf and disturbed individual” meme over the Sydney Jihadist than a group of Pakistani jihadists slaughter over 130 schoolchildren. Hard to put that one down to the preferred “lone wolf” theory, eh? Fill the space.


Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see the BBC are virtually orgasmic about the latest UKIP “revelation” and I heard them discussing on the Today programme whether there was a core UKIP support that is indeed homophobic and racist. Plus ca change. Meanwhile, BBC doing all they can to suggest that a devout Muslim has been taken hostage by coffee extremists in Sydney! The floor is yours…


Here you go, a new Open Thread for you to complete. The BBC has been quite hysterical in recent days, wallowing in the Senate Democrat attack on the CIA, trying to suggest that Miliband’s woeful speech on the economy could represent a leap forward for the glorious leader in waiting…..and the rest. The floor is yours.


In the past few days, I caught a couple of BBC stories which did little for my blood pressure.

On BBC NI, they ran an item explaining the the “traveller” community was the most discriminated against in Northern Ireland. This was based in feedback from..the travelling community! Honestly, you couldn’t make it up although I suspect the Travellers do.

I then heard another story elsewhere on the BBC network explaining that the Arts Council was DEMANDING that those who it sponsors (with taxpayers money) MUST ensure more racial “diversity” or else funding will be cut. This was portrayed as a “good thing” with no contrary opinion expressed. It appears quality comes second to diversity and the pursuance of inverted racism.

Watching the BBC is not good for your spirit or your health!


Here we go, an overdue Open Thread! BBC went into food bank frenzy yesterday. I was invited into the BBC NI studio to take part in a discussion on such. My view is that Food Banks are street theatre agitprop sponsored by the left. To my amusement, the BBC in Belfast put on a caller from Cheltenham (!) who gave a tale of woe and explained how Food Banks saved his life. The particularity becomes the generality in the eyes of the BBC, as they do everything possible to help Labour. With an improving economy and falling unemployment the Left need SOMETHING to keep the gospel of despair going so welcome to the great Food Bank meme.