It’s all about black and white. And Brown. At least through the prism of the BBC.

EastEnders has too many white cast members to be authentic, the head of the BBC’s watchdog has warned.

The popular BBC soap opera, which is set in the fictional east London neighbourhood of Walford, also has too many young actors to be properly representative, said Diane Coyle, acting chairman of the BBC Trust.

In a speech at the London School of Economics, Coyle reportedly reflected on findings from Audience Council England which found that there were “nearly twice as many white people living in fictional E20 as in real life E17.” E17 is the postcode for Walthamstow, one of the multicultural east London neighbourhoods on which the soap is based.

Can’t wait to see these changes. Hopefully we can see more Somalis, more Roma and Bulgarians, more FGM operatives and hopefully a few wannabe ISIS recruits. Good old BBC – always focused on that all important multicultural gaiety.


I see that John Kerry is in Baghdad and is pushing the Obama line that the staggering success of ISIS is the creation of lack of “inclusivity” by the Maliki Government. The BBC appears to accept this opinion  and no challenge is offered back on the topic. Whilst I can understand Kerry pushing this line there is the OTHER possibility that the growth and success of ISIS is down to the Obama doctrine of leaving field of battle and then declaring this a success when in fact it is obvious that the situation was highly volatile and that ISIS have filled the void that Obama created.


I heard lots of outrage on the BBC today concerning the judgement of the Egyptian court that has sent three Al Jazeera journalists to prison for being Muslim Brotherhood enablers. One of the three, Peter Greste, is a former BBC journalist and so the comrades are enraged at this “tyrannical judgement”. However the BBC were ardent cheer leaders for  the “Arab Spring”  and all the chaos it has wrought so why are they now bitching when it doesn’t follow the trajectory that they had hoped for? And as for the “Cairo Three” the fact of the matter is that the Muslim Brotherhood ARE a wicked terrorist organisation and Egypt has a right to deal with any who enable on their behalf. Would that our Government took a similar approach to those within the BBC that have shilled for the IRA for years, never mind the dhimmis that excuse Islamofascism in the UK. Thoughts?


I’m sorry but I have no real sympathy for IDS when he moans…

“Iain Duncan Smith has launched the strongest government attack on the BBC since the last election, accusing the corporation of being a ‘bigger opponent’ of welfare reform than even the Labour Party. The Work and Pensions Secretary reacted with fury yesterday after the BBC led its bulletins with more criticism of the Government’s changes to the bloated benefits system.

The corporation seized on leaked documents showing that the costs of employment and support allowance, the main sickness benefit, were rising, meaning the Government was ‘vulnerable’ to a breach of its new welfare cap.  Ministers said the suggestion they would exceed their own limit on benefit spending was ‘outrageous’ – saying the whole point of the reform was to ensure that if the cost of one type of benefit increases, others must be cut to compensate.”

Look, we all KNOW the BBC are the broadcasting arm of the Labour Party. The only way of dealing with this is to unhook the BBC beast from the public purse via the license tax. The Conservatives have shied away from this, scared of the BBC. They then pay the consequences.


Some things never change. The senior management of the BBC still loath the fact this country remains 82% WHITE and this causes them great stress as they seek to change that on our screens; 

The BBC has pledged to increase the number of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people on air by more than 40% over the next three years and almost double the number of senior managers from those groups who work at the corporation by 2020.

The BBC director general, Tony Hall, has unveiled a number of measures, including spending £2.1m ringfenced development fund to help fast-track BAME talent and programme ideas on to the screen, in a bid to increase what actor and comedian Lenny Henry recently called the “appalling” percentage of black and Asian people in the creative industries.

Speaking at a press launch for the diversity measures on the set of BBC1 soap EastEnders on Friday, Hall said: “The BBC gets much right on diversity, but the simple fact is that we need to do more.

The BBC already has an OVER-representation of ethnic faces, if one chooses to believe Andrew Marr, so why do they seek to go even further in their discrimination against white faces?


When Michelle Obama jumped on the #bringbackourgirls campaign, the BBC were all over it. Yet they seem largely disinterested in the #bringbackourboys campaign when it comes to the three teenage Israeli boys kidnapped by Palestinian savages.  Equally, they choose not to let us know about the CELEBRATIONS that have characterised the Palestinian response to these kidnappings. It’s almost as if the BBC are determined to sanitise the barbarity of the Palestianian terrorists….


A Biased BBC read brought this to my attention;

BBC Breakfast are coming in for a lot of flack due to their feature on Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis which included a consultant putting the blame on junk food and anti-biotics but then ignoring and talking over representatives of the Crohn’s and Colitis UK charity.

Unless you know Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis is caused by the bodies own defence system attacking itself, this was not made clear and people have been angered by the ignorance of the BBC presenters who seem to have ignored this fact. Unfortunately I can’t find a recording on the BBC iPlayer site but hope you may have one. The facebook response of some people can be read here.


I was entertained by the BBC running “leaks” that the Government’s changes to Welfare were not working as planned on the same day as it provided a clarion to Miliband’s planned changes to Welfare. BBC – Labour’s little helper. I like the way the BBC managed to skip over the fact that Comrade Ed seeks to remove all benefit for young people from “wealthy” homes. Casual class war and effortlessly sanitised by the BBC