With Thanks to Lawrence Binyon
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
With Thanks to Lawrence Binyon
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Over to you …..
It seems the BBC has gap in its finances of £1.7 billion to pay the pensions of its own staff .
How will the Far Left Islam Supporting anti Judeo Christian BBC report on the pro – Hamas terrorist supporters ‘demonstrating ‘ this and next weekend ? Indeed – how will the disfunctional failing police ‘service ‘ deal with this threat ? I think we can guess …..
Time to Remember .
Over to You
Figures released this week show that across BBC ‘platforms ‘ the decline continues . Both Radio 2 and Radio 4 suffers big losses – the woke kidult stuff doesn’t work . But never mind – the BBC gets state funding whatever it does or says. But someday that must change .
Over to You … seen enough horror yet ?
This week is likely to witness even more death and suffering in the Middle East . Views may get even stronger . So as moderator – I’m asking for a bit of moderation in advance . .. thoughts and prayers really are with those affected …
The Israeli President has suggested that the BBC May no longer be welcome in the country . Certainly it has shown itself too ready to rebroadcast Hamas propaganda – such as the hospital explosion -without verification – on top of its refusal to call terrorists -terrorists although the UK Law , the king , the PM declare Islamic Hamas to be just that . Usually here – we can moan about the woke message – or what is approved in BBC world and what is not – but now – ‘some might say ‘ the world is on the brink . So what the BBC says will have real impact on lives . It seems to set in its’ ways to see that – it has blood on its’ hands .