Weekend Thread 11 January 2020

The Far Left BBC is in a tricky position with regard to the non ‘cooperation ‘ of government ministers going forward to be harangued by BBC employee ‘journalists . Their bias has destroyed their ability to present fair views to the public which pays for them . The BBC is not accountable to the diminishing number of people who still pay for it . That’s got to change .

New Decade Thread 1 January 2020

Happy New Year / Decade to all readers and contributors . With a fair wind this decade will see the end of the Far Left Biased BBC . Let’s make it a New Year / Decade Resolution .

If there is one thing which was revealed in 2019 – it was that all the anti Brexit Far Left propaganda heaped on the British Public every day by the BBC counted for very little. That has damaged it beyond repair .

Christmas Thread 23 December 2019

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone who reads or writes on this site a very happy Christmas from our very small admin crew.
Thank you for your contributions throughout the year as the Biased BBC has spread its’poisonous propaganda across the airways – for which people have to pay . Perhaps that is going to change .