Everything that the EU does is mired in corruption, illogic and waste. Billions are being spent on recycling and CO2 measures, even thought they have zero beneficial effect and are the bureaucratic symbols of a jackboot centralised dictatorship of poilitical elites. The worst part of it all, of course, is the Common Agricultural Policy, a sharp-practice, mafia-like scam dreamed up by de Gaulle to protect French farmers in the 1950s, and virtually unchanged since (despite cosemtic changes). As a result of it, British farming has been put in a strait jacket of anti-competitive regulation and our agrarian lifeblood has been slowly been squeezed dry. Where once we led the world in innovation and ingenuity, we have been relegated into rape-growing, begging-bowl laggards.
The BBC, of course, does not give a damn. CAP is a major corruption scandal, a major thorn in the side of most British farrmers and a central reason why food prices are kept artifically high by market-rigging. And yet all the BBC does about this scandal is to file a desultory report or two approximately once a year or so when the EU overlords deign to hold “talks” about reform. What the BBC should be doing is ripping into the cant, exposing the lies, and explaining why the whole criminal scam is one of the biggest cons against British consumers every perpetrated. Instead, it meekly recycles a Brussels press release to tell us that “big changes” are on the way.
Don’t hold your breath. And do hang on to your wallets; our Brussels masters probably want a new CO2 tax on farm production – and let’s rein in all those dangerous, farting cows.