Everything that the EU does is mired in corruption, illogic and waste. Billions are being spent on recycling and CO2 measures, even thought they have zero beneficial effect and are the bureaucratic symbols of a jackboot centralised dictatorship of poilitical elites. The worst part of it all, of course, is the Common Agricultural Policy, a sharp-practice, mafia-like scam dreamed up by de Gaulle to protect French farmers in the 1950s, and virtually unchanged since (despite cosemtic changes). As a result of it, British farming has been put in a strait jacket of anti-competitive regulation and our agrarian lifeblood has been slowly been squeezed dry. Where once we led the world in innovation and ingenuity, we have been relegated into rape-growing, begging-bowl laggards.

The BBC, of course, does not give a damn. CAP is a major corruption scandal, a major thorn in the side of most British farrmers and a central reason why food prices are kept artifically high by market-rigging. And yet all the BBC does about this scandal is to file a desultory report or two approximately once a year or so when the EU overlords deign to hold “talks” about reform. What the BBC should be doing is ripping into the cant, exposing the lies, and explaining why the whole criminal scam is one of the biggest cons against British consumers every perpetrated. Instead, it meekly recycles a Brussels press release to tell us that “big changes” are on the way.

Don’t hold your breath. And do hang on to your wallets; our Brussels masters probably want a new CO2 tax on farm production – and let’s rein in all those dangerous, farting cows.


The prescience of BBC reporters knows no bounds. Here Michael Fitzpatrick, the latest “science and technology” guru on the web team, tells us in no uncertain terms that the world’s aviation industry as we know it is doomed. He intones/drones:

Facing a fate shared by other fossil fuel guzzlers, the jet will have to find alternatives to burning kerosene if it is to survive beyond the middle of the next century. Which is when, according to the most optimistic figures, the Earth gives up its final barrel of oil.

So there we have it. The BBC will have its heart’s desire – the likely end of all jets by 2150 unless “alternatives can be found to kerosene”. We are on offical warning, and of course, this will be a cause for massive celebration for the eco crusaders at White City because they can now sense we will be forced back to Shanks’s pony, and to live through subsistence farming in nice eco mud huts with windmills on top.

There’s just one problem that would have taken Mr Fitzpatrick – had he been so inclined – just a few minutes to research. As Matt Ridley eloquently points out in his book The Rational Optimist, Jeremiahs like Mr Fitzpatrick have been predicting such fuel shortages for time immemorial. In 1939, the US Bureau of Mines told the world that oil would run out in ten years. Jimmy Carter said the same thing in 1979. He did so so when known reserves were 550 billion barrels. By 1990, 600bn barrels had been used, and reserves totalling at least a further 900bn barrels had been found; on top of that, 6trillion barrels of reserves are known in the mountains of Venezuela. Of course, they will be costly to extract; but complexity and cost of extraction have not been the real barrier in most of the history of oil drilling. As Mr Ridley so eloquently points out, human ingenuity has consistently led to solutions that would once have been unthinkable.

The real agenda here, I suspect, is that the BBC hates aeroplanes because they allow nasty inferior social classes to go abroad; they fervently want this to stop.


One of the BBC’s main climate change propagandists, James Painter (whose work I reported here,) has prepared a so-called survey (funded by Reuters) on the media’s coverage of the Copenhagen climate change shindig last year, which – it seems – was astonishingly attended by more than 4,000 journalists. His main purpose – as befits a seasoned corporation econut crusader – is to bewail the fact that in 400 articles surveyed, “the science” was not properly reported, that some journalists dared to question the certainty that there is a climate crisis, that that too much credence was given to Climategate (which, incidentally, broke almost exactly a year ago), and that the real message of the event – that the world must be ruled by the UN, endure more taxes, stop burning oils, and slide into serious economic poverty – was lost.

I could go on, but those are the main facts of this useless but chilling document. What it underlines yet again is that BBC staff are up their gills in the political process of disseminating alarmism; the fact that Mr Painter (aided and abetted by the unbiquitous Richard Black) has written this report is proof positive that his main concern, as the Cancun phase of the climate alarmism approaches, is to affect greenie change by propaganda. It will be very interesting to see whether the BBC Trust – who are currently assessing the corporation’s science coverage, and have received this excellent submission from the Bishop Hill and Harmless Sky websites – can spot the constant dissembling, spinning and contortionism being perpetrated so blatantly by BBC staff.


I have just spent two days at a conference about “ethical” investment. The reason is that I am trying to raise money for a charity that is aiming to improve services for deprived children. Thus the aim of the Good Deals event seemed laudable enough – to bring those with funds (banks, trusts, etc)in contact with humble supplicants like myself. There were many senior figures there such as the head of Deutsche Bank in the UK, the government’s minister for social responsibility, and his equivalent at Marks and Spencer. But what I didn’t bargain for was the extent that the agenda of the conference would be totally hijacked and infected by greenies. Every participant semed to be a rabid supporter of AGW. It felt as though I had woken up in the middle of a strange horror movie and I think if I had mentioned any opposition to their crusade, I would have been lynched. One guy, for example, wanted to raise about £1m for a “community energy” (ie useless windfarms)in Cornwall. The contempt with which he dismissed his “opponents” – those hapless individuals who did not want the beautiful Cornish landscape to be despoiled – was blood-curdling.

And so it is in the BBC’s reporting. Here is our friend Richard Black in full flow about the importance of an Anglo-Indian agreement – announced a couple of days back when I was being indoctrinated – to work together to on the path of a “low-carbon co-operation”. What’s chilling is that it seems that everyone – Marks and Spencer, government lackeys, the CBI, and no doubt a whole army of financial advisers – now agree with Mr Black that such econut zealotry is essential for progress. Not only that, they also seem to believe in cult-like fashion that farting cows are the answer to India’s energy problems. Strange however,isn’t it, that India is building coal fired power stations at a rate of knots while Chris Huhne and call me Dave are busy dismantling our capacity to generate cheap electricity? And note how Mr Black’s true sentiments about the crusade he’s engaged in are expressed. The Copenhagen negotiations last year were “brutally ended”. What can he mean? And how does that square with balanced journalism?


For a truly chilling account of the dissembling, back somersaulting, contortionism and duplicity the broadcasting establishment is prepared to engage in to defend its alarmist approach to climate change, I recommend you have a good look at this masterly piece of forensic journalism by Tony Newton at Harmless Sky. Ofcom, Channel 4 and a spaghetti soup of useless, scheming, economical-with-the-truth “regulators” have decided that Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth is not a factual documentary, and is not a piece of outrageous, lying political propaganda, despite a high court judgment that it had to be treated with extreme caution. They make Pontius Pilate and his hand-washing look innocent. OK, Tony’s post is not about the BBC, but of course those who control Channel 4 (almost all its chief executives have been ex-BBC) and Ofcom are drawn from the same smug, elite lefty-liberal cadre. What Tony has discovered is simply jaw-dropping. How do these people live with themselves?


What can I say? Mr Harrabin is definitely back with a vengeance. His scare today – after the energy alarmism earlier in the week – is water shortages. Climate change, he faithfully recycles from a resident econut, will crucify us, either through drought or floods, or both; the solution, as always is more laws, more government, more regulation – oh, and on this one, make sure that the BBC’s beloved EU is also involved to save the day.

Shame that our Roger doesn’t read more widely and convey to his readers some actual sense about the AGW lies. There’s been a lot of it about this week, but of course, it hasn’t been reported by the BBC. This for example, a group of glacier experts rubbishing the IPCC claims that populations are going to suffer water shortages. Or this, showing that billions are being wasted on solar power. Or try this, putting into perspective the facts about ocean alkaline levels (I refuse to use the greenie word for this non-problem). Or what about this, from the Guardian, no less, that the rainforests can adapt to climate change? And this, suggesting that there is no cause for concern for about sea level rises at the current rates? He might have reported, too, on this, that so-called green jobs are being ruthlessly axed in California, despite half a billion dollars spent on subsidies. But no, our Roger is as determined as ever to find his alarmist hogwash, and then to present it as if it is the only game in town. Fingers in ears time indeed.


Roger Harrabin has been conspicuous by his absence lately, but he’s back with a bang this morning, reporting a call by international ecofascists (and the BBC best chums Friends of the Earth) to condemn millions of people into fuel poverty by ending subsidies on fossil fuel production. Funny how he was absent – and didn’t report – recent stories about how windfarms not only gobble subsidies but also are hugely inefficient. Or about how people hate windfarms. He also strangely missed this item, expertly reported by James Delingpole, about how solar panels – thanks to massive government subsidies – are disfiguring the English countryside but are virtually useless. And he also chose not to report this item by David Whitehouse (a former BBC correspondent), who eloquently points out that despite the ecofascist calls for “carbon” emission reductions, there is not a shred of evidence that the gas has had a significant effect on global temperatures. He also did not report this important broadside on the CO2/temperature alarmist scam. When will econut Harrabin ever wake up?


Back then, in 2007, under the wonderful nuLab , local councils switching off street lights in Devon and elsewhere was hailed by the BBC as a social experiment to be lauded, an essential part of the green crusade. It saved tons of that vile substance called carbon, don’t you know? Now, according to Newsnight, tonight, it’s part of the nasty cuts agenda. Snuffing those carbon-intensive sources of illumination was transformed into an issue of “fear” sometime after the general election. Funny, that. Not sure yet how Matt Prodger is going to handle the subject on Newsnight, but I can guess.


I have concluded that the BBC is frantically busy compiling the equivalent of the Malleus Maleficarum, the documentation of “proof” by the medieval Church that witches existed. Here, we have alien species – in this case, floating pennywort, a nasty invader from the nasty US – callously and viciously invading the pristine waterways of Northern Ireland. Here, strange men called Megonigels are devising new and ever more cunning ways of detecting the noxious and treacherous substance called carbon (even though it makes plants grow faster), and building fantastical new contraptions in pursuit of their prey. Here, the Black priest of the new religion is intoning the need for us to part with our cash to go on a new crusade in order to slay the dragons that are causing grievous loss of species. And here, nasty products that come from our sinful, dirty way of life are polluting and defiling the innocent creatures that should be protected at all cost.

Once upon a time, these non events would never have made the BBC, or any other, news. But because the BBC is engaged in a religious crusade based on cod science, anything goes. Strange signs and strange portents, indeed.


As dodgy Dave sells out more of our sovereignty to the French, Indian scientists are off on a jolly jaunt to the south pole, no doubt with their expenses paid by our uncut international aid budget. To the BBC, there is only one purpose; to measure the unavoidable impact of climate change. Actually, the exact purpose of the mission is not clear, other than to establish an Indian research station in Antarctica. But the BBC signpost to the story says this:

India is to make its first expedition to the South Pole, in a mission focusing on the impact of climate change.

If that does not make it clear that ice is melting faster than a lollypop in a heatwave, when you arrive on the story page, right at the top is a picture of a fast-melting chunk of ice. To ram the message home further, there is then a quote from an expedition member that “everything is now linked to global warming”, a statement that sums up precisely the BBC religion. And if that does not get you to the correct propaganda point, there’s another subtle hint: it’s all about changes in the last 1,000 years, ie, when men began their evil industrial activities that are leading irreversibly towards destruction. Exactly in tune with this chilling kill-us-all-final-solution board game, which could have been devised by the BBC writer.

To round off this exercise in unbiased, fair, and factual reporting, the writer provides helpful links to five more Antarctic end-of-the-world fairytales, including that ice is breaking off from west Antarctica, and, from Richard Black, of course, when all the ice there does melt, we will all drown anyway.

There’s just one inconvenient truth that this alarmist claptrap does not take into account. Warmists have been trying to prove for 20 years that Antarctica is melting. But it isn’t – it’s stubbornly, unremittingly, colder than ever. Even when warmists go looking for confirmation of their bias.