Many moons ago, I used to be a BBC FoC. That is, I was father of the chapel (shop steward) of the National Union of Journalists BBC information division branch. There were even in those distant days at least 70 people working in BBC spin (the total last time I counted was almost treble that), but I thus know from personal experience that we were a militant, left-wing, revolting lot. Nothing, I can safely surmise, has probably changed; and now the whole of the BBC NUJ has voted to go on strike over their pensions. Hurrah! That means that we will have four days totally free of BBC bias. But more seriously, there’s a big issue at stake here.

I reported some time ago that the BBC £8.2bn pension fund was run on an “ethical” (code for climate change/greenie fanatic)basis by Peter Dunscombe, who was also then chairman of the Institutional Investment Group on Climate Change(IIGCC). This has the following goals:

The IIGCC Investor Statement on Climate change was launched in October 2006. Asset owners and asset managers who signed the Statement committed to increasing their focus on climate change in their own processes and in their engagement with companies and governments.

Analysis of the BBC fund investment portfolio suggested a heavy emphasis on such “ethical” investments. Of course, BBC journalists no doubt supported this strategy; after all they are, collectively and individually, world leaders in disseminating greenie propaganda. So there’s a delicious irony in this strike. The BBC journalists all no doubt wanted a green investment strategy, and now they have got it. I can’t say with certainty that that’s the reason for the cutbacks that are now underway – I’m not a pensions actuary – but recent reports suggest that such investments don’t yield all that’s expected of them (to put it mildly). As the consequences and the truth hit home, and cut backs have to be made, the BBC propagandists, sorry, I mean journalists, are yelping with pain. My heart bleeds.

Update: The BBC boys and the girls in the NUJ who are worried about their pensions might benefit from a perusal of the latest Pension Fund accounts from 2008. They reveal that on top of the Peter Dunscombe connection to eckowackery, the trustees have put their faith in future investment strategy on an international investment outfit called Hermes EOS. Surprise, surprise, their reasoning is that this will effect:

environmentally responsible investing and to encourage these practices in the course of engagements

And guess what underpins their efforts? Why, it’s the UN’s “Principles for Responsible Investment”. What does this mean? Have a look here. The principles are outlined in publications such as “Launch of CEO Briefing: ‘Demystifying Materiality: Hardwiring biodiversity and ecosystem services into finance'”. In other words, its green fanaticism cloaked in UN verbiage, but meaning that they are all part of the same warmist/biodiversity religious fervour.

As you sow, so shall you reap.


Very few people, apart from Richard North, admirably summing up the position here, understand the extent to which we are actually now ruled by Brussels, and how powerless we are to stop anything emanating from it. The reality is that David Cameron and the rest of his useless party, by saying that they want to be “in Europe but not run by it”, are guilty of disseminating a great big porky pie: truth is you are either in or out. And if you are in, then you do as you are told. No if or buts. Resistance is fruitless, you cannot opt out of budget increases, much as you might huff and puff and gesitculate, or make useless phone calls.

I have been a minor part of a campaign for years for the BBC to report this whole sorry saga properly, but everything that Global Britain has pointed out in reports like these has fallen on deaf ears. The sorry truth is that the BBC is an integral part of the EU project and it has repeatedly failed in its intrinsic duty to tell the British people about the awful, octopus, fascist nature of what is going on. And so the tradition continues today. In the report, they convey the semblance of brinkmanship and robustness on the part of the Cleggerons when in reality the government is powerless to resist. They spinelessly pass on vapid hot air from Labour suggesting that something can be done to avoid the £900m increase when it was Tony Blair’s budget cave-in in 2006 that made what is happening today inevitable. How short are the BBC’s memories and how limited is its ambition to carry out proper journalistic research and checks? And finally, Nick Robinson, the supposed political expert at the BBC, says that the meeting involved is a “summit”. He should damn-well know it’s not and to say it is both inaccurate and deliberately disingenuous. His innaccuracy sums up the poorness of the BBC’s journalism. The charade our leader is involved in is a rubber-stamp exercise and Mr Robinson should be saying so. He – and his colleagues – should also be talking to the Richard Norths of this world so that they can convey accurately what is actually going on. But they never do…


North Sea oil and gas transformed the economic fortunes of the UK from the grim days of the 1970s and underpinned our re-emergence as a world power. The boom ensured that we had abundant energy and could keep warm cheaply. This is a fundamental reason why our living standards are so relatively high today. Now the Cleggeron government is severely limiting further exploration (and has needlessly restricted the number of exploration licences)because – no doubt partly as a result largely of a deluge of greenie PR by the BBC – Greenpeace and others now dictate energy policy. This means that more emphasis is now placed on marine wildlife than human welfare, and that the days of cheap energy are well and truly over. The BBC, of course, report the whole disgraceful charade with the emphasis on the Greenpeace perspective; the picture of their pathetic publicity stunt has been carefully chosen so that the greenie concerns are foremost. And note how they give credence to the idea that the economy can be “de-carbonised”. Which planet do they live on?


Richard Black is cranking up the pressure on biodiversity, today repeating from Japan the killer line that a fifth of the world’s species are under the threat. And on Today, James Naughtie simperingly accepted the Cleggeron line from Caroline Spelman that another £100m needs tipping down the aid chute to assist with the biodiversity nonsense. His only concern was whether it was enough.

Meanwhile his business BBC colleague Richard Anderson has filed a trio of reports here, here and here which are plainly part of the same concerted indoctrination effort. They are key statement of the BBC’s creed on this topic, So I have been looking into them.

The first point to note is that they are a parrot-like regurgitation of a report compiled by the accountants Price Waterhouse Cooper for the World Economic Forum. This purports to be “independent”, but is anything but; a moment’s reading shows that it is a one-sided homily in favour of the UN’s alarmist stance on both biodiversity and climate change that includes claims that (for example)because of climate change, no coral will be left in the world by 2050. When accountants take up a topic so seriously, hang on to your wallets! And as PWC say themselves in this report, they see this whole areas an an “opportunity”, that is, a new chance to extract as much money as possible. The fact that Mr Anderson accepts this report’s findings so sweepingly is an indication of the bankuptcy of so much of the BBC’s journalism.

For the sake of brevity, I have focused in the next section on the detailed claims by Mr Anderson in the second report of his trilogy. First, he suggests that Scottish fisheries have declined and fishermen are being forced to retire because of biodiversity loss. Oh yes? Actually, the crisis in North Sea fishing to which he refers has another, simpler cause. It’s called the Common Fisheries Policy, enforced with jackboot ruthlessness by our masters in Brussels. Richard North chronicles its horrendous effects here. Mr Anderson moves on with his scattergun to say that the Malaysian island of Sabah is also similarly being mindlessly despoiled. Well actually, Sabah is one of the poorer areas of Asia, and its inhabitants need better ways of making money. Strong conservationist policies are in place, but the idea that it can remain as an unspoiled, pristine back-to-nature idyll would I suspect be somewhat challenged by its natives.

Moving on, Mr Anderson then asserts:

Another sector that has been hit by damage to the natural world – often referred to as biodiversity loss – is tourism. For example, lions across Africa have disappeared from 80% of their former habitat, hitting game reserves and associated businesses.
Rising temperatures caused in part by greenhouse gases have also seen glaciers and snow coverage shrinking, hitting winter sports resorts that are seeing ski seasons cut short.Rising sea temperatures and water levels are also affecting coastal regions and small islands such as the Maldives, and particularly those businesses dependent on coral reefs, 20% of which have disappeared in the past few decades alone.

There is so much wrong with this that it is difficult to know where to start. Climate alarmist models have been predicting the end of ski-ing for 20 years. FACT is that 2009-10 was one of the best ski-ing seasons ever with so much snow that resorts could not cope. FACT two is that, much as greenies might want wild lions wondering around everywhere, lions and people do not go together in lots of areas of Africa. Wiki suggests that there are between 20,000 and 47,000 pairs, and in the Masai Mara and elsewhere, excellent conservationist policies are in place. I accept that more needs doing in this respect, but that is not a reasion to end industrial production as we know it. FACT three is that rising sea temperatures and water levels are not affecting the Maldives despite claims to the contrary. And FACT four, corals reefs – another perennial greenie yelp point – are sensitive organisms. They suffer bleaching for a variety of reasons, but then usually recover. But every bleaching incident is recorded by greenies as a calamity, and each (just like Arctic melting) provides constant cod “evidence” for them to parrot their claims.

On such ludicrous, slender foundations, Mr Anderson moves on to his main claim, that big nasty multi-nationals are causing trillions of pounds of damage to the environment and therefore endless new regulation is required to quantify, measure and hamper what they do. His “assessment” of alleged damage is, of course, conducted on a kangaroo court basis. The reality is, as he grudgingly points out, that many companies do have conservationist policies and are pursuing them with sensible vigour. As Matt Ridley so brilliantly pointed out in The Rational Optimist, those multi-nationals that Mr Anderson so reviles have worked pretty effectively over the years to provide the needs of most of the world’s burgeoning population, and in doing so they have affected miracles of matching supply with demand. And we and they don’t need new layers of biodiversity politicians and police to bedevil our lives. The outrage is – as the interview with Caroline Spelman today underlined – that the BBC is working hand in glove with government to create those new forces of repression.


The deluge of BBC greenie propaganda continues. Today we have sea urchins resisting ocean acidification caused by climate change. As any ful no (apologies to the wonderful Ronald Searle), (for CHRISSAKE!), oceans are not acid, despite what greenies say. They have framed the debate in this way to deliberately cause alarmism. At the current rate of alleged change (even on the most alarmist figures, and accepting that they knew how to measure pH values accurately 250 years ago)) it would take 3,500 years for the seas to be no longer alkaline. And even if they do so change, they have been of a lower pH value in the past and sea life SURVIVED AND MULTIPLIED. Who are the BBC idiots who write and sub such nonsense?

Then there is Richard Black, faithfully reporting their highnesses’ voices from the Japan ecofascist biodiversity talks, that we need a minister of greenness to frame and enforce green laws, extract green taxes and prevent us turning a single new clod of soil if it is deemed to be “natural”. It’s accompanied by the usual warnings that there are too many people and that we are all going to die unless we roll over and supinely accept such authoritarian claptrap. What’s so sickening about this is that normally, Mr Black and his liberal cronies would project as repressive any steps that increased government control. But because it’s being done in the name of protecting the environment, anything goes. The BBC hated John Gummer when he was a Tory minister (note how Mark Easton refers to him “shoving a burger” down his daughter’s throat during the BSE scare), but now he’s an ecosaint, his words are reported with unqualified reverence.


B-BBC contributor David Jones asked me to look into BBC connections in this story, that the UN has established a whole new machinery to ensure that its line on biodiversity alarmism is properly reported. In this instance, I can find no obvious smoking gun. But there are inevitably some BBC links. One of the key organisations that the UN is using to enforce its groupthink is the International Institute for Environment and Development (often quoted by Richard Black). In turn, the IIED is a a key supporter of the Climate Change Media Partnership (CCMP), which exists to indoctrinate journalists about both climate change and biodiversity. On the board of CCMP is – suprise, surprise, an ex BBC environment reporter (Mr Harrabin’s predecessor) Alex Kirby. As his wiki biography shows, he now works on developing “media training skills” among NGOs, as well as continuing to work for the BBC on a freelance basis. He was a pioneer of alarmist reporting about climate and biodiversity, as this feature shows.

Also listed as a key member of CCMP is Mark Harvey, whom I know was an employee for many years of the Television Trust for the Environment(TVE), which I have mentioned before on this blog – they are a favoured supplier to the BBC of greenie propaganda, linked in turn closely with the BBC World Service Trust, the primary purpose of which is also to spread greenie propaganda, and train journalists how to do so.

Indirect links, maybe, but they illustrate that the BBC is entwined to some extent with the UN’s own propaganda machine. And my bet is that behind the scenes, BBC staff are working flat out to assist the UN’s goals. These people work together and feed off each other.


I’m getting bored with keeping track of BBC greenie/environment/climate alarmism nonsense – there are so many stories, so much rubbish, so many inane, insane claims, that each report I file here is looking and sounding like more of the same. Black, Harrabin (though he has been keeping a low profile of late) Kinver & co seem to be under instructions to provide a torrent of one-sided propaganda, so much so that I have no doubt that this is being coordinated. They are like the Terminator androids, capable of self-repairing and continuing with their pre-programmed, lunatic mission no matter what happens. The latest is wearisomly here; it’s going to get warmer by 4 degrees C over the next century (the models say so), so a bunch of loony scientists have constructed 20 big saucers (sorry, “replicated ecosystems” in the language of the green religion) and have studied what happens at different temperatures. Why they need to do this, I do not know (or care), because I think any child would tell you that plant and animal life is different in a lake in tropical Africa from one in Canada. But hey-ho, this is science grant money, so it can be sprayed around like champagne on the Grand Prix winners’ podium.

As usual Mark Kinver reports the whole farce with reverential tones, ignoring obvious countervaling arguments such as this. Actually, in this case, those involved in this “research” acknowledge that they don’t know what they’ve proved with their saucers, but the irony is totally lost on Mr Kinver.

My question to myself (and you) this morning is whether I continue to write about this drivel. Part of me says that logging the lies is important, another that it’s like shooting ducks in a barrel, and that the nonsense has become so obvious and so absurd that it’s pointless to chronicle it. Nothing will stop it. It’s daily, it’s there, it’s relentless, it’s a campaign to indoctrinate us. I have come to see the BBC as a gigantic Trabant, trundling on but oblivious to the parody it has become. Yet the stuff it spews out is dangerous. Our political class and our schoolkids are totally on board (as the normally mild-mannered Harmless Sky blog testifies today). It’s a religion of divisiveness, of fascism and of hate (towards the human race); every bit as loathsome and cynical as Nazism.


Give a number of climate alarmist monkeys a typewriter, and inevitably, in due course, they will come up with new, ever more fantastical, predictions about how we are all going to suffer. Here, yet again, the BBC is giving full throttle to a doomster weather forecast, this time that there are going to be more mudslides on the railway network because it will be drier and wetter. It makes a change, I suppose, from leaves on the line, or that persistent wrong kind of snow. But who do these clowns think they are, especially as such projections are based on suspect models and slanted climate records, and thus can easily be debunked as a load of baloney.

Of course, the BBC takes not one jot of notice of the flaws, and it does not ask whose money is being wasted in these hot air exercises. If the Cleggerons halted all the expenditure on alarmism and put it instead into more jail places, Britain would be a lot better place!


BBC ecofascists are part of the drive to stop industrial production and the generation of energy from fossil fuels. Their goal is to force us back to “nature”. Here Richard Black – still living it up in Japan at our expense at the UN biodiversity boondoggle (Convention of Biological Biodiversity, or CBD) – tells us about the drive to enmesh us into a terrifying new project: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Teeb). He tells us:

The draft agreement from this CBD meeting would see countries agreeing to incorporate biodiversity values into their national accounting by 2020, and eliminating by the same date subsidies that are detrimental to biodiversity.

In other words, they want governmments to stop doing anything that interferes with “biodiversity”, and to tax anything that does not demonstrably protect the environment. Even more worryingly, Mr Black also gleefully reports that the promoters of the said teeb have decided that £650billion a year is spent on “subsidising” fossil fuel energy production. They want this money to be handed instead to the developing world to compensate them for the nasty attacks on their biodiversity that they have had to endure from the rapacious west. In short, teeb is in the same mould as the IPCC: a whole new lexicon of jargon and lies to achieve political ends.

Astonishingly and chillingly, this nonsense is supported by the Cleggerons. And Mr Black and his cronies will no doubt be working flat out over the coming months to ram home this retrogressive, repressive scam.


The boys and girls in the BBC biodiversity political movement are in full scale production. Here’s Mark Kinver telling us that cemeteries are perfection in promoting biodiversity, even in nasty industrial places like Manchester (moral let’s kill more people?). I can’t quite see the news angle, but what does news matter if you are on a crusade? If that doesn’t drive the message home, try David Shukman, who has been sent to Kenya again to tell us that without tree-worship, Kenyans and Africans are doomed. Again, the news line is pretty deeply buried here, but that’s never stopped Mr Shukman from his prophet-of-doom lecturing. Or what about this? Here four, nice, unbiased observers like the population control freak Jonathan Porritt and Richard Black’s chum zooologist Jonathan Baillie (a guest speaker recently at the BBC College of Journalism) are given their own platform to pontificate that biodiversity is like Daz (! – of course it is). Or try this, another gem from the prolific propagandist Mark Kinver. Salmon are losing in Spain their unique genetic characteristics because of nasty climate change. If that doesn’t persuade you, we can go to Richard Black himself, who has a pearl of a quote from to buttress his campaigning, from a UN aparatchik in Japan who warns us that we inherited a world full of gold from nature, but we are cutting it down. And last, but not least, don’t forget Martin Patience. He tells us from China that China’s environment and biodiversity have paid an enormous price for economic growth.

In all this astonishing torrent of biodiversity madness there’s – as usual – not a breath of a mention of any other perspective. Such as this. All that matters to the BBC is the relentless greenie rush to tell that us that man is selfish, that nasty capitalism is to blame, and that we must all become eco-freak tree huggers.