Well, I was in the belly of the beast last night, doing the Paper Reviews on 5Live. Thanks for all your suggestions and thought I might explain how it actually works.

Basically you are presented with the A4 front pages of most of the daily papers 30 minutes before you go on-air. A few of the papers have some more pages, last night the Indie and Express did. That’s a challenge as I believe most of what is worth reading lies inside the newspaper, not on the cover. Anyway, you select a few stories you want to talk about and then off you go. There is no coercion and no censorship. The only thing I couldn’t talk about before midnight was the details of those being honoured in the New Years List. Didn’t bother me as I oppose the Honours system.

I chose Nanny Statism and the Collapse of the Euro as my topics. I found the host, Jonathan Overend, pleasant and he did not challenge me so I really can’t complain. My co-reviewer, David Banks (former editor of the Mirror) was a pleasant guy who I enjoyed talking with. I got in one dig about the entire public sector needing to take cuts and he did not come back! All in all, it was a pleasant if somewhat insubstantive experience. This time of the year is news silly season and so I hope I get the chance to repeat when we have real news issues to debate. The BBC in Belfast were very accommodating to me and the only problem was I didn’t get home to about 1.30am. Hope that let’s you know how it all works. Tired the morning after!


Thanks to B-BBC contributor Graeme Thompson aka Hippiepooter for this item;

My jaw dropped listening to Danny Shaw on 5Live Breakfast this morning. He was reporting on a Guardian story concerning the IPPC investigation into the police shooting of the gangster Mark Duggan.

On the basis of partial evidence leaked from the IPPC investigation, The Guardian drew the firm and incendiary conclusion that Mark Duggan was unarmed when Police opened fire on him.

Basically, in my view, Danny Shaw mullahed the Guardian for this. He took the Police line against them.

I believe Danny Shaw’s name has cropped up a few times here in relation to accusations of bias, and justifiably so if I’m not getting confused with another ‘Shaw’ (apologies if I am), but when a BBC journalist puts himself ‘out there’ in the interests of responsible reporting, particularly when it’s the Guardian that’s ‘getting it’, he does the British public a tremendous service and there’s no better place than this to give him the applause he deserves.

Judge for yourself: 02:17:14


Just listened to Tony Wright of the Labour Party on 5Live claiming that Gordon Brown’s position has been strengthened after last night results. Amazing to hear him get away with this. Still, I guess there won’t be too many empty bottles of champagne strewn across the corridors in Broadcasting House this morning. The party is over.