The Labour Broadcasting Corporation was busy this morning painting the Nasty Party as horrid as can be! Why those evil Conservatives even want “to hit the poor”. Classic set up job this morning on Today. First, the BBC runs a spoiler at 7.09am in which a dissident Lib-Dem MP attacks Osborne’s plan to reduce Welfarism. Then, at 8.10am they invite Theresa Perchard from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on who instantly denies there is such thing as those who choose not to work as a “lifestyle choice.”  That sets it up nicely and on comes John McDonnell to also deny there is scrounger culture (How could he not, it’s a significant part of the Labout base!) and Michael Fallon to argue in favour of the Osborne line. So, four people interviewed in just over one hour and THREE of them are against what the Coalition is trying to do. Fair and balanced? It’s what the BBC does.