The ideologues of the far left in the US have misappropriated the term ‘resistance’ to define their frantic attempts to undermine the Trump administration. Perhaps they really see themselves as noble fighters akin to those of the French Resistance and the Warsaw Ghetto and Trump as a Nazi as they scream obscenities at him and insist on his impeachment.
Well, it’s these frantic ones themselves who should be resisted and US voters have made an excellent start in electing Donald Trump. He has in effect become the leader of the Western world in resisting those who would drag us back into the darkness of ideological oppression. And that would naturally include media giants such as the BBC – whose compulsion is to indoctrinate the masses in failed far-left ideology.
So it is unsurprising that many exceptional members of this genuine resistance have emerged from the ranks of the US masses – among them two strong black-American women calling themselves Diamond and Silk. Here they are on Newsnight forcefully resisting Evan Davis to the extent that he eventually has no idea how to handle them and appears to end up actually liking them, can you believe it:
Davis no match for D&S
Evan Davis will have to be cautious. Sharing good vibes with staunch conservatives is a poor career move at the BBC.
And here they are resisting vitriolic attacks from black-American members of the House Judiciary Committee – who are trying to catch them in a lie re Farcebook’s discrimination against conservatives and then get them for perjury under oath.
I doubt US Congressmen and women have ever seen witnesses like Diamond and Silk. Witnesses are generally awed by the power vested in Congress and refrain from talking back aggressively to those who wield the power. Let’s hope the example of the forceful, no-nonsense attacks by Diamond and Silk on the political correctness of the political elite will encourage many others to take a similar stance in Western Europe and beyond.