Defending Privilege and Power


The arrogance, the massive sense of entitlement, the hubris, the total lack of self-awareness…yes, Lord Hall Hall is back on the airwaves broadcasting his subversive messages to Britain.  Next Wednesday, according to the Sunday Times, Lord Hall Hall will give a speech that targets tech giants such as Google, Facebook Amazon and Twitter, portraying them as threats to our social cohesion, identity and democracy….apparently they are ‘stoking  social unease and division….distorting our view of one another, allowing us to live in imagined communities where we only engage with those who share our views’  He tells us that British Public Service broadcasters face a ‘David and Goliath’ battle which ‘we must win because our values matter more than ever.’  The BBC ‘represents a set of democratic ideals that matters greatly to our country: giving a voice to the voiceless, pursuing the truth without fear or favour.’

You just couldn’t make that up could you?  Lord Hall Hall has absolutely no idea of the damage the BBC has done to Britain and the entrenched, privileged, elitist world that he and the BBC represents.

First of course he has gone way outside his remit to attack these companies, just as the BBC did as it lobbied Leveson trying to close down Murdoch, in what is clearly a naked attempt to prop up the BBC’s massively privileged, government legislated and protected, dominant position.  The BBC seems to think that not only should it be allowed to force people to become its customers under threat of legal sanction but that Government should also protect it by stamping on the commercial companies that are rivals to the BBC, thus ensuring the BBC retains market share, not by its own brilliance but by Government edict.

Everything Lord Hall Hall complains of are in fact exactly the accusations that can be made against the BBC.

When he says this…‘stoking  social unease and division….distorting our view of one another, allowing us to live in imagined communities where we only engage with those who share our views’  you only have to think how the BBC has done everything it can to destroy British identity and sense of nation as it tells us we are a ‘nation of immigrants’ and that no one has a right to call themselves ‘British’ anymore than someone just off the plane from Somalia or Afghanistan.  The BBC that supports the EU’s free movement which is clearly an attempt to subvert the nation state, a form of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in effect, ‘diluting’ and breeding out the natives, as was Labour’s own stealth policy of mass immigration that was intended to ‘brown Britain’ and to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’…the BBC never challenging that nor mentioning the bombshell revelations by Labour’s Andrew Neather that this was a secret plot by Blair to change the face and identity of Britain.  The BBC that mocks and derides Christianity but supports the backward and unpleasant Islamic religion.  Just how that reflects BBC values I’m unsure….are they misogynist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, homophobic, willing to use violence to spread their values, ready to kill those who fail to meet the required standard?  The BBC that champions the highly controversial, and failed, policy of multi-culturalism.  Is this the same BBC that now says the tech giants are the ones who are socially devisive?  I might suggest it is the BBC that is the one stoking social and racial division to a massive extent as it also promotes growing Black racism and racial apartheid in Britain and abroad…quite possibly being one of the instigators of the Black assassinations of police officers in America in response to false reports from the likes of the BBC that white police officers were deliberately killing Blacks…just not true.  The BBC is tasked with maintaining ‘civil society and sustaining citizenship’  but instead it spreads racism, grievance politics, fear and anger…its work divides British society and incites violence, riots and terrorism.

As for being a promoter and defender of Democracy and a voice for the voiceless…the BBC that silenced, and still tries to, the voices that question the holy grail of the liberal elite…open borders, the BBC that labelled such voices as fascist, Far-Right and Nazi, not forgetting ‘populist’.  The BBC that is even now trying to help subvert the democratic vote for Brexit and supports the unelected Eurocrats who want to crush the democratic voices and the nation state.  The BBC that works relentlessly against any Tory government whilst being prepared to prop up any Labour candidate for No10 even if a liar, a terrorist [I make no distinction between those who cheerlead for the terrorists and those who use the bombs and bullets], a misogynist, someone who does little to stamp out rising anti-Semitism in the Party and who has dumped all his previous conviction politics in order to win an election.  A man who is a clear and present danger to this nations democracy, security, culture and economy…and yet the BBC cheerleads for him.

I fail to see how the BBC in any shape or form ‘represents a set of democratic ideals that matters greatly to our country: giving a voice to the voiceless, pursuing the truth without fear or favour.’

The BBC is the biggest danger to our society, culture and democracy, bigger even than Corbyn, who will come and go, the BBC goes on for ever it would seem and seems inclined to do everything it can to bring about the downfall of Western Civilisation.



Start The Week Open Thread


Mrs May does a speech about what we can  expect from Brexit on Friday and it’s ‘hard facts for both sides’ says the BBC.  Hmmm…just plain common sense and a realistic view of what the outcome of negotiations might be?  Yeahhh…and anyone with an ounce of common sense and no axe to grind could have told the BBC that a year ago.  Which raises the question as to why the BBC for the last year  has  been giving us a very one-sided and alarmist view of what is happening, not only giving us the Brussels view as the ‘gold standard’ that Britain must aspire to reach but painted an extremely negative view of the British position, expectations and hopes…one example is the EU’s constant mocking of British negotiations as ‘cherry-picking’ not to mention the sneering ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’….both of which the BBC adopted as their starting point when discussing the British approach…which the BBC portrayed as chaotic, weak and wildly over-expectant.   The BBC seemed to prefer we just rolled over and accepted whatever the EU could dream up to humiliate us.  Perhaps if the BBC spent less time pandering to EU fanatical Remainders and spreading EU propaganda we could have had a realistic view of Brexit from the start from our national broadcaster which would have allowed May to establish her position months ago, rein in the Remainder pro-EU ‘stay-behind’ subversives and present a united, strong and coherent position in negotiations…instead of which the BBC has constantly fed the Remainder’s dream of a second referendum and the reversal of Brexit which has also given the EU the idea that this might happen and therefore they do not need to negotiate seriously.   Thanks BBC for the backstabbing.

Spot anymore BBC backstabbing?…list it here…

Blue Peter or the Red Flag?


Just listening to Blue Peter’s Radzi Chinyanganya [described as TV presenter…not ‘BBC’] on Question Time…a bit of a Corbyn fan-boy….Guido asks…

How does this work then? The Question Time panel tonight includes Blue Peter presenter Radzi Chinyanganya, who is bound by the BBC’s strict impartiality rules. Question Time is a political opinions show. Radzi won’t be able to give any political opinions. Not sure they thought this through…

Yeah right…I think they have thought it through as the radical Radzi tells us Corbyn has dealt with the criticisms with…

‘honour ,dignity and nobility…that’s real leadership’

Aiming for the youth vote?  By the time the election comes all those Blue Peter viewers may be able to vote.  As for Corbyn’s honourable and noble reaction….whitewash springs to mind as well as sinister threats to silence the Press…never mind his little problems with Jews and women, his endless lies and his cosying up to terrorists and collaboration with the EU to sell out Britain and Northern Ireland….forget possible past betrayals just watch what Agent Cob does now…not on the BBC of course!


Mussolini Rides Again


The Sqwark on Newsnight was suggesting that the spirit of Mussolini was riding again across the Italian landscape as the anti-immigration debate hots up in Italy due to the invasion of thousands upon thousands of economic migrants being shipped in by NGOs….the Spectator doesn’t adopt the same narrative that the BBC does, it takes a more balanced and impartial look at what is going on….

Amid relentless propaganda about Italy being in the grip of fascism, Italians go to the polls on Sunday. It will be an attempt to produce their first elected prime minister since 2008, when Silvio Berlusconi won. Since his resignation in 2011, Italy has had four unelected leaders.

Italy’s migrant crisis has dominated these elections, especially after the discovery of the chopped-up remains of an 18-year-old Italian girl in two suitcases by the side of a road in the picturesque hilltop city of Macerata in Le Marche. Three Nigerian migrants are in custody for the murder. And in revenge, a 28-year-old fascist lunatic drove around Macerata opening fire on black people at random, wounding six (none fatally). He then gave himself up to police.

What happened in Macerata transformed Italy’s migrant crisis, already a big factor, into la questione numero uno of the election campaign, despite massive efforts inside and outside Italy to use it instead to talk only about fascists.

The Italian left and a largely supportive global media are doing their best to brainwash Italians into thinking that a vote for the right is a vote for fascism. But neither Italy’s right, nor the Italians, are fascists. What they are is fed up with the floods of illegal migrants coming into Italy, where they represent what Berlusconi has described as a ‘social bomb about to explode’.

What we get from the BBC instead is its usual refusal to accept that massive, uncontrolled immigration will destroy Europe…it prefers to bury its head in the sand and spread alarm about Fascists allegedly on the march….if they are then they are a creation of the BBC and its ilk.



Midweek Open Thread


Anna Foster on 5Live admitted the truth about the ‘crisis’ concerning the Northern Ireland border…it’s all political…it is perfectly possible to have a ‘frictionless’, ‘invisible’ border…the only thing stopping it is the EU’s land grab, it’s attempt to annex Northern Ireland interfering with British internal politics.  Her guest was Lars Karlsson [a former director of the inter-governmental World Customs Organisation] who has just done a report for the EU stating as much…and yet you wouldn’t know from the rest of the BBC’s reporting….the flagship Today show telling us that Boris Johnson ‘wasn’t right in the head’ because he proposed using electronic systems to monitor the border…as done in many countries….including our own already.  The original interview when he suggested this, again on Today with the hopeless and overpaid Mishal Husain, was the catalyst for the abuse that Boris received as Husain ridiculed him for comparing, or so she suggested, two London boroughs with the situation in NI…except of course he wasn’t comparing the political situation merely using it as an illustration of how the technology can work…as proved by Lars Karlsson…an expert unlike Husain or Sarah Montague…Montague who wanted to know if we ‘should be leaving the EU?’…Brexit being so terrible eh?  The BBC is blatant and arrogant in its attempts to create the narrative that Brexit can be reversed…a very dangerous idea I’d suggest…along with the one that suggests that if the Irish government doesn’t like the border solution it can mobilise the IRA which can dig up all those weapons it handed over during the ‘peace process’ [never mind the hundreds of bomb threats each year]…lol.

Spot any more bias…list it here…

Whipping up a stormtrooper?

This pamphlet was produced in support of one Walter Hesketh. In November 1961, Mr Hesketh was the Union Movement's parliamentary candidate for Moss Side. The pamphlet — an identical copy of which can also be found in the Working Class Movement Library in nearby Salford — makes for instructive reading.


The Mail is going in hard on Max Mosley…

The Daily Mail accuses F1 tycoon – who bankrolls Labour deputy leader Tom Watson – of racist thuggery and asks…Did Mosley lie to orgy trial?

What will be the BBC response?  Ignore it as long as possible, especially with the Labour connection and the fact that Mosley funds Impress, the Press ‘regulator’ which he no doubt hopes will bankrupt the newspapers?

A short while back Mosley was on R4 with Trevor Kavanagh discussing the trial concerning a little bash Mosley attended which some claimed to be a Nazi themed do [hence the trial]….Sarah Montague called it a ‘party’….hmmmm…Kavanagh told it like it was…a sado-masochistic sex-orgy.

Undoubtedly the BBC will frame this as ‘fake news’, the Mail whipping up a storm about nothing because of Impress.  Trouble is, it does look like a story worth investigating…if Mosley lied to the court about the existence of that pamphlet and the court case result provided him with a platform to present himself as a victim of Press intrusion and he has been able to attack and undermine the Press ever-since…it may all be based upon a lie.

Not on the BBC website yet….wait a week and it might just creep on there ala Agent Cob


Corbyn…Lust For Glory


Agent Cob’s speech yesterday contained nothing new, even the reference to a form of customs union, it being a regurgitation of the 2017 Manifesto.  There was no mention of ‘a customs union’ in that but that was clearly the intent as expressed in this passage….

…fresh negotiating priorities that have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union.

So why the big show, the big relaunch, why now?  Timing is everything with a vote on membership of the customs union coming up in the near future.  The BBC’s political analysts were for some reason dodging the real reason for Corbyn’s grand pronouncement…though the website does note it….

Could the government fall?

Jeremy Corbyn refused to be drawn on whether his policy shift was an attempt to remove Theresa May from office and force a general election.

You might think that such a cynical political manoeuvre aimed at toppling the government and putting Corbyn into No10 would be the hot topic for BBC journo’s who love a bit of intrigue and yet not so much.  The BBC’s Iain Watson, who actually wrote the above quote which is buried well down the article rather than headlining as it should, didn’t come up with that analysis after the speech on 5Live…his take then was that this was Corbyn positioning himself so that when a vote came on Brexit he could vote against it because, if it had no customs union he could say it did not meet his terms.  Then we have Laura Kuenssberg telling us ‘What Corbyn’s Brexit speech means’ but she makes nothing of the biggest story other than to suggest a union between Tory Remainers and Corbyn could ‘damage the government’….no excited examinations of the seismic shift in the political landscape that this ploy of Corbyn’s might suggest? How different when Boris says anything…Kuenssberg goes full-on conspiracy theory mode and reports vigorously and with certainty that he is lining himself up for a leadership bid….despite later admitting she got her info from ‘vicious Westminster gossip’ sources [ie anti-Boris, pro-EU]. If the Soubry’s of this world did betray Party and country and vote with Corbyn it could well end up with him in power….not something that is newsworthy?  Not newsworthy that Corbyn’s scheming has little to do with Brexit but more to do with his own self-interest of getting into power?

Kuenssberg and Watson seem both to have decided eventually that the real story is that Corbyn knows the EU will not agree to ‘a customs union’ [pretty obvious] and thus is really about more fence sitting and keeping the two sides of his party together….giving Labour a clear dividing line between it and the Tories on Brexit.

No…It’s a cynical power-grab, plain and simple.  Corbyn is as bent as all the other politicians despite his constant refrains about morality and ethics and a new form of kinder, gentler, more honest politics.  Maybe the BBC should one day admit their new hero has feet of clay.

Then again we know that won’t happen…remember how they refused to investigate the claims that Corbyn was in close contact with Czech spies and when they did get around to the story did so only to try and trash it.  How different when a Tory MP apologised for saying Corbyn had been paid to spy….as Douglas Murray points out…

The story about Jeremy Corbyn’s contacts with a member of Czech intelligence in the 1980s has not been treated with great seriousness by our national broadcaster.  At first the BBC deigned not to run the story.  Then they treated it like some kind of joke.  For instance, given a chance to question Corbyn over his past record the BBC journalist Steph McGovern last week bowled Corbyn the humorous soft-ball ‘A final question: are you a Czech spy?’  A question which gave much opportunity for laughter and a firm ‘No’ from Corbyn.

The BBC’s minimal attempts to cover the story, or treat it seriously, are one matter – and one which I would not normally bother to note.  But then over recent days they suddenly went huge on the story – running it on rolling news bulletins as well as the website.  The aspect of the story that the BBC suddenly went huge on was the apology from Conservative MP Ben Bradley.

Then there’s this BBC story about ‘Transgender model Munroe Bergdorf who has become an LGBT adviser to Labour.’

The BBC barely mentions the controversy that surrounds this appointment, previous extreme comments on social media, unlike its eagerness to print everything it could on Toby Young’s past indiscretions.  The BBC downplays Bergdorf’s hate filled abuse suggesting it might all be made up…

Shortly afterwards the model wrote a lengthy Facebook post, which it’s claimed included the comment: “Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.

“Because most of ya’ll don’t even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of colour.

“Your entire existence is drenched in racism.”

That’s it, the sum total of the BBC’s revelations about her comments.  The Mail tells us her comments were in fact far worse and wide-ranging in their targets attacking all white people, suffragettes and gay Tories….consider she is Labour’s ‘equalities advisor’…..and read on….

In a lengthy Facebook rant earlier this year, she wrote: ‘Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.

‘Because most of ya’ll don’t even realise or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of colour. 

‘Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***.

‘Come see me when you realise that racism isn’t learned, it’s inherited and consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege.

‘Once white people begin to admit that their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth… then we can talk.

‘Until then stay acting shocked about how the world continues to stay f***** at the hands of your ancestors and your heads that remain buried in the sand with hands over your ears.’ 

She also branded the suffragettes ‘white supremacists’  in a tweet posted earlier this month during the centenary celebrations of women’s right to vote.

She wrote: ‘FYI – The Suffragettes were white supremacists who were fighting for WHITE women’s rights – they specifically left black women out of the movement. 

‘It is not 100 years since women got the vote it’s 100 years since WHITE women got the vote. Black women couldn’t vote until MUCH later.’

She has also attacked homosexual Conservatives, writing online: ‘Gay male Tories are a special kind of d**khead. It’s actually quite astonishing.’

Remarkable….at a time when the BBC has just been filling the airwaves with tales of heroic suffragettes the BBC fails to mention the hate speech against them….and why are gay Tories not on the BBC radar as victims of hate crime?  The BBC has been relentless in its attacks on ‘social media’ for its alleged promotion of hate speech…and yet when it is a Corbyn acolyte we get radio silence.

Once again the BBC gives Corbyn and his cabal a free pass and all bad news is censored or shaped to his benefit.

Pretty sure much of the German Press in the 30’s probably gave Hitler similar positive coverage and censorship of negative news once they thought he was their saviour.  Careful what you wish for…change is coming…Laura!



Rebel Media


Two videos offering an alternate worldview to that offered by the BBC….the second by an ex-BBC/C4 journalist which looks at the rise of new media v the MSM [and here’s Douglas Murray on the ‘intellectual dark web’….’Thanks to the internet, millions now have access to views mainstream media considers ‘forbidden’….a thoughtful and honest voice trying to explain facts in an age which elevates feelings over facts. The same goes for a growing, increasingly inter-connecting world of people who do not need the mainstream media but who are united in a recognition that ideas and free and fearless debate are indispensable.

For young people in particular, who have been let down by didactic and cowardly orthodoxies, these newly discovered heroes are providing a path out of the bewildering maze that their age has created for them. It is one of the great good news tales of our time: out from the dark web, into the light.’]





What’s really remarkable is that the BBC knows exactly what is the truth about immigration, Islamic especially, it has even made films about it, the one below from Panorama, and yet it continues to promote mass immigration to Europe, to Britain, even in the knowledge that most of the migrants will be Muslim and that this has extreme and dangerous consequences.

EU and Remainers Tag-teaming with the IRA

‘We take back sovereignty and give it to Parliament so that Parliament can then give it straight back to the EU’

There’s plenty of double-talk, bluster and bombast about Brexit.  You might expect that from the politicians and hangers-on with their vested interests all trying to muddy the waters but what we don’t expect, or rather shouldn’t but do because we know the BBC, is that the BBC completely fails to cut through all the nonsense.  Rather than explain the issues clearly and impartially it in fact joins in the games…after the referendum the BBC’s favourite tactic was to try and put a Leave politicians on the spot by asking ‘What will you spend the £350 million on?’…The BBC’s thinking was that they couldn’t then deny there was a £350 million spending spree promised and alternately they couldn’t say there was £350 million available as the BBC knows that wasn’t the real figure Leave campaigned on.   This was clearly an editorial decision to use this ploy as it was across the board with all presenters using it pretty relentlessly.  There was a no such attempt to target and mock Remain’s vastly exaggerated claims such as a massive recession needing an emergency budget, mass unemployment, families impoverished, investors fleeing, planes grounded and not forgetting World War III.

The BBC is still allowing Remainers to get away with talking total rubbish without challenge.

We all know by now that Remain claims that leaving the single market and the custom’s union were not discussed during the referendum and thus ‘nobody voted for that’ is nonsense…there is a vast amount of evidence that shows that just isn’t true…but still the Remainers get away with spouting that old tripe time after time.

There’s a couple more classics they pull out of the hat trying to fool and beguile us.

One of course is the Irish border…it seems that Ireland can dictate whether we have Brexit or not as they tell us we just must have a completely open border.  No ‘no border’ and Brexit is off.  Hmmm..the British government says it has no intention of imposing a border…thus it is the EU that is threatening to impose it….not only that but they, and the Remainers, are threatening us with the prospect of the IRA restarting its terrorist activity if we don’t comply.  So it is the EU that will have to impose a border, we should call ther bluff, and it is the IRA and its fellow travellers , all those who casually menace us with sinister ‘warnings’, who will be responsible for any violence…no one else.  The EU and Remainers are working hand in hand with the IRA.  Fact.

Then there is the most laughable claim by Remainers, that the referendum was about taking back sovereignty for the British Parliament…thus, they tell us, it must be Parliament that must have the final decision on Brexit.  Well, actually it was about taking back sovereignty for Britain and its people and the People have spoken and they said ‘We want to leave the EU, the single market and the customs union as a part of a package to regain sovereignty and control over immigration.’

What they did not say was ‘We take back sovereignty and give it to Parliament so that Parliament can then give it straight back to the EU’ which is precisely what Remainers intend to do in the biggest act of treachery this nation will have seen for many a century.

That so-called ‘argument’ is so facile and ridiculously easy to take down and yet the BBC never challenges the Remainers when they spin that particular line…Ken Clark, at his patrician, louche and contemptuous of the people best, was allowed almost total freedom to peddle these messages today with the usual blustering, bluff arrogance we have come to expect from him.

The BBC still helping to promote the idea that Brexit can be stopped.


Start the Week Open Thread

Blacker Dread, otherwise known as Steve Martin, is the subject of a BBC film, Being Blacker [March 12  BBC2]…a bit of a love story really, between the film-maker, Molly Dineen, and Dread.  Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’.  So not a critical and impartial film then. Is there anything that might result in any criticism…such as being a leading figure in the Brixton Riots or being jailed for a massive money laundering scheme?  No…his problems are all down to racism…the film apparently a ‘unique insight into what it is to be black in Britain today.’

Once again the BBC concentrates on the bad, the grievances, the racism and the alleged failure of Black people to be successful in Britain due to that.

When will the BBC tell the truth and bring a positive view of Black communities and people to the screen?  The BBC is so intent on creating a case against Whites as the cause of all Black peoples’ problems that it fails to do justice to that community.  Are there no successful Black people in Britain?  No business-people, no academics, no musicians, no actors, no sports-people, no scientists or engineers or philosophers or inspirational teachers?  No, in the BBC world Blacks are all gangsters, crooks or failures, victims of white racism and oppression.  That’s the message the BBC sends out…it’s a deliberate message shaped to generate white guilt and political action and some positive discrimination…but all it does is send a message that Blacks have no place in Britain, they can’t succeed with the odds, allegedly, stacked so high against them.  Once again the BBC spreads dangerous, divisive and wilfully misleading messages that does enormous harm to Black people and utlimately to the whole of society.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions…so if you spot any more of those BBC good intentions raise the alarm and list them here……