‘Widespread Outrage’


Image result for calendar girls


No one has ever used sex to sell anything before in the history of mankind.  That’s why the President’s Club affair is so shocking.  What exactly is the problem?  That it was a bit of a raunchy night’s entertainment, or that some girls were groped, or that it was men only?  Just to be clear.  As far as I can see the ‘outrage’ is all directed in the wrong direction.  Sex is central to the entertainment industry, even the Muslims with their 7 veils , belly dancers and all that, so clearly can’t really complain on those grounds.  Groping?  Well yes, but it’s an offence to do so and the girls were told to report any thing like that immediately to their boss, they weren’t told to accept it as part of the job.  Should we close down the Tube because so many women get groped on the Underground?  The only real complaint can be that it wasn’t just a bloke’s night out, it was high-powered businessmen, politicians and others networking and seemingly excluding women of a similar level.

BBC filling the airwaves with nonsense about this…but where would they be if banned from showing a bit of flesh?

It’s the BBC…so it’s OK….

Actress Lara Pulver’s nude scenes in Sherlock have helped the episode to become the most-watched show on the BBC iPlayer so far this year.


How they laughed…..good to see Cathy Newman enjoying herself….


It’s Art so it’s OK…..

Image result for statue david



And just for Sue at Is the BBC biased?….if you’re not doing anything this Saturday night pet get yourself down to the Carlton in Morecambe….something for everyone….

Fun filled charity ladies night in aid of the eve appeal.

with a Magic Mike type male stripper show

with a drag act on the side.

dj disco

raffle games and stalls

there will be something for everyone




And just in case you can’t get a baby sitter….I’ve got that covered….have a girl’s night in…

Mid-Week Open Thread


Jeremy Corbyn owes Momentum big style…he is their man, bought and paid for.

Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd
Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period.

Interest free, unsecured and for an indefinite period…..£50,000.  The chief officers of Momentum are Muslim activists.  Momentum only registered with the Electoral Commission in 2017 so where does the large loan stand?…it’s not in the EC’s register of loans and donations.   Uncertain of the rules on donations/loans by the likes of Momentum for leadership campaigns but certainly in election campaigns they are only allowed to spend £39,000.  Seems unlikely they would be allowed therefore to give £50,000 for a single issue to one person…Corbyn.  One for Panorama to investigate…or maybe not.

Spot anything you think the BBC should investigate, including itself, list it here…..


Dispatches dispatched

Channel 4 pulls ‘cash for Brexit’ TV exposé: Investigation into former Tory Cabinet ministers accused of offering advice to Chinese companies is dropped at the eleventh hour

Ooops….things haven’t gone to plan at C4 recently as Cathy Newman might admit.  Now, as we suggested earlier, Dispatches’ attempt to entrap Tory politicians in a scheme engineered by C4 to discredit and deligitimise Brexit by making it look like a Tory get-rich scam is a risible, farcical, politically motivated stunt that backfired immediately other than to get a big headline in the pro-EU, anti-Brexit Sunday Mail.

Dispatches has pulled the programme until further notice as it undergoes re-editing.   LOL.   Just how much cutting and pasting will they have to do in order to concoct something that is even half-way believeable in order to rescue their own credibility?

Perhaps they could get some Russian prostitutes in to say all three Tories indulged in a massive orgy in a Moscow hotel and just loved being given golden showers dressed as President Obama.

Fake news and its the mainstream, left wing, media once again.




Hisloppy Journalism


Nick Robinson to Private Eye’s Ian Hislop…..

‘You fuel cynicism, you feed an idea that people are on the take, that they’re all the same, they’re in it for themeselves.  The brew, if you like, that created populism.’

First of course is the implication that ‘populism’ is a bad thing…surely it is merely the people expressing themselves and making their desires known and implementing that by voting…or is that just democracy in a country that isn’t supposed to be ruled by a self-selected and entrenched elite?   No, no, it’s evil populism.

Second….cynicism about politicians and those in positions of power and influence?  Heaven forbid…but isn’t that exactly the role the Today show has given itself?  Who is it that created the Frost Report and all those celebrated satirical shows that ripped a new one for the Great and the Good?  The TV companies.  It s ironically the inexorable rise of the new Media since the ’60’s and the oh so clever university boys and girls who created the cynicism and fed the ‘populism’.  The BBC et al created the beast that they all now hate, just as mentioned in the last post they helped create the Muslim terrorist, and now, lol, the anti-Muslim terrorist, allegedly.

Just cheap, unintelligent, insinscere nonsense masquerading as journalism once again from Robinson who always sounds far too pleased with himself and the sound of his own voice.

Speaking of which…Andrew Marr.  So fond of his own voice he didn’t have time to play a tape of Labour’s john McDonnell laughing about the proposed lynching of Esther McVey….Quite why the BBC continues to treat McDonnell and his fellow terrorist sympathisers at the head of Labour with so much respect is beyond me….just look at how they treat anyone who dares say anything about immigration or Islam, and then compare that to how they roll out the red carpet for Corbyn and Co.

Marr has been in the news elsewhere [H/T Craig at is the BBC biased?] expanding on a similar theme to Robinson’s….

Basic civility and respect must prevail over the rule of the mob

The reign of Charles I shows that the 17th- century’s version of angry social media led to bloody violence

Hmmm….actually I think we could easily prove that the likes of the BBC give rise to bloody violence on our streets.

This is of course all part of the BBC’s [and the Left’s] attempt to maintain their dominance of the media and the news agenda, and to ensure it is they who define what is acceptable speech or comment, and of course the other motivation, to crush the new media, the Social Media, that is undermining their dominance….as noted by Douglas Murray…

To be opposed to ‘fake news’ is to award yourself not only the role of arbiter of what is true and what is fake, but the position of someone who is themselves putting out (or giving an imprimatur to) true news.  It is a position that is enormously flattering.  When the New York Times or CNN present themselves as opposing ‘fake news’ they suggest not only that they can identify what is false but that what they are putting out themselves is truthful. With digital platforms snapping at the old media’s heels, this is a particularly propitious meme for such media to push.  The old media can suggest that while they hold the flame of truth it is the upstart new media who have let all the sluices up and allowed the whole pitch to be spoiled.  This attitude is not just morally advantageous for them but also potentially financially advantageous.  What a joy it is when these two things just happen to coincide.

Marr is at his sanctimonious best, or is that worst?, as he fills the empty page with inane insights that any one with half a brain cell could have come up with….and he proves if anything that the BBC’s narrative about ‘post-truth era’ and fake news is fake news itself….fake news has been around since forever…..a good example is this piece by Marr.

He ends with a priggish lecture to Trump…‘Got that Donald?’…how does Trump manage without Red Andy’s guiding hand?…..

It’s dangerous. In a new book about Trump’s America, two political scientists from Harvard, Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, discuss “How Democracies Die”. In it they emphasise the importance of not just political rules but how we behave. These “soft guard rails” include mutual toleration or “the understanding that competing parties accept one another as legitimate rivals”. Got that, Donald?

So yes, we need basic civility and some mutual respect even when we disagree. This is going to be a difficult year. The last thing we need is a spitting arms race of abuse. History, as so often, tells us why.

Utter nonsense….Trump and his brashness are not a danger to democracy, he is the result of democracy in action and shows absolutely no sign of dictatorial tendencies and an urge to overthrow the US constitution….unlike it might be said the BBC and its friends who wish to enact a coup d’etat to unseat Trump.  So who is the real enemy of democracy, the enemy of the people…Trump or the BBC?  Marr likes to suggest Trump’s attack on the left-wing media is anti-democratic …how so?  It is the media that is perverting democracy by its lies, misinformation and blatant attempts to rig politics to suit itself.  On top of that is the fact that it is the Left’s identity politics agenda that has polarised society to such an extreme extent that nobody can talk civilly to each other now…the Left created the atmosphere and facts on the ground that views that are opposed to theirs are completely unacceptable and must be silenced and crushed.

Let’s not forget that some of the most virulent anti-Trump abuse has come from the BBC itself which set out to demonise and mock Trump throughout the election campaign and beyond, going so far as to report as fact stories that have absolutely no basis in truth and are completely unproven.  No paradox that the BBC talks about the Russians interfering  in the election and yet the BBC quite probably played far more of a damaging role in US politics than any Russian bot did.


The BBC grooming terrorists?


When Breivik launched his deadly attack in Norway the BBC et al launched their own attack on ‘right-wing’ commentators blaming them for the killings because they dared to criticise the BBC et al’s open borders, mass immigration experiment imposed upon the populace of Europe without any debate, in fact all debate was harshly and uncompromisingly crushed.  It was in fact the Left’s enforced lack of debate, a voice and a choice on immigration that led to Breivik not a few right-wing commentators on the fringes.

The BBC must be somewhat chastened today though to find itself blamed for the attack on Muslims in Finsbury Park last year…though it does a good job of downplaying its own involvement…barely a mention and you have to go a long way down the report to find it…..when you consider it was reportedly a BBC drama about Rochdale that was central to his actions you have to ask why the BBC isn’t so keen to make more of that…what if it had been a Daily Mail report?…..

He had become “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the incident after watching BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal, Ms Andrews had said.

The BBC’s report is highly selective in what it adds…the alleged killer’s note is cherry-picked for what the BBC believes will show him in the worst light……however I suspect the majority of people would agree with the central theme of his comments about events if not his way of expressing them in such crude and raw language….

A handwritten note, found in the van, complained about terrorists on the streets and the Rotherham child exploitation scandal, Mr Rees said.

The note allegedly referred to Muslim people as “feral” and called Muslim men “rapists” who were “preying on our children”, the jury heard.

One part read: “Don’t people get it, this is happening up and down our Green and pleasant land.

“Ferrel [feral] inbred raping muslim men hunting in packs preying on our children, this will be coming to a town near you soon, it most probably has, get back to the desert, you raping inbred bastards & climb back on ya camels.”

Here’s the Telegraph’s headline getting straight to the central issue…..

Finsbury Park terror trial: Darren Osborne turned into ‘ticking time bomb’ after watching BBC drama, court hears

Even the Guardian highlights the BBC’s involvement though it also adds into the mix ‘right-wing propaganda’….not ‘Far-Right’?…..and ‘propaganda’? or information needed for an informed debate?…..once again the urge to crush debate and delegitimise those the Left hates is in evidence…..

Court hears Darren Osborne’s anger was fuelled by BBC drama and rightwing propaganda

A man who drove a van into a crowd near a mosque intended to kill as many Muslims as possible and had been “brainwashed” by extremist right wing propaganda after watching a primetime BBC drama about a Muslim grooming gang, a jury has heard.

The Telegraph prints the very relevant section of the note left by the killer in his van explaining his motivation…once again it is lack of action and the suppression of debate and information about what is going on that motivated him….the shaping of news and political debate so that inconvenient information, such as the fact that it was 1400 white girls being raped and abused by Muslim men, was originally suppressed because of race and religious issues, including by the BBC….

“Why are there terrorists on our streets today? We’ve had three recent terror attacks, our children spattered against the walls of concerts, part and parcel by all accounts, Mr Sadiq Khan, no it isn’t how can you let this happen, terrorists marching through our capital city, you’re a disgrace, where was the public outrage after 1400 of our white British none Muslim girls?

“Where were you in Rotherham, Lily Allen, Jeremy Corbyn, nowhere to be seen.”

“So Mr Sadiq Khan how are you this morning? I’d imagine your (sic) gonna have a hard job keeping your happy go lucky vibrant city in order, Part n parcel of living in a big city, carry on as normal, bk to ya day Jobs, what about you Jez?

“Mr terrorist sympathiser, or should I call you Harold, “you dirty old man” put that in ya pipe, & have some sympathy for me, well Folkes gotta go busy day today. Remember peaceful vigils only & please dont look back in anger, God Save the Queen”.

Osborne maybe found to be a terrorist and a murderer but that doesn’t mean what he says is untrue….politicians like Corbyn, who support terrorism, and Khan, who said that Muslims who help the police to stop terrorism are ‘Uncle Toms’, bare a large responsibility for the tone of debate and what is ‘allowed’ to be said…as of course does the BBC.

It is a paradox that the BBC may be responsible in part for inciting both Muslim terrorism and anti-Muslim terrorism.  Its sensationalist and misleading coverage of the Iraq War, and of course its coverage of Israel, fed the Muslim extremists’ narrative of Islam and Muslims under attack and thus helped recruit terrorists, the BBC is now accused of being the source of information that drove Osborne to attack Muslims…

She said she had never considered him to be a racist and had not heard him making derogatory comments about Muslims, before watching the Three Girls drama.

Mr Rees told the jury: “Ms Andrews noticed that the defendant became obsessed with the subject matter of the drama. He started researching associated topics on the internet, including material featuring Tommy Robinson, the co-founder and former spokesperson for the English Defence League (EDL).

The difference of course is that the BBC’s coverage of the Iraq War and Israel is highly questionable and all too often more a reflection of its own prejudices whilst Osborne’s observations were based on fact.

The BBC is dangerous to British society and the West in so many ways it is quite astonishing to consider.



Start the Week Open Thread


Let’s have some alternate facts from the BBC, or even just some facts.  The Clintons received millions of dollars from the Russians and the Saudis, Clinton’s top aide is a Saudi, the Democrats paid for the ‘dodgy dossier’ on Trump, the company commissioned to produce the report admits it ‘customises’ its reports for the customer’s requirements, the FBI are accused of helping or encouraging the production of that dodgy dossier, the BBC tells us that the Russians are behind the anti-Clinton email hack and thus they are backing Trump, but then they tell us that it was serving Russian intelligence agents who supplied the ‘kompromat’ on Trump thus acting against him….and yet the BBC see no contradiction, no difficulty with that, the CIA are claimed to have asked musician Moby to spread anti-Trump propaganda, Obama did wire-tap the Trump campaign during the election, and it is probable that James Comey, ex head of the FBI, made up the claim that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation….after all Comey says he immediately wrote out a memo about the meeting so shocked was he at Trump’s words.  However such an important memo about such an important subject is no longer with us…Comey threw it away…so just how real is his claim?  The BBC doesn’t ask.  In fact it rarely asks anything that would derail its sacred narrative about Trump despite a year on there being nothing to prove a single thing.

They hear stuff they can’t refute but they can’t accept the truth of it…so they ignore it and invent biased twaddle instead.

Spot any of that twaddle?…list it here…..


Jobby goes poop poop


Ah yes, the principled mutineer…..


So let’s get this right….Jobby has to chuck the BBC gig in because he is so biased that he cannot do the job properly without letting his own personal views show…yep…he’s such a decent bloke…and so modest.  And he was axed….told to sort his life out or sling his hook…and not before time.  Have to say it takes something to be sacked from the BBC for anti-Brexit and anti-Trump bias…..just how bad, how fake must you be?














Ah…he admits the BBC’s impartiality model is broken…but only because it doesn’t allow him to spew forth the ‘facts’ as he sees them…..



James O’Brien…a bit like Jesus really, such a martyr who came to save us all [genuinely…he once said he prayed for all those who were devoid of love and full of hate…casting out their devils]…let’s hope he isn’t resurrected too soon.


Image result for james o'brien on the cross



Well, fancy that!




In the Sunday Times today…this is what the naive, foolish journalists like the BBC’s Mark Easton bring to Europe with their open borders and unlimited immigration of alien cultures and beliefs [and the pathetic appeasement of Muslim extremists celebrated as Churchills, Mandelas and Ghandis]…..a stupid, dangerous experiment that has failed abysmally and yet they still continue to blindly champion it…..

Not so fluid gender roles




You may remember that Jordan Peterson in the infamous Newman interview stated ‘controversially’ that one reason [just one reason] that women are under-represented in certain industries or jobs is that they pick jobs in other areas that are more suited, some might say, to female characteristics.

Someone at C4 must have sense of humour releasing this….

A survey of 13,000 children has suggested that their career ambitions are massively influenced by how wealthy their parents are and whether they are girls or boys.

Girls favoured becoming teachers, nurses and hairdressers, while boys talked of becoming pilots or mechanics. But the survey from the Education and Employers’ charity said girls did focus more on academic success than many boys, who seemed influenced by popular culture.

So Peterson is right.

Who was it just a while back who was absolutely monstered by the liberal thought police, including the hypocritical BBC, for suggesting the very same proposition, that girls and boys did not think exactly the same about life and what they wanted from it?  Prior to that you could hear BBC presenters casually assert exactly the same thing…but when the chance came to vilify some poor fellow on the right, of course, that all went out the window.   Ah yes…it was the chap at Google with the internal memo that leaked out...and he was sacked….by the new diversity tsar who didn’t like his unorthodox and diverse thinking….

In August of 2017, an internal document about diversity written at Google by James Damore was published online without his permission (Wakabayashi, 2017). In it, Damore contended that extant Google diversity policies were poorly designed because they ignored biologically rooted sex differences. He argued that these biological differences, and not invidious policies and biases, likely contributed more to the skewed sex distribution of Google programmers (more men than women) than many (mostly liberal) analysts believed.

From the Guardian…

“Google’s sexist memo has provided the alt-right a new martyr”

Or just someone who was right.

And a very good spot by Guest Who [via David Jones]….C4’s Ben de Pear [real name!] was up in arms about the abuse Cathy Newman had received, however it seems he is quite happy to abuse people himself….or ‘like’ people who do…..


And oh yes…the ‘traumatized’ Cathy Newman…….the tweet, from a C4 producer, has now been deleted of course….and no police called….


Adonis, Adonut, AdiEU

Mail on Sunday

Apparently some brains have gone missing…Mixed up brains among mortuary failings.  No need to go to the mortuary though to find mixed-up brains…just head off to the unelected Lord Adonis’ Twitter feed and you’ll find plenty of brainless witterings there.

Adonis was very quick to try and make something out of the pro-EU, anti-Brexit Sunday Mail’s massive frontpage splash….‘Top Tories in Chinese ‘Cash for Brexit’ furore’ and the BBC’s ‘what the newspapers say’ gave it top billing..though even the BBC must think the story is dubious as they haven’t run with it yet themselves….Adonis isn’t quite so bothered with facts…he’s running with it…


This is based upon a C4 Dispatches’ story…..one has to think, judging by the fact that this is a complete set up, and one that failed, that this was a deliberate attempt to engineer a scenario that made Brexit look like a get-rich scheme for Tory grandees in order to smear and discredit ‘Brexit’ as a concept….just why did C4 target Tories and why did they frame it around Brexit?  Look at how C4 trailed it…

Dispatches goes undercover to investigate how former cabinet ministers are offering themselves to private companies as Brexit advisers

Rather dramatic and sensationalist….and, despite the lurid headline from the Sunday Mail, if you read their story you’ll realise this was a complete farce….none of the politicians did anything illegal or corrupt…and in fact they all reported the approach to the authorities to investigate.  So where’s the story other than a highly misleading headline?

Apparently….The show’s producers wanted their exposé to show “how former Cabinet Ministers are offering themselves to private companies as Brexit advisers”.

Well no…they weren’t ‘offering themselves’…they were invited by C4 to work as advisors…which, as said, is not illegal at all…and lots of people provide guidance and advice on how legislation and policy change will effect issues…such as Dods Group...which the unelected Adonis is a director of….

Our conferences are aimed at providing delegates with an understanding of the practical implications of legislative changes and policy interventions.

Not only that but they seek to influence the political agenda not just advise on it…

If you want to set the agenda during the Party Conference season, work with us. We provide more fringe events than any other organisation, with high customer satisfaction year on year.

And of course they offer advice on Brexit.…lol….

The European Union and Public affairs Directory (EPAD) 2018 (published in February 2018) is EU’s most comprehensive contact directory, detailing thousands of key policy makers, including the EU Institutions Chief Negotiators and points of contact on Brexit and European public affairs professionals.

So perhaps Adonis could explain why it is corrupt and immoral for Tories to allegedly advise companies about Brexit but it is perfectly fine for him to do so?

It is not illegal for MPs to work as advisors ...

The lobbying rules do not prevent a Member holding a paid outside interest as a director, consultant, or adviser, or in any other capacity, whether or not such interests are related to membership of the House.

The unelected Lord Adonis goes on to dig a hole for himself…talking of fat-cats and rogues….well he should know perhaps….


So the unelected Adonis is up in arms about politicians advising outside companies [even if they have no connection to them] and wants May to crack down on fat-cats and rogues…hmmmm…..would that include someone who was transport secretary under Labour and created HS2, who then became a director of HS2  Ltd….a position he held until early 2017 even though he’d been made interim Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission in 2015…obviously dealing with the likes of HS2?  HS2 Ltd is funded by government grants and is a ‘public body’ but clearly there must have been conflicts of interest as Adonis resigned hs directorsip when made substantive Chair of the NIC in 2017…why not two years before?   Someone whose pet creation is HS2, and who is on the board of the company set up to promote and develop it perhaps shouldn’t have been the one making the big political decisions on whether it should go through or not….

Then again he doesn’t seem too bothered about ethical considerations judging by his undemocratic reaction to Brexit….and of course he only stepped down from the NIC Chair to ‘relentlessly oppose Brexit’.

The BBC interviewed him along with JRM today….well, hardly an interview, the dead-eyed Adonis was pretty much allowed to dominate and make all sorts of accustaions, JRM was put in the position of having to defend himself.  Sarah Smith, doing the interviewing, didn’t give Adonis a hard time at all despite his numerous and very vocal rages against Brexit over the last few weeks telling everyone who would listen that he was out to sabotage it and would work relentlessly to stop it.  Smith did ask about some of his comments but allowed him to bat them away and go on to make claims that had little basis in truth.  Here’s The Express on his interview with LBC’s Iain Dale…..much more combative….

The former Labour minister was appearing on LBC when host Iain Dale asked if his entire strategy was to sabotage Brexit, with Lord Adonis gladly admitting that it was. 

Dale interrupted, saying: “Just be honest, your entire strategy is basically to sabotage Brexit that’s it, isn’t it?”

Lord Adonis responded: “Yes!”

Lord Adonis said he wanted to sabotage Brexit in a democratic way. 

He said: “Yes, I absolutely want to sabotage Brexit but I do not want to do so in an undemocratic way.

Lord Adonis stepped down from his government-appointed role as chair of the National Infrastructure Commission to “oppose relentlessly” the Brexit vote.

Adonis made the claim that the Tory 2015 election manifesto said we would stay in the single market….Adonis implying that this meant after any referendum decision to leave.  The manifesto of course said no such thing but Smith didn’t pick him up on that.  All the references to the single market were made with the idea that we would still be in the EU.

Adonis of course still peddles the old lie about no voter knowing what they were voting for…that they didn’t vote to leave the single market nor the customs union….but of course they did know, they were told enough times, and they voted to ‘leave the EU’ which means all of its rules, regulations and structures.

None of the Tories in the C4 entrapment farce offered political access for cash…that would be illegal…however the unelected Adonis is a director of Dods Group which proudly tells us…

Dods People is a comprehensive online service offering you unparalleled access to political representatives and public affairs professionals across the UK and European Union.

We can enable you to email members of a Select Committee, invite MEPs to an event and research key political representatives across all parliaments and assemblies. Plus, Dods clients can now email or phone MPs and peers with just one click on their smartphone thanks to the Dods People app.

The app, available on both Apple’s App Store and Google Play, provides in-depth biographical profiles for all UK MPs and peers. We will soon be launching an edition that covers all MEPs across Europe.

Plenty of questions about Adonis that could be asked…and yet he got off scot-free in the BBC ‘interview’….maybe they should contact Dods and get some of that ‘unparalleled access’ to him and his fellow anti-Brexit lordships.