Amused to see that BBC journos are suffering at the hands of the Machine exactly what those unencumbered with huge pay packets have to suffer….being lied about and smeared…smeared as racists and nazis if you talk about controlling immigration or Islam…..
The BBC stands accused of lying and spreading smears about its most high-profile female journalists as the corporation was warned its handling of the gender pay crisis is approaching “a Greek tragedy”.
The corporation has been “diminished and damaged” by its dishonesty over women’s pay, Gracie said, because “the BBC lives or dies by its reputation for telling the truth”.
Gracie said the atmosphere at the corporation was now “toxic”, and “it is going to get worse”.
She compared their handling of her case to Chinese state intimidation and said: “They are stumbling towards a Greek tragedy where they make happen their own worst fears.”
Have to say it is a shame that journalists such as Gracie are only concerned about lies and smears by the BBC when their pay packet comes up short and then suddenly we hear…. “the BBC lives or dies by its reputation for telling the truth”.
Where is that concern for the truth and the BBC’s reputation when talking about immigration, Islam or the EU or Trump? All subjects and issues on which the BBC’s lack of impartiality and failure to relay the truth has serious consequences for democracy and the ‘West’ as a whole.
A lesson for the naive do-gooder activist journalists of the BBC.
Merkel allegedly flung open the borders of Germany, well the whole of Europe in reality, in order to atone for Germany’s past sins against the Jews. It must be somewhat disconcerting therefore to realise that her actions have led to an increase in anti-Semitism in Germany as the influx of Muslim immigrants brought all their prejudices and hate with them. The double whammy is that the flood of immigrants has given life to the Far-Right who are not only against the immigrants but also anti-Semitic. So not only has she imported a dangerous anti-Western ideology but she has given a spurious legitimacy to the Far-Right….an extraordianry irony that in atoning for anti-Semitism she creates the very culture that breeds it. The rise of the Far-Right is a creation of the extremist liberal do-gooder who only sees the supposed good things that will result from immigration and wants to do some virtue signalling and make sure people see him/her doing the ‘right thing’….they don’t care about the crime, the rapes, the murders, the drugs and robberies, the overcrowded schools, GP surgeries and A&E services, or the housing crisis, not forgetting the cultural wars, literally wars, now in progress….just as long as no one can call them a racist they’re happy for you to suffer all that. The Far-Right is the liberals’ monster, its Frankenstein creature that they brought back to life with their extremist open borders policies and attempts to smash national identity, societies, cultures, values and beliefs. The Far-Right is blowback. As the BBC’s own Carrie Gracie says when talking about her own stuation…
“They are stumbling towards a Greek tragedy where they make happen their own worst fears.”
That applies equally here. The BBC fears the rise of the Far-Right and yet it cheerleads for policies that predictably make that feared outcome spring to life.
An added irony is that a Far-Right activist has converted to Islam because the now liberal Christian Church no longer upholds the values that it used to…now supporting, as it does, gay marriage with priests going on LGBT marches. The BBC must be pretty conflicted with that one…it refuses to go down the path of criticising Islam for its strongly held beliefs on homosexuality etc but would normally pour scorn upon a Christian with the same beliefs. But now we have a Far-Right ‘bigot’ who sees in Islam the very values he says he wants to support. Nazis and Islamists, ideological bedfellows? Maybe the BBC will wake up to the truth one day.
Capita, the troubled company that the BBC outsourced its TV licence collection with menaces service to, has expanded too far and invested too little time and money. One, do they never learn? British Leyland should be a classic case study for these companies, and two, ha, the BBC rattles on about the government ‘privatising’ services by outsourcing and the BBC does it itself….not just the licence fee of course but programme making as well…telling us how it spreads the wealth, skills and jobs around. Funny how it then can cheerlead for Corbyn and his Momentum mob of Marxists who want to nationalise everything and stop outsourcing.
Spot the comic, the contradictions, the bias?…list it all here….
The pro-EU propagandists have been out in force recently, but having learnt nothing from past failures they continue down the path of ‘persuading’ recalcitrant voters to change their minds about the dizzying delights of the Grand Project by assaulting them with reheated alarmist prophecies of doom first tried out so disastrously by the original Project Fear. On top of that they add into the toxic mix a raft of insults and sneers at those voters which are unlikely, as before, to attract them to the cause.
Project Fear MKII has come up with an alarming scenario that whatever we do if we leave the EU the economy will crash in comparison to what it would do if we had stayed in the EU. This of course comes ultimately from the Treasury and has the finger prints of Phillip Hammond all over it. Considering Project Fear MKI couldn’t predict events a few months away how likely is it that Project Fear MKII can predict events 15 years away? Apparently it doesn’t take into account any of the benefits flowing from Brexit so just a bit one sided. And consider this…it is of course based upon the status quo now…in other words it assumes the EU and Britain, and the world, stay exactly as they are…
No scenario would be better for the economy than the status quo.
Really? That’s just not realistic over one year never mind fifteen and also assumes the British economy can’t improve. Does it take any account of events in Europe? Catalonia, Poland and Hungary, Russia, mass immigration creating mass instability and conflict, growing terrorism and an EU intent on ever closer union.
And then there are the sneers and mocking insults such as from the German Ambassador…have to say it says a lot about him that for all his time here nobody has probably ever heard of him and the only time they do is when he is about to leave the job and decides now is the time to insult the British voters who voted for Brexit…which is a ‘tragedy’ apparently. He tells Brexiteers ‘For you ze var isn’t over yet’ and complains that we only voted for Brexit because we live in some fantasy land where plucky Britain stands alone in the world and refights WWII every day. Hmmm…not as if the Germans don’t make plenty of films and TV series based upon the war….are they going to ‘Deutschit’? Probably not because they won the war as Heseltine told us…the Germans run the EU.
The Ambassador of course comes up with the usual trite nonsense about ‘populism’…I’m sure Merkel would love a bit of ‘populism’ right now…isn’t that what democracy is all about….Parties offering voters choices of policy that appeal to them and their interests?
Brexit, he said, was part of a wider, international populist revolt against politicians.
“Populism provides easy and understandable answers to very complex problems,” Ammon said. “If you say the words ‘single market’ or ‘customs union’ probably 99% of the population would not understand, but if you say: ‘Let us build a wall to stop these immigrants,’ people say: ‘OK, that will probably help.’ I know it is not a good answer to problems.
Naturally the BBC were happy to convey his words to us and Emma Barnett ran one of her phone-ins on the subject asking if our views of the EU are warped and driven by our view of ourselves as the victors of WWII harking back to past glories and a golden age that never was? Hmmm…actually Britain came to the rescue of Europe as the Nazis invaded putting the interests of its fellow Europeans first over its own interests, once again saving it from tyranny…and as for Brexit that is about protecting the future not preserving the past.
We had a bit of pantomime on the Today programme as they invited on plumber Charlie Mullins who is a well known Remainder and a frequent guest on the BBC. He was allowed to rant on about Brexit claiming hardly anybody supported Brexit anymore and that we will have a second referendum and May must go. It was suggested that he might be out to sabotage Brexit but the BBC knew what they were getting when they invited him on and so must have expected the anti-Brexit outburst and decided to run with it…..a bit of mudslinging about Brexit with some mock interrogation thrown in for effect is all grist for the pro-EU mill.
Previous to that we had a piece about Hungary which began [starting off in a funfair horror ride] with a scream and then a laugh…timed to coincide with comments about the horror of the EU breaking up and Brexit. Apparently the former Soviet bloc countries are ‘EUphobic’ despite the EU having presided over a huge boost to their economies and countries…naturally this would never have happened had they not joined the EU. Hungary is having a crackdown on ‘internationally funded NGOs’…hmmm…no mention of the billionaire leftwinger Soros who is trying to buy up democracies around the world and corrupts them with his billions…odd the BBC dodge that when they are so concerned about the Russians in the US…not so concerned about Soros funding Clinton and Obama though.
The piece was entirely negative about Hungary….a final summary writing it off as ‘nationalist, populist and anti-immigrant’. The BBC deciding that all three characteristics are bad.
Yesterday we had Kirsty Wark asking if ‘the notion of home is legitimate anymore?’ In other words no-one can claim to be British…we are all citizens of the world and the world are citizens of Britain…and can thus come here unchecked, economic migrants are as much asylum seekers as any fleeing war and oppression. Utterly one-sided and no-one on at all to put a different perspective to challenge the narrative being peddled…Wark in complete agreement. Pure pro-immigration propaganda and not unrelated to the EU and Brexit of course.
Then we had this week’s ‘Book of the Week’…..hmmm..about Jews fleeing Germany…
Then 1935 heralded a dark dawn…
That old ‘warning from history’ the BBC likes to keep on about….Farage the next Fuhrer according to the BBC, Brexit the closest thing to Fascism today.
This turns out to be a long-winded tract with a not so hidden pro-EU message. Sure, it tells us, the EU has had its problems and has made mistakes but it was created as a force for peace and its hallmark is not a single identity but its diversity. He naturally slips into praising the Muslim Ottoman Empire as a multicultural paradise whilst deriding Europeans as colonialists who disdained the natives….and 19th century nationalism put an end to Ottoman tolerance. Think we can see where he comes from.
The last episode was even more explicit...the BBC announced that it had been specially commissioned to update his book…not saying who commissioned it…but you can guess from the blurb for the programme…implicit but it suggests it was the BBC that specially commissioned this final update….so that he can include his damning thoughts on Brexit….
To conclude Mak has written a new epilogue bringing his reflections on the continent up to date.
The break up of the Soviet Union was a disaster [less than subtle allusion, possibly not a good one]….everything declined, the economy crashed, food, education, health, public safety, democracy….all bad…it was like a war or a famine. Stick with the devil you know kids!!!
The problem with the EU, yes it made mistakes as said, but the real problem was not of its making, it was the 2008 crash which ‘left citizens behind’ and encouraged the British to pull up the drawbridges as the EU ‘reluctantly’ edged towards becoming a superpower.
He tells us that ‘We Europeans are one people and we need to stick together’…kind of at odds with his multiculti paradise, open borders message.
Just more outright pro-EU, pro-immigration propaganda masquerading as mere historical whimsy.
The BBC has been in overdrive recently pumping this stuff out….no coincidence the Dementum activists have also been out in force pushing the anti-Brexit message in an attempt to sabotage it.
As Jordan Peterson said, it might pay to be a disagreeable woman, maybe the BBC women could learn something from C4 women…..[you’ve got 12 minutes and counting till the interview on C4 at 19:00]
I’ve arrived at @BBC to question the director-general about #genderpay but they’ve pulled the interview, despite doing every other broadcast outlet. Are they frit?
Now staging a sit-in at @BBC HQ until we get the interview with the director-general confirmed yesterday. Cancelled because of “time issues” – yet interviews with other outlets before & after ARE taking place. I’m prepared for a long wait…
Breaking news…suspending sit-in at @BBC HQ as promised an interview in the next half an hour with the Director-General. Thanks for all your support #bbcwomen#EqualPay
Corbyn has his ‘Momentum’ stormtroopers, the Remainiacs have ‘Dementum’, their stay-behind-the-lines Dad’s Army band of guerrillas on a mission to sabotage Brexit.
A crackers squad of dyed-in-the-wool diehard blowhards who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the ‘good of the country’…naturally it is the ‘good of the country’ as they see it. They believe that the voters were too stupid, too blinded by their own bigotry and prejudice to understand what they were voting for therefore it is only right and sensible that this small band of highly trained, highly privileged, intelligent, articulate, clever, highly educated and ethically superior EU mercenaries be allowed to make the decisions on their behalf….power of attorney you might say for the mentally and morally deficient plebs.
Today they launched a sneak attack ‘out of the bushes’, as Lord ‘adiEU’ Adonis might not say. A classic tactic of dropping a fake document into enemy hands in the hope that they will believe it and act accordingly to their detriment. Naturally it helps if you have a willing collaborator in the plan to help disseminate the ‘fake news’ far and wide, one who is supposedly neutral, honest and beyond reproach.
And luckily for Dementum they had just the platform, one that gladly broadcast the bad tidings, that the British economy would tank if it left the benevolent clutches of the EU, without question….repeated frequently throughout the day the broadcasts gave hope to those Dementum saboteurs stuck behind the lines that the cavalry, or is it Calvary, was on its way. D-Day would once again free Europe from the dark, looming prospect of a Nazi take-over…otherwise known by the code-name ‘Brexit’. Dementum Day….put the flags out for that one, the day we rejoin the EU.
Fifteen years to the minute from today, the document warned us, the British economy will implode, apocalypse not now but in 15 years time. Birds will fall from the trees, the skies will darken, dogs will run wild in the streets and Murdoch will buy Sky. Be assured, if Brexit happens, no good will come of it.
The fake news document, launched like a cruise missile targeted right at the heart of Brexit, turned out to be more of a North Korean firecracker as it veered wildly off target and took out its own control centre packed as it was with Herr Hammond and his Treasury manadarins who had cobbled this piece of junk news together as yet another part of their grand plan to stop Brexit…. ‘Project Fear’. The true Brits looked on as they had during the last time Europe had tried to blitz them and they laughed, flicked the V-sign and dug in for the long war.
Yes, the ‘True Brits’, the ‘conscies’, ‘treacherous’ conscientious objectors who refuse to be conscripted to the Dementum cause….they who paused for thought and decided life under a totalitarian regime was not for them and who bravely stood up for the real good of the country, the good that the majority of the country voted for rather than the conveniently shaped self-serving fantasies of the Dementum.
‘V’ for Victory over Europe. Go tell that to the German ambassador.
Er….‘We’re addressing unfairness in individuals’ pay and want to close the gender pay gap’
“The BBC has a special role representing Britain. That is why we need to be, and want to be, an exemplar on gender pay, and equal pay.
Now some of its own know what it is like to go up against the monolithic BBC and find themselves stonewalled and dismissed out of hand. An irony that the BBC which campaigns relentlessly for equality of varous kinds is now being taken to task for its own lack of equality…its own bias. Like the Roman Empire it is its own follies and indulgences that bring it down.
Despite massive evidence to the contrary PWC have concluded that the BBC doesn’t have an equal pay problem….which is why some of its highest paid men are taking huge pay cuts and hundreds of women are getting pay rises….why might that be?
Last night, @realDonaldTrump sat down with @piersmorgan in an interview for ITV, discussing everything from feminism, to Brexit, to tweeting from his bed…
Did the interview make you see President Trump differently?
Have to ask why Emma Barnett was so surprised at Trump’s performance and why she needed to ask if anyone’s perceptions of him had been changed because, as we’ve note before, Trump did plenty of interviews during the election in which he was coherent, moderate and intelligent, if the usual brash boaster. Did we hear any of this on the BBC? If the BBC ever did report on them such reports were drowned out by the tidal wave of reporting by itself that amounted to a sensationalist, sniping, smear campaign based more often than not on the salacious gossip and bought-in Democrat black-propaganda with reporters like Jon Sopel more intent on mocking and point scoring than relaying a true picture of what Trump was like and what his policies were.
The BBC failed to do its job and failed its viewers, they who pay those enormous wages, and why did this happen? Because the BBC was running a campaign to discredit, malign and demonise Trump. For all its apparent outrage at supposed Russian inteference in the US election the BBC itself shamelessly attempted to change the course of those elections by supporting Clinton and undermining Trump. Let’s see Mueller investigate the BBC’s interference and collusion with the Democrats….as well as it would seem the British intelligence services.
The BBC would never have been surprised at Trump’s performance on Piers Morgan if they had seen the previous interviews…which they have seen of course…they just chose deliberately not to report them in any meaningful way and instead chose to attack Trump and continue to do so to this day.
Ranty Remainder Lord Adonis is very upset with the BBC…..apparently they are pro-Leave and are the mouthpiece for the Brexiteers…..who knew?
We don't 'accept' that the 'war is over' because IT IS NOT OVER! The fall of Singapore was not the end of the war: when the Brits emerged from the bushes, they went on to win. Thank God.
BBC has been captured by Brexiters & is in breach of its charter in its reporting.
Following his link to a fellow Remainder activist we see what has caused his bilious outburst…an article by Nick Robinson…one from April 2017…the infamous‘BBC does not need to be balanced anymore’one. And the Remainders accuse Brexiteers of living in the past……you’d think with 20/20 hindsight the good Lord would be able to read the article with intelligent understanding and clarity…clearly not…and you suspect this is pretty much the standard he employs on all else he talks about on Brexit…
. @bbcnickrobinson explains that the BBC regards the referendum as over & regards protesting Remainers as "like fighters who emerge after months of hiding in a bush" & "seem not to accept that the war is over". Insulting, and conveniently
Naturally Nick Reeves, whomever he might be, and fellow travellers, have got hold of totally the wrong end of the stick and clearly have not read the article, possibly wilfully….as Robinson points out…..
The article says the reverse of what you are implying it says. It explains that outside of the referendum campaign we are not legally obliged to balance every Remain voice with a Leave one (& vice versa)
That statement refers to both sides. You are wilfully ignoring the point of the article which was to point out that the legal & editorial requirements limiting our coverage of debates changed with the end of the referendum campaign – nothing more, nothing less.
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