Here’s the latest Brexit scaremongering from the BBC…
Warning over NHS Wales Brexit ‘catastrophe’
Pretty scary eh? The BBC tells us…
Any Brexit which means leaving the single market could be catastrophic for the NHS and particularly devastating in Wales, a health academic has warned.
Nick Fahy, a health policy senior researcher at the University of Oxford said a hard or no deal Brexit could leave patients “at immediate risk”.
He also warned if EU staff left the UK, London could “suck in” Welsh NHS staff.
Way down the long article the BBC admits…
Mr Fahy is a specialist adviser to the Commons health committee and has worked for both the Department of Health and European Commission.
You’d hardly notice it would you…and of course you’re not meant to….and as for ‘worked for the European Commission’…that hides the real scale of things…..Fahy played a pretty central role in the EU’s health policy making spending more than a decade at the EU commission and he has set up his own consultancy.….eager to connect all European health services…and to lobby for a ‘soft Brexit’….ie no Brexit….
Nick Fahy has nearly 20 years of experience at senior level in European health policy, the last ten years in the Health and Consumers Directorate-General of the European Commission.
Nick Fahy is a well embedded part of the EU establishment and his commercial, and no doubt political interests, lie in keeping very close ties to the EU.
Why does the BBC present him as an almost impartial commentator when he quite clearly is an EU insider?
Head of Unit for Health Information
Most recently as head of unit for health information, he has been responsible for providing European information on health enabling benchmarking and supporting diffusion of health innovations, including developing the innovative European health wikipedia ‘HEIDI’. This work has included representing the Commission in international forums, including the OECD Health Committee and the Steering Committee of the European Observatory on health systems and policies.
In this post Mr Fahy has also had responsibility for Commission policy on major and chronic conditions, in particular the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and rare diseases, as well as the specific topics of e-health and data protection in public health.
Cross-border patient healthcare
Previously being deputy head of unit for health strategy, he led the processes leading to the Commission proposal for a directive on patient’s rights in cross-border healthcare adopted in early 2011, as well as contributing to Treaty revisions leading to the Lisbon Treaty and co-chairing Pharmaceutical Forum working groups on relative effectiveness and information to patients.