BBC promotes EU insider’s anti-Brexit message as news


Here’s the latest Brexit scaremongering from the BBC…

Warning over NHS Wales Brexit ‘catastrophe’

Pretty scary eh?  The BBC tells us…

Any Brexit which means leaving the single market could be catastrophic for the NHS and particularly devastating in Wales, a health academic has warned.

Nick Fahy, a health policy senior researcher at the University of Oxford said a hard or no deal Brexit could leave patients “at immediate risk”.

He also warned if EU staff left the UK, London could “suck in” Welsh NHS staff.

Way down the long article the BBC admits…

Mr Fahy is a specialist adviser to the Commons health committee and has worked for both the Department of Health and European Commission.

You’d hardly notice it would you…and of course you’re not meant to….and as for ‘worked for the European Commission’…that hides the real scale of things…..Fahy played a pretty central role in the EU’s health policy making  spending more than a decade at the EU commission and he has set up his own consultancy.….eager to connect all European health services…and to lobby for a ‘soft Brexit’….ie no Brexit….

Nick Fahy has nearly 20 years of experience at senior level in European health policy, the last ten years in the Health and Consumers Directorate-General of the European Commission.


Nick Fahy is a well embedded part of the EU establishment and his commercial, and no doubt political interests, lie in keeping very close ties to the EU.

Why does the BBC present him as an almost impartial commentator when he quite clearly is an EU insider?


Head of Unit for Health Information

Most recently as head of unit for health information, he has been responsible for providing European information on health enabling benchmarking and supporting diffusion of health innovations, including developing the innovative European health wikipedia ‘HEIDI’. This work has included representing the Commission in international forums, including the OECD Health Committee and the Steering Committee of the European Observatory on health systems and policies.
In this post Mr Fahy has also had responsibility for Commission policy on major and chronic conditions, in particular the European Partnership for Action Against Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and rare diseases, as well as the specific topics of e-health and data protection in public health.

Cross-border patient healthcare

Previously being deputy head of unit for health strategy, he led the processes leading to the Commission proposal for a directive on patient’s rights in cross-border healthcare adopted in early 2011, as well as contributing to Treaty revisions leading to the Lisbon Treaty and co-chairing Pharmaceutical Forum working groups on relative effectiveness and information to patients.

Catalonia got your tongue?



Maybe I don’t hear all the BBC reports about Catalonia but the ones I do hear and read always leave out one obvious parallel…Brexit.  How can that be when it is such an obvious link?

The Today show discussed Catalonia today [08:40] but remarkably made no mention of Brexit, then they moved on to Italy where two regions want more autonomy and we heard that they were ‘following Catalonia’….really?  And who was Catalonia following?  Again no mention of Brexit.  Extraordinary omission….the BBC happy to link Brexit to 1930’s Nazi Germany making parallels to that but not to modern day European independence movements.

Why does the BBC make so much effort to distance Brexit from these other independence movements?  Does the BBC not want you to think there is widespread feeling across Europe that leans towards some form of nationalism and local identity and control and that the grand EU project so beloved of BBC liberals is not in the interests nor in the hearts of the people of Europe?

The BBC manipulating the news in order to manipulate your minds.



The Right Stuff


The six o’clock pips sound across the nation. The red lights flash and the studio blinks to life and the familiar old juices stir. Three hours of live broadcasting lie ahead with an audience of millions leaning on our every word. Three hours in which to wield the simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play. Three hours to educate the audience with stuff they didn’t even know they wanted to know and to enrich the democratic process by giving them information they will store away, the better to make a wise choice at the ballot box when next called upon.


How we miss Jim Naughtie…don’t we?  Having listened to him[08:15] give the Governor of California, Jerry Brown, complete free range to malign and smear Trump you have to think not so much.

Brown, a Democrat of course, laid into Trump on the usual subjects with Naughtie feeding him the right cues for the next slander.  It was a shameful piece of ‘journalism’ that should embarrass any of the Today presenters who have to persuade us that they are worth listening to, that they will bring us the truth, unvarnished and impartial.  So-called interviews like this one discredit the programme and undermine their integrity.

We’re in an age of darkness, Trump is immoral, maybe evil, he’s wrong about everything and he’s dangerous.

Trump, Brown tells us, has created a massive polarisation in politics [hmmmm…just as he made America misogynist?]…trouble is it is not Trump who has caused polarisation but the Left who have become ever more aggressive in their tactics trying to close down anyone who doesn’t agree with them and by adopting militant identity politics to further their own interests.

All this of course mirrored by the Left’s supporters in the media such as the BBC….Naughtie not raising a word of dissent to challenge Brown at all….it is the BBC  narrative that Trump is beyond the pale and unacceptable as a President and thus anything can be said about him however malicious, however wrong.

And note Naughtie’s use of the phrase ‘undocumented migrants’…..that is a very loaded and misleading term meant to ‘humanise’ illegal migrants and intended to make people feel more sympathetic towards them…highly political whereas the correct term, illegal migrant, is actually neutral as it merely describes what they are.  ‘Undocumented’ gives the impression that they have just forgotten their passport or it is some stupid bureaucratic cock-up that will get sorted out, they’re entitled to enter the US they just need the paperwork to ‘rubberstamp’ that…it’s in the post no doubt…no, they are entering a country illegally, taking jobs by undercutting wages, taking housing and school places, using up local resources and not paying taxes….of course the BBC doesn’t want you to think about the downsides to illegal immigration, never mind the exploitation of the migrants themselves by employers and criminals.

The Today show….becoming more of a joke everyday.



The Scoundrel John Simpson


[H/T Guest Who]

LOL…..A BBC über liberal grand-dame journo now declaring his patriotic love for his lost country…..the country that he and his colleagues have spent their careers rubbishing and selling out to the EU and to the Islamists.

His claim that this is not the country it was, #duetoBrexit, is not new….note his condescending sneer at the voters who were too wilfully stupid and ignorant, too lazy to find out the truth….

“It’s fine for politicians to take that kind of approach, but for the British people to simply buy these things sight unseen, I’ve really found that quite disturbing.

“All my life, British voters seem to have been really sensible and balanced and it was as though during the debate – and I have to say it was both sides – people threw that balance away. It’s a different country now from what it was.”

That of course is the biggest lie of all…and a constant one that the BBC itelf broadcasts long and loud.  The voters knew exactly what they were voting for….to leave the EU, single market and all.










McCarthyism….some sort of fork-tongued, two-faced affliction?

Brexit ‘McCarthyism’ is unacceptable to universities. Free speech must flourish

Unless you are a Tory MP holding university lecturers to account….then you must STFU.

Where are all these brave defenders of freedom of speech when right-wing speakers are silenced and no-platformed on campuses…where is the Guardian and the BBC then?  What does the Guardian think we should do with people who merely think and write about what they call ‘Fascism’ and ‘Neo-Nazism’…..labels that the Guardian chooses to put on them…..

To tackle neo-Nazis, we must treat its ‘thinkers’ like thugs

An ageless concern was that far-right intellectual heft matters: violent outbursts rely on the build-up of argument. Thugs look as though they have gone past the point of debate because their rage is physically iterated, but in fact they have gone through debate first to get there. Furthermore, the tie Nazis lend a respectability that draws in a new crowd. 

Claim the argument and intellectual thinking leads to violence and then use that as an excuse to stamp on the intellectual and their freedom of speech….just a way of silencing your opponents by demonising them….treat them like ‘thugs’.

LOL……the Remainers have launched a incredible assault with the aid of their media friends at the Guardian and BBC on a Tory MP who had the temerity to ask what universities were teaching about Brexit….

Tory MP’s Brexit demand to universities ‘offensive’ – Lord Patten

A Eurosceptic Tory MP has been accused of compiling a “hit list” of university professors who teach Brexit courses.

Chris Heaton-Harris has written to universities asking for names of such professors and the content of their lectures.

A lecturers’ union said the letter had the “acrid whiff of McCarthyism” – and Tory peer Lord Patten called it “idiotic and offensive”.

Mr Heaton-Harris said he believed in “open” debate on Brexit.

Mr Heaton-Harris is a member of the pro-Brexit European Research Group of Conservative MPs.

Note how the BBC is quick to label him eurosceptic and mention what pro-Brexit group he belongs to.  No such information about the pro-EU fanatic Patten [BBC stooge of course] until well down the article and no such information about other ‘outraged’ personages such as Professor David Green at all…..

Professor David Green, vice-chancellor at the University of Worcester, said: “When I read this extraordinary letter on Parliamentary paper from a serving MP, I felt a chill down my spine. Was this the beginnings of a very British McCarthyism?”

He said he feared he would be denounced in Parliament by Mr Heaton-Harris as an “enemy of the people” if he did not supply the list – something he said he had no intention of doing.

He added: “I realised that his letter just asking for information appears so innocent but is really so, so dangerous.

“Here is the first step to the thought police, the political censor and Newspeak, naturally justified as ‘the will of the British people'”.

Extraordinary scaremongering  and alarmist language about a simple request asking if ‘Brexit’ was being taught in a balanced and impartial manner.

The BBC also quotes Sally Hunt…

Sally Hunt, chairwoman of lecturers’ union the University and College Union, said: “Our society will suffer if politicians seek to police what universities can and cannot teach.

“This attempt by Chris Heaton-Harris to compile a hit list of professors has the acrid whiff of McCarthyism about it and (universities minister) Jo Johnson must disown it in the strongest terms.”

You’ll note that in neither of these cases do we get told their position on Brexit.  Let me enlighten you….

THE University of Worcester’s vice-chancellor has signed an open letter warning higher education investment faces a hit under Brexit.

Professor David Green has joined 103 other university heads in adding his name to a note expressing deep concern about the crunch referendum vote.

Professor Green, a strong backer of the EU, says he felt compelled to sign it because the risks to universities are too great.

So not only is he a strong backer of the EU but he has signed a letter demanding his view predominates….and yet he complains about someone asking not for one-sided teaching but for balanced and impartial teaching…Professor Green is a hypocrite and somewhat of a McCarthyist himself using such intemperate, alarmist language in a deliberate attempt to demonise and make toxic Chris Heaton-Harris in the same way the BBC tried to make Farage a pariah in ‘decent’ society and how they labelled Leave voters as racists and bigots.

Sally Hunt is similarly minded as a Remainer and pro-EU advocate….

I voted Remain

We get a few words of support for Heaton-Harris from Andrea Leadsom but the vast bulk of the article is a poisonous hatchet job on a Brexit supporting Tory MP.

The BBC just doing what comes naturally….fake news, poisoning the well of democracy.


University suspends lecturer in racism row who praised BNP

Dr Ellis’s latest book argues that political correctness is strangling western society. In it he also expresses his admiration of the BNP. “The British National party is the only party in Britain that has consistently attacked the scandalously high levels of legal and illegal immigration.”

Naturally the lecturer didn’t praise or ‘admire’ the BNP, he merely stated a fact….however…he history.


‘What drives populism?’



All fairly obvious stuff from Matthew Goodwin in the Spectator…except to the BBC and fellow liberals who, as noted below, continue to frame Brexit solely as an economic problem failing to understand or believe, despite being told again and again, that it was about immigration and culture in the main…communities did not like being ‘swamped’ by thousands of foreigners turning up practically overnight making them strangers in their own land…the BBC merely brushes such concerns aside as ignorant, bigoted and racist and claims it is all about economics…if the poor [who all voted for Brexit says the BBC] saw that the economy was doing well and there was money for more schools and hospitals and houses they wouldn’t care if all their neighbours were foreign….that’s just not true though is it?….

What has led to the rise of populism? The conventional answer involves inequality, flattening wages – and general economic malaise. In Europe, one year after the vote for Brexit, Martin Wolf of the Financial Times claimed that the global financial crisis had ‘opened the door to a populist surge’. In America, thousands rushed out to buy J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy, a coming of age story about down-and-outs in poverty stricken Kentucky, as a blueprint on the Trump voter. Yet this take is deeply misleading. If populists only required economic hardship to thrive then they would be rocking in Portugal and Spain while collapsing in states that have had some of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, such as Austria and the Netherlands. The reality is that they are tanking in the former and surging in the latter.

So what’s going on? One possible answer (anathema to economists) is that people do not only care about jobs and GDP and that something else is having a much stronger effect. We might think back to an innovative experiment conducted in the 1990s by Paul Sniderman and his colleagues to find out why the Dutch were hostile toward rising immigration. Contrary to conventional wisdom they found that it was a sense of cultural rather than economic threat that had ‘by far the largest impact’.

We found [in our own studies in Britain] that worries over cultural threat overshadow concerns about the economy. So even in the shadow of a major financial crisis, recession, austerity, wage stagnation, squeezed living standards and an increasing number of terrorist attacks, it is still worries about culture –specifically, a belief that ‘British culture is threatened’ – that mattered more.AdTech Ad

In both 2011 and 2016, feelings that British culture is threatened were most closely linked to hostility toward minority groups. This sense of cultural protectionism had the largest effect on explaining hostility toward Muslims.

This cultural rather than economic backlash is absolutely central to making sense of why millions of citizens across the West are pushing back against immigration and turning to parties that want to curb this rapid ethnic churn in the name of defending traditional national values, ways of life and identity. Our political world is dominated by transactional debates about jobs and resources yet it is clear that voters put an equal if not greater value on something that is more diffuse yet politically potent if it is seen to be under threat – a shared history, culture, tradition and way of life.

This not only goes some way to explaining why the ramblings of an economic elite and jobs-focused Remain camp fell flat during the 2016 referendum but also why the centre-left across Europe has steadily been drained of support by voters wanting to mobilise in the name of defending their culture and values, whether from a refugee crisis or political, business and many media elites who celebrate internationalism and seemingly feel no real allegiance to a national community.

So cultural backlash erupting across the West is distinctly unlikely to evaporate in the near future, even if economic growth is somehow restored. As societies continue to become more ethnically and culturally diverse, and as the populist right gives one side of this debate a much greater sense of political agency, these revolts may yet have a long way to run.

Gordon Bennett!!! Politics taking over the Art


Who’d have thought?….

Gunpowder featured the most violent and visceral scenes of execution ever screened on primetime television. 

This star- studded BBC1 drama about the November 5 plot was not so much brutal as psychotic in its quest for historical accuracy.

It might seem hard to understand the need for this exceptionally graphic, nine-minute sequence… until you realise that the writer, Northern Irish novelist Ronan Bennett, is a Left-winger from a Catholic family, once wrongly jailed for the murder of a policeman during an IRA bank robbery. [Conviction ‘unsafe’]

(You might not be completely amazed, by the way, to learn that Bennett is a dedicated disciple of Jeremy Corbyn and worked for him as a researcher in the Eighties.)

Describing Bennett’s politics, respected US radio giant NPR says that in his work: ‘Ireland’s centuries of struggle against British rule are always there as a subtext.’ Now the ultra-violent executions take on their real context. 

The king’s Protestant thugs are the oppressive English state, while the Gunpowder plotters led by arch-Catholic Robert Catesby (Kit Harington from Game Of Thrones) are the Republican freedom fighters.

From NPR interview….

His 1999 novel, The Catastrophist, takes place in post-colonial Congo, but is an allegory of the situation in Northern Ireland, Bennett tells Renee Montagne as part of a series of conversations on war and literature.

“I was thinking very strongly of Ireland,” the author says. “I was thinking, how can I write about what the wider responsibilities of the artist in general are to the society he or she comes from? And how do you express that … role without the politics taking over the art?”

The BBC getting two for the price of one…normally they use the Gunpowder Plot, and the Fire of London, to warn us of the dangers of falling prey to ‘fake news’ demonising the ‘other’, false stories circulated by the Daily Mail and its like telling us about Muslim terrorism, radicalism and the failure, the wilful failure, to integrate….it’s all just not true just as the Catholic threat to Britain wasn’t true….it’s all dangerous black propaganda by sinister, powerful forces with malign intent.  This time they’ve doubled up getting a pro-IRA message in there as well apparently.

Trouble is of course the Catholic threat to Britain and its Protestant rulers was all too real just as the threat to British democracy, society and culture comes from those who not only preach against it but actively work to undermine it, the most extreme opting to use violence in order to force the breakdown of this society.




Blue Planet, Green Propaganda

Related image


A new series of the BBC’s ‘Blue Planet’ and of course we get the adverts, sorry, discussions about it liberally scattered around the BBC.

Interested to hear that they see it as their ‘mission’ to change people’s minds about climate change.   Attenborough, now a convinced believer, told us that he thought there couldn’t possibly be any sceptics left…it was abundantly clear that the planet was warming…and that it was Man’s fault.  Well, the Sceptics didn’t oppose the idea of climate changing, it always does, it is in fact those who seem to think that it should stay the same eternally that are wrong.  The Sceptics were sceptical about what the over-riding cause was.  There is still no  proof that CO2 is a cause or the main driver of climate change and yet that is the BBC’s accepted narrative.  But it is a political if anything narrative…..designed to blame the West and make western countries hand over billions of pounds to the ‘victims’ of our recklessness.

‘Blue Planet’ may be a technical triumph and stunning television but it comes prepackaged with a highly political message hidden within.  Great that the climate change lobby has such a powerful and well funded propaganda tool in the BBC.



‘Bitch’ is the new Black


Jennifer Lopez brands Sarah Palin ‘a b***h’ in Spanish slang on TV

R4 treated us to NBC’s Katy Tur who expressed shock and horror that Trump had introduced misogyny to America and that female reporters and politicians could no longer appear in public without abuse and threats.  Naturally the BBC presenter lapped it all up without demurring in the slightest because of course no female politician has ever been abused in the US before the Trump Era….Sarah Palin doesn’t count coz she’s a stupid, crazy Republican Tea Party bitch…so it’s only right to abuse her….no?  What’s even more shocking is that so many women joined in the abuse of Clinton…treachery!   And yet so many women are happy to do exactly the same to Palin…but without the liberal angst….

Libs Threaten to Beat & Kill Sarah Palin… Media Silent


Image result for sarah palin bitch kill her


Image result for sarah palin bitch

This piece artwork designates Sarah Palin as a “M.I.L.P.” (Mother I’d Like to Punch).

Image result for sarah palin bitch kill her



Crush the Obamedia narrative: Look who’s “gripped by insane rage”

Why Sarah Palin Incites Near-Violent Rage In Normally Reasonable Women …“I want to punch her in the face and ruin her shit. Fuck her for ruining this historic moment. THANKS SARAH, THE HOTTEST VP.”


And of course back in Blighty we have the Left’s visceral hatred of Margaret Thatcher and the furious rage and anger towards her…..the BBC being party to much of that in the way it reported on her and indeed went so far as to play some of a record [and they had to be pressured into restricting the playtime to even that small amount] that was driven to no1 in the music charts by people celebrating Thatcher’s death….would they have done that if it had been Obama or even Corbyn?  Never.


Image result for kill thatcher


Image result for thatcher bitch


Image result for thatcher bitch


Just another random drive-by attack on Trump by the BBC, completely meaningless and without merit intended purely to heap abuse [ironically] and discredit upon him and the ‘Right’.