Ken Loach…Holocaust Denier?

Ken Loach on ‘false’ anti-Semitism claims by Labour MPs

Some Labour MPs are making “absolute mischief” over claims of anti-Semitism in the party, in a bid to destabilise Jeremy Corbyn because of his backing for Palestinians, claims Ken Loach.

The film-maker was suspicious of the “false stories of anti-Semitism”, which had surfaced since Mr Corbyn became leader.

He told Daily Politics presenter Jo Coburn that: “All history is our common heritage to discuss and analyse. The founding of the state of Israel, for example, based on ethnic cleansing is there for us all to discuss.”




Will the BBC et al still love Ken Loach now that he gives the impression that he is happy for the Holocaust to be ‘denied’…he says all history is there to be discussed…ie did the Holocaust really happen?  Look at the furore over Kevin Myers’ badly phrased article and the false claims made that he is a Holocaust denier and then look at how he was treated as a pariah….will the same happen to lefty icon Loach?

Astonishing interview on the Daily Politics programme on which he denies there is a problem with anti-Semitism in Labour and he does this by channelling much of the anti-Semitic narrative about Israel and the Palestinians that is used to attack Jews in outside Israel [indeed it was a BBC journalist who told a Jew in France that she should expect to be attacked due to Israel’s actions in Gaza…his narrative suggesting Israel was committing war crimes]…it is all a plot to unseat Corbyn…note he fails to comment on homophobia or Islamophobia also mentioned by Coburn but goes directly to attack the allegations of anti-Semitism…..fellow travellers at the anti-‘Israel’ Electronic Intifada will be happy to hear he is echoing their propaganda…

How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis

Indeed the Russian state propaganda organ ‘RT’   suggests anti-semitism is a ‘tool’ to use against the Left.  Any wonder Putin fanboy Corbyn won’t say he will support a NATO country if attacked by Russia…..and the BBC is worried about Trump…lol.

Unfortunately Jo Coburn doesn’t challenge him on those claims….probably because the BBC itself has done so much to promote the very same narrative about Israel oppressing the Palestinians.  She just seems to roll over and back off in the face of his aggressive anti-Israeli stance.



Stand the Liberal Mosque Guard Down…False News News

Altrincham mosque stabbing: Surgeon attacked in ‘hate crime’ – BBC News


Muslim stabbed outside mosque…’s being treated as a race attack.

Oh hang on….after a day of constant headlines yesterday about a racist attack the BBC went quiet today…this story is now buried on the Manchester regional page…not the frontpage, not the UK page, not the England page…….you have to dig hard to find it…not a race attack after all…..

Altrincham mosque stabbing suspect remanded in custody

A 28-year-old man has been remanded in custody after appearing in court charged with assaulting a surgeon who was stabbed outside a mosque.

Ian Rook, of no fixed address, appeared at Manchester Magistrates’ Court charged with grievous bodily harm and possession of a lethal weapon.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said the force does not believe there was a racial motive to the attack.

Once again there is a massive hype from the BBC about a race attack on a Muslim but it turns out to be nonsense….the BBC complains about the Mail etc reporting ‘Muslim’ stories that are true but negative….the BBC on the other hand reports stories that are untrue and meant to paint a picture of rampant Islamophobia stalking Britain.

What does the BBC have against the British?




Cage Fighters


Oh dear, the BBC is trying to explain away a little local legal difficulty for the Director of the extremist Islamist group of the BBC’s favourite Muslim goto voices…

Why Cage director was guilty of withholding password

Just why is the BBC devoting so much  time and energy to helping this group of Islamists linked, amongst other things, to Jihadi John?

Only recently Cage was denounced as pro-terror group…

The evidence shows that Cage is a pro-terrorist group

All the evidence shows that Cage is a pro-terrorist group, not a human rights group as Oborne appears to think. Its history of support for terrorists should have closed the argument on them some time ago.

The Sunday Times reported that ‘Britain’s counter-terrorism regulator has been accused of a schoolboy error by contacting an Islamist organistaion shunned by government.’

What was that organisation?  Cage.  One of the BBC’s favourite goto Muslim organisations when they need credible, authentic Muslim voices to tell us why Muslims, ‘beautiful young men’, become radicalised….the BBC giving Cage a big platform to peddle their views and a legitimacy that money can’t buy.

Astonishing that the BBC continues to promote this group even after such warnings about its terror links.



Birds of a feather



The BBC is quick to call the AFD ‘Far Right’ and racist based on the fact that some members of the Party have made racist comments…

Alternative for Germany was founded in 2013 as an anti-euro party but later turned its focus to immigration and Islam.

It called for a ban on minarets and declared Islam incompatible with German culture. Several of its candidates have been linked to far-right remarks.

On that basis then the BBC should be referring to the Labour Party as ‘Far Right’ and anti-Semitic judging by the stream of racist comments that flows from  both its MPs and activists.  Oddly the BBC has never seemed too keen to ask too many questions about this unless forced to do…today is no exception.

The BBC reports about the very widely known historic abuse from within the Party….

Labour MP shocked by ‘1930s’ anti-Semitism

A senior Labour MP has said he is shocked at some of the anti-Semitic tweets by party members that come before its disciplinary panel.

John Cryer said some of what is written “makes your hair stand up”, adding: “This stuff is redolent of the 1930s.”

He was speaking at a fringe debate at the Labour conference in Brighton.


But on the same day Guido reported that Party activists were comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and demanding Jews be expelled from the Party.  Whilst the BBC reports only one story the Telegraph reports both….

Jeremy Corbyn accused of having an ‘ostrich strategy’ to anti-Semitism as Labour activists compare Israel to Nazi Germany

Jeremy Corbyn has been accused by one of his own MPs of having an “ostrich strategy” to anti-Semitism as Israel was compared to Nazi Germany at a conference fringe meeting.

Wes Streeting, the Labour MP for Ilford North made the comments after Labour activists discussed expelling Jewish groups from the party in what was described as a “thinly veiled call to purge Jews from the Labour Party”.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party admitted he had seen anti-Semitic tweets from party members “that would make your hair stand on end” that he said were “redolent of the Thirties”.

How is it the BBC can ignore a report on current anti-Semitism inside Labour?

Why is the BBC still hiding anti-Semitism inside Labour?

If this was the Tory Party it would be frontpage news just as the BBC excitedly reported a Whatsapp group in which an ‘Activate’ Tory was a member[but didn’t make any of the comments] that talked of gassing chavs but days later ignored a similar Labour Whatsapp group that talked about killing Tories.

The BBC and Corbyn both ostriches burying their heads in the sand, the BBC more concerned about neo-Nazis in Germany than about those in a Party that could be the next government?



Mufti Merkel



The BBC are aghast…the AFD in Germany [the ‘Far Right’ AFD…ie anyone who opposes Islamisation] have taken 13% of the vote which may translate into up to 90 seats.  Apparently we must reflect on what has caused the rise of the Far Right and a ‘horribly racist party’……voters must be educated about immigration and taught that it is wonderful for them and not a threat to their culture, beliefs, values and society.  Good luck with that….that lie.

What did cause the rise of the ‘Far Right’ or the rise of serious concerns about German society as Merkel invites in millions of people who have no loyalty to Germany, no connection to Germany and no desire to adapt themselves to German culture and values?

Not hard is it?  It was Merkel’s unilateral invitation that most people can see will lead to the destruction of ‘Germany’ as we know it.  Not just Merkel of course, it has been a long, on-going process whereby the elite have ridden rough-shod over the concerns of native populations and imported migrants to serve their own purposes, economic, political and cultural.  It is though ‘Mutti Merkel’ who has brought this to a head and it is ‘Mother Merkel’ who has given birth to the Far Right renaissance.

The likes of the BBC, Merkel and their fellow travellers who campaign relentlessly for open borders have ironically created the very thing they abhor.  Mutti Merkel has become Mufti Merkel.


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Corbyn steams on



Corbyn reckons his star is rising…or rather the steam….but rising from what?

Marr interviews Corbyn in a pretty lightweight effort that revealed more about Marr than Corbyn who just waffled on about justice and equality whenever asked a question that might prove tricky.

Image result for eu referendum ballot paper

Marr told us we faced a big choice….whether to essentially stay in the EU, inside its ‘force-field’, or head out into the world and ally with those such as the US.  It’s almost as if the referendum never happened and it’s still to be run….I always thought we’d made that ‘choice’ already…to leave the EU…which means leaving the EU imposed structures such as the Single Market, the Customs Union and of course the ECJ.   Why on earth the BBC keeps on suggesting we should remain under a foreign state’s legal jurisdiction is beyond me.  Do American citizens living here come under US law or British law?  British law of course.  EU citizens should be under British law not some parallel legal system.

Marr also suggested we needed a wealth tax….so let’s tax everyone twice…and do it retrospectively…..a mad and nasty idea that is all about the politics of envy not to mention stupidity.  Who would ever invest in their home or in savings if they thought the government was going to pick their pocket at any random time in the future if it felt the need?  It’s just plain nasty politics attacking the wealthy who in most cases have probably earnt the money and even if they inherited it those who willed it to them worked hard to get it.

Marr also thought that public workers should get a 5% pay rise because ‘it’s not unfair is it?’.  Nice of the BBC to be campaigning on behalf of the workers.  No bias there.

We also heard that only the EU can protect us from the predations of the big tech companies….only the EU can make them pay taxes and act responsibly….note not a single condemnatory word about Corbyn betraying the Leave vote nor about his remarkable u-turn on Brexit….or ‘evolution’ as the BBC now terms Labour flip-flops.

Red Andy still channelling Marx and the usual BBC socialist mantras.


Corbyn insisted on Marr that the Labour Party was all about the People…they could decide Party policy…Guido suggests that’s not happening as Corbyn blocks a vote on Brexit….too late for Marr…but will the question be asked on the Today show?…seems quite a central question at the heart of Corbyn’s ‘man of the people’ appeal……Marr suggested that 66% of the Party members wanted to stay in Single Market [and hence the EU by default]…..

Labour members will not be given a vote on the party’s Brexit policy at conference after it was decided it shouldn’t be prioritised among the eight most important topics for discussion. Big loss for Labour Remainers who hoped to get the party to vote in favour of single market membership and freedom of movement. Momentum helped the Corbynista Brexiters keep it off the agenda to save him from having the party split down the middle. Talk about papering over the cracks and making yourselves look completely irrelevant…

UPDATE: Labour Remainers who wanted to use a vote to adopt single market membership as policy are livid:


People dying due to Brexit…hopefully!




Clegg gets madder and madder as so many Remoaners seem to be….he can’t wait for older people to die off…

Second Brexit referendum needed because Leave voters are dying off, Nick Clegg suggests

Mr Clegg, who was deputy prime minister in the coalition government, said the “high point” of support for Brexit had passed because “the oldest voters voted for Brexit in the largest numbers” while the young voted to remain in the EU.

He believes that MPs will reject whatever Brexit deal the government negotiates, and at that point Britain should have the chance to vote on a reformed EU with the UK in an “outer orbit” of it.

Mr Clegg, who lost his seat in June’s general election, argued that voters were “promised a utopia” in the referendum campaign and would change their minds in droves once they saw the reality.

‘Reality’?  What does Clegg know about reality?  He seems well out of touch with that as the polls show even Remain voters just want to get on with Brexit as to fudge it will only bring disaster which is what Clegg and Co seem intent on engineering.

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No doubt Clegg and Dimbleby will be doing the ‘exit’ poll at the cemetry to check the optimum time for a quick referendum. ….Doris, Arthur, Nigel, Albert and Maisie…yep they’ve gone over to the other side…down below probably being Brexit voters….call Jez…his time has come…..


Universal Values or Multicultural Bigotry? You Choose


Always eye opening when you start to zone in on a single BBC reporter and your every thought about their ilk is confirmed as they reinforce the stereotype of what a liberal, holier than thou priesthood is seen as.


Just the usual BBC relativism and attempt to label those who do judge good and bad as facsists.  The ‘Enlightenment’ and universal values are finished, ironically killed off by the very liberals who should be espousing them the most and who indeed base their  lecturing sermons to us upon them and yet in doing so promote the most intolerant, backward and primitive cultures that are intrinsically opposed to those Enlightenment, Western values.