The Guilty Men



Always worth a reminder of what the BBC, Guardian et al do behind our backs as Brexit moves up a gear:


George Orwell

The general weakening of the whole British morale that took place during the nineteen-thirties, was the work mostly of the left-wing intelligentsia.

The mentality of the left-wing intelligentsia can be studied in half a dozen weekly and monthly papers. The immediately striking thing about all these papers is their generally negative, querulous attitude, their complete lack at all times of any constructive suggestion. There is little in them except the irresponsible carping of people who live in a world of ideas and never expect to be in a position of power. Another marked characteristic is the emotional shallowness of people who live in a world of ideas and have little contact with physical reality. The really important fact about so many of the English intelligentsia is their severance from the common culture of the country.

In the general patriotism of the country they form a little island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. …it is their duty to snigger at every English institution.

All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British…if the fascist nations judged we were ‘decadent’ and that it was safe to plunge into war, the intellectual sabotage from the Left was partly responsible.

It is clear that the special position of intellectuals in society as purely negative creatures came about because society could not use them, they were useless to a productive nation, and they had not got it in them to see that devotion to one’s country implies ‘for better, for worse’.

A modern nation cannot afford to have a separation of intelligence and patriotism, they will have to come together because it is a fact that we are fighting a war, and a very peculiar kind of war that may make this possible.

All left-wing parties in the highly industrialised countries are at bottom a sham, because they make it their business to fight against something which they do not really wish to destroy. They have international aims, and at the same time they struggle to keep up a standard of life with which those aims are incompatible. We all live by robbing Asiatic coolies, and those of us who are ‘enlightened’ all maintain that those coolies ought to be set free, but our standard of living, and hence our ‘enlightenment’, demands that the robbery shall continue. A humanitarian is always a hypocrite.

Up the People….if they vote for Brexit or Trump



‘Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don’t cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing, if you have no rights .’


The BBC’s man of the people

The journalist Paul Mason is dead chuffed by a nice review of his book Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere, a study of the Occupy movements, by the American historian Paul Le Blanc.

“This challenging ‘must-read’ volume is a journalistic account with a difference, informed as it is by radical and revolutionary social theory (most obviously, through not exclusively, Karl Marx),” writes Le Blanc.


Paul Mason has only ever said one thing that has the ring of truth to it…

Dictatorships rely not just on the suppression of news but on the suppression of narratives and truth. More or less everything you need to know to make sense of the world is available as freely downloadable content on the internet: and it’s not pre-digested for you by your teachers, parents, priests, imams.

He might of course have added to the list of information suppressors the BBC….but why would he when having escaped the hierarchical confines of their oppressive, conformist neo-liberal clutches he like the prodigal son returns home to mum and dad for the bread and butter, the handouts, knowing that rebellion is all very well but it doesn’t fill your belly nor pay the pension….as the Guardian finds out as it puts the begging bowl out as Capitalism is put to the sword…

Since you’re here …

… we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. And unlike many news organisations, we haven’t put up a paywall – we want to keep our journalism as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters – because it might well be your perspective, too.


So Mason is back at the BBC preaching anarchistic rebellion on the State Broadcaster funded by tax-with-menaces…is he fighting the System from within?..Or topping up his pension?….LOL….

Performance Live: Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere

Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere is about different kinds of popular protest. Written and performed by Paul Mason, former economics editor of Channel 4 News and BBC’s Newsnight, the play is a personal account of how we got from the optimism of the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement to the election of Donald Trump. Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere is directed by David Lan and performed by Paul Mason, Khalid Abdalla, Sirine Saba and Lara Sawalha.

Kirsty Wark introduced the programme by saying that Art holds up a mirror to the world…in this case we get a mirror as cracked as Paul Mason’s ideas which are the usual childish revolutionary ones of everyone must have prizes in essence.  The basic point of the play is that the people must rise up, take power and live in a society without a hierarchy…no-one is in charge…we all make the decisions but no-one decides.  That’ll work.

What we get is drama and sensation over content and substance, ‘art’ instead of truth, performance and presentation over genuine understanding.  It was a mess masquerading as a narrative, the showy, dramatic flourishes actually distracting from the story and of course is highly stylised and censored…only one line of opinion was allowed…hmmm…so hierarchical.

What was the opinon?  Capitalism is dead, neo-liberalism is dead, hierachy is dead, the People must not rely on government to help them…they must save themselves.

Even his pro-Corbyn side-kick Seumas Milne acknowledges the flaw in thinking like Mason’s.…’A Financial Times-Harris poll conducted across the advanced capitalist world this month found large majorities believe the financial crisis has been caused by “abuses of capitalism”, rather than the “failure of capitalism itself”‘

The people don’t want to govern themselves directly hands-on, they don’t want to run things personally, they want government to do that for them but to do it in a way that represents their wishes….hence we get Brexit which Mason actually supports in theory whilst at the same time hating Trump.

Mason on Brexit…

The leftwing case for Brexit is strategic and clear. The EU is not – and cannot become – a democracy. Instead, it provides the most hospitable ecosystem in the developed world for rentier monopoly corporations, tax-dodging elites and organised crime. It has an executive so powerful it could crush the leftwing government of Greece; a legislature so weak that it cannot effectively determine laws or control its own civil service. A judiciary that, in the Laval and Viking judgments, subordinated workers’ right to strike to an employer’s right do business freely.

Its central bank is committed, by treaty, to favour deflation and stagnation over growth. State aid to stricken industries is prohibited. The austerity we deride in Britain as a political choice is, in fact, written into the EU treaty as a non-negotiable obligation. So are the economic principles of the Thatcher era. A Corbyn-led Labour government would have to implement its manifesto in defiance of EU law.  And the situation is getting worse. 

[But] In Britain I can replace the government, whereas in the EU, I cannot.

That’s the principled leftwing case for Brexit.

Now here’s the practical reason to ignore it. In two words: Boris Johnson. The conservative right could have conducted the leave campaign on the issues of democracy, rule of law and UK sovereignty, leaving the economics to the outcome of a subsequent election. Instead, Johnson and the Tory right are seeking a mandate via the referendum for a return to full-blown Thatcherism: less employment regulation, lower wages, fewer constraints on business. If Britain votes Brexit, then Johnson and Gove stand ready to seize control of the Tory party and turn Britain into a neoliberal fantasy island.


And of course hierarchies are so yesterday that’s why Mason’s play was randomly put together using comment and performance from anyone who wanted to contribute…or was it?

Production Company The Young Vic
Production Company Totally Theatre Productions
Author Paul Mason
Director Tim Van Someren
Director David Lan
Series Producer Battersea Arts Centre
Series Producer Andrew Fettis
Executive Producer Emma Cahusac
Executive Producer Martin Dance
Producer Ben Cooper
Producer Gavin Kalin
Production Manager Kate Sinden
Editor Perry Bellisario


Canary Canards


Where is the BBC’s fake news rapid rebuttal service?

The BBC’s new favourite radical, Corbyn supporting online rag [which according to the BBC is set to counter the right-wing Red Top attack dogs…like the Mirror?], The Canary, has been pumping out fake news…..

Jeremy Hunt should be ashamed of this despicable attack on NHS staff

Jeremy Hunt should be ashamed of this despicable attack on NHS staff

On Friday 14 July, a court handed down a judgement summing up the state of our NHS. It ruled that NHS staff owed a private company £39,000. All because of austerity, and because Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt holds NHS workers in such contempt that he refuses to listen to their pleas for help.

Outrageous treatment

French private parking firm Indigo brought the case against the NHS workers, saying more than 70 staff at the University Hospital of Wales (UHW) had unpaid parking tickets. Cardiff and Vale University Health Board made the arrangements with Indigo in April 2016 which made parking fines legally enforceable.

Trouble is Labour are in charge of the Welsh NHS as Hunt points out…



The Canary was forced to update its nonsense…

This article was updated ……at 5:53pm to elaborate on the Welsh government’s role in the second paragraph. 

The BBC’s stealth on Health…good news is no news



Over the past week I’ve heard on the BBC that the NHS is failing and that we are lagging desperately behind the rest of the world…hmmm…what I hadn’t heard were the results of the latest Commonwealth Fund survey on health systems from around the world….possibly because the BBC wasn’t making its the results headline news for some reason.

Here’s possibly why…

The NHS has been ranked the number one health system in a comparison of 11 countries.

The UK health service was praised for its safety, affordability and efficiency, but fared less well on outcomes such as preventing early death and cancer survival.

So ‘the NHS has been judged the best, safest and most affordable healthcare system out of 11 countries analysed and ranked by experts from the influential Commonwealth Fund health thinktank.’

The BBC slips in…

The UK health service was praised for its safety, affordability and efficiency, but fared less well on outcomes such as preventing early death and cancer survival.

What it misses out is that we are rapidly improving our death prevention….

In general, the U.K. achieves superior performance compared to other countries in all areas except Health Care Outcomes, where it ranks 10th despite experiencing the fastest reduction in deaths amenable to health care in the past decade.


How can the NHS be top after being sold off to the lowest-bidding private contractor, nurses having to go to food banks, what nurses there are left in the NHS that is, and an NHS in critical condition on the brink of destruction that, as the last post told us, only Labour can save?

Or as the Guardian puts it….

The NHS has held on to the top spot despite the longest budget squeeze in its 69-year history, serious understaffing and the disruption caused by a radical restructuring of the service in England in 2013.

Those other countries…third world no-hopers?…hardly…and Obamacare is working well no?….

The rankings

  1. UK
  2. Australia
  3. Netherlands
  4. Norway
  5. New Zealand
  6. Sweden
  7. Switzerland
  8. Germany
  9. Canada
  10. France
  11. United States






On Friday R4 broadcast Labour’s manifesto pledges on the NHS but in a comic voice…though why I don’t know as it was pretty comic to begin with.  I thank you!

‘Polyoaks’, written by a doctor, Phil Hammond, described by the Guardian as “One of the most entertainingly subversive people on the planet.”, was a scathingly political blast on behalf of the NHS….I’m guessing Dr Hammond doesn’t think the NHS is safe in Tory hands as he suggests without Labour to fight for it the NHS is doomed…


You have to laugh at the below as the BBC has spent so many hours denying there is a problem with people getting to see GPs…as to admit it might be an admission that social care is not the only thing putting pressure on A&E…and that would put Labour and their money for nothing contracts with GPs in the frame for some blame….


Polyoaks was a rant against the state of the NHS now and blaming it on the Tories…social care, internal markets and privatisation.  This episode ended with thoughts that the NHS was to be devolved off to local government…or passing the buck and the responsibility as Polyoaks put it.  ‘This is the end of the NHS’ we are told.

‘Will it be good for the patients?’ the ‘Machiavellian’ boss was asked.  Her reply…‘I don’t give a damn, I’m off’.


Slightly political, biased and histrionic?  Of course, it’s the BBC in campaign mode.



Towering injustice


Jonathan Freedland and the BBC like to use historical events to understand and inform the present….using their own interpretation naturally.  This week we were treated to a comparison of a fire in Glasgow to the one at Grenfell Tower.…Freedland told us this was a story about those with power and those with too little….in other words we don’t actually neeed an inquiry because Freedland has already passed judgement…it was those in power who ignored the concerns of the powerless and continued on regardless either knowingly or recklessly disregarding safety regulations and not bothering to even consider if the materials they were using were suitable…and all because they put private money and profit before public safety.  Cancel the inquiry…job’s done already!

Perhaps Freedland would like an idea for next week’s programme…perhaps comparing the current ‘invasion’ of Europe to what happened to Rome….as mentioned in the previous post:

Will we see Europe destroyed along with all its values, beliefs, culture and economy?….welcome to the new Dark Ages……[from an official government forecast, 2007, of what the future holds…and its here already]

Britain and Europe face being overrun by mass migration from the Third World within 30 years, a senior Royal Navy strategist claimed yesterday.

In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry forecast ‘reverse colonisation’, where migrants become more dominant than their hosts.

He said the seeds of the problem were spiralling population growth and environmental destruction.

In the competition for resources, many would flee their homelands and head en masse for better places such as Britain.

The Internet, cheap foreign travel and free international phone calls would hasten the demise, he said, because new migrants would stay connected with their homelands rather than assimilate into the host country’s culture.

His prognosis is that Western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the collapse of the Roman Empire after the 5th century invasion of Rome by the Goths, the East Germanic tribe.

Trigger-happy triggered ‘liberals’



The good news 2007:

Ideological conflicts are likely to occur and extremist groups may use violence to achieve political objectives. There may be a resurgence of anti-capitalist ideologies, such as Marxism. Diaspora communities are likely to increase in size and influence and many will bring economic benefits to their host states. However, those that fail to integrate are likely to remain reservoirs for resentment. Some of these groups are likely to become involved in ideologically driven conflicts, and may act as proxies for other states.


A right-wing journalist has been thrown off the funding platform Patreon because she is right-wing….Patreon says it is because she was usng funds to ‘take part in activities that are likely to cause loss of life’…such as the activities of Italian groups that are trying to stop the reckless picking up and transportation to Italy of thousands of migrants by NGO charities….whose activities result in loss of life and countless ‘rescued’ lives mired in misery as the migrants are trafficked and prostituted across Europe or drown on the way to this splendid new life promised to them by Merkel and Mark Easton.

Trouble is she wasn’t ‘taking part’ but going as a journalist…much as the BBC itself did it its own inimicable and prejudiced fashion….straight off these are not ‘rescue ships’ they actually encourage the migrants to take the huge risks and so are facilitating that loss of life and  subsequent depradations suffered by those who do make it to Europe…let’s have the platform that funds the BBC ban the BBC for taking part in activities that will cause loss of life… more TV licence until the BBC stops promoting a free and murderous taxi service across the Med and stops promoting Islamist terrorist and anti-Semitic narratives…..

Migrant crisis: ‘Hipster right’ group trying to stop rescue ships

They call themselves Generation Identity. Made up of mainly 20-something tech-savvy members, the Identitarian movement has been described as the hipster right.

Fiercely anti-immigration and anti-Muslim, its aim is to stop mass migration to Europe. With headquarters in Austria and France, the group may be small in size, but its message is starting to resonate in Italy – a country where sympathy for migrants is wearing thin.

As the number of people seeking to reach Europe rises again, Italy continues to be the major point of entry for those arriving illegally on boats – particularly in the south.

However, attitudes are hardening and now this new “alt-right” movement says it will do whatever it can to protect Italian identity and culture from outsiders.

So already dismissed as ‘fiercely anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim’ as if there were no reason for their concerns..and why ‘fiercely’?  That’s a perjorative term.  The BBC does admit this…

The vast majority are not refugees fleeing war, but are considered economic migrants and mainly come from sub-Saharan Africa and as far as the Indian sub-continent.

…but soon reverts to type as it accuses the group of exploiting the crisis for their own ends rather than having genuine grounds for concern….

Italy is feeling the full burden of these new arrivals and there are now concerns that anti-immigration activists are exploiting the crisis for their own ends, calling for the “remigration” of second and third generation immigrants and the closure of mosques.

The BBC report ends with this:

While the crisis continues, so will criticism of the humanitarian effort. As will the message of intolerance.

And a solution? No end in sight.

So the BBC’s final conclusion?  The attempts to stop the flow of illegal economic migrants are ‘intolerance’…let’s ignore all the problems, many which the BBC did admit to in this piece, and yet as usual with the BBC they manage to dismiss all those concerns with a glib and simplistic good/bad  portrayal…good humanitarian rescuers and evil, intolerant anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim neo-Nazis.

And an end in sight could be in sight…you just have to say no, you’re not coming in…and they will stop coming.  You just have to have, as Trump said, the will to defend your society, culture and economy….the BBC’s sanctimonious, self-righteous, virtue signalling, cowardly vanity will destroy Europe and ironically destroy the lives of the migrants who come here.

The likes of Mark Easton don’t seem to have the brains nor the backbone to tackle the crisis and do what is necessary….he just couldn’t bare to be thought of as ‘racist’ or lacking compassion…and so is prepared to see Europe destroyed along with all its values, beliefs, culture and economy….welcome to the new Dark Ages……

Britain and Europe face being overrun by mass migration from the Third World within 30 years, a senior Royal Navy strategist claimed yesterday.

In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry forecast ‘reverse colonisation’, where migrants become more dominant than their hosts.

He said the seeds of the problem were spiralling population growth and environmental destruction.

In the competition for resources, many would flee their homelands and head en masse for better places such as Britain.

The Internet, cheap foreign travel and free international phone calls would hasten the demise, he said, because new migrants would stay connected with their homelands rather than assimilate into the host country’s culture.

His prognosis is that Western civilisation faces a threat on a par with the collapse of the Roman Empire after the 5th century invasion of Rome by the Goths, the East Germanic tribe.

Safe spaces for the space cadets



Mark Steyn on the Liberal-Islamo-Fascist mindset that has polluted the world….




And right on cue….

‘You wouldn’t tag hummus’ Angry shopper accuses Sainsbury’s of ‘corporate racism’ after he found £3.80 TIN of Jamaican delicacy security tagged in a south London store

Speaking to MailOnline, he said: ‘Whether it was an accident or intentional, this is corporate racism at its worst.

‘It’s a metal can of produce that is very popular with a community that has huge issues with poor stereotypes permeated by bigoted old, white people.

‘Why would they not put high value items in security tags, why put something so specific? It’s just something very openly racist, it’s subtle and frankly quite evil.

The technology expert was shopping in his local supermarket this afternoon when he noticed a whole shelf of the delicacy had been placed in security boxes - despite only being worth £3.80 with reduced items 


Heard it on the Gripe Vine

Image result for money money money gifs


Vine: “I’m there as having a salary of between £700,000 and £750,000. How do you justify that?”

Purnell: “You’re fantastic…”


Tim Vine had the world’s funniest one-liner but his brother, apparently on £80 grand for a one night stand, has prompted the BBC to come up wth their own hilarious killer one-liner…because he’s worth it…

“His experience of political, live and overseas reporting means he is also important as a co-presenter of major national events like General Elections and referendums.”


From the Telegraph:

Jeremy Vine was paid as much as £80,000 for just one programme on the night of the Scottish independence referendum.

A well-placed source has told The Daily Telegraph that the BBC offered Vine the sum for working on the 2014 referendum. The payment was separate to his earnings as a presenter on Radio 2 and as host of television quiz show Eggheads and other programmes.

Vine did not present the show but appeared on a regular basis throughout the evening explaining how the result would likely pan out based on results as they came in.

It is not clear whether Vine is paid similar sums for general elections on top of his other work – but it is thought likely he negotiates a fee for each event. It is not known if Vine received similar fees for the two general elections and the EU referendum as well.

Extraordinary how  the BBC is so free and easy with licence fee payers’ money….and yet they still hunt down and lock up single mother’s on benefit for non-payment of its tax-with-menaces.


The arrogance and ‘just don’t get it’ stupidity of some is astonishing as they mock those who are asking why the BBC thinks they are worth it……

Lineker joked about the furore over his pay yesterday by tweeting: 'This whole BBC salary exposure is an absolute outrage... I mean, how can Chris Evans be on more than me?'

Hours before his pay was revealed, Lineker tweeted: 'Happy BBC salary day. I blame my agent and the other TV channels that pay more. Now where did I put my tin helmet?'


Nolan is astonishingly well paid [over £400k] for some backwater presenter who showers his callers with contempt and derision….if you question the wisdom of mass, uncontrolled immigration you are unChristian, lack compassion and clearly don’t have children or otherwise you would feel for all the dead child ‘refugees’ like Aylan Kurdi…and you obviously don’t he suggests.  I’m sure the BBC could get one of those shouty street persons in to do the exact same job…price…a few bevvies.

Image result for stephen nolan eating


Guess it is a case of easy come easy go with BBC funds.  Perhaps time for a change.