In the last post we had a reminder of the BBC’s extremely partisan reporting on Blacks killed by US police officers…the BBC wrongly claiming that Blacks are more likely than whites to be shot…not true…whites are in fact more likely to be shot…and note that a good proportion of the cops when they do shoot Blacks are in fact Black or other non-white ethnicity.
When a black person is shot by the US police it is big news for the BBC, they devote a lot of time and resources to reporting the shooting and in following up the story later on as well as tying it in to other shootings so as to make that narrative that they seem so eager to create of racist white cops…..despite knowing many of the cops are not white.
How different when it is a cop who gets shot or stabbed…of course the BBC’s ‘racist cop’ narrative has no doubt contributed to the heightened racial tension and subsequent shootings of police officers in the US by Blacks out for ‘revenge’.
A recent stabbing of a police officer in the US by someone shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ is not clearly one of those ‘revenge’ attacks but it is interesting to see the way the BBC report, or hardly report it at all in comparison to their reporting when a Black gets shot by a cop. A police officer is attacked by someone who is likely an Islamic terrorist and the BBC doesn’t manage to get it onto the frontpage, or even on the world page….it is however top story on the US page….but how does a ‘top story’ from the US page about such a sensitive issue in light of present day circumstances and threats not merit a mention on the frontpage? A bit of news management in light of those circumstances…once again the BBC playing down the violence coming from Muslims…and of course cops are legitimate targets…especially the white racist type…and if they’re white they must be’s a known BBC fact.
The BBC continues to try and suggest the shooting of Philando Castile by a US police officer was a cop shooting a man because he was black…never mind that the cop must have plenty of ‘black’ or other non-white heritage himself [photo above]…as with so many other shootings the police officer is not white and the BBC had to rapidly change its own racist narrative about ‘racist’ white police officers shooting blacks…Clive Myrie suggesting white cop racism is just the American way…
Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.
The cop who shot Castile, Jeronimo Yanez, was found not guilty of manslaughter and the dashcam video of the shooting has been released [above].
The footage appeared to corroborate Ms Reynolds’ account of the incident. which she filmed immediately following the shooting.
The footage does not corroborate her account because we don’t see what is going on in the car…but obviously Castile is reaching for something and continues to do so when told not to…then he is shot. When you’ve just told a cop you’re armed and he says don’t reach for anything, then don’t reach….even across the Pond we know not to wind up US cops and not to give them any suggestion that they are in any danger from us.
The BBC says..
The officer called for emergency responders and later is heard saying: “I don’t know where the gun was.”
The intention of including that is to cast doubt on his account, never mind he has just been found not guilty…he actually said the ‘Zip’ [Zipped pouch] the man was reaching for was a lot wider than a wallet, thus indicating he believed the gun may be in the ‘Zip’…presumably something along these lines…
Look at the BBC’s romanticised version of events at the time of the shooting which is wrong and clearly very pro-Castile…the timing is wrong, the shots were fired earlier than in the transcript and most of what Castile says is inaudible…I cannot hear him say he was reaching for anything…or that he said ‘I’m not pulling it out…’
The transcript
Philando Castile: Sir, I have to tell you that I do have a firearm on me.
Officer Jeronimo Yanez: (interrupting) Okay. Okay, don’t reach for it then.
Castile: I’m … I’m … [inaudible] reaching …
Yanez: (interrupting) Don’t pull it out. [Shots actually fired here]
Castile: I’m not pulling it out.
Reynolds: He’s not pulling it out.
Yanez: Don’t pull it out! (Yanez opens fire)
Castile: I wasn’t reaching for it. [The guy’s just been shot 4 times and he’s still chatting away?]
The BBC’s massive covergage of the shootings of Blacks, and nearly always only Blacks, not bothering with Whites being shot, will almost certainly have contributed to the atmosphere in the US that was whipped up into an orgy of violence and cop killing by blacks….justified by the coverage and fake news by the likes of the BBC….and they’re still at it..slyly insinuating the cop is guilty whatever the court says.
The Queen has opened parliament to lay out the government’s plans for the next two years.
At the top of the agenda was Brexit, and as the monarch proposed new laws to prepare the UK for its departure from the European Union (EU), some social users couldn’t help noticing the Queen’s choice of headwear.
Following recent events in the news you might have been hearing a lot about Islam and maybe the term ‘Islamophobia’ – but what does this mean?
The UK is full of people who follow lots of different faiths and religions.
Most of the time they all get along and people are free to live the way they want to.
However, some groups are targeted because of their beliefs, and because of events that people blame them for – even if this is incorrect.
Islamophobia is when Muslims are the victims of attacks just because of their religion.
It is something that worries a lot of people.
Many people think Islamophobia is created when a person doesn’t properly understand what Muslims do or believe, and that the best way to combat it is to have a better understanding of Muslims and Islam.
In fact as David Goodhart points out as people understand and get to know Islam they realise it is totally alien and contrary to their own beliefs and values and they would become less tolerant of it….
The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.
Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.
Trevor Phillips, that well known Islamophobe, will tell you that there is a wide and ever-growing gap between conservative Muslims in their ghettoes and Britain and its democratic, liberal values.
The BBC’s piece on Islamophobia, rushed out after the attack in London on Muslims, is naive and simplistic and is designed to hide the uncomforatble truths about Islam and the beliefs about Britain that many Muslims hold…no such articles from the BBC rushed out in the wake of Manchester and London Bridge or Westminster telling Muslims to stop being anti-British.
To face Islamist terror, we must face the facts about Islam’s historyIt is not surprising that politicians have tried to avoid this debate by spinning a lie. The world would be an infinitely safer place if the historical Mohammed had behaved more like Buddha or Jesus. But he did not and an increasing number of people — Muslim and non-Muslim — have been able to learn this for themselves in recent years. But the light of modern critical inquiry which has begun to fall on Islam is a process which is already proving incredibly painful.
We have spent 15 years pretending things about Islam, a complex religion with competing interpretations. It is true that most Muslims live their lives peacefully. But a sizeable portion (around 15 per cent and more in most surveys) follow a far more radical version. The remainder are sitting on a religion which is, in many of its current forms, a deeply unstable component. That has always been a problem for reformist Muslims. But the results of ongoing mass immigration to the West at the same time as a worldwide return to Islamic literalism means that this is now a problem for all of us. To stand even a chance of dealing with it, we are going to have to wake up to it and acknowledge it for what it is.
Perhaps now after this latest example of Far-Right ‘radicalisation’ and anger we will have ‘Baroness’ Nick Griffin made chair of the Tory Party in order to appease the angry youth of the Far-Right community, maybe Far-Right extremists will be put in charge of the Prevent programme or used to advise government action on tackling the social and cultural discrimination that mean the Far-Right become alienated and angry and then become ‘victims’ of extremist Far-Right recruiters who pervert Nationalism and hijack the Union Flag for their own poisonous purposes. Maybe millions if not billions will be poured into Far-Right communities so that they are not ‘left behind’, marginalised and disaffected. Maybe the government will work to create a pro-Far-Right narrative across the media and political spectrum..with police officers, local councils and the likes of the BBC roped in to spin a message about the Far-Right being essentially a peaceful movement that loves Britain and British values…more so than anyone else in Britain in fact. Just remember …..’Fascism’…is the political ideology of peace.
Maybe we should keep the borders to the EU open….is this why so many Muslims voted for Brexit….white Catholics who know and speak the truth….who will the Polish kids believe…the BBC or their parents?…..
The BBC will absolutely hate this…wonder if they will be producing their own counter-video as they did when ‘Muslim Demographics’ went viral on Youtube?….
Last week we had the anniversary of the murder of Jo Cox. Naturally the BBC gave up plenty of airtime to talking about this and Brendan Cox is the new goto fixture at the BBC for any comment on terrorism and Far-Right hate. Jo Cox’s actual murder was of course headline news for days, if not weeks and is still a pivotal point of reference when the BBC wants to ‘warn’ us of the perils of Far-Right extremism and its lurking presence as it readies itself to take over the country.
We were told that attacks on the likes of Jo Cox were an attack on democracy itself and could not be tolerated. Similarly the shooting of US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was given massive coverage here and blamed squarely on ‘Right-Wing rhetoric’, Sarah Palin coming in for particular blame as she had ‘targeted’ Giffords in the election.
Sarah Palin at centre of storm over political vitriol after spree leaves six dead and congresswoman in critical condition
This was highly synthetic outrage from the Left trying to claim that certain completely innocent remarks were the incitement for a murder. How different when the Left ran an actual murderous campaign against Trump which resulted in an attempt to kill senior Republican politicians.
The BBC barely mentioned the attempt to shoot Republican Steve Scalise, the story soon vanishing from view….from the Mail….
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was in a critical condition in hospital on Wednesday afternoon after he was shot by a Trump-hating gunman who opened fire on Republican congressional baseball practice.
The Louisiana congressman was shot in the hip as he stood on second base at the field in Alexandria, Virginia at 7am on Wednesday. His staff initially described his condition as ‘stable’ but the Medstar Hospital in Washington DC later said that Scalise was in critical condition after having surgery.
He was among five injured when James T. Hodgkinson, 66, opened fire on the Republicans with an assault rifle from the third base dugout at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, Virginia, as the group practiced batting at around 7.00am.
You would hardly know that such an attack had happened had you relied on the BBC, little to nothing on the radio and the story vanished rapidly from the BBC news consciousness…in contrast Democrat Giffords’shooting dominated the news for a long time and was referenced frequently….as well as the blaming of ‘Right-Wing’ rhetoric for the attack.
No such angst about violent Left-Wing rhetoric and actions, no qualms at all it seems about the endless appeals to someone, anyone, to assassinate Trump or about the ‘resistance’ that is in fact violent thuggery by the Left, much as Corbyn’s stormtrooping Brownshirts enact here on our streets.
Where is the outrage at such attacks and threats to kill the President, even a play running at a New York theatre encouraging his assassination?
Hollywood has issued dire predictions and hysterical warnings about Donald Trump ever since the Republican businessman first announced his candidacy for the presidency in June 2015.
But the level of vitriol and violent rhetoric against now-President Trump has increased substantially in recent weeks, from comedian Kathy Griffin’s now-famous shock “beheading” photograph to Shakespeare in the Park’s not-at-all-subtle “assassination” of Trump on a stage in New York City’s Central Park.
Unfortunately, Griffin and the director of Julius Caesar are not anomalies in Hollywood; actors, writers, directors, and other celebrities have fantasized about using violence against Trump, his supporters, and other GOP lawmakers for at least the past 18 months.
Quite quite extraordinary how the BBC practically ignored the attempted murder of a US Republican and the campaign to kill Trump.
Does Sadiq Khan think terrorism is ‘part and parcel’ of living in London now? Bet he’d like a few kufir ‘uncle toms’ to shop any white supremacist they think is ‘radical’…maybe he has also changed his tune about Muslims who want to work with the government to prevent terrorism and won’t be labelling them ‘uncle toms’ as he has in the past.
Who radicalised the Finsbury Park attacker? That’s the big question…was it Nigel Farage, maybe Tommy Robinson or was it the Daily Mail…or perhaps no one, perhaps he was just sick and tired of seeing Muslims attacking British people on the streets of Britain, sick and tired of Muslims attacking his culture, his beliefs, his society and his women… and he snapped and decided his answer was a terrorist attack on random Muslims in the street. He self-radicalised due to the actions of Muslims who want to impose Islam upon him by violence.
The BBC’s Nihal as usual is balanced and impartial as he blames Tommy Robinson for spreading hate and division as well as unnamed newspaper columnists. Now here’s the paradox…Robinson is arguing against Islamic extremism and terrorism and is demanding government takes stronger action….Nihal says this is incitement to terrorism….as a comment on Guido says [Guido who we’ll come to soon enough]….
Can’t tell the difference between the fire and the firefighters… typical PC cuck attitude, I thought better of Guido.
Surely on Nihal’s own logic, Nihal himself is guilty of spreading hate and divison as he attacks Robinson…at least Robinson has a legitimate point…a point echoed by the ‘respectable’ ‘One Law For All’…who also campaign against Islam…Islam itself not just the ‘extremists’….however you don’t see Nihal demonising them….is it because Tommy Robinson is white and working class? Nihal always comes across as a bitter, anti-white racist….he frequently rails against perceived racial slights on his show. Here he is trailing for his show today…note he can’t even say Robinson’s name….
Then we have J.K. Rowling, another like Lily the Limpet who attaches herself to every leftie cause…guilt at all the money she makes probably…note how she gets a proper spanking in the comments including some rather inconvenient facts about a Muslim actor in one of her films attacked by her own family for dating a non-Muslim….
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) June 19, 2017
Then we get to Guido who tells some whacking great lies about Tommy Robinson taking two clips from two of his videos and making out he has encouraged non-Muslims to form anti-Muslim militias and has declared all Muslims to be ‘enemy combatants’. The piece has over 1,200 comments so far…I’ll bet the vast, vast majority give Guido the kicking he deserves for his outrageous lying…
After Guido suggested this morning that “Tommy Robinson and Anjem Choudary have a lot in common” people who should know better are defending Robinson as some kind of peace loving advocate of liberal democracy. Guido would suggest they look at these recent two videos for his “Rebel Media” channel. Here, Robinson talks about “cleaning out this Islamic problem“:
Phrased carefully for his viewers, saying the British public will form militias to do it. Who is it that has a history of organising the type of people obsessively concerned about these matters?
And here he describes normal British Muslims as “enemy combatants”:
No irony that a person who revells as he blogs under the name of a religious terrorist, Guido Fawkes, should be calling Robinson one.
Robinson in both cases was talking specifically about known Muslim extremists and those who clearly support them, complaining that they are freely allowed to live in the community and present a very real threat to Britain. He says the politicians are failing us by not tackling the real problem and that this has led to what happened last night as people decide to take things into their own hands. What Robinson is not saying is that we should do that…he is in fact urging the government to take action to prevent such ‘radicalisation’ of non-Muslims who see themselves and their society under attack almost daily. The irony is that the BBC has long warned of the rise of the Far Right and they get applauded…Robinson does it and he gets attacked and told he should be locked up…the difference of course between him and the BBC is that Robinson tells you why the Far Right is able to get an audience and attract supporters…it lies in the policies of government and its failure to genuinely tackle the rise of radical, conservative Islam…in fact doing all it can it would seem to encourage it and prevent criticism of it as the dangerously failing experiment of mass Muslim immigration into Europe continues apace. The BBC naturally does not tell you that awkward truth merely suggesting that the Far-Right are simply racists who have no rational reason to rise up against what they see as a threat….and of course there is no threat…it’s racist scaremongering by the Mail apparently.
“Those who manipulate this unseen element of [modern democracy] constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… “
The aim of this invisible government is the conquest of us: of our political consciousness, our sense of the world, our ability to think independently, to separate truth from lies.
Here are the two videos…judge for yourself….they are emotional and strongly phrased but can you fault the thinking? Note in the second video Robinson states he is stood next to a Muslim who agrees with him…
Maybe I’m going soft but sometimes think that I might be being too quick to criticise the BBC when they refuse to report eye-witness claims that a terrorist shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ as he launched his attack…maybe the BBC is being diligent and responsible…checking the facts and getting the story 100% right.
If that though ever crosses my mind again I will just have to remind myself about today and how the BBC reported the attack in Finsbury Park….immediately reporting, and continuing to do so throughout the day, that the attacker shouted ‘I want to kill all Muslims’…they have made it a story on its own on the frontpage…
A man has died and several people have been injured after a van ploughed into pedestrians near a north London mosque.
Khalid Amin, an eyewitness, describes what he saw happen.
It is absolutely correct to report such eye-witness claims…but to do so consistently and not manage the news when it is a Muslim attacker so as to downplay the identity of that attacker. That identity is a crucial piece of evidence that gives the likely motivation for the attack and needs to be reported so as to give the viewer the information to assess what is going on. What usually happens is that the BBC’s first report may well mention shouts of ‘Allah Akbar’ but then this is edited out of later bulletins and reports only to reappear maybe a day later once the police have 100% identified the attacker as Muslim… such approach today, just a stream of reports telling us that he shouted ‘I want to kill all Muslims’.
Labour are going into overdrive blaming the government and the local Tory council for the fire at Grenfell Tower…isn’t there a missing layer of government there? Where is Labour’s London Mayor? Why didn’t he leap in to assist Kensington and Chelsea instead of criticising them as he does now….
Mr Khan echoed their point, saying: “People are angry, not simply at the poor response in the days afterwards from the council and the government, but at the years of neglect from the council.
“There’s a feeling that the council and government don’t understand their concerns and don’t care.”
Heard Nick Ross on R4 today reminding us that Khan himself as housing minister refused to retrofit sprinkler systems in tower blocks…something which Ross has apparently been campaigning for for years….he actually mentioned it on his Twitter feed a couple of days ago…
Harriet Harman good on WATO but Labour ministers also refused to promote sprinklers and #GrenfellTower is the result. Now let's follow Wales
Here’s the Mail’s write up of todays’s interview…note Ross suggested Khan had been stepping carefully about being political [clearly decided to change that policy…see above remarks] because he knew he was in the frame as well…
Former Crimewatch presenter Nick Ross has said he is “bloody furious” that ministers have ignored calls for sprinklers to be installed in all social housing.
Mr Ross has been campaigning on the issue for 15 years, while he now also chairs heritage body the Kensington Society.
He told BBC Radio 4’s World at One that a series of ministers – including now-London Mayor Sadiq Khan back in 2009 – had turned down his efforts to make changes.
It will be interesting to see how much attention Ross’s comments get on the wider BBC…none so far that I can see. What’s the betting no BBC presenter will pay the slightest attention to this and continue to lazily point the finger of blame at the Tories, government and council, whilst ignoring the Mayor of London’s responsibility, without the full context and nuance?
That was back in 2009…what has she done since to follow that up and continue to pressure government and councils to ensure tower blocks are safe as can be? Nothing it would seem. But now she is all guns blazing. But what did she do after the inquiry finished in 2013? Indeed, what did the Media, such as the BBC, which are now expressing so much outrage, do to follow up on the recommendations of the inquiry?
Here you go. BBC ablaze this morning feeling outrage on behalf of Finsbury Park Mosque community whilst also doing everything possible to belittle the UK position in the Brexit talks beginning today (Mandelson and Stuart Rose given platforms). Detail the bias here.
Search Biased BBC
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