The knives are out for May and not just the usual suspects that want Corbyn to occupy No10 but also those whose loyalty to Party and country is superceded by their loyalty to the unelected, undemocratic EU.
The BBC gave a lot of publicity to the treacherous words of Portillo and Matthew Parris without bothering to reveal that these two turncoats are, as well as being Tory wets, in the service of the EU regime as they attempt to undermine May and hence Brexit. The BBC just presented their words as a straight argument about May’s performance telling us May lacked humanity and that she didn’t care for the ‘left-behind’. Parris of course does care about the ‘left-behind’, they are always on his mind and there is nothing that he wouldn’t do to help them out. LOL. Parris is an elitist EU lackey who wrote that we should not let the ‘left-behinds’ vote as they are too stupid, too bigoted too racist, to understand the issues and too incapable of voting in the right way to be trusted with the responsibility.
We hear that May was too slow to meet the victims of the fire, Justin Webb thought that there was something wrong with her that meant she couldn’t cope with unscripted moments like meeting the Public…apparently ‘she doesn’t have what it takes in these circumstances’. Really? She always seems quite happy and capable when meeting the public and Webb et al seem to forget somehow that she did put herself in front of the public during debates in the election. This is just cheap nonsense from Webb, liberal fantasy that passes the Notting Hill dinner table test but fails in real life. Webb and Co want her to fail and are happy to help her along by spreading black propaganda about her character and capabilities.
So May went to see the emergency services first to ensure that they had everything they needed to complete the job and only then went to visit the victims….how can she live with herself? Also why is it that the BBC keeps reporting Labour’s ‘concern’ about the £5 million on offer by the government to the victims…the BBc doesn’t mention that this is only for immediate essential, personal needs of the victims and that there will be much more money to be used for rehoming people and for any other expense in relation to dealing with any issues that arise from this fire. Again, just more propaganda that deliberately only gives half the story, an omission that would seem to be designed to stir up as much anger as possible….always a dangerous move considering how easy it is to start a riot baseed on rumour and fake news….ala 2011. The BBC, as always, is playing with fire….how many US police officers were killed by Blacks because of the BBC’s et als’ narrative abut racist white police officers killing ‘unarmed’ Blacks? A narrative that was entirely false….statistics show whites are more likely to be shot and many of the blacks who were shot were shot by black or other non-white officers….the BBC had to change its narrative to ‘police brutality’ but didn’t apologise for its deadly lies about racist white cops.
Webb & Co seem to have forgotten this…
What about us, cries forgotten flooded Hull
The leader of a flooded city yesterday accused the Government of ignoring the crisis because it was in the North of England, rather than the South East.
Minns, leader of Hull City Council, said: “If this was Chelsea or Fulham, this would have been plastered over the front pages for weeks.”
The floods last week have damaged 17,000 homes and 95 per cent of schools in the city.
Amid mounting criticism that the Government has done little to tackle the disastrous effects of the floods, ministers disclosed yesterday that they are urgently considering a package of financial aid.
The growing clamour for help from householders who did not have contents insurance has left the Government with a dilemma over whether taxpayers’ money should be used to replace ruined furniture and white electrical goods.
Ministers also began a belated “shuttle diplomacy” mission to the hardest hit areas of South Yorkshire and Humberside as council leaders and MPs demanded that the Government make capital grants available to repair roads and schools.
21 days after the great flood, Gordon finally visits Hull
WE saw Gordon Brown finally make his way to the waterlogged streets of Hull yesterday, belatedly promising that help is on its way for the city, where one in five homes is wrecked by floodwater.
And just how much help did Labour give those who were forced out of their homes?…sod all….
Back in Hull, thousands of people don’t need advice on the future, they just need somewhere to live now.
Families forced from their homes in Hull by the flood water that tore through 240 streets are being forced to live in cramped hotel rooms.
And greedy landlords have bumped up the rent for unaffected homes so much that insurance companies are refusing to house flood victims in them.
There were also a string of warnings about cowboy builders cashing in on high prices – and still bodging the repair work. The Financial Services Authority watchdog also warned residents about unscrupulous claims management companies cashing in on their plight.
Jessica Pattison, her partner James Bentley and their three children, Stefan, eight, Tyler James, five, and one-year-old Sonnie are all sharing the same room at Hull’s Quality Royal Hotel, but are running out of cash.
“The situation gets worse day by day,” said Jessica, 26, whose ex-council home was 4ft deep in water.
“There is no way we can return to our home until the repairs are done. We have been looking for a house to rent, but there are none out there. We can’t even find a caravan.”
Strangely I don’t remember all these rioters and protestors on the streets, no calls from Labour for Brown to resign or for houses to be occupied and requisitioned, no call for a reshaping of the economic system so that the neglected North gets its fair share, no sign of the pipsqueak Owen Jones telling us how the floods and the Labour lack of reaction are indicative of a system that just doesn’t care.