The Red Wedge celebs are out in force for Corbyn, all the usual suspects and no doubt there will be many a comedian amongst them…some aiming to be funny, some not.
It’s just as Billy Bragg once admitted, that when a Tory government comes along its like putting lard balls out for the birds…they all come flocking…the birds being the lefty right-on bunch who get gainful employment from the BBC to fill the airwaves with their prejudices and call it comedy….the Obama worship comedy workshops are back industriously churning out Red Widgets by the millions for the People’s education and bemusement.
The latest humorous narrative that is amusing the Notting Hill hill-billies [they kinda are hill-billies, so inbred, only marrying and socialising with their own, stuck in their own little cultural backwater taking potshots at anyone who dares to enter into the swamp] is that Trump has killed satire, that he is so bizarre and absurd that nothing they can come up with can trump Trump for funny. Of course that is supposed to be a ‘satirical’ attack in itself….that Trump is so absurd….the people who really kill comedy and satire are the comedians themselves who suddenly vanish when a black man becomes president or someone who espouses their own values and beliefs…suddenly not so funny.
Nothing funny about Obama? The man who ‘won’ a Nobel peace prize even before he was President? Essentially because he was Black. A man who gloried in killing Osama and who dropped 30,000 bombs on the Middle East on the quiet when he thought no one was looking but made lots of noise about withdrawing all those boots on the ground out of the front door to great lefty liberal praise….never mind Iraq then was left to the tender mercies of its Shia rulers and left a vacuum for ISIS to step in…an ISIS recreated with lots of help from Assad who was free to operate and kill hundreds of thousands of his own, destabilise the Middle East and send millions of refugees fleeing across the region as Obama stood back from taking action that would mean having to take responsibility and again reaped the plaudits from his fans at the BBC for his ‘quiet diplomacy’. A man who was shocked and outraged by what he claimed was Russky interference in American Democracy and then proceed to lecture us in Blighty to vote to stay in the Eu and informed the German people that Merkel is the must-vote-for candidate. A man who promised so much but failed so badly…the Middle East in flames, Guantanamo still open, racial tensions in the US increased, Obamacare a disaster, politics ground to a standstill…and a man who refused to admit that Islamic terrorism was ‘Islamic’.
The BBC naturally loved Obama and could find little to criticise him over never mind mock and abuse him as they do Trump, not just in their ‘comedy’ but in their news programmes as well. There’s no comedy in the fact that Beeboids, to a gender-free-person, all would be appalled at anyone blacking-up and yet they all really, really want to be black themselves…well not black but you know, culturally black, with it, down with the hood, basically a form of colonialism, trying to appropriate a whole culture and say ‘we whiteys are here to help you poor little fellows…you need us to succeed’.
No, no comedy value in the BBC’s Obama worship. No comedy mileage in the BBC’s pre-Brexit hatred of Bankers, Big Business and Capitalism, its love of the populist Occupy movement and then the sudden screeching reversal when Brexit and Trump looked liked terrifying possibilities…then the new narrative became ‘populism’ is akin to Fascism, the Bankers, Big Business and Capitalism are our friends…we need them…they are what makes this country great, profitable and powerful.
Who’d have thought 40 years from now we’ll all be living in hole in t’road? Unseen footage of a Remain campaign advert that tells us how bad times were pre-the glorious EU and what we can look forward to if we voted for Brexit…
No comedy in the liberal tears as they declare the world is at an end, that the world now stops at the White Cliffs of more trips to Paree, no more wine, no more cheese, no more baguettes….it’s all over. Back to grey, drab, white, 1950’s Britain with rationing and living in holes in the road, with Fascists marching down the street lyncing anyone not quite white enough and the only food available is jellied eels and mash…fish and chips banned being a well known Jewish culinary creation. Yep, farewell multicultural Britain, farewell cosmopolitan, diverse Britain, farewell my Polish maid, my Romanian gardener and my Swedish Au Pair, farewell my lovelies, it’s been nice and thanks Jews for all the fried fish.
Never mind. Jim Davidson’s still alive and kicking…the BBC will still have him to fall back on when the luvvy comedians flee this benighted land stalked as it will be by angry little Englanders, economic ruin and deep misery.