Remember that ‘cabinet’ memo, you know the one that said we’re all doomed because of Brexit and which said May was not in control? Remember how the BBC splashed it over their news for days, insisting that the ‘cabinet’ memo was very important…telling us…‘the document does matter because it underlines what we have reported and others have written about many times.’?
Of course it didn’t matter one jot…it wasn’t ‘cabinet’ memo at all but a job application in essence by a company touting for business as a consultant…this was the BBC spreading misinformation on a massive scale in order to make Brexit seem an ever more unattractive prospect and put the pressure on for a change of mind.
The problem the BBC has these days is that the Internet makes lying much more tricky. Not only can people easily fact-check you but can then disseminate the truth to counter your lies that much more easily as they have never been able to before.
That doesn’t stop the BBC still trying to pull the wool over our eyes though…it valiantly battles on against the truth and the facts to spread doom and gloom about Brexit by blaming it for every price rise, every fall in sales, and so often neglecting to connect the OPEC decision that put up oil prices, or the steep rise in world commodity prices, to price rises here, instead blaiming them on Brexit. Only this morning we were told that shoppers had returned a lot of items they bought online in January and therefore the high retail sales were misleading and shops didn’t sell as much as claimed…due to Brexit. So people bought stuff…looked at the BBC news about Brexit and decided to return the items ‘because of Brexit’? Desperate stuff from the BBC.
Still, they chose to just ignore a good news story for the UK economy #DespiteBrexit as PWC announce [as the Guardian tells us]…
‘UK could be fastest-growing G7 economy if it gets trade deals right’
The UK could shake off the near-term impact of Brexit to become the fastest-growing economy in the G7 group of rich countries between now and 2050, according to a report that paints a bright outlook for the country’s prospects outside the EU.
Consultants PwC say the UK economy will not escape entirely unscathed from the decision to leave the bloc and that it will dampen growth prospects in the short term. But the brunt of the impact would be felt by 2020 and in the years that follow the UK would outperform its peers thanks to its relatively large working age population and its flexible economy.
I can’t see it at all on the BBC website, if it’s there it’s not prominent and I didn’t hear it mentioned once on the radio today…which, when you consider the torrent of anti-Brexit coverage we got as the BBC surrendered their network to the fake ‘Cabinet memo’ story , is remarkable…a report that suggest the UK could have the best performing economy in the G7 and the BBC ignores it?
The BBC spins on an industrial scale a false anti-Brexit story but ignores one that adopts a completely different perspective on the outcome of Brexit to that peddled by the BBC itself….and this report comes from PWC who were on the Remain side during the referendum.
What does the BBC choose to publicise?
Tax burden to be highest in 30 years, says think tank
Tax is set to rise as a share of the UK’s income to its highest level since 1986, according to a think tank.
Higher income from taxes and relatively low growth will combine to create this effect, according to the the Institute for Fiscal Studies.