Who, what, where, when, why.
Fairly basic journalistic principles. Not for the BBC who when ‘reporting’ a shooting in a Canadian mosque fail utterly too bring us any information of any relevance other than this was ‘a terrorist attack on Muslims’ thus suggesting it was non-Muslims doing the shooting. It could be. But two minutes on Google and you find out first it is a Sunni Muslim cultural centre [so we can probably dismiss Sunni against Shia or Ahmadiya].
Second that those arrested are allegedly a Quebec citizen [ethnicity/religion unknown] and an ‘Arab’….
Un des deux hommes arrêtés dans le cadre de l’attentat terroriste survenu dans une mosquée de Québec serait d’origine québécoise et l’autre serait d’origine arabe
Third that witnesses say that the shooters shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’ [CBC News]…maybe a ‘false flag’..but unlikely as they must know they were likely to be caught and thus exposed.
This information has been easily available all night and yet the Today show mentioned none of them in its ‘report’ and markedly failed to ask ‘who’ the shooters were…a normal question of any journalist especially when the shooters had been arrested and thus something must be known of their identity…you suspect they didn’t ask because they knew the available information is rather inconvenient for the BBC narrative. The R4 news similarly censored what we were allowed to know….again telling us this was a terrorist attack on Muslims….indeed it was and yet the BBC approach is to insinuate that it is an Islamophobic attack rather than an inter-Muslim dispute of some kind which so far the limited evidence seems to point to.
The BBC website does a similarly limited report on the shooting, however the BBC is able to bring you information about something that didn’t happen last night but is intended to encourage you to think this was an Islamophobic attack…
In June last year the same mosque was the target of an Islamophobic incident when a pig’s head was left in front of the building, with a card saying “bonne appetit”.
Eating pork is forbidden in Islam..
Once again the BBC shapes the news in order to manipulate your views.