The BBC is attempting a fresh assault upon our perceptions and the Truth as it broadcasts ‘Muslims Like Us’ in the hope that we all come to realise Muslims are just like us…’Us’ being normal, liberal, democratic beings who value democracy, freedom of speech and thought and freedom of lifestyle without it being regulated by some bloke in a beard who dictates to us from a 1400 year old book that tells us to kill the unbelievers.
“It’s no surprise that out of 10 contributors, nine of them through the course of the two hours do everything they possibly can to distance themselves from his views. I think that’s quite representative of what happens in the Muslim community all the time.”
We are supposed to think that the ‘house’ represents the Muslim community and the genuine religious and political make-up of it and that Muslims almost to a man reject ‘extremism’. But the ‘extremism’ is actually Islam, the fundamental, pure Islam as it is supposed to be…the whole point of Islam is that it was ‘revealed’ by God in order to replace Judaism and Christianity which had been perverted by their followers as they broke up into sects and picked and chose what they wanted to from their scriptures.
Tim Stanley in the Telegraph spells out the truth…that it is the fanatics, the conservative Muslims, who rule the roost….and the programme demonstrates this despite the Guardian interpreting it otherwise….
It puts ten British Muslims in a Big Brother-style house to see how they’ll get on. Nine are quite normal, only one is a fanatic.
And yet it is the fundamentalist who dominates the screen and makes his housemates change to suit him. It confirms the view that Britain does not have an Islam problem. It has a fundamentalism problem – and our innate decency, which is common to Britons of all races and religions, actually incubates it.
Not a conclusion the BBC intended…that Britain does have an Islam problem….and that it is the ‘tolerant’ BBC that incubates such problems by refusing to acknowledge them even when they stare them in the face as in their own programme.
Of course we’ve already seen this… Mark Easton informing us that if Muslims wanted Islamic fundamentalist schools, and that kept them happy, then they should have them…..and of course, infamously, that extremists like Choudary, were the new Ghandis, Churchills and Nelson Mandelas, to be celebrated in the future as ‘revolutionary’ thinkers.
Giles Fraser is of a similar bent as he promotes mini-Pakistans, segregation and eventual civil war in the Guardian…
It adds immeasurably to the richness and diversity of how life is apprehended that not everyone sees the world in the same way. It is mind-expanding to be challenged by those who commit to another way of life. What a miserably grey one-dimensional place it would be if the dominant model of middle-of-the-road liberal secular capitalism became the only acceptable way of living.
Why is integration such a self-evidently good thing?
Muslims. They are serial offenders in their resistance to the hegemony of integration. They won’t allow the Borg-like values of secular liberalism to corrode their distinctiveness. They seek to maintain their religious convictions and way of life. They refuse all that nonsense about religion being a private matter. They stand strong against the elimination of diversity. And we are all immeasurably richer for their resistance.
Yes…terror, bombs, beheadings, murders, Muslim patrols, constant blackmail to pressure us into adopting backward and unpleasant Islamic values and the attempt to subvert British schools in order to Islamise them. Yep….so much richer for that ‘resistance’ to British values. Non-integration threatens the existence of our culture and society.
What ‘Muslims like us’ hides is that the Muslims in the programme do not represent the vast majority of Muslims and that young Muslims are in fact becoming more like the one ‘extremist’, ever more devout and fundamentalist, identifying solely as Muslim and not British. What’s missing is the fact that there is no compulsion…participants can leave the house when they like unlike Islam and their community which pretty much traps them into the culture and religion…and the BBC refuses to accept the power that a few ‘extremists’ hold over the community as they enforce Muslim values.
The Government has acknowledged the importance of “soft power” in global politics with an unprecedented £85m investment in the BBC World Service to support initiatives in Russia, North Korea, the Middle East and Africa.
‘When the legend becomes fact print the legend’. Obama is certainly doing that with Trump and his Russian ‘backers’. Obama leaves Office doing his utmost to damage Trump whilst he has the opportunity. He is rushing forward an investigation into the hacking of Clinton’s emails and is telling the world that the Russians did it…politicising the intelligence services for his own ends…never mind the ‘facts’ aren’t so clear cut…and of course glossing over the genuine story…that being Clinton’s failure to secure sensitive information…..
Intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin “directing” the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior U.S. official said.
And that Wikileaks has denied the source of their ‘leak’ was Russia…
Julian Assange is denying that the Russian government is the source of WikiLeaks’ trove of hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, that have produced embarrassing and potentially damaging messages about the Democratic nominee.
Curious how the Hero of the Left is now the enemy as his anti-Establishment site also takes on the Liberal Establishment.
There is a loud cry of ‘foul’ in the air as the Democrats try to claim Trump was only elected because of Russian interference in the election [not due to Liberal failures and incompetence then?] and outrage at the thought Russia might actually have interfered…
Incoming Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Saturday called for a bipartisan congressional probe into the reports of Russian electoral interference. “That any country could be meddling in our elections should shake both political parties to their core,” the New York Democrat said.
Of course what was it that would have allowed Russia to interfere? The fact that Clinton kept her sensitive emails on a private email server that could be so easily hacked.
That rather points out very clearly why the fact she kept her emails on an insecure server was important, never mind the actual contents that revealed so much ‘bad news’ for her. She enabled a foreign power to use those emails to interfere in one of the most important political events in the US calendar…the Presidential election.
The story isn’t that Trump may or may not have been helped by Russian black ops but that Clinton enabled that….note that Obama is admitting by his actions that the emails were important and damaging to Clinton…and if so then it is irrelevant if Russia hacked them…..weren’t they doing the US Public a service by bringing such ‘crime’ to light? Or is Obama saying they should have been kept in the dark about Clinton’s crime?
Then again the US has never interfered in other countries’ politics has it? Never mind past history let’s look at the current President’s record….
Barack Obama on the EU referendum: I won’t tell you how to vote but here’s how I want you to vote
Or how about the upcoming election in Germany…any favourities Mr President?
Obama Swoons Over Angela Merkel, All But Endorsing Her Re-election
I try to make it a rule not to meddle in other people’s politics…..[but]….You know, if I were here and I were German and I had to vote, I might support her.
I’m guessing Gaddafi wouldn’t be too happy about Obama’s interference in his country having been removed from power and slaughtered….and let’s not even get started on US interference in South America or the rest of the Middle East such as ‘regime change’ in Iraq.
I’m also guessing Obama wasn’t so unhappy when Cameron denounced Trump as ‘stupid, divisive and wrong’…and not a bit dangerous…
David Cameron calls Donald Trump ‘dangerous’ in fresh attack
David Cameron has refused to apologise to Donald Trump for saying the US presidential candidate was ‘divisive, stupid and wrong’ to suggest banning Muslims from entering the US.
The BBC and Guardian as we know ran a full-on anti-Trump campaign that vilified, mocked and demonised him…perhaps Obama should launch an investigation into foreign media interference in internal US politics…especially as it was so deeply dishonest and unbalanced.
Then again the BBC’s World Service is designed specifically to interfere in other countries’ politics to promote western values, democracy and liberal progressiveness on a whole range of subjects….projecting ‘soft power’ Which is why it so frequently gets blocked in countries like Iran and North Korea.
The Government has acknowledged the importance of “soft power” in global politics with an unprecedented £85m investment in the BBC World Service to support initiatives in Russia, North Korea, the Middle East and Africa.
“The World Service is one of the UK’s most important cultural exports and one of our best sources of global influence,” said Lord Hall
The US was once the undisputed global powerhouse. Now it is under threat from contenders who use the influence of culture and lifestyle to fight for global economic and political dominance.
This political manipulation is referred to as soft power – achieving what you want by attracting and persuading others to adopt your customs – thriving on control, not force.
In this series, Philip Dodd investigates how this cultural rivalry is being formed and what weapons of persuasion are being deployed, from global sporting fixtures to cultural events and educational projects.
We’ve looked at the BBC’s ‘Soft Power’ before…it’s now called ‘Media Action’ but used to be called The World Service Trust and is in essence nothing more than a propaganda weapon, soft power that supposedly spreads democracy but in fact seems to be intent on encouraging dissent and protest on subjects close to the BBC’s heart such as the environment and climate change. The BBC teaches and encourages journalists in foreign countries to actively work against their own governments using actual ‘journalism’ but also by inserting propaganda into everyday broadcasts and programming such as dramas, documentaries and comedies.
BBC World Service Trust(where the BBC does not think you are looking…so they print the truth):
‘Media’ matters because it underpins how societies respond to the problems they face. This makes media not only relevant to the most urgent problems of poverty and marginalisation – it makes it critical to solutions designed to address them.
It matters too because it is a critical part of strategies to [alter and control behaviour.]
The media, and increasingly new technologies, is increasingly how humans communicate with each other.
How well we communicate with each other has a good deal to do with how successful we’re likely to be in confronting the massive problems we face (and the masses.)
Making informed choices
Media enables people to access information on issues that shape their lives, without which they cannot make choices.
Media enables people to hold their governments to account and provides a critical check on government corruption
Media and communication enables people and communities to understand, debate and reach decisions on the issues that confront them
Media and communication can be immense and powerful instruments for change and empowerment in society
Media can be an important part of the solution to development challenges. But they can also be a part of the problem
Media can be used as instruments of oppression, manipulation and hate
Truth can be distorted as well as illuminated, malpractice hidden as well as revealed.
The character of a country’s media tends to determine the character of a country’s democracy and society. It underpins how people learn, understand and shape change.
Engaging at high levels to gain influence:
Our initiatives and corresponding audience research seek to engage at four different ‘levels’:
The sector level with policy and decision-makers
The organisation level with state, commercial and not-for-profit entities
The practitioner level with professionals and opinion leaders; and
The individual level with various target audiences
Drama can be a powerful mechanism for development. It can build an emotional connection with target audiences over a period of time, while modelling situations or behaviours….drama, discussion programmes, public service announcements – can be most effectively used to deliver information and stimulate discussion.
Viewers or listeners become attached to characters and share in their experiences, sometimes discussing them with people around them, reflecting on their situations and actions and how they might respond if it were them. Reinforcing the message
In building a campaign we generally use a range of formats, because they cross-promote one another and reinforce messages. Additional materials – such as posters and comics – may also be used to echo the messages and stories conveyed by other media outputs.
Time for another one of these….any bias about? Perhaps some careless talk?…such as Emma Barnett talking of ‘IRA soldiers’ giving the murderous terrorists a massive amount of undue respect that the BBC never affords to British soldiers whom they hound at every opportunity….Barnett, as she rejected claims that there was a witch-hunt against British troops in NI, never once mentioning Phil Shiner’s fall and the false claims he made that the BBC peddled as fact for years.
Historian Niall Ferguson has already seen the light with Trump and after lambasting him for months now recognises he may just be the man for the job…but there’s more….Niall has had a double-double-take you might say and is now a fan of Brexit after similarly having spent months attacking it.
Let’s get down to brass tacks and the essence of his message…one that the BBC needs to read and understand….
‘This is not about GDP, it is principally about the complete loss of control of the EU’s external border and what that implies for our country’s future.’
Not about GDP. The BBC ‘fought’ the Brexit campaign, and continues to do so, purely on the basis of the economics…as they saw it…showing it in the worst possible light. The BBC refused to engage in debate on the actual issues that concerned the Leave voters, immigration and sovereignty, and it still does. The BBC continues to pump out endless reports of economic doom and gloom ‘because of Brexit’ and limits the debate to that subject. The idea of course is to portray Brexit as hugely damaging and a failure in the hope that there will be another vote and it will be influenced by all the ‘bad news’ that the BBC has been flooding the airwaves with for so long.
You may also recognise that Ferguson is saying Farage was right when he used a photograph of massed immigrants heading into Europe to illustrate his point about the failure of the EU to control EU external borders and that this would also threaten us in Britain.
It is curious that the BBC don’t report what Ferguson says…he is after all an influential and famous historian that if he’d said Brexit was a disaster would have been headline news and the subject of a Nicky Campbell phone-in.
Also consider that the BBC is desperately trawling around to get Leave voters to say they now regret voting leave and using that to suggest we should have a second vote…why no interest in those who regret voting for Remain?
What does Ferguson say? The EU is a complete and dangerous failure…..and Cameron’s ‘reforms’ were a fraud [that the BBC loved]…..
With hindsight, he said, David Cameron should have rejected the ‘absolutely risible’ offer from the EU on migration and backed Brexit as well.
Professor Ferguson then listed the EU’s failures over the past decade including the euro, which he said had been a ‘disaster for all the reasons we said it would be in the 1990s’.
‘It has been a disaster for southern Europe and has only worked for Germany and northern Europe,’ he said.
‘European security policy, especially with respect to North Africa and the Middle East, has been a disaster.
‘On the migration issue the European leadership got it disastrously wrong. On the question of radical Islam the European leadership has fundamentally got it wrong. One has to recognise that the European elite’s performance over the last decade entirely justified the revolt of provincial England that was what we saw in Brexit.
‘If those of us who were part of the elite spent more time in pubs in provincial England and provincial Wales we would have heard what I just said.
‘This is not about GDP, it is principally about the complete loss of control of the EU’s external border and what that implies for our country’s future.
‘I have had a kind of awakening. Brexit woke me up and reminded me I needed to pay much more attention to what the non-elite majority of voters were thinking.
Corbyn’s hi-jacking of the Labour Party in concert with his Marxist chums was one of the political bombshells of the last year…..his vehicle of choice was ‘Momentum’ which the BBC admits played a crucial role in getting Corbyn elected leader…now Momentum is being hi-jacked by the hardcore Trots. A fairly big, and amusing, story you’d have thought. The BBC begs to differ and hides it away on the politics page as a small side-bar report even though the Times had a two page spread and little Owen Jones is going into melt-down trying to save his beloved Leader’s fan base. [oh yes…are the Corbynistas mere ‘populists’ or a genuine political movement that represents the genuine, reasoned and informed views of his voters?]
What else does the BBC not think newsworthy? Oh yes…remember Brexit, one of the greatest constitutional events of our history apparently, remember the two massive court cases about Article 50? Remember that the House of Parliament held a vote on triggering Article 50 yesterday? NO? That’ll be because that vote has all but disappeared from the BBC…not a mention on news bulletins on the radio, and it is relegated to a ‘what the papers say’ item on the UK page and an actual report tucked away on the politics page. Extraordinary….a vote that was the subject of those two court cases in essence, cases that the BBC followed relentlessly and reported in exacting detail is now of no interest at all it seems.
Maybe, just maybe, the vote did not go the way the BBC wanted it to. Brexit is drawing nearer and the BBC is having to think up new ways to stop its progress.
Lawyer Phil Shiner has had his come-uppance and lost all credibility for his witch-hunt against British troops….
One allegation concerned his claims at a press conference in February 2008, when he said British troops had killed and tortured Iraqi civilians at the 2004 so-called “Battle of Danny Boy”, in southern Iraq.
The tribunal heard Mr Shiner accepted he acted recklessly in saying Iraqis were taken alive and later murdered after the gun-fight.
The five-year investigation, which cost £31m, ruled in 2014 that allegations of murder and torture made against British soldiers by Iraqi detainees were “deliberate lies”.
Mr Shiner denied the claims he made were dishonest.
Let’s have Lord Hall apologise to all those troops and their families who were put through hell and whom his ‘news’ organisation maligned. Perhaps he should consider his position. Perhaps MPs and the government should start asking questions about the role the national broadcaster played in the witch-hunt.
Yesterday the BBC was attacking the MOD for having prosecuted Sergeant Blackman for shooting a seriously injured Taliban…however why did the MOD prosecute? Because of the enormous pressue put upon them to show they were absolutely perfect and 100% adhering to the Geneva Covention and human rights considerations by the reporting and anti-war narratives from the likes of the BBC,, as above, that put massive, unrealistic and unreasonable constraints upon troops in battlefield conditions.
Not a sign of it on the Guardian pages. Bet if it had been Israel instead of Egypt the Guardian, and BBC, would have been running endless stories and exposés.
The Left have been creating a whole new narrative about ‘truth’ suddenly becoming a rare commodity…the results of the US election and Brexit both being the fault of foolish and ill-informed voters who made their decisions based upon lies fed to them by Trump and Boris….therefore both results are illegitimate.
Odd then that when Boris tells the plain truth the Left jump on him, even odder because he speaks the truth about the Left’s lastest and greatest enemy in the Middle East…Saudi Arabia. Guess they feel Brexit is the greater threat rather than a nation that is one of the most dangerous sources of terror and ideological oppression.
Saudi Arabia is at war with Iran, even the BBC admits Boris is right about that, but the BBC does not admit what is the real threat to the West and its interests…..that Saudi Arabia is engaged in an economic, cultural and ideological war against us.
Saudi essentially declared war on the US when it set out to destroy the US fracking industry by forcing oil prices ever lower, many think there is proof of course that Saudi was behind 9/11, Saudi pumps billions of dollars into funding Islam in the West, funding mosques, Muslim schools and educational establishments and Islamic cultural centres, as well as giving huge amounts to universities to teach about Islam and spread the word. Saudi money buys our politicians and aristocracy….the Royal Family are very close to Gulf monarchies.
Saudi Arabia spreads Islam, the true Islam, the fundamental Islam that is ‘extreme’ in its purity. The ideology that the Saudis promote radicalises Muslims and encourages them to ‘defend Islam’ from the West [and the BBC is happy to tell Muslims that the West is at war with Islam]…the result…terrorism and the Islamic State….also backed by Saudi Arabia.
The BBC isn’t really interested in that war of ideology being waged aginst the West [it in fact seems to support it]…it is more concerned with the war in Yemen, using it as a stick to apparently beat Saudi Arabia but only as a proxy for the usual BBC attack on Britain and America whom the BBC blames for the war as we sell arms to Saudi Arabia.
The BBC of course denies that Iran is involved in Yemen, or Bahrain, or in Saudi itself, despite it being well know that it seeks to stir up the Shia populations in those countries, as it does in Iraq.
The BBC has shown its true colours as it has invented a new narrative…that Brexit is intensifying and aggravating these wars….May went to the Middle East to sell arms because Brexit meant she had to make up the loss of revenue [er…what loss of revenue due to Brexit?] by making these morally questionable sales to the Middle East….we have, the BBC assures us, abandoned our morals due to Brexit.
As said the BBC’s real target is not Saudi Arabia but the West and its foreign policy but it is not above peddling sickening anti-Brexit myths and lies as it shamelessly tries to associate Brexit with the Far Right, hate crimes and now war in the Middle East.
Fake News? The BBC is one of the biggest purveyors of such dodgy delights.
Evan Davis agrees with Oliver Letwin….the government does have a Brexit plan and it’s very clear and simple…
In which case why do BBC presenters and journalists keep insisting in mocking tones that the government has no plan? The same line that Labour peddles of course.
The plan is simple….to carry out the instruction of the British People and leave the EU…the first issue is to stop the free movement of immigrants…..what naturally follows as a consequence of that is a negotiation on the single market and all that, the outcome of which the government cannot possibly know other than the initial conclusion that to stop free movement means we exit the single market completely….but that is open to negotiation as it may not be in the interest of the EU itself to enforce the letter of the law. The government’s plan therefore is to get the best deal possible, an amorphous, even abstract possibility…and that is not something that can be predicted and written down in detail. So why does the BBC give any credence to Labour’s call for that detail? Such a statement is impossible to give. Labour clearly wants to define Brexit in its own terms…continued membership of the single market and the customs union….which would actually mean we stay in the EU and continue with freedom of movement…hence Brexit is shelved. Where is the BBC’s challenge to Labour’s dishonesty and betrayal of the British People? Labour politicians all too often get away with their glib assurance that they respect the referendum’s outcome and are only seeking a deal that is best for Britain…when that deal is actually one intended to destroy Brexit.
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