Following yesterday’s post, a Biased BBC reader says…

“A previously issued press release written by sister Patricia – which suggested that Arquette returned to using male pronouns by the time of death – read: “He died as he lived, on his own terms. Our brother Robert, who became our brother Alexis, who became our sister Alexis, who became our brother Alexis, passed this morning September 11, at 12:32 am.“”He was surrounded by all of his brothers and sisters, one of his nieces and several other loved ones. We were playing music for him and he passed during David Bowie’s ‘Starman’. As per his wishes, we cheered at the moment that he transitioned to another dimension.” This is from so not the most reliable of sources, but it’s quoting the press release by Patricia Arquette.

Even more interesting now that the BBC referred to Alexis as an actress…


An eagle eyed B-BBC observes;

“The BBC has long since dispensed with the gender specific term actress, yet today we have this:

Refusing to use the term actress created all kinds of funny situations, including a headline that stated that Francois Holland was having an affair with an actor (who turned out to be an actress). But suddenly Alexis Arquette (who he/she?)…”


A biased BBC reader writes!

Story 1

Fireman Sam episode pulled amid Koran row (27 July, 2016)
An episode of Fireman Sam in which one character appears to tread on a page from the Koran has been withdrawn. A scene in the children’s programme shows a fireman slipping on a pile of papers – and as they fly into the air a page from the Koran is “briefly depicted”, production firm Mattel said…
Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, tweeted: “I have no idea what went through the producers’s minds when they thought this was a good idea #baffled”.
He also said he had identified the page from the Koran as “Surah Mulk (67), verses 13-26”.
Fireman Sam ‘Koran’ scene cleared by Ofcom (12 September, 2016)
Complaints over an episode of Fireman Sam, which seems to show a character treading on a Koran page, will not be investigated by watchdog Ofcom. 
The scene shows a fireman slipping on papers and, as they fly up, a page with Arabic script appears to be among them. Ofcom received 170 complaints but said on Monday it could not confirm the page was from the Koran.
“We studied a recording of the programme in the highest possible resolution,” an Ofcom spokesperson said. “We found that the page did appear to contain Arabic text, but its contents could not have been deciphered, nor recognised as being from a given text.”
This now throws up a very interesting situation and I would be very interested to see Ofcom’s sources and research for this. 
Versi said in July that the text was indeed clearly the Koran. Ofcom now says it was not.
Scenario 1. Ofcom is correct. That means the Beeb should go back to the MCB and point out that its ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL either (a) hasn’t got the foggiest idea about his own supposed holy book or (b) is blatantly lying.
Scenario 2. Versi is correct. That means the Beeb should go back to the MCB and point out Ofcom are either (a) researching complaints to an inept and ignorant level of shocking Islamaphobia or (b) is blatantly lying.
Scenario 3. Look, Fireman Sam’s not an Islamaphobe.


Well, at long last the BBC has been forced to cover a topic which up until now it has declared to be simply an obsession of “right wing extremists and conspiracy theorists”. I refer to Hillary Clinton’s health. Her collapse in New York yesterday was captured on camera and so could not be denied (the Clinton’s camp preferred modus operandi) This morning we awake to the news that despite being told that the collapse was due to her “overheating” (on the coolest day in NYC this month) turns out she pneumonia, diagnosed on Friday past. BBC instantly accept this. Pneumonia is a serious illness that requires much more than 48 hours rest. We are being played by the Clinton camp and yet the BBC gratefully grasps any straws they throw. Funny how the world class journalists at the BBC never thought to investigate why Clinton was wearing BLUE glasses as she left her daughter’s apartment? They are anti-seizure lens she had in – but the BBC couldn’t be bothered to wonder why someone with “pneumonia” is wearing such. If you want REAL news, best ignore the BBC.



In true form, BBC Radio 4 Today starts the week with a gentle interview of Rabbi Julia Neuberger who is part of a group actively campaigning for the UK to let in “tens, if not hundreds of thousands of “refugees’ This desire to more closely emulate Germany and flood the UK with North African Muslims is a core BBC belief so when they bring on a fellow soulmate such as Neuberger on this issue there is a suspension of critical examination. Repulsive stuff.


Hilarious stuff from Corbyn’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry earlier today. Her stunning ignorance of her political brief  is profoundly exposed by Dermot Murnaghan and she responds by accusing him of “sexism” – a claim the BBC repeats in this story.

“The shadow foreign secretary has accused a TV interviewer of “sexism” after he asked her to name the French foreign minister. Emily Thornberry criticised Sky News presenter Dermot Murnaghan for “pub-quizzing” her as they discussed Brexit talks, saying it was “patronising”.

The Labour MP declined to name French minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, adding: “Can we talk about some serious stuff?” Mr Murnaghan said he had asked male politicians similar questions. He went on to refer to the time in 2011 when he asked the then shadow chancellor Alan Johnson about national insurance rates – a question the Labour MP was unable to answer. Ms Thornberry was asked if she had taken part in any Brexit talks with her would-be counterparts in Germany and France, and then if she knew the name of the French foreign minister.

“Don’t start pub quizzing me, Dermot,” she said. She was then asked again if she was able to name the minister. Ms Thornberry said: “No and I’m not going to start answering your questions on this.”

Well the reason she can’t start answering questions is because she doesn’t know the answer. Plainly ignorant of that she SHOULD know she retreats to the hollow charge of “sexism”  The BBC wallows in the notions that outside their echo bubble all men are sexist so it seeks to align somewhat with Thornberry even if it knows she is – like her boss – a figure of ridicule.

Labour’s Red Guard

Image result for brownshirts


Labour’s ‘friend’ of the IRA and shadow chancellor told us that he wanted ‘straight-talking and honest politics’….so they have suspended someone who quite correctly characterised the tight-knit group manipulating Corbyn’s rise to power (LOL) as ‘storm-troopers’.

The Sturmabteilung (SA; German pronunciation: [ˈʃtʊɐ̯mʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ]; literally Storm Department) functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).

It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Red Front Fighters League (Rotfrontkämpferbund) of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), and intimidating Slavic and Romani citizens, unionists, and Jews – for instance, during the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses.

Sounds pretty familiar.

The BBC jump in and explain it all in detail (LOL)…though curiously all without a single mention of the virulent anti-Semitism that has surfaced all the more since Corbyn took power and is associated with many in the Leaderr’s circle, and no mention of the threats, intimidation and violence that is flowing torrentially from Corbyn’s supporters toward anyone who dares raise an objection to him.  Contrast that with how the BBC makes constant and determined attempts to smear ‘Brexit’ with racism and abuse.

And note no mention of the white wash inquiry into anti-semitism for which it is suggested Shami Chakrabarti was rewarded with a peerage.

What’s interesting is that the BBC do not delve any furhter into Foster’s claims…his article in the Mail is full of accusations of anti-Semitism…the BBC doesn’t touch it here….only reporting the ‘storm-trooper’ comment as if it was a smear that came out of nowhere.

LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 12:  Jeremy Corbyn is announced as the new leader of the Labour Party at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre on September 12, 2015 in London, England. Mr Corbyn was announced as the new Labour leader today following three months of campaigning against fellow candidates ministers Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham and shadow minister Liz Kendall. The leadership contest comes after Ed Miliband's resignation following the general election defeat in May. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)


When ‘67% of British Jews said they were concerned about his possible victory’ you have to ask why…the BBC doesn’t bother too much, especially as so much of the anti-Semitism seems to come from Labour Muslims.  This is of course the BBC that has little concern for the Jews in Europe who are under siege from new immigrant populations, this is the BBC that suggested that Jews should rightly expect to be attacked because of what Israel does, they sort of deserve it…the BBC’s natural default position is that whatever Israel does it is wrong.


I would suggest it is not only the Labour Party that British Jews need to worry about.



Northern Twit





The BBC gave Melvyn Bragg his head and allowed him to go free range for two weeks spouting tripe about t’North in a highly personal, highly political one-sided rant.

Why?  Just why did the BBC allow Bragg to proclaim independence for t’North?

Could it just possibly be that the Great Unwashed voted for Brexit and the BBC is doing its utmost to undermine that by cheerleading a move to split the UK up into regions….just as the EU wanted to do?  The BBC is attacking Brexit by the backdoor… has always, ironically, backed the various ‘independence’  movements such as the IRA, the Scottish National Socialist Party, the Cornish, and Palestinian terrorists  At the same time they attack UKIP and proclaim it a neo-Nazi, racist, hate movement.  The only nation states they don’t like are the ones that work.   Bragg suggests that those who voted for Brexit were the stupid and ignorant folk, a sort of peasants’ revolt against their betters.

Bragg argues that t’North is a separate country in its own right and should be recognised as such and the UK turned into a federalist confection.  What this does is destroy the idea of ‘Britain’ and of course destroys the power that comes from the union built up over centuries to such good effect.  The Left and the BBC has always sought to break up Britain with the aim of reducing its power and influence in the world which they see as malign and which fits in neatly with their pro-EU fanaticism…divide and rule…split up the UK and make it vulnerable and dependent on the EU, ala Greece, rather than have a proud and independent nation able to make its own decisions and stand on its own two feet.

Bragg’s two weeks of northern griping was two weeks of tripe, spinning a tale of a mythical North that was the centre of the universe but has long been abandoned by the far off politicians in London to rot and tumble into neglected ruin.

We heard that Thatcher was like William the Conqueror and had her own version of the ‘wasting of the north’ as she laid ruin to the the land.  We naturally heard of the heroic miners who were basically ethnically cleansed by Thatcher, the NUM fighting a glorious last stand against the ravages of Thatcher’s decision to harrow t’North and lay waste to it.  Never mind that the NUM ballot was against the strike and Scargill ignored that and led the miners out into a disastrous strike…never mind that the NUM bitterly attacked Labour in the 70’s for its own decimation of the coal industry.

The National Union of Miner’s own website says:
Throughout the 1960s, with a Labour Government in office from 1964, the pit closure programme accelerated; it decimated the industry. During this period, nearly 300 more pits were closed, and the total workforce slumped from over 750,000 in the late 1950s down to 320,000 by 1968. In many parts of Britain, miners now became known as industrial gypsies as pit closures forced them to move from coalfield to coalfield in search of secure jobs.

They were victims of madhouse economics.


Bragg then joined up the dots to make a thoroughly unconvincing case that t’North has been the victim of a Southern inspired plot to reduce it to a penurious wasteland as he linked the miner’s strike, Hillsborough and Orgeave as evidence of political anti-northern connivance.

The last programme was essentially a Labour Party broadcast that pumped out all the old issues…and continued their highly political attempt to have an inquiry into Orgeave.  This is business as normal for the BBC which of course wants to denounce the police for their actions at Orgeave and by extension attack Thatcher.

As I’ve said before...

The reality is that the violence was always initiated by the miners and that Scargill used them as cannon fodder for his own political games not caring one jot about them, their jobs and their families.

Seems that the BBC has conveniently forgotten all that as it pillories the police and romanticises and glorifies the miners.

Bragg seems to forget that those politicians that he alleges ignore t’North don’t just come from London….they’re MPs from all around the country and I’m pretty certain most would be astonished to hear that they have abandoned their constituencies in favour of a London-centric world view…..something which the BBC itself is very, very guilty of….and you can take the Beeboid out of London, to Salford, but you can’t take the metropolitan sneer of superiority out of his mind wherever he is.


This was an utterly bizarre series in which Bragg spouted what in other circumstances the BBC would dismiss as racist pub-bore cant that was mythologising a North that never existed and which completely forgets that the rest of the UK exists and contributed to the ‘Great’ in Great Britain.  How could Bragg forget the Midland industrial powerhouse, or the Cornish tin mines or the Welsh coal industry?  According to Bragg the industrial revolution started in Manchester and stopped just north of Watford.  When he complains that t’North was a forgotten land he seems to forget that many areas of the UK have problems…Cornwall and the East spring immediately to mind…or any coastal area.

But just how true is that image of t’North laid waste?  The BBC in the run up to the election insisted that Manchester was practically an industrial wasteland…and yet that was far, far from the truth, Manchester was thriving as were many cities where industries came to prosper.  Far from being abandoned a lot of effort went into regenerating t’North and attracting industry to it…such as car manufacturers.

Here’s Manchester City Council’s own view of the city’s successful regeneration…and note the original decline began in the 50’s not in 1979…

From ground breaking urban regeneration programmes, to the phenomenal success of the Commonwealth Games, Manchester has been transformed into a regional powerhouse of sustainable, economic growth offering opportunity and a better quality of life for all.

Over the last generation traditional industries have been making way for an economy based around knowledge, fresh ideas, expertise and entrepreneurialism. As the epitome of the post industrial city Manchester has seen some fundamental changes over the last 15 years. It now boasts an increasingly diverse economic base, real investor confidence, one of the highest concentrations of world class higher education activity in Europe along with cultural and leisure facilities that make it the nation’s most important destination for overseas visitors outside London.

This remarkable renaissance of the city has created the firm foundations on which to tackle the long term consequences of the economic and population decline in the city that began in the 1950s.

And finally a word from the BBC’s Evan Davis adopting a tone that is all too foreign to the BBC and indeed Davis himself…Just where does our renewed vigour and economic success come from?…Thatcher…..

If you want one simple fact to remind you of why we were not insane to follow the path we did, just note that our national income grew faster than that of each of Germany, Italy and France in the 1980s, the 1990s and the 2000s. We were clearly doing something right. As fast as we exited some industries, we found new ones that raised national income per head. On average, we got richer, not poorer. And in addition to that, contrary to popular perception, there more jobs in Britain rather than fewer.

Oh, and let’s not forget this…

Finally, the church admits it was wrong on Thatcher: Bishops say ‘they failed to see the moral vision’ of former PM’s benefits reforms

Bishops yesterday admitted that the Church of England was wrong about Margaret Thatcher.

In a paper that amounted to a sweeping U-turn in the Church’s longstanding Left-wing attitude to poverty and the welfare state, they declared that it ‘failed to see the moral vision that informed Margaret Thatcher’s administration’.

Their acknowledgement that the late Tory prime minister was driven by ‘moral purpose’ contrasted strongly with the view taken by the bishops even last year, when before the General Election they were severely critical of her legacy.

Instead of demanding higher benefit spending and criticising the market economy – the default position of most Church leaders for more than three decades – they said that ‘we should support welfare policies which create incentives for work’.


Image result for thatcher