I see the BBC has given plenty of publicity to this story.

A Muslim woman from Australia has told how she was forced to leave a beach in France for wearing a burkini.

Zeynab Alshelh, a 23-year-old medical student, told Australian media she had travelled to Europe to show solidarity with local Muslim women.  Footage broadcast on Channel 7 showed local people saying they would call the police if she didn’t leave. The ban on burkinis in several French Riviera towns was overruled in August by the top administrative court

So, a muslim provocateur travels half way around the world to embrace more professional victimhood and thumb her nose at non muslim French people and there are the BBC -gasping to show their solidarity with her.



Earlier in the week, after Jewish Labour donor, Michael Foster, had denounced the cabal surrounding Corbyn as ‘storm troopers’ the BBC’s Jon Pienaar told us that of course Corbyn and Co were upset because ‘anyone would be upset at being called that’.

Hmmm…this from the BBC that freely called UKIP Nazis and even now tries determinedly to associate Leave voters with racism and the ‘Far Right’ and one of their top journalists, Marr, writes in the Sunday Times that ‘Brexit or not, only a fool ignores the march of Europe’s new goose-steppers.’  The BBC not only ignores the depradations of one other set of ‘goose-steppers’, the Islamists, but actually promotes their narrative and ideology…only recently we had the wonderful tale of ‘The Mohammedan Bean’ in which coffee was upheld as a sign that Islam, as the supposed inventor of coffee, is a marvellous religion….Hitler ‘invented’ the wildly popular Beetle…ergo….what a great

The other ‘goose-steppers’ are of the Marxist kind…the kind the BBC also generally ignores as they rise across Europe despite the Berlin Wall, the brutal occupation of Europe by gun-toting socialists and the mass murder of million upon million across the world by the same.

In a similar way the BBC has ignored or played down the deeply unpleasant and nasty politics of Corbyn and Co.  The BBC certainly reports some concerns but in no way shows any sign of thnking that they are significant or dangerous.  Can you imagine if Boris had been elected to lead the Tory Party that the BBC would be similarly reluctant to voice its opinion?  Hardly, as we saw in the leadership election and the referendum when Boris was subjected to endless abuse and criticism by the BBC’s finest.

However the BBC’s refusal to challenge Corbyn’s nasty ideology hasn’t saved it from the wrath of his ‘storm troopers’ who have launched a concerted barrage of attacks upon the corporation in order to force it either into silence or to make it only report ‘good news’ about Corbyn.

They care not that the BBC already treads warily, or that one of the BBC’s leading political journos, Nick Robinson, has warned off other BBC journos from criticising the Leader, or that, as we find out, several other senior BBC journalists have complained about the apparent negative tone of the BBC’s reporting on Corbyn.

On ‘Feedback’ we heard that the BBC has been biased against Corbyn and there was a grovelling apology…the BBC you understand, takes impartiality and balance very, very seriously.

But the Corbyn ‘storm troopers’ will never be happy until all criticism of their Leader is silenced….they have learned well.  The BBC is now under attack from the hard-left in a way that anyone who criticises Islamists will be familiar with.  Essentially the BBC is now being accused of ‘Corbynophobia’.  Any comment or report that is perceived as ‘negative’, however justified and backed up with evidence, will be met with cries of ‘Corbynophobia’ just as criticism of Islam is met with cries of ‘Islamophobia’.

Boris Johnson is presumably an ‘Islamophobe’…..

To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.

The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?

The attacks will be relentless and furious, and they will not let up until the will of the BBC is broken.  You can see that such barrages do work, for example when Harrabin changed one of his reports to suit a green campaigner who relentlessly berated him to do so.

The technique is not new...Hitler noted its use by the Communists long ago…

Within less than two years I had gained a clear understanding of Social Democracy, in
its teaching and the technique of its operations.  I recognized the infamy of that technique whereby the movement carried on a campaign of mental terrorism against the bourgeoisie, who are neither morally nor spiritually equipped to withstand such attacks. The tactics of Social Democracy consisted in opening, at a given signal, a veritable drum-fire of lies and calumnies against the man whom they believed to be the most redoubtable of their adversaries, until the nerves of the latter gave way and they sacrificed the man who was attacked, simply in the hope of being allowed to live in peace. But the hope proved always to be a foolish one, for they were never left in peace.
The same tactics are repeated again and again, until fear of these mad dogs exercises,
through suggestion, a paralysing effect on their Victims.

Sometimes of course the ‘victim’ is a willing victim…..the BBC’s eager cheerleading of a pro-Islamic narrative ‘foolishly ignores’ reality and the very real dangers that are approaching Europe ever faster.

 Churchill once said of Mein kampf…
“the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.”
From Churchill’s ‘The River War’
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
Winston S. Churchill, The River War

See no evil…when it suits



The BBC filled the airwaves with the horrendous news that one of its journo’s had been called a ‘Paki’…and along with the left-wing press delightedly connected this hate attack to Brexit….

BBC Radio 4 has aired the moment its journalist Sima Kotecha was called a ‘P**i’ by a Brexit voter in her home town of Basingstoke.

No such tidal wave of shock and disapproval when a BBC reporter is told to ‘get back in the oven’.

Holocaust film-maker is told to ‘get back in the oven’ by literary magazine editor as witness reveals separate anti-Semitic abuse by Corbynistas 

A former adviser to Tony Blair has told of his shock at witnessing an anti-Semitic rant at a Proms reception.

Martin Bright, a former Observer journalist who once worked for the former Prime Minister’s Faith Foundation, was horrified when BBC journalist Henrietta Foster was told by a fellow guest to ‘get back in the oven’ – a reference to the gas chambers used by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

The fellow guest, who has been identified by The Mail on Sunday as Dr Leslie Jones, the editor of the Quarterly Review magazine, made the comment in reference to an appearance Ms Foster made in My Nazi Legacy, a documentary about the children of Hitler’s officers.

Hold the front page…Trump not quite fat!!


Oh to be a BBC journo…at the top of your profession, respected and authoritative….which is why, during the presidential election to elect probably the world’s most powerful person, you, the BBC journo, spend your time writing about how tubby, or not, Trump is….

Should Donald Trump’s weight be an election issue?

In a moment of pure daytime TV drama, he handed over a letter to host Dr Oz that revealed he weighs 236lb (107kg), or nearly 17 stone.

Given that he is 6ft 3in (1.9m) in height, that would give him a Body Mass Index of 29.5, according to US Centre for Disease Control standards.

Technically, that makes him “overweight” and just short of “obese” – news that might come as a surprise to many, as he does not appear particularly portly.

The medical community seems to be fairly relaxed about it.

Surely there are more important things to write about than the not-so-fat Trump.

Things like bombs going off in the US.

The BBC dodges any link whatsoever that might suggest a cause for these bombs in Manhattan.

Chelsea is an area with a high gay population but the BBC limitis its description to:

Chelsea is among the most fashionable districts of Manhattan and its bars and restaurants are usually crowded at the weekend.

‘Most fashionable’ eh?  One way of describing it.

There was a bomb at a US Marine charity run in New Jersey…the BBC forgets to mention the military link in this report…

The blast comes after a pipe bomb explosion in neighbouring New Jersey hours earlier along the route of a planned charity race.

So a gay area and a military event have been bombed….who might possibly be the most likely people to want to bomb such places?  The BBC doesn’t seem to want to give us a clue and certainly doesn’t want to link the two events…any link indicating a terror campaign with a purpose.

After the Boston bombing the BBC went into overdrive to claim that it was almost certainly the work of white supremacists…against all the odds…and yet here they refuse to join the dots and make a stab at naming the likely culprits.  Why?  Who are they protecting and why?

The bombers could have been ‘Black Lives Matter’ or angry white men but the most likely?  Islamists.  Just say so BBC.  Do our job…it’s not speculation but a reasoned and intelligent assessment of the facts that we know.

And then there is this…

Mass stabbing at Minnesota mall: Rampaging knifeman dressed as a security guard attacks eight shoppers while talking about Allah before being killed by off-duty cop

St. Cloud Police Chief Blair Anderson said during a news conference shortly after midnight that eight people were taken to St. Cloud Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries following the attack first reported about 8.15pm Saturday. 

During the news conference, Anderson said the attacker who was armed with a knife made references to Allah during the attack and asked at least one person whether they were Muslim. 

The BBC does report the Islam connection here, but only because the Police state it quite bluntly…if they aren’t forced to make that connection they won’t off their own back however evident the signs are.












This is a guest article by a B-BBC reader.

“It would seem that the reception of the UK Ambassador to Saudi Arabia’s conversion to Islam is noted in British and Saudi society for the host’s exquisite taste that captivates its dhimmi guests…

Al-Beeb gleefully gushes that British ambassador to Saudi Arabia has performed the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca after converting to Islam, complete with photos and praise from Saudi royalty (if you need further background on the Hajj, click here).

The Beeb says he made “the holy trip” wearing the white robes traditionally worn for the pilgrimage which re-enacts the actions of the “Prophet Muhammad” (once again Muhammad is referred to as “the Prophet”, as if it is a fact rather than an opinion). Still, let’s hope Mr Collis doesn’t re-enact all of Muhammed’s actions now he has converted.

Anyway, Collis’ reason for converting was interesting: “In short, I converted to Islam after spending 30 years in Muslim societies and before getting married to Huda.”

Hardly a ringing endorsement of the spiritual and moral teachings of Islam. Even so, one aside is that interfaith marriages are, like polygamy, prohibited under sharia for Muslim women. Interfaith marriages (with Jews and Christians) and polygamy are, of course, allowed for Muslims men (another example of Islamic women’s equality in action). As such, if a non-believer wants to marry a Muslim woman, they need to convert.

So, aside from the usual, fluffy BBC puff piece on The Religion of Peace, why bother bringing up…?

The BBC’s approach to Mr Collis’ Islamic conversion seems to be a stark and uncomfortable contrast to the awful murder of a Mary Shipstone by her father. As was noted last week by other B-BBC readers, it was her mother’s conversion FROM Islam that proved to be the initial catalyst for the tragedy. The BBC reporting of the murder, however, totally omitted this angle and all mention of the “I” word, focusing on the (admittedly terrible) error of a solicitor rather than the background to why a father would shoot his own innocent daughter dead in cold blood.”

Fixing Brexit


The BBC seems to have moved into overdrive to undermine Brexit with a complete disregard for impartiality, balance and accuracy.

As DV notes the QT panel was almost to a man opposed to Brexit, on Thursday Peter Allen treated us to a programme with has-beens pro-EU types Alan Johnson, Shirley Williams and Ken Clark revealing their thoughts on Brexit…naturally all three thought it a terrible thing.  Peter Allen just laughed along as they rubbished it.  Allen has always made his view known that the Brexit vote was not a vote for something but purely a sort of protest vote, when Clark made the same claim naturally he was delighted.  This is of course complete nonsense.  The vote was for control of our borders, for taking back poilitical control, for deciding how to spend our own money, for opening up trade with the rest of the world.  Allen’s intelligent insights will be sorely missed as he heads off for pastures new.  And just an extra note…Clark told us Brexit would mean no more investments from abroad…on the day the Chinese and French signalled their happiness that May had agreed to Hinkley Point.  Only two weeks ago the BBC had to admit that..

A record number of investments were made by foreign firms in the UK in the year to April 2016, according to government figures.

The Department for International Trade recorded 2,213 inward investment projects, up 11% on the previous year.

The data shows the UK is the most popular destination in the European Union for overseas firms.

Curious that, as the BBC had campaigned in the run up to the referendum on the basis that ‘uncertainty’ was destroying business confidence and everything was falling apart already before the vote.

The BBC has also had a programme in which Mark Carney was interviewed…curious what the BBC report and what they don’t…..

Here they report how hard a job he had coping with Brexit but also how successful he was in dealing with the ‘damaging effects’ of Brexit.

Odd the BBC misses out the positive sounds he makes about Brexit which the Telegraph notes…

Mark Carney finally confesses Brexit gives the UK “very large” trading opportunities

The Governor of the Bank of England has admitted that the UK has “very large” post-Brexit opportunities at the same time as confessing his high school nicknames and his favourite chocolate bar. 

In a wide-ranging interview led by a group of Coventry school children,  Mark Carney, one of the main instigators of the so-called ‘Project Fear’ campaign ahead of the UK’s European Union referendum, presented a more upbeat picture on the outlook for global trade than before the vote. 

“Most countries want to trade with the UK and there are a number of countries including Canada, Australia, a number of the big emerging markets, who I’m quite confident will want to have deeper trading relationships with the UK, because of what the UK has to offer in business, in services, in manufacturing, in design, in culture, in financial services,” Mr Carney admitted.

“The opportunity is very large. One of the things that is exciting about technology and where the global economy is going is that trade is no longer limited to just big firms, or medium-sized firms.

“You can be a small firm, three to five people, based here, and you can sell around the world. And that is increasingly going to be the case. That is tremendously exciting and it really plays to the strengths of the UK,  because this is a truly innovative country.”


Extraordinary but not unexpected from our highly politicised BBC which seems to only delight in talking down Britain and hoping for the worst, much like Labour’s McDonnell who cheered as the economy crashed, that they should miss out the ‘good news’ on Brexit.






I was on BBC London yesterday morning at an ungodly hour discussing the Royal Charter for the BBC brought forward yesterday. In essence the only real surprise from the White Paper in May was that the Government is asking the BBC to reveal which of its “talent” earns more than the Prime Minister i.e. >£150,000. Turns that even this is a cop-out..

More than half of BBC stars paid more than £150,000 could escape having their salaries made public, after a loophole emerged in new plans to force the corporation to be more transparent.

Karen Bradley, the new culture secretary, yesterday unveiled proposals to compel the BBC to publish the salaries of the 109 presenters and performers who are paid more than £150,000 a year in its next annual report.

But it emerged last night that the transparency edict would not extend to stars working for the corporation’s new production division, BBC Studios, which is expected to get approval to launch later this year.

To be honest, I see all this salary revelation stuff as a sideshow. It’s how the BBC obtains the money it then uses that is my concern. The license tax is the problem, the annual extortion of £3.5bn, which is then used to pay these left wing talking heads.I want to see that axed.


For my sins I DID watch BBC Question Time last night. In case you missed it this was the panel. Not ONE pro-Brexit politician. The best they could do was haul on the Mails “Theatre critic and political sketch writer” Quentin Letts. I know that Campbell and McDonnell did tear into each other, and even the waspish Soubry had a go at Corbyn’s number 2 BUT this was another panel and audience stacked full of those still weeping their tears that they LOST the Referendum on whether we stayed or left the EU. The BBC love to have talking heads on who sagely ponder – “but what does Brexit mean”? They always say it is perhaps much too complex to answer. Rubbish. Brexit means an end to the UK having any links to the EU. No open borders and no more sending the £££’s to Brussels. I wish the BBC would move beyond denial. This was an atrocious programme – unbalanced and definitely unrepresentative.
