Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

‘HE WAS GAY’ Orlando gunman’s ex-wife makes bombshell claim that ISIS fanatic used Grindr dating app and visited gay clubs


The BBC, and Owen Jones, have been pushing the line that the killing of 49 gay people in Orland has nothing to do with Islam and is purely a homophobic hate crime, the BBC leaping upon the suggestion that the killer saw two men kissing and it so enraged him he went on a murderous rampage, as you do.

From the Spectator….Owen Jones’ hypocrisy…..


Sky news suggested that, yes Gays were targeted here, but that was no different to non-Muslims, Jews, cartoonists, tourists on the beach, people at a football match or at a music gig being targeted.  Sky was saying that this was just one part of an overall war on the West and its society and culture and that we shouldn’t forget that and try to, as the BBC and Jones do, suppress the fact that this is an Islamically inspired attack and not a singular event defined by the killer’s supposed homophobia.

Today we hear news that not only raises questions about the BBC’s rush to judgement on that ‘two men kissing’ narrative but also their attempt to sideline the Islamic State angle.

The killer, it turns out, was allegedly gay himself.  Or bisexual, please yourself.

Therefore….not homophobic by nature.  Therefore driven by some other outside motivation or ideology.

About time the BBC, and Jones, faced the facts and started to tell the truth about why gays were targeted here…and of the preachers who attended the Orlando mosque preaching anti-gay rhetoric, and of the killer’s links to a radical imam who had links to our very own Cage…so beloved of the BBC.

Just why does the BBC give so much airtime to a bunch of Islamist apologists and activists?

KILLER’S EXTREMIST CONNECTIONS Orlando shooter’s links to Islamic hate cleric who preached in Birmingham

British extremism apologist group backed killer’s imam

THE fanatical Islamic preacher thought to have inspired Orlando massacre monster Omar Mateen is backed by a British group that defended Jihadi John.

Extremism apologists CAGE asked its supporters to fund the legal fees of gay-hating Marcus Robertson as he fought terror charges in the US last year.

‘Je ne suis pas Charlie’

Oh, and one final thought….all those Muslims, and their BBC apologists, who objected so loudly to ‘#Jesuischarlie’…will they also be objecting to all the outpourings of sympathy for the dead in Orlando?  Surely they feel left out of the solidarity events, unable to take part and therefore once again we have Muslims marginalised…and potentially radicalised…stop these marches now!!!

‘Je ne suis pas Gay?’


UK vigil . . . In Soho in London last night



Listen you lot!!


Alan Johnson thinks the problem is that the voters are an ignorant bunch who just won’t listen to what the ‘elite’ tell them to do.  Sounds as if he has been taking the BBC college of journalism course in political analysis.

Never mind, Aunty is here to make it better and improve our minds…in the shape of Mishal Husain.  I saw that she has a programme on immigration tonight on BBC2 at 9pm that will give us the facts on immigration.  If like me you laughed out loud on reading that and can’t bare to watch such a programme you will be delighted to know that Mishal has conveniently written up her project for our easy consumption on the website….all your ‘prejudices’ about such a programme, your very low expectations, will be confirmed absolutely.

Her opening statement is an exercise in self-delusion…

How can it be that one of the biggest concerns for British voters is something that British politicians often find difficult to talk about, let alone address?

That has traditionally been the case as far as immigration is concerned, but ahead of the referendum, immigration from the European Union has come to the fore.

Politicians find it difficult to talk about immigration because the BBC et al immediately vilify and denounce them as racists and link them to the Nazis if they dare to raise the issue.   The BBC, instead of encouraging and facilitating debate, has crushed and suppressed it….just look what it did to the completely innocent UKIP councillor, Rozanne Duncan, whom the BBC publicly crucified as a racist as part of their campaign against UKIP in the run up to the election.

Husain has a Leaver and a Remainer on to tell us why they will vote as they will….the Remain voter is…a Polish immigrant who has now got British citizenship…so no real surprise which way she is voting….and which rather confirms the believe that part of Labour’s ploy to open the borders to EU citizens was in the knowledge that should a referendum on EU membership take place by the time it does happen many of the immigrants would have taken out citizenship and have the ability to vote…and the likelihood is that they would vote to stay in the EU.  In other words Labour loaded the dice and rigged the referendum long ago.  I have yet to hear the BBC raise such a possibility and that the flood of immigrants was deliberate rather than just a mistake.

Husain herself is an immigrant so are we likely to get a balanced and genuinely informative programme?  Not judging by the web write up…and it is patently obvious that a Polish immigrant is not the right person to have on to talk about voting on immigration…she has an intense personal interest in a pro-immigration outcome, an affinity for ‘Europe’ and little attachment to ‘Britain’, its culture, history, self-image and place in the world.

In summary, Husain feeds us what is pure Remain propaganda as her conclusions….immigrants don’t really use the NHS, they fill the gaps in the jobs market as ‘aspirational’ young Brits move up the ladder, immigrants pay far more in tax than they take out in benefits, migrants are forced to live in damp squalor (because they are so low paid…er…how do they pay so much tax then?) and they have health problems as a result (er…so they use the NHS then?) …oh, but without migrant workers the health sector would collapse.  The Polish voter also loves our diversity…it’s so healthy and of course it is the EU that has stopped all war…

And for them, the EU also represents an ideal. Grazyna’s own mother was deported by the Soviets from eastern Poland to Central Asia after World War Two, and she does not take life in a time of peace and stability for granted. On 23 June, she’ll be voting Remain.


From Migration Watch which suggests that once the correct figures are used the benefits are close to zero…..

‘Immigration provides great economic benefit?’

The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee, reporting in April 2008, said that what mattered was GDP per head. They concluded that:

We have found no evidence for the argument, made by the government, business and many others, that net immigration generates significant economic benefits for the existing UK population.In January 2012 the Migration Advisory Committee went further. They said that even GDP per head exaggerated the benefit of immigration because:

It is the immigrants themselves rather than the extant residents who are the main gainers.

‘Immigrants are not a problem as they work hard and pay tax?’

Some of the limited research in this area had found that there might be a small positive fiscal impact to immigration. Nonetheless, according to the House of Lords Economic Committee “the fiscal impact (of immigration) is small compared to GDP and cannot be used to justify large-scale immigration”.

However, the presumption of even a small fiscal benefit has been comprehensively overturned by a UCL study published in 2014 which found the fiscal impact of migrants in the UK between 1995 and 2011 was in fact a net cost of between £115 and £160 billion that is between £19 and £26 million per day.

The same study claimed that East European migrants contributed £5 billion to the Exchequer between 2001 and 2011. However that calculation was based on the assumption that they paid, from the moment of their arrival, corporate and business taxes at the same rate as lifelong UK residents. Correcting for this brought the contribution close to zero.

‘Migrants are less likely to claim benefits?’

Figures from the DWP show that migrants to the UK are less likely to claim out-of-work benefits. But large amounts of the total benefits bill are paid to people in work, in particular tax credits and housing benefit. Research shows that some migrant groups are much more likely to be claiming these key benefits than the general population.


And obviously there are the invisible, non-cash benefits that migrants get…schools, the NHS, the use of State services…police, fire, ambulance etc and not least the pressure on the roads, and environment, from all the extra cars.

Husain does her best to separate out and hide the reality that mass immigration puts huge pressure on infrastructure and on society itself…the cultural friction and conflicts that arise are ignored by her….what for instance is the likely outcome of millions of Muslims entering Europe and being able to enter the UK as well…and that’s before Turkey is allowed to enter by the backdoor as special arrangements are made to speed up its entry?


And what of this?…This is the real question that the BBC should be asking…what happens if we vote to stay in?  The EU economy is on the rocks, immigrants are flooding into Europe in massive numbers and will destabilise the continent, the EU itself is pushing for ever-closer union…will the UK be forced to join?  You bet.  But the BBC doesn’t want you to know that…or any of this…..

Everything the EU Is Hiding Until After the Referendum



Owen Jones….The Islamists’ useful idiot

Owen Jones has stormed out of a Sky interview claiming that the Sky presenter, Mark Longhurst, wasn’t interested in the killings in Orlando as ‘homophobic hate crimes’ and that because Longhurst isn’t gay he can’t possibly understand what went on.   Watch the interview and you’ll see that it is Jones who doesn’t understand what is being said…and ironically storms out as the Telegraph headline of an IS ‘war on gays’ is being discussed and Stonewall being quoted….Jones edits that truth out of his video clip in the Guardian where he tries to pillory Longhurst.

The point Longhurst was making was that this wasn’t an attack aimed solely at gay people…this was an attack on the West, the liberal, progressive West that has gone so far down the road to accepting ‘Gay’ as normal.  This is just part of the whole IS campaign against the West and non-Muslims who want a secular, democratic society in which people are as free as possible to say, think and do what they like….it was not just an attack on gay people.

Sky got the narrative right, we should be asking what are the overall aims of the Islamic State and what is their motivation?

Owen Jones and the BBC look on this as purely an issue of hatred against gays…the BBC’s latest report also looks at it purely from this perspective and ignores the Islamic State, the Islam issue almost completely….only the last sentence gives the lie to what the BBC presented to us in the rest of the report…and makes the point Sky was making……

“Isis and extremist ideology hate all of us,” he says. “It’s really an attack on all of us. It’s an attack on the way we live – our openness.”

Jones is of course a Marxist in league with the very people who have the ideology that drives the Islamic State…he agreed to appear on the Islamist Mend organisation’s tour and talk alongside a man well known for making homophobic speeches…..the Left never learn….In Iran they joined up with the Islamists to overthrow the Shah and ended up as the useful idiots that opened the door for gays to be killed for the crime of being gay in Iran…maybe Jones should think more carefully about what ideology he teams up with.

From Harry’s Place…...Not only does this Muslim express his hatred of gays he explains why the West is so dissolute… allows gays to exist….Jones should wake up instead of sharing platforms with such people…..

In our own time – I remember as a kid in the 80s, which gives you an idea of how old I was  – growing up in the 80s … I remember how homosexuals were looked down upon, and the names that were give to these people, and how disgusted the average masses were with that segment of society.

Now look! Now look at how we have regressed – not progressed. Where it is impossible, forget a Muslim, even a Christian or a Jew, can not stand up in public in front of a non-Muslim audience, and speak against homosexuality. He is a homophobe! He is an evil person! How dare he preaches hatred against this group of people!




Jones ends his Guardian self-justification with this…

Today, the “we only care about LGBT rights if Muslims are involved” brigade are out in force. As a gay man, I am proud to live in a city represented by a Muslim mayor who has faced death threats for supporting and voting for LGBT people to have the same rights as everybody else. The bigots must not be allowed to hijack this atrocity.

That’ll be Sadiq Khan who called moderate Muslims who wanted to cooperate with the government in the fight against terrorism ‘Uncle Toms’.

Jones, deluded as always.



The Arrogance

Majority of MPs in all 3parties want to stay in EU. They’re your democratically elected leaders. Voting Brexit overrules your own MPs

John Humphrys had a fairly good interview with Gordon Brown this morning…though that wasn’t hard as Brown seemed determined to dig his own grave.  It is beyond me why the Remain campaign have wheeled this old duffer out to front their latest push, in particular on the subject of immigration which he refuses to debate.  Any Labour voter would have listened to Brown and immediately made the decision to vote the opposite of whatever Brown told them to do.  He clearly has learned nothing, sounding arrogant, dodgy and evasive.


Whilst Humphrys did give Brown a hard time Justin Webb seemed beamed in from the Remain campaign as he interviewed Liam Fox and went down the road of straw-man point scoring insisting that ‘we need immigration’, making it seem that the Leave camp want to stop it altogether which is far, far from the truth.  Webb also insisted that immigration benefits us all when the stats say at best the financials were only just on the immigrant’s side…the EU immigrants that is….but Migration Watch says that that is out of date and the latest immigrants from the EU cost us more than the first waves.  Webb also ignores the fact that most are in low paid jobs the taxes from which in no way cover the benefits they receive from schooling their kids, the NHS, housing and all the other services they require and get from the State.

Brown isn’t the only Remain politician to display astounding arrogance, his own Party boss, Corbyn, refuses to talk of immigration and both Cameron and Osborne claimed they would be happy to take Britain out of the EU if the EU refused to reform…and then, when the EU totally stonewalled Cameron they furiously backpedalled on that and now campaign relentlessly to stay in the EU.

The BBC for some reason refuses to mention the very inconvenient, and relevant, fact that Osborne and Cameron said leaving the EU was an option but when James Dyson came out for the Leave campaign the BBC in every bulletin regaled us with tales of how he’d extolled the virtues of the Euro…way back in 2000….we only found out later that the BBC was channelling the Remain camp’s words, their propaganda, as the BBC’s own.

Cameron has of course been incredibly dismissive of the debate on immigration whilst posing as the man with the solutions…both UKIP and Trump have suffered his Flashmanesque arrogance but both have had the last laugh as he crawled to Trump later on and now dances to UKIP’s tune calling a referendum.  Shame the BBC fails to challenge him on his attacks.

Immigration seems to be a subject that attracts the grandstanding pious moralisers who won’t make any meaningful comments that will be backed by concrete action, preferring instead to sound as if they are concerned and yet at the same time be pro-immigration and also condemn thse who want to control it as racists.

Image from


When you see the massive disdain and dismissive arrogance the Remain camp has for the voters you wonder how they can ever win…and yet with the BBC behind them pushing hard for the EU it is hard to see a definite win for Leave.

Today on Radio One (12:55) we had a blatant plug for Remain and an attempt to swing the youth vote as the BBC went to Berlin and we heard Berliners asking us to stay, young Brit expats saying how wonderful the EU is and BMW predicting doom and gloom on Brexit….no one was brought on to counter any of that pure propaganda.

The BBC has been pushing hard for the youth, ethnic minorites and expats to vote….in conjunction with the electoral commission and the government who gerrymandered the vote by extending the registration period by two days (after a mere two hour shutdown of the regsitration site) to allow up to 500,000 extra voters to sign up late…most, it is predicted, will vote to remain.  Rigging the election?  I think so.  The BBC didn’t ask any difficult questions about this stitch up.   Which is curious as they keep telling us this is the most historic electoral event in our recent history…you might think Cameron rigging the referendum might be worth noting.





It’s almost like a line from a bad joke. So, a wife beating Muslim claiming loyalty to Islamic State walks into a gay bar… The BBC, along with Obama, have gone into full “This is about Gun Control” mode rather than face the obvious fact that this is about Radical Islam. Trump is condemned by the BBC for being “an opportunist” for bringing the Radical Islam aspect up, whereas Clinton is painted as a sage for refusing to mention the islamic elephant in the room. We are at the point where the BBC is essentially saying that Islam has nothing to do with Islam. They are a bunch of spineless dhimmis.

No, not interested



When Sarah Wollaston jumped ship and declared for ‘Remain’ in a very suspicious manner the BBC handed the airwaves over to her to explain her motivation and to trumpet loudly and repeatedly her disdain for the Leave campaign.

No such accomodation for Tory donor, Edi Truell, who slams Cameron’s alarmism and lies….and the fact that Cameron has hijacked the government for what should be a non-governmental campaign……

Conservative donor withdraws support over David Cameron’s ‘irresponsible’ EU campaign

One of David Cameron’s biggest donors has withdrawn his financial support for the Conservatives and is considering quitting the party over the way the Prime Minister has handled the referendum, the Telegraph can reveal. 

Edi Truell, a pensions expert who has donated over £270,000 since 2010, said he will only hand over money if Boris Johnson or Michael Gove take over from Mr Cameron after a Brexit vote.

Mr Truell, a leave supporter, said the Prime Minister’s warning about the damage a leave vote could do to pensions was the final straw in a pattern of “unfair” and “irresponsible” claims. 

Speaking to The Telegraph Mr Truell said he has already written to party chairman Lord Feldman to explain that he will no longer donate to Mr Cameron and warned “the machinery of Government is being abused” by the remain campaign. 

The comments by Cameron that triggered Truell’s reaction are reported by the BBC…and yet they make no mention of Truell’s withdrawal of support and his significant comments slamming Cameron.

The BBC in fact gives Cameron a long write up after his interview with Marr.  Marr failed entirely to tackle Cameron and hold his feet to the fire…Marr seemed solely concerned with suggesting that Cameron had got the tone wrong, too alarmist and that this had turned off voters.  Nothing to actually criticise the content of his wild, alarmist claims…in fact when Cameron said we would have a smaller economy and a DIY recession and a lost decade Marr stated that ‘All of this is true’.  Is it?

Marr moved on to Turkey and Cameron insisted that there was not a chance in hell of Turkey getting accession and entry into the EU…..Marr astonishingly didn’t mention the leaked document that shows the UK government is working to allow Turks visa free travel the UK.   The point about people’s concern about Turkey is that on entry it might result in a flood of migrants into Europe, amongst other concerns about an aggressively Islamist state, and regardless of its official status, visa free travel would result in a surge of migrants who would claim asylum or just set up home in the UK and refuse to go back to Turkey.  Cameron is being entirely dishonest and Marr didn’t challenge him on that.

Also nice to see Newsnight give EU commissioner, Lord Hill, a free run to peddle EU ‘Remain’ propaganda.




Dead and buried



As 50 people lie dead in Orlando, killed by a Muslim with alleged links to Islamic State, the truth gets buried even before they do.

The BBC has already moved into damage limitation mode and has told us that the killer was ‘mentally unstable’ and not religious…quoting liberally from the Washington Post.  Curiously the BBC missed this from the same article….

A friend of Mateen’s said the young man became steadily more religious. The friend, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Mateen several years ago went on the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia known as the umrah.

“He was quite religious,” the friend said.

Why did the BBC miss that out?

The BBC, in time honoured fashion, lays the blame squarely at the door of the security services who failed to spot and stop this guy…..

As questions emerged about the gunman’s history, FBI Special Agent Ron Hopper told reporters that Mateen had been interviewed by FBI officers twice in 2013 following inflammatory comments to colleagues asserting ties to the Islamic State group.

The investigation ended after officers were unable to substantiate the claims. However, Mateen was questioned again in 2014 about a potential connection to Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, the American known to have carried out a suicide bombing in the Syria conflict.

The FBI investigation found no “substantial relationship” between Mateen and Abu-Salha and the case was closed, said Special Agent Hopper.

Remember this is the BBC that has relentlessly campaigned against Guantanamo and against the Prevent anti-terror programme in the UK…and now they demand profiling,  ‘Sus laws’ and Muslim internment?  The same BBC that regularly claims that Muslims are ‘under siege’ in the US and illustrate that with the sad tale of ‘Clockboy’…..naturally the BBC fail to tell us the whole truth about ‘Clockboy’ and his look-a-like clock -bomb.

Still, could be worse….no wonder the Independent went tits up…it’s not the Muslims what done it…it was the Christians…..

The senselessness of blaming Islam for the LGBT shooting in Orlando

Islamophobic sentiment is currently engulfing social media – but Chase Strangio, a lawyer who works with the American Civil Liberties Union on LGBT and Aids related issues, took to his Twitter account to point out a sad truth about gay rights and religion in America.

Religiously motivated legislation from the right-wing Christian lobby has been trying to stifle gay civil liberties as long as there has been a gay rights movement:

The BBC…Propagandists for terror



From Nick Cohen in Standpoint:

Shame On The Liberals Who Rationalise Terror

Every step you take explaining radical Islam away is apparently rational and liberal. Each takes you further from rationalism and liberalism. In your determination to see the other side’s point of view and to avoid making it “really angry about this or that”, you end up altering your behaviour so much that you can no longer challenge the prejudices of violent religious reactionaries. As you seek rationales for the irrational and excuses for the inexcusable, you become a propagandist for the men you once opposed.


‘Sons of the Desert’


Apparently we should applaud the BBC for its openness and transparency as it ‘reported’ the fact that some ‘Syrian’ immigrants had been arrested (22 mins) and charged with raping a 14 year old girl in Newcastle.

Well done the BBC.

One of the ‘Syrians’ was, unfortunately for the BBC, a member of a family that the BBC was following after they were brought to the UK by the government as part of its refugee programme.

The BBC had a significant interest in this story which is why the police say they told Newsnight, over a month ago, that they had arrested and charged the ‘Syrian’ youth.  Guess the BBC were just trying to establish the facts as they waited over four weeks to break the story….or did they find out someone else was about to break it and were forced to come clean in what is a highly embarrassing story for them as they try to promote the idea that we must accept more refugees?  No reason at all why the BBC would sit on this story for a month is there?

And when they finally did admit the truth it was not a ‘report’ or an ‘investigation’ but a mere acknowledgement that this had happened…it was a tick box exercise to make it look like they were being open and transparent.

The Mail reckons there is more to this…the police, as with Rotherham and Rochdale, covering up the crime…and the BBC helping them just as they did with Rotherham and Rochdale.

Police were last night accused of burying allegations that a gang of Syrians sexually assaulted two teenage girls in a Newcastle park.

Three young men and a teenage boy, at least one of them a refugee, were arrested last month over claims two 14-year-olds had been attacked in the centre of the city.

But even after the suspects were charged and appeared in court, Northumbria Police – which claims to have made sexual violence a top priority – did not announce the case to the public or press. Even the local MP only heard about it last week.

Last night, it also emerged that the force published more than 100 incidents and public appeals, including those on sexual assaults and indecent exposures, on its website in the same month the alleged attacks took place – but not the case allegedly involving the Syrians.

Other crimes included the theft of 19 prawn pots from a harbour wall and a car being scratched.

Details on the alleged attacks emerged on Friday in a report by the BBC, which had been following the progress of the refugee defendant’s family since they arrived in Britain last year under the Government’s high-profile scheme to resettle vulnerable Syrians.

However, the BBC’s Newsnight programme has refused to say when it first heard about the case.

A police source told The Mail on Sunday the BBC had been informed four weeks previously in early May, when the teenage refugee had been arrested and charged.

It comes after police in Germany and Sweden faced damaging claims they tried to cover up sex attacks by migrants for fear of stoking public anger against new arrivals.

Last night, Ukip leader Nigel Farage – who has been criticised for warning the migrant crisis could put British women at risk – said: ‘Serious questions need to be asked about both the vetting of those the Government are allowing into the country, and of the authorities, including the BBC, who appear to have been involved in a conspiracy of silence over the case.

‘When did they know what was happening, and why is it only coming out now?’ 

A real news report would have been asking about the police reaction and why they allegedly covered up the crime and how this shows they haven’t learnt anything from the previous cases in Rotherham and Rochdale and elsewhere when Police, Media and political silence allowed young girls to be attacked and abused for years.

As said, this wasn’t ‘news’ this was the BBC covering their own backside….very reluctantly.

Perhaps Newsnight, instead of wasting time ridiculously trying to gauge how an England result in the European Championship might effect the EU referendum, could explore the issues surrounding the influx of millions of Muslims into Europe and how that might effect our society, culture and stability.