David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Walsall. Joining him on the panel are Deputy Leader of UKIP Paul Nuttall, Conservative Secretary of State for Energy Amber Rudd, Labour MP for Pontefract and Castleford Yvette Cooper, Lib Dem leader Tim Farron and leftie journalist Paul Mason.
Just as Lord Haw Haw betrayed Britain in favour of Hitler’s European dream it looks like the BBC’s Lord Hall Hall has similarly sold Britain down the river and betrayed the British people in favour of the EU empire as he looks to have stitiched up a deal with Cameron and the Remain campaign.
It looks more and more as if the BBC has done a deal with the government. In return for a white paper on the BBC’s future that far from being radical and reforming in fact reinforced the BBC’s grip on the media world and allowed it to escape scot-free from any censure or control of its bias the BBC has taken to pumping out unalloyed pro-EU, anti-Brexit propaganda with unashamed regularity.
The BBC’s attacks on Boris Johnson, leader of the out campaign, have been ramped up substantially and little effort is made to explore the issues raised by the Brexit camp in any meaningful way….what for example will be the consequences of staying in the EU when the inevitable ever-closer union and the prospect of being forced into the Euro arise? That is a major question, possibly the only one that counts, and yet the BBC ducks that awkward question all too often…and where is the BBC’s ‘shocked’ reporting on the stitch-up between Big Business and the Government to promote the Remain campaign….the same companies that are angling for big government contracts?
The BBC has consistently tried to dodge those issues, first by preferring to talk about the splits in the Brexit camp and the different groups pushing the same message. Marr when interviewing Boris desperately tried to avoid talkng about Europe. Then the BBC dismisses Boris Johnson’s part in the campaign as a mere stunt intended to put him in line for leadership of the Tory Party and that he doesn’t really want to Brexit and then they claim he is a racist (for quoting the Guardian’s opinion on Obama) and finally (at least up till now) they label him as some lunatic spouting on about Hitler….despite the fact he did not make a comparison between Hitler and the EU, merely saying they both aimed for a single authority over Europe that history proves will never work….he also mentioned in the same breath, the Romans and Napoleon….the BBC ignored that and headlined with ‘Hitler’.
The BBC continues the hatchet job today as it gives the patrician and arrogant Tory wet, Michael Heseltine, the top headline on the Frontpage…
Why does the BBC lead with that insult when it is obviously a very subjective and partisan view from someone who is an ardent pro-EU fanatic? It’s not news, it’s pure propaganda and the BBC is trumpeting it from the rooftops.
What does Heseltine have to say about Cameron’s wild claims about Brexit causing a third world war, or that Putin and ISIS would be cheerleading for Brexit, or the fact that Cameron only a couple of months ago was threatening to leave the EU himself if he didn’t get his substantial reforms (which he did not…in fact he surrendered to the EU, giving up more than he got in return)?
Laura Kuenssberg has always tried to push the ‘Boris wants to be leader’ line and claims he is being dishonest about his motives…on what proof? None. This is the BBC making stuff up. Lying. Boris has always been sceptical about the EU.
Kuenssberg doesn’t give us analysis, she merely relays Heseltine’s words to us as if they were fact…
This criticism will sting because even though Boris Johnson insists it is not the case, many of his Tory colleagues believe his calculation to join the Out campaign was entirely because he wants to be the next leader of his party.
For Lord Heseltine, who of course had similar ambitions but was thwarted in the end, to suggest his decision and subsequent behaviour will in fact kill his chances will really hurt.
That’s not journalism, that’s just gossip…and what about his ‘subsequent behaviour’? Kuenssberg casually insinuates that this behaviour is somehow wrong…and yet Boris has said and done nothing that any normal person without a vested interest in getting a Remain vote in the bag would suggest was wrong or incorrect….and indeed both the Guardian and the BBC have said exactly the same things in the past…and yet now, somehow, they are taboo. Funny that. Indeed in the programme mentioned below the BBC claims that a bloodthirsty Christian crusade into Eastern Euope was designed to create a united Europe…..is the BBC claiming that the EU is similar to a bloodthirsty crusade just as it claims Boris said the EU’s aims for a single Europe were somehow like Hitler’s?
What’s really shaped Europeans’ identity? Historian Margaret MacMillan visits Estonia, exploring how a tiny Estonian nation has dramatised the question of where exactly Europe is…… And she’ll see how new kinds of history – through DNA analysis for example – are revealing why Europeans are such an extraordinary mix of languages, cultures, and migrations.
A blatant attempt to make you believe that there has always been a ‘common European identity’…not just geographic or say a loose one based upon Christianity but an actual pan -European identity that made us virtually into one big state…along with some pro-multiculturalism and migration patter…complete bollocks of course….and a complete misuse of licence fee payers’ money, used as it is to peddle a very one-sided view of history in order to promote the EU and the Remain campaign.
Lord Hall Hall is putting on a show for his political masters. They are certainly getting their white paper’s worth. Bet the BBC are glad they kept Whittingdale’s dalliances with a drug addicted prostitute under wraps for so long….such tact has paid off handsomely.
Whilst the BBC has consistently attacked Donald Trump for his idea that there should be some control over which Muslims can be allowed into the US until it is worked out who poses a threat, and yesterday the BBC repeatedly quoted Cameron’s insults towards Trump on this subject (Cameron has a habit of being arrogant and sneering towards those he disagrees with, and whilst normally the BBC would rise up in horror at such ‘Flashman’ behaviour from the Eton educated hooray henry it show no sign of that here…nor when Cameron mocked Farage’s name at PMQs…imagine if he’d said the same about a Muslim).
The BBC (The very diverse and sensitive to others’ culture and lifestyle BBC) however hasn’t even bothered to report this so far…
A group of 51 Muslim states has blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending a high-level meeting at the United Nations next month on ending Aids, sparking a protest by the US, Canada and the EU.
Egypt wrote to the president of the 193-member general assembly on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to object to the participation of the 11 groups. It did not give a reason in the letter, which Reuters has seen.
Samantha Power, US ambassador to the UN, wrote to the general assembly president, Mogens Lykketoft, and said the groups appeared to have been blocked for involvement in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy.
“Given that transgender people are 49 times more likely to be living with HIV than the general population, their exclusion from the high-level meeting will only impede global progress in combating the HIV/Aids pandemic,” Power wrote.
I’m sure the BBC are working in the story right now, just making sure they’ve got the facts right…or is it yet again another example of BBC ‘reporting’ where hiding Muslim intolerance trumps all other groups in the BBC pecking order? Although Gays or Blacks are on the BBC ‘protected list’ their interests are always subject to being over-ridden by Muslim concerns. Muslims can essentially be as racist or violent or intolerant as they like and get a free pass from the BBC…even if the victims are black or gay….Christians are of course way, way down the list….and don’t even mention Israelis.
I wonder what the new, Muslim, Emir of London has to say about this issue at the UN. He had an awful lot to say about Trump…and yet nothing so far on this….then again his Twitter feed only became full of jolly pictures of him at synagogues and churches when he was on the election stump so can we really expect him to be genuinely concerned about such things…his Trump theatrics are just that…designed to get the cheap headlines and some ‘street-cred’ with the extremsists he knocks about with so often…in his role as ‘hooman rights lawyer’ of course…or is that a lawyer who uses human right’s legislation to his own advantage rather than to defend ‘human rights’ per se? The latter I suspect….just how many white, non-Muslim, non ‘extremist’, human rights cases has he taken on?
Give the BBC’s insidious promotion of the REMAIN side, I thought I would take this opportunity to share BREXIT -The Movie, just in case you haven’t had the chance to watch it!
I wanted to draw your attention to this article, written by my Twitter friend Peter Thompson. If you enjoy it, drop him a tweet of encouragement at @TheRedRag. He asks all the right questions.
Questions must be asked over whether or not the BBC has abused its unique position as our public service broadcaster, argues Peter Thompson
The image above is a screen capture of the BBC Politics page at 1:00 am Central European Summer Time on Saturday 14th May and is targeting the two million Brits who live in Europe.
Sorry for the delay in this but I have been travelling! Anyhow – here’s a NEW Open Thread to detail the bias. I caught quite a bit of the BBC today and it plays up the Remain case will gusto whilst delicately playing down the Brexit case. I can’t believe that John Whittingdale has been so weak with the BBC in the White Paper. He actually encourages “diversity” which is a green light for the BBC to further dismantle all that is good about our society!
This pretty much answers the question about what will Britain’s place be in the EU should there be a ‘remain’ vote….The Union flag will be consigned to the rubbish bin and not allowed to be flown…apparently the flag is too much associated with the idea of an independent Britain for the Remain campaigners…which says a lot about their mindset…..this is not Britain but a region of the EU…..
A rubbish truck emblazoned with a Union Flag has been taken out of service – because it was deemed to be supporting Brexit.
Council bosses took the bright red, white and blue bin lorry out of service after being hit with a number of complaints saying the truck, which was painted to match the waste company’s logo, is a “Brexit battle bus.”
Earlier this month the 26-tonne lorry was used for its first rounds around Brighton, East Sussex, but union members quickly complained, suggesting it was making a political statement.
Britain will eventually be absorbed into the EU superstate and forced to take the Euro….about time the BBC started talking about the cost of staying in.
The words of John Stuart Mill ring true: ‘War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.’
Cameron and Co would rather cower in the EU bunker (no allusion to Hitler there I assure you) hoping it is safe, not innovating, not daring to risk all, not inspiring the troops of industry to take on the world. Cameron is a coward and a bully, the two seem to go together, and he should be denounced for it loudly and repeatedly…the man who ducked Syria (the real, boots on the ground fight), the man who ducked Libya (the real, boots on the ground fight) and the man who uses every trick in the book to avoid a fair fight in the referendum.
The BBC is similarly ‘comfortable’ and unwilling to rock the boat and venture out into the high seas…this of course eventually leads to death as the complacent, who think things will go on for ever, are always overtaken by events that they haven’t prepared for and are unequipped to deal with as they have lost the fighting spirit and the will to do anything other than succumb to events such as the EU’s eventual takeover as politicians here work stealthily for ever closer union and Muslims take control of a society that is too afraid to stand up and say no.
Lenny Henry is presumably doing a Stewart Lee and producing experimental comedy that is so existential that it is beyond funny. Henry, now no longer a ‘comedian’, but funnier than ever as he struts his black stuff and gets into black culture, playing R&B and going all Black Panther on us working up a head of steam about racism and the way Balck people have been marginalised in society. Can’t say I’ve noticed….Sir Lenny.
Veteran comedian Sir Lenny Henry has slammed fellow black actor Will Smith for failing to stay true to his race and using his fame to help improve diversity on screen.
Speaking to the Sunday People, Sir Lenny, 57, said: ‘If a movie makes more than a hundred dollars, some black people stop being black – they become Will Smith.’
Not Sir Lenny though…he’s genuine ‘Black’…look he plays R&B….and sings with an American accent…coz he’s Black and can feel their pain. He’s no sell out playing the fool to whitey anymore.
His claim about Will Smith is bizarre….and in line with other BBC ‘stars’ such as Alvin Hall who claimed the likes of Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson were sell-outs as they ‘sang white’. Hall also said Rap was the ‘authentic voice of the black ghetto’ reflecting the real lives of Black people…and then complained that it was stereotyping Blacks and that Whites were perpetuating this lifestyle by buying the records…the racist bastards making black singers enormously rich.
Hall and Henry racist in reverse? Seems like it.
Henry went on to attack the BBC, again…..
His comments were made as part of an interview in which he also slammed the BBC’s ‘very, very white’ culture.
The beloved entertainer, who received a knighthood last year for services to drama and charity, described the BBC as ‘an oppressive institution’ and said while moves were being made towards improving diversity on screen, there will be no real reform until there is change ‘behind the camera’.
He said: ‘I worked at the BBC for 35 years before I had a meeting with anyone who looks like me. The only people like me were cleaning the corridors and that is not right.
The reason few Black people were in positions high up the BBC was because they had only been in the UK for a few years relatively and were mostly working class….not racism but more likely ‘classism’ and lack of opportunity…how many whites from council estates were in the management seats at the BBC?
Amused to see this in the Guardian…..which trashes Henry’s claim about successful Blacks and a lack of success….
Black American culture is experiencing a kind of delicious dominance at the moment. It’s one that might seem odd given its contrast with the resurgence of racism embodied by some supporters of Donald Trump. But Trumpism, as my colleague Steven Thrasher has noted, is just the latest version of a pattern in America: black progress beckons white rage.
So Black culture is ‘experiencing a delicious dominance’….surely not? But what of Trump? Where does he fit in? Can’t say he has said anything that smacks of being anti-Black. Just an example of anti-Trump ‘racism’ I guess…make casual, aggressive assertions about him based on him being white…has he ever ‘raged’ against Black people? No. Have Whites ‘raged’ against ‘Black progress’? ‘Blackism’, just the latest version of a pattern of racism in America.
Oh, hang on, here’s the proof of Trump’s anti-Black racism….
When you, say, reject the birth certificate of the first black president, what you mean to say is that to be American is to be white.
Er…no…he’s not basing it on race but on legality and genuine questions about where Obama was born…the US constitution states that you have to be American to be President…so is the US constitution racist? This is about politics and an attempt to undermine a Democratic Party’s President not about race. Shame the Guardian peddles such trash about race and that Henry laps it all up and regurgitates it in his campaign…pity he can’t think for himself rather than rely on racist thugs like Malcolm X to inform himself.
Henry surfaced on the BBC a few weeks ago making the same complaints and plugging his new alter-ego as an ‘authentic’ black person…’coincidentally’ on the same day the BBC launched this…
Staff joining the BBC will be asked about their socio-economic background, as part of a bid to increase diversity at the corporation. Candidates will be asked if they were entitled to free school meals, and if their parents attended university. Anonymised job applications will also be extended for core roles.
The plans come after the BBC faced pressure from ministers to increase numbers of staff from under-represented backgrounds. A BBC spokesperson said: “Almost half of our workforce is made up of women and the proportion of our workforce who are black, Asian and other ethnic minority is at an all-time high.”
In a 5Live radio interview Henry told us of his ‘journey’ to being ‘authentically’ Black…his mentors are unfortunately the ones you might expect some impressionable 13 year old to choose….Public Enemy, Malcolm X and #Blacklivesmatter…..hardly where you’d expect to get a rounded view of the world….which is how we end up with Henry berating Will Smith for ‘acting white’….if that’s not racism from Henry what is?
Henry of course rattles off the names of some Black men ‘assassinated’ by police in America…and includes Trayvon Martin, killed by a Hispanic man in self-defence…though the BBC controversially on Friday suggested that his clearance by jury was ‘controversial’. Henry obviously doesn’t have a clue about the circumstances of the shootings and just recycles the myth that they were ‘executed’ by a racist police force…a narrative that the BBC itself has done much to promote, in an attempt to stir up racial wars presumably….because that would be the inevitable result…as we see even the affable Lenny Henry has been led by the nose down the ‘all Blacks are victims’ route and has chosen as his mentors racists, people who promote violence and those who use the deaths of Black youths to promote a racist anti-white agenda.
As for that video at the top of the post about ‘Public Enemy’…who made that? The BBC’s James Hales…
If, like me, you grew up in the 80s, loved loud music and winding up your parents, there’s a good chance you were into Public Enemy.
At one point they were the biggest thing in hip hop and were hugely popular in the UK with both indie kids and rock fans alike.
I was definitely one of the latter, mostly into hard rock and heavy metal. Hey, I was only 13.
Trouble is, he hasn’t grown up much as the video suggests….a very one-sided and overly benign telling of the background to his heroes, Public Enemy, missing out much of the controversial stuff and glossing over the anti-Semitism whilst the man at the centre of that still made the same claims on camera.
Did Public Enemy make a big impression in 1980’s Britain? Doubt it. Only a relatively small niche group would have heard them and an even smaller group would have latched on to any message in their music…no middle-class 13 year old, like Hales, would have bothered…they were just impressed by the ‘Blackness’, the guns, the military uniforms, and the aggressive, anti-Establishment stance…without knowing or really caring what any of it was supposed to mean. It was exciting, different and out of the norm, it was show biz. The politics? Nahh…just turn it up loud.
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