David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Ilford, East London. On the panel: UKIP’s MP for Claction, Douglas Carswell, Conservative MP for Broxtowe Anna Soubry MP, economist Ruth Lea, novelist Irvine Welsh and Labour’s chief underpants model Chris Bryant MP.
Apparently we can trace the path Hannibal took over the Alps by tracking the piles of ancient elephant shit left in his wake. No doubt in future we can trace the path that links the mountainous pile of ruinous green legislation that’s attacking our industry to the BBC office of Roger Harrabin by the mounds of bullshit left on route.
Ed Davey was interviewed on the Today programme this morning. He was introduced as a former SoS for Energy and Climate Change, and was asked to defend the economics of the planned EDF nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point, which he was responsible for arranging while in office. The deal between the government and EDF is extraordinary on any analysis, and the project has consequently been called ‘the most expensive power station in the world’. Your interviewer rightly brought up the fact of this expense being a burden that the bill payer and tax payer would have to shoulder for decades to come.
However, since being removed from office by the voting public, Davey has taken a position at MHP Communications — EDF’s PR firm — as was revealed by The Times. Davey was given the opportunity to speak to your listeners to defend the deal he was responsible for, and his function as an interested party in EDF’s business was not brought up in the discussion.
The BBC’s response…
We raised your concerns about the Ed Davey interview with the Today programme. They explained that the programme was aware that Sir Ed Davey is an employee of MHP but it took note of the agreement he reached with the Government’s Advisory Committee on Business Appointments which agreed that “…he would not have any involvement with EDF whatsoever in relation to their generating business prior to the announcement of a final investment decision in relation to Hinkley Point C.”
This deals with any issues of a potential conflict of interest in relation to MHP’s contract with EDF.
So Davey would not have any role whatsoever in EDF until a final decision was made on EDF and yet there he is on the BBC defending the the economics of the EDF plant.
The BBC covering up for their old dodgy Libdem green friend who wants to bankrupt industry to save the planet.
On that note there’s this from the GWPF with a very current bit of news…
The planned reform of CO2 emissions trading in Europe threatens hundreds of thousands of jobs in Germany. This is the conclusion of a study by the research institute Prognos and commissioned by the German Steel Association. “The industrial business model of the German economy is at stake,” warned association president Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff.
According to the Prognos study, production and employment in the German steel industry would collapse by two thirds by 2030.
252,000 jobs are lost in the service sector alone, according to the study, around 71,000 in industry, 37,000 in the steel sector and 17,000 in the construction industry. And that are rather conservative assumptions, Limbers says.
Not seen anything on the BBC about this yet….considering British steel production is already on its knees due in no small part to Miliband’s green taxes this could only utterly destroy the industry here. No interest from Harrabin and Co?
Clearly in the current climate of racial realpolitik and understanding I can now post jokes such as the above whereas previously they would have been malignant racist insults based upon racial stereotypes that perpetuate the image of African Americans as primitive melon munching, kool-aid drinking blacks just off the plantation. Now we can apparently recognise such ‘jokes’ as genuine social commentary reflective of the authentic black experience and lifestyle….the joke is now culturally appropriate. Previously associating such cultural delights with black people was racist stereotyping, now it’s an essential part of their culture that must not be appropriated by the white people, so understand this….White people cannot eat fried chicken or water melons or drink Kool-aid from now on…not without licence from an approved black person….how black is authentic black? Don’t start. Sounds all very Hitlerian.
Whatismore, the blatant cultural theft and pillaging by the Rolling Stones can now be seen for what it was…the oppression of the black race as the interplay of power dynamics meant that the white, socially more powerful and racially privileged Stones, could steal black music for their own profit. You may listen to the below to enhance your understanding of the racial issues…but do not enjoy it….
The BBC has of course been at the forefront of the movement to disbar white people from cultural sharing and assimilation….the West Indies can play cricket but if you white you can’t wear plaits in your hair man.
Biased BBC naturally has been chasing the BBC on this for a long time now as the BBC helps to stir up the pot of racist apartheid that some black race hustlers seem intent on creating.
Here and here you can take a long leisurely look at a couple of posts that explore the BBC’s dangerous approach to such a controversial and inflammatory subject.
The BBC’s latest promotion of the issue was on Newsnight (23 mins) [H/T Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt] where we had a Muslim in America and Emma Dabiri on the anti-white side [along with the sycophantic Wark] and one man, Ian Dunt, to defend the cultural thieving toerags.
The Muslim lady told us that it was inappropriate to take someone else’s culture and to profit from it without their permission…as she sat there with an Islamic crescent on a necklace representing a religion that stole and plagiarised from Christianity, Judaism and other cultures to cobble together the Islamic religion….and in doing so insults and denigrates those religions it usurps….never mind killing their believers.
Dabiri is the most amusing though, and the most confused having a white Irish mother and an African father [It’s OK to ‘appropriate’ white women but not black hairstyles?]…. she claims she isn’t white.…but identifies as Black…how so?
Though my mum’s Irish, my father is Nigerian. I am not white!
Identities should not be forged out of experiences of racism alone, but also through a sense of shared cultural references.
Despite not admittting to being white she does claim to be Irish and to claim her heritage in the 1916 rising….
The child of an immigrant Irish mother living in the US, I grew up immersed in tales of heroic Irishmen. I particularly remember the story of Connolly who, bleeding profusely from his wounds and unable to walk, was carried to the firing range by the British soldiers.
And to Ireland I did indeed fly. When I was five years old we returned, me with a head full of myths, songs, legends and expectations about that homecoming.
Many of the problems arose out of my claims of Irishness itself. That was what really seemed to offend people’s sensibilities. Irishness is synonymous with whiteness, it seemed. Whiteness is “pure” and doesn’t extend to brown girls, even those who can trace their Irish ancestry back to the 10th century. How frequently I heard that I “wasn’t really Irish”. But I am Irish. In addition to being born there, my mother, her parents before her, and theirs before them, for generations and generations, are all Irish.
Did those revolutionary men and women who fought so bravely to liberate the land of my birth, who captured my imagination from such a young age, fight for my liberation too?
Interesting that she wants to claim to be Irish and the Irish weren’t so impressed with that… a matter that Dabiri thought was racist and offensive. But she still thinks white people can’t wear their hair in plaits…though she herself can have straightened hair…even though she isn’t white…..
She does make a living out of being ‘professionally black’ so we can’t expect the real world to impose itself upon her academic ivory, or is that ebony, tower…..perhaps we should name her after a famous Irish stout…black, Irish with a hint of white…..
Let’s see Emma (Good African heritage name) Dabiri live the cowboy…and dress the part she so much claims to own…..when not being Irish…
Here’s the BBC’s culturally authentic ‘blackman’, Alvin Hall…
Paul Mason who jumped ship from the BBC and C4 in the search for authenticity in order to find himself and the freedom to express his wildest imaginings has really come of age. Will the real Paul Mason please stand up…and he has….doing stand-up comedy it seems….well he’s certainly funnier than Stewart Lee. Mason manages to articulate a version of reality that is beyond parody, a stream of consciousness that defies logic, reason and common sense and is all the funnier for it. And what’s more he does it so effortlessly and with such sincerity that Stewart Lee should hand over the reins and the keys to the sudio and admit defeat.
You must think the Guardian has just said go for it, what the hell, just invent the most batshit crazy bollocks of your dreams and we’ll publish it…our readers will lap it up as the bona fide left-wing critique of the modern condition, the natural result of the end game of capitalism and imperialist pretensions. Others may just think it’s batshit crazy bollocks.
So let’s get dirty and dive into the Mason narrative.
Let’s start with the white boys, the white boys who don’t do well at school. Mason knows why they’re lagging the ethnic minorities…it’s not because they’re stupid, it’s not because they’re lazy, it’s not because their parents don’t give a damn, it’s not because the immigrants got all the resources. No it’s because….well…let’s just hang fire on that.
First let’s just get a taste of the homely narrative that Mason colours his story with…the salt of the earth working class, the romance of the honest manual worker, the solidarity and grit of the working class society, the baths in front of the fires, the doors never locked, the raggamuffin kids who would get fed by the neighbours. Mason paints a picture of a working class society that makes out it was a sort of utopia, a place we should all aspire to where everyone was equal and willing to help their fellow man when they’re on their uppers.
Which is odd really…as his sole intent was to scarper out of the working class as fast as his little legs could carry him……..he just wanted a way out….stay in the working class and you are just scum….
This was a profound message: education is the way out.
We had been headed for university since we picked up Ladybird books. Without solidarity and knowledge, we are just scum, is the lesson trade unionism and social democracy taught the working-class kids of the 1960s; and Methodism and Catholicism taught the same.
Mason references the film Kes and relates it to the 1980’s … By the late-1980s people from a white, working-class background already knew we had a problem. We had seen the film Kes, and chuckled at the poverty of aspiration we were all in the process of leaving behind…..But Kes was filmed in 1969 adapted from a 1968 book….when Labour were in power…and yet who is to blame for ‘lack of aspiration’? Thatcher in the 1980’s.
It is simply that a specific part of their [working class] culture has been destroyed. A culture based on work, rising wages, strict unspoken rules against disorder, obligatory collaboration and mutual aid. It all had to go, and the means of destroying it was the long-term unemployment millions of people had to suffer in the 1980s.
It wasn’t accidental…..
The great discovery of the modern right was that you only have to do this once. Suppress paternalism and solidarity for one generation and you create multigenerational ignorance and poverty. Convert Labour to the idea that wealth will trickle down, and to attacks on the undeserving poor, and you remove the means even to acknowledge the problem, let alone solve it.
Thatcherism didn’t just crush unions: alone that would not have been enough to produce this spectacular mismatch between aspiration and delivery in the education system. It crushed a story.
So yeah, so far so Stewart Lee. It’s all Thatcher’s fault and a right-wing conspiracy to crush the white working class…except in reality Labour were at the forefront of suppressing the bolshy white boys.
It was Labour who closed more mines than the Tories, it was Labour who imported massive amounts of cheap labour then and now…and did so knowing that the working class would lose out in jobs and pay as the incomers undercut them and broke up their society. It was Labour that took resources away from the white pupils and spent it on the immigrants, any wonder their results improved. It was Labour that made the working class homeless and made them queue for their own health service. It was Labour that set out to destroy the white working class because they no longer voted Labour as Labour was not the party of aspiration. Labour wanted a client state, where the working class would be forever coming cap in hand to a benevolent government, but the working class wanted to better themselves and make something of themselves, a better life for their kids…..and Labour didn’t want that.
The Tories didn’t crush a story they rebuilt it, the story of the independent, self-reliant, aspirational working class man and woman who wanted a better life…..everything Labour hates and sneers at.
Mason finishes with this…
We have to find a form of economics that – without nostalgia or racism – allows the working population to define, once again, its own values, its own aspirations, its own story.
That’ll be the state controlled economy then, the five year plans, the bread queues, the tractor factories, the heroic coal-miners, the road of bones, the gulags, the walls and the Lubiankas to ensure the working class got their story right. Yeah, freedom, god bless communism, Marx and Paul Mason.
Mason the Marxist promulgating a communist dictatorship of the proletariat? How odd as he was the fellow who celebrated the fall of the dictators in the Arab Spring, the Arab Spring that Mason declared was the magnificent and benevolent offspring of the social media revolution….via the internet. How times change. Apparently the internet is now the portal to hell….
It took just two tweets for an internet troll going by the name of Ryan Poole to get Tay to become antisemitic. Tay was a “chatbot” set up by Microsoft on 23 March, a computer-generated personality to simulate the online ramblings of a teenage girl. Poole suggested to Tay: “The Jews prolly did 9/11. I don’t really know but it seems likely.” Shortly thereafter Tay tweeted “Jews did 9/11” and called for a race war. In the 24 hours it took Microsoft to shut her down, Tay had abused President Obama, suggested Hitler was right, called feminism a disease and delivered a stream of online hate.
Mason proposes that the final destination of all that hateful japery is genocide, the Holocaust. A few people wind up a robot on the internet and it is the second coming of Hitler. Blimey o’reilly.
Wherever the internet is not censored it is awash with anger, stereotypes and prejudice. Beneath that is a thick seam of the kind of material all genocides feed off: conspiracy theories and illogic.
Ironic really considering Maosn’s own predilection for conspiracy theory and illogic…see above.
Mason of course blames the malevolence on the right-wing….which is remarkable really as he was writing the article at the same time Labour was being crucified for it’s anti-Semitism, and on the same page as his article was a trail for an Owen Jones’ piece on that very subject…
Let’s think who persecuted and killed the most Jews….hmmm…the Communists and the Socialists…the Nazis being socialists, the clue’s in the name….oh and the Church….a bigger bunch of lefties as you’ll find anywhere, Jesus was a hairshirt socialist…let’s put the Muslims to one side as they’re not in this fight.
Oh look, what’s Paul Mason’s solution?
The left’s most effective weapon against antisemitism in the mid-20th century was the ability to trace the evils of the world to their true root cause: injustice, privilege and national oppression generated by an economic model designed to make the rich richer, whatever their DNA.
So once again Mason has picked a subject and shaped his narrative to make his favoured ‘economic model’ the solution. Is there nothing that Communism can’t fix? Can it fix stupid? Obviously not.
Astonishing how the BBC ‘reports’ on Cameron and his father’s business affairs and how narrow the BBC’s vision can be at times…imagine this was the other way around and it was the Telegraph reporting about Labour donors…the BBC would soon have a counter-list of ‘dodgy’ Tory donors on the airwaves….but this is the Guardian denouncing Tories…..so that’s OK….
But the Guardian has reported that a number of Conservative donors, supporters and former MPs are linked to tax havens around the world.
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said the Conservatives had “questions to answer”.
“Is the prime minister happy to receive money from big donors who are accused of tax avoidance?” he said.
Hmmm…OK…so no surprise that Tories have used tax havens…but how about these boys….I await the BBC listing them and their sins exhaustively for us to enjoy…..
ED Miliband’s misery deepened last night when two top Labour donors were also accused of avoiding tax. Green energy millionaire Dale Vince took an interest-free £3.2million loan from his company Ecotricity in a move described by financial experts as a “tax avoidance arrangement.” And property tycoon Sir David Garrard was accused of placing shares in an offshore trust that can be used in order to reduce tax. Mr Vince’s firm has given £250,000 to Labour. Sir David donated £690,000 to the party last year and has pledged to fund its fight against the SNP in Scotland.
The pair’s financial details were revealed after the HSBC Swiss bank accounts scandal sparked a political row over tax dodging.
Unite the Union has removed references to “tax efficiency” from the financial advice service offered to members, after the Labour and Conservative parties attacked each other over the tax behaviour of their donors. Unite, which is a major Labour donor, had previously offered to help members “build up a nest-egg tax-efficiently.”
But now the union has removed the politically-sensitive phrase.
This is a pretty brave attack line from John McDonnell over Tory party donors who may have avoided tax:
“Is the Prime Minister happy to receive money from big donors who are accused of tax avoidance?”
Especially when you consider that Labour’s biggest donor Unite paid no corporation tax in 2011 and 2012, despite earning £5.78 million from their £51.6 million investment portfolio. The GMB union paid zero corporation tax on its investment income of £1.6 million, neither did the Community union on their income of £4.1 million for the period. McDonnell himself received £3,000 from Unite in 2014. As of last year who were Labour’s biggest non-union donors? Accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, who have been slammed by the Public Accounts Committee for “promoting tax avoidance”. To paraphrase, is the Shadow Chancellor happy to receive money from big donors who are accused of tax avoidance?
Two of the BBC’s most important, powerful, influential and dangerous narratives are undermined by…the BBC.
The BBC has an orthodox narrative that the ‘institution’ follows on many subjects. The presenters all casually assert the truth of that narrative and promote it without thought or insight, undoubtedly much of it handed to them from whatever central resource provides the material for their programmes….backed up by the presenter’s own prejudices and leanings which are all too often in line with the left, progressive, ‘liberal’ worldview which centres around the West and white people being the enemy.
On climate change the BBC narrative has been driven by Roger Harrabin who has hijacked the BBC for his own purposes and thereby also had a huge effect in not, not, holding government to account when it drives forward with policies based upon that climate change theory that Harrabin promotes so assiduously with disastrous results such as Port Talbot steel works being driven out of business caused in major part by the rocketing cost of energy due to climate change taxes.
Harrabin enforces a strict control over the narrative that the BBC produces in its programming about climate change…that narrative being that climate change is man-made and the worst of that has happened since the 1950’s and that it is the West’s industrial revolution that was the catalyst for that change….and we therefore are guilty of that and must pay reparations to less developed countries.
That’s a very, very political narrative that serves the purposes of the Left who seek to undermine the West and pass power and economic success to anyone else, preferably not white.
But how true is Harrabin’s narrative? Not true at all.
For a start he happily ignores other warm periods such as the Medieval, but also ignores the correlation between massive population rise and changing land use in developing countries that result in huge ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions since the 1950’s, one you would have to include if you were genuinely saying ‘man’ was to blame.
But more importantly as with much of the BBC his choice of when climate change began is merely the usual BBC folly of applying the ‘Justinian’s flea’ principle to history…..claiming that one moment in time and place is the cause of huge changes….all the ills of the UK starts with Thatcher, 1997 to 2010 are a blank in the BBC’s political history books, then in 2010 the terrors of Conservatism happen again…and all present day disasters can be traced back to the 2010 election…or Thatcher. [As an aside here’s our old BBC chum Paul Mason, now freerange & deranged telling us how the failure of white boys to achieve in schools today was a Thatcherite conspiracy]
So did climate change, that is global warming, start with the industrial revolution? Not according to a small video on the BBC which tells us that the world’s natural condition is to have no ice and that we were saved from another ice age by the development of farming in the Middle East 11,000 years ago or so. The Arabs once again the cause of all the problems! These two BBC videos explain the ice ages and how the present one was stopped in its tracks.
Professor Iain Stewart describes a new theory that the rise of farming about 11,000 years ago released enough greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to prevent the onset of another ice age.
So farming is the cause of global warming…farming developed by the ‘Arabs’ in the Fertile Crescent. Only have to quibble with the ‘new theory’……it’s been known a long time that farming changed the climate as forests were cut down and burnt and animals were domesticated and farmed in large herds….farming also allowed people to specialise in other skills and trades and to study and develop science..leading to the industrial revolution…not our fault then…blame the Arabs who now also sell us the evil oil that fuels the toxic industry that chokes the planet.
Wonder why Harrabin isn’t keen to push that narrative.
Anyway that’s a small couple of videos tucked away on the BBC website that no presenter will pay any attention to….they’ll still be merrily plugging the West is evil and we must all wear hairshirts to make up for it narrative.
And here’s another classic example….Jihadis, radicals and extremists…just what created them? The West yet again, in particular the 2001 Afghanistan war and the 2003 Iraq War. Before those two wars the Muslim population in the UK was peaceable and integrated into UK life.
That’s the narrative we get day in day out from the BBC. However anyone with the slightest knowledge of what has gone on in the UK will know that is an utterly false narrative that is intended to serve a political purpose….once again to blame the West and to excuse Muslim terrorism and to shut down criticism of the Muslim community and any exploration of the real meaning of the Koran and what its introduction to the UK society means.
Which might mean you are surprised when the BBC comes up with something like this today…
Masood Azhar, today the head of one of Pakistan’s most violent militant groups, was once the VIP guest of Britain’s leading Islamic scholars. Why, asks Innes Bowen.
When one of the world’s most important jihadist leaders landed at Heathrow airport on 6 August 1993, a group of Islamic scholars from Britain’s largest mosque network was there to welcome him.
Within a few hours of his arrival he was giving the Friday sermon at Madina Mosque in Clapton, east London. His speech on the duty of jihad apparently moved some of the congregation to tears.
The most surprising engagement of the tour was the speech Azhar gave at what is arguably Britain’s most important Islamic institution – a boarding school and seminary in Lancashire known as Darul Uloom Bury. It is also home to Britain’s most important Islamic scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Motala.
According to the report of the trip, Azhar addressed the students and teachers, telling them that a substantial proportion of the Koran had been devoted to “killing for the sake of Allah” and that a substantial volume of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad were on the issue of jihad.
The story of Masood Azhar’s trip to Britain does not fit the narrative promoted by Muslim community leaders and security experts alike.
No kidding, and it doesn’t fit the narrative that the BBC has been pumping out in the ‘interests of community cohesion‘ [Though how excusing radicalisation and terrorism is in the interest of community cohesion is hard to fathom].
Why has the BBC suddenly decided to come clean about what is going on in the Muslim community and just when radicalisation began? Have they sat down, perhaps with government liason, and realised they need to change that narrative and start to ask the awkward questions about Islam and radicalisation? Will they ask if Islam is compatible with European society, and I mean ask properly and not to allow the likes of the MCB’s Ibrahim Mogra and the slick and sly Tariq Ramadan to blithely dismiss all concerns telling us how peaceful, tolerant and integrationist Islam is?
Will this be a one-off programme or is it the start of a BBC deradicalisation drive aimed at Muslims rather than the usual BBC policy of trying to persuade non-Muslims that they are the problem not Muslims or the Koran? The likelihood is that this is a one-off that will be rapidly forgotten and the amiable, pleasant ‘useful idiots’ such as Peter Allen, Nicky Campbell and Adrian Chiles, amongst many others, will continue to blame terrorism on poverty, racism, marginalisation, single mothers, anything but where the real, root, cause originates…the ideology.
According to the report of the trip, Azhar addressed the students and teachers, telling them that a substantial proportion of the Koran had been devoted to “killing for the sake of Allah” and that a substantial volume of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad were on the issue of jihad.
I pulled George Orwell’s Animal Farm from a bookshelf and, -believing it to be a simple tale about animals, read it — all of it — in a day, with no notion that it was an allegory. Orwell’s beautiful, clear English prose drew me in.
And I knew from the start that the animals’ revolution could never work out, that their takeover of the farm must fail.
Orwell’s parable was deep: it pointed to problems with socialism in principle, not just to problems with some of its practitioners. I’m not sure he understood that.
At ten, I did. I grasped the true moral of this book better than its author.
Having said that isn’t that so BBC? You don’t really understand what you really think about immigration, or Islam, or Europe…you’re all a bit dim, uneducated and ignorant, and not a little bit bigoted….what you need is a little help from the BBC, or Matthew Parris, to enlighten you and you will then see the truth and welcome immigrants, especially Muslim ones, with open arms across the non-existent borders of the European State as you realise how wonderful and life enhancing they are.
The rich and powerful have hidden billions of dollars in tax havens. They thought their financial secrets were safe, but now a huge leak of documents has revealed a world of secrecy, lies and crimes. Reporter Richard Bilton exposes tax dodgers, criminals and world leaders who have been hiding their money and their secrets offshore.
From Guido…secrecy, lies and crimes?…or just massive hypocrisy and lack of morality from the Guardian?…..the Public need to know….
Today’s Guardiansplashes on millions of leaked emails revealing the “secrets of the super-rich” using offshore tax havens to hide vast sums of money from the Exchequer. One company was missing from the list: GMG Hazel Acquisition 1 Limited, registered and still active on the Cayman Islands. The last time Guido asked the company’s owners, Guardian Media Group, for an explanation he was told their spokesperson was, er, abroad. When Guido asked Liz Forgan of the Scott Trust what was going on, she tried to blame it on Apax, GMG’s investment partner. Even Alan Rusbridger promised to look in to it, making a note of the company name on his phone.
Always one to help their journalists get to the bottom of the mystery, Guido suggests the Guardian’s investigations team take a look at the following:
If GMG Hazel Acquisition 1 Limited holds no assets, why have its owners continued to pay registration fees since 2007 so it can remain an active company?
If it does hold assets what is the total present value of GMG and associated companies’ assets held via the Cayman Islands or other offshore tax havens?
Does GMG Hazel Acquisition 1 Limited have “sham” nominee directors, if so, who are they?
If they could answer these questions, now that would be a great story…
“The BBC blew thousands of pounds on a holiday for actress Sophie Okonedo and her boyfriend, it has been revealed.
The broadcaster used licence fee payers’ money to pay for a pair of business class flights, so that they could go whale-watching and wine tasting in South Africa’s Cape Town.”
How delightful for them.
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