Cohen The Barbarian


The BBC is an undemocratic, rampaging beast that is pretty much unaccountable and has been given carte blanche to do as it pleases, politicians too afraid to make the necessary changes to it, preferring instead to tinker around the edges…..hence we get no real, meaningful change to the method of financing the BBC and more importantly we get no change to its highly politicised, left-wing world view of how things should be.


Last night Danny Cohen, the BBC’s Director of Television, made a speech…here are some of the highlights:


I believe that the BBC is one of the most important institutions in the United Kingdom.

It is an intrinsic part of our democracy.

It delivers education and deep joy and stimulation to 97 percent of the population every month.

It would be crazy to damage, undermine or deflate what we have.


Part of the democratic process?  An organisation that attempts to close down debate on climate change, on immigration, on Europe, on Islam, on the Middle East.  An organisation that tries to shut parties like UKIP out of the political argument and actively worked to destroy ‘unacceptable’ organisations like the EDL …and has presenters who often express the desire for a Chinese, authoritarian type government that ‘gets things done’…ie without having the inconvenience of having to get the approval of the people.

No not part of the democratic process….or not one that facilitates democracy but rather ‘poisons the well’.

Cohen reels off a list of BBC programmes that he believes illustrate the importance of the BBC to life in the UK, nay the world, and says…

No broadcaster in the world provides this range, this quality, this commitment to all audiences.


Well, I suspect Sky, or even YouTube, might argue with that.


He comes to an end with a request that other Media groups stop criticising the BBC…

Of course, you will always hold us to account – and so you should.

But….I feel confident you will agree that a BBC that can flourish in a world of globalised media companies is the right thing for the UK and the right thing for audiences.

Perhaps this is time for a little less of the critical friend and a bit more of the friend.


That’ll be the BBC that tried to close down its political and commercial rival News International and crushes local news and rival magazine publishers.

With friends like Cohen whispering sweet nothings in your ear I’d  buy my own drinks and keep one eye open all night.

Deep joy and stimulation to one and all this winter holiday!!










Champagne On Hold!


There were great expectations in the corridors of the BBC…George Osborne was going to announce the latest borrowing figures and the deficit would be rising, they just knew it!...’On Wednesday we get the Chancellor’s Autumn statement and it looks almost certain he will have to announce worse than expected figures for the deficit’ ….a damning verdict on the ‘Tory’ government and its economic policies…the deficit is ‘hanging around the nation’s neck like a yuletide log!’…apparently.

Didn’t happen, the deficit is going down….Dominic Laurie must have been gutted having earlier announced that he was intensely interested in those borrowing figures….strange that after they were announced he, and the rest of the BBC, didn’t really want to talk about the deficit itself too much, preferring instead to express shock and amazement at the evergrowing national debt and the fact that it was rising…well it woud be…as long as you have a deficit you will add to the debt even if the deficit is getting smaller…as it is.

After the Autumn Statement the first reaction of Dominic Laurie was to call Osborne’s budget a ‘conjuring trick’ and Jon Pienaar claimed the borrowing figures were merely a result of a different way of looking at the figures…the day before when Osborne announced his spending plans for infrastructure spending Nick Robinson dismissed them as promises that will never be fulfilled…pre-election hype….and the BBC in general dismissed the spending as ‘old money’ and not shovel ready….never mind that they are shovel ready and the spending on infrastructure, so long awaited and urged by the likes of Flanders, has finally arrived after the government implemented planned spending cuts on infrastructure that it inherited from Labour in 2010.

The BBC’s approach is entirely negative and seems determined to undermine any ‘good news’ and paint an entirely bleak picture of the economy…depsite it being one of the best performing in the world at the moment…yes inflation is down, yes interest rates are low, yes unemployment is low, yes growth is ticking along nicely…but you know what….the economy’s dire…the figures are ‘terrible!’


So just how big though is the national debt…and is it bigger than expected?

I seem to remember that way back in 2010 the projections for national debt were that by 2015  it would be around £1.4 trillionso what is the national debt today?


aaaanational debt clock


So that’ll be £1.4 trillion…as projected…here is Price Waterhouse Cooper’s projection from 2010...Government general debt £1.4 trillion:



Funny how those ‘on the money’ projections are conveniently forgotten by the BBC’s, and others who should know better, economics experts.


Here is Peter Allen, (10:37) who has spent years doing stories on austerity and the economy expressing astonishment, his incredulity, at the size of the national debt…he tells us it is a frightening debtan economy not under control…we won’t do anything about it but we must do…you can’t carry on like that …..especially, he adds, as the threat from global warming is so severe…don’t ask me…at the beginning of the programme he said he would rather be talking about the dire threat of global warming than anything else.

Allen tells us that he’d never thought of the debt before, certainly not as a problem of that magnitude…pretty strange really…his ignorance didn’t stop him talking about the apparent ‘misery caused by austerity’ for years on end…and it could explain a lot about BBC coverage of austerity and the need for belt tightening…..they just buried their heads in the sand and hoped Labour would get in next time if they banged the drum for them enough.

You just know that whatever measures the government takes to rein in spending the BBC will be there with the Labour nay sayers, the charity shroud wavers, the selected voices of the ‘common’ man and woman telling us how austerity has ruined their lives…in fact carrying on pretty much as it has done for the last 4 years opposing every move the government makes….despite Allen proclaiming ‘something must be done!‘.


The BBC certainly seemed to be banging the drum for Labour today… Laurie telling us that what we need to put the economy back on its feet is a rise in wages….em…a ‘living wage’…heard that before somewhere…..Justin Webb told us that in relation to taxation we should perhaps be implementing new measures as corporation tax is so difficult to collect…perhaps a tax on wealth…he’d heard, he said, (08:50) some interesting ideas from Labour on that…something like  a ‘mansion tax’…never mind that it has been roundly condemned as unworkable by just about everyone who is even remotely connected to the real world.

We are also hearing a lot about that ‘tax gap’ as tax revenues aren’t as high as needed…..many experts have voiced their opinions in BBC studios…that it is a result primarily of a flood of low skilled workers on low wages who don’t pay taxes.

Curiously the BBC doesn’t make a link to immigration on this….the one time I heard someone mention it was to dismiss it as an unproven theory….they said that people often say that there is a link between having a large pool of labour and low wages, but the BBC told us there was ‘no clear analysis’ to prove this.

Really?  Would have thought it was one of the fundamental principles of economic theory.

Guess the BBC lets its own ‘principles’ get in the way of the facts…can’t have them ruining a good story.

Immigration has lowered wages, put British people out of work and reduced the tax take…and 400,000 immigrants get tax credits…..


So in summary, the BBC is entirely negative about the Autumn Statement, ignorant of the national debt….until now, just when Labour are making a lot of noise about it…coincidence?  I think not.  BBC journalists hype the mansion tax and the living wage…and dismiss links between immigration and low wages and low tax receipts….oh, and dismisses Osborne’s spending plans as electioneering hype…and there is a ‘detachment between government policies and the realities of the economy’.  Never mind that the economy seems to be doing reasonably well all considered.

Not a bad days work.  Saves Labour a lot of money on a party political broadcast.






War Of Words



The Telegraph reports:


Politicians ‘pulled combat troops out of Afghanistan too early’

Britain and its allies would have been more prudent to keep combat troops supporting the Afghan government for longer, a former head of the Army says

Britain pulled combat troops out of Afghanistan too early because of political considerations back home, a former head of the Army has suggested.

Gen Sir Mike Jackson said a recent spate of bloody attacks in Kabul and the weekend Taliban assault on Britain’s former main base in Helmand, Camp Bastion, were “somewhat depressing”.

Britain now had a responsibility to “give every possible support” to the Afghan forces once the Nato-led combat missions finishes at the end of this year.



That may well prove to be the case…but who is to blame for the politician’s turning tail on the Afghans?

Much of the blame lies with the Media which has been instrumental in opposing the war, reporting negatively on it and doing its utmost to exploit the casualties, our troops and Afghan civilians and of course not slow in doorstepping grieving widows and fatherless children.

The BBC has led the pack in painting the war in that negative light and is now leading the way in depicting it as a failure, a waste of blood and treasure.

The war it spent so much of its own time condemning will now be used for the next ten years and beyond for much pious, sanctimonius preaching about the hopelessness of war…never mind that it was the BBC and like-minded souls who ensured that failure could be a likely scenario as the necessary resorces were held back by politicians all too aware of Media reaction to any ‘mission creep’ and the army restricted in what it could do in order to avoid ‘collateral damage’…never mind that such a policy actually makes certain that fighting the war becomes much more difficult and actually prolongs that fighting…and increases the casualties.

The BBC is by default on the side of the Taliban, Hamas and Islamist terrorists at home for whom they make imagnative excuses when they bomb,  murder and maim British citizens…apparently being unemployed, or feeling a bit disgruntled with your lot in society, or having a feeling you are somehow disenfranchised or ignored is a good enough excuse for murdering 52 people and injuring over 700….or so thinks the BBC.

Always interesting who the BBC sides with.

Yesterday it was Hezbollah, the Party of God.

Naturally they are the good guys…America, Israel and the West the bad guys who force them to do such terrible things.









[Not] Sorry, Not Interested



Something for you to ponder from Matt Friedmann without comment from me:

‘This group of intelligent and generally well-meaning professionals ceased to be reliable observers and became instead an amplifier for the propaganda of one of the most intolerant and aggressive forces on earth. And that, as they say, is the story.’


What the Media Gets Wrong About Israel

The news tells us less about Israel than about the people writing the news, a former AP reporter says.

Hammer Time



Once again the BBC looks away when ‘ethnic’ youths beat a man with hammers…the last time was in the UK:

Mother slams multiculturalism as cause of muslim bullying of her son

Lois Rogers, 13 April, 2008, The Sunday Times
The mother of a 15-year-old boy left with brain damage by an Asian gang is blaming multi-culturalism for the way ethnic minorities get away with violent bullying in schools.

Liz Webster, 43, from Swindon, whose son Henry nearly died in the attack, believes a “culture of timidity” among teachers is stopping them clamping down on ethnic minority bullies because they fear accusations of racism. She also accuses teachers of failing to recognise that ethnic minorities can exhibit racism against whites.



This time it is in the USA and the culprits are black and hispanic:


Gang of teens beat St Louis motorist to death with hammers in front of his wife after he got out to confront them when they attacked his car

A gang of teenagers used hammers to beat a newlywed to death in front of his wife and friend after they attacked his car early on Sunday morning in an apparently random attack.

Zemir Begic was heading home from a bar at 1:15 a.m in St Louis when a group of teenagers surrounded his car and began banging on it.

The 32-year-old stepped out of the vehicle, only to be yelled at and set upon with hammers, striking him in the head, abdomen and face and leaving him fatally injured.

The suspects are described as being a group of Hispanic and black males by the St Louis Post-Dispatch.

No sign of this story on the BBC despite it being in the news yesterday…wouldn’t want it to interfere with their wall to wall coverage of the Ferguson shooting where a black thug assaulted a white police officer and was shot as a result.

The BBC undoubtedly thinks that reporting the murder of a completely innocent white man by those of an ethnic persuasion would unnecessarily confuse the issues around Ferguson…issues as they see them…and would put a break on the BBC’s drive to paint the US as a place where white racism is endemic and Blacks and Hispanics the perpetual victims….

Why was an overwhelmingly black area policed by predominantly white officers? Why is there such mistrust among that community of the forces of law and order? Why, if you’re black, are you much more likely to be a victim of crime? Why, if you’re black, are you much more likely to end up in prison? Why are you more likely to be unemployed?

Never mind the president is black.

Maybe they are trying to ascertain the ‘facts’ before rushing to judgement….probably haven’t been able to find a ‘witness’ yet who can claim they saw the Bosnian man attacking the youths who only hit him in self-defence.

Give them time…I’m sure the BBC can do it.



The Role of the Media in Aiding and Abetting the Deceptions Seen in Climategate






From climate sceptic site WUWT:

The deception about global warming was only effective because of the aiding and abetting of the mainstream media.

Those most active in pushing the false information were exposed in the leaked Climatic Research Unit (CRU) emails. They represented very influential media outlets including The Guardian, The New York Times, and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).


Enjoyed this quote:

“And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that.”

Everybody knows information is power. Control of power through control of information has evolved, like everything else. Those with power needed a conduit for their version of information. In the global warming deception, they found a media willing to be the messenger. Instead of performing their original role of exposing and limiting power, they aided and abetted.


Can quite easily see Harrabin and his sidekicks motoring around with tommy guns gunning down the sceptics….he did after all admit a desire to punch Delingpole…or was it Booker?


rodge dodge








I was on BBC5 live last evening doing the Paper reviews and this story came up.

Jeremy Paxman, the broadcaster, will tell of his decades-long career at the BBC as part of a three-book deal for almost £1 million, it has been claimed. The former Newsnight presenter will not pull any punches in his recollections of an illustrious 42-year career at the broadcasting corporation, the Sunday Times said. The second of the three books he will produce with publisher William Collins will tell of his time at the BBC, the paper said, including his experiences of the politicians he interviewed.

My view is that Paxman is entitled to make as much loot as possible from his memoirs and I am sure he will lift more than few rocks so we can see what crawled underneath. The problem is that it took him to LEAVE the Corporation to spill the beans. Can I also add I think he is overrated?


A Biased BBC reader brings this example of a BBC programme faking weather for climate change inspired program!

“Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond swapped steering wheels for wet weather gear when filming his latest TV series. The star of Total Wipeout and Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab is hosting a new three part BBC1 series entitled Wild Weather with Richard Hammond – and naturally motored up to Cumbria for an episode on water. But they had to make their own rain when they got here. He and the crew filmed at Honister Slate Mine as they explored the force and effect water has on our weather and our land.”

My aching sides…